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Efektivitas Rasio Jumlah Pasangan Induk Ikan Hias Black Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) Terhadap Hasil Pemijahan
[The Effectiveness Of The Ratio Of The Number Of Pairs Of Parents Of Pair Of Parents Of Black Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) Against The Result Of Spawning]
Corresponding Author(s) : Prayogo Prayogo
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of the ratio of the number of pairs of parents against the result of the spawning of Black Tetra fish (Gymnocorymbus ternezi) about the number of egg produced, the rate conception (fertilization rate), the rate of hatching (hatching rate) and the survival rate of the fish (survival rate). The results shows that the ratio of number of pairs of black tetra fish parent has no effect but the greater the increase ratio of number of pairs of male parent black tetra fish then the number of eggs produced decrease.
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- Hammer, C.F. 1970. Semen In Reproduction And Breeding And Fibiger. Philadelphia. Hal 57 – 73.
- Inerny, D.M dan G. Gerard. 1989. All About Tropical Fish. Completely revised by Dr. Chris Andrews, Hutchinson Australia, Australia. 207 hal.
- Lesmana, D.S dan I. Dermawan. 2006. Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Populer. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 158 hal.
- Lingga, P dan H. Susanto. 1999. Ikan Hias Air Tawar. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Hal 51.
- Petrovicky, I. 1985. Aquarium Fish Of The World. Illustrated by libune and jowmir knotek, Hamlyn. 205 hal.
- Sutisna, D.H dan R. Sutarmanto. 1995. Pembenihan Ikan Air Tawar. Kanisius, Yogyakarta. 135 hal.
- Verhoef, E dan Verhallen. 2000. The Complete Encyclopedia Of Tropical Fish. Hof and Land Typografie Maorssen, Netherlands. 204 hal.
- Zonneveld, N., E.A Huisman dan J.H Boon. 1991. Prinsi
Boyd, C.E. 1992. Water Quality In Ponds For Aquaculture. Bermingham Publishing Co Bermingham, Alabama. Hal 268.
Daelami,A.S.D. 2001. Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Hias Air Tawar. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 51 hal.
Effendie, M.I. 1997. Biologi Perikanan. Yayasan Pustaka Nusantara, Fakultas Perikanan IPB, Bogor. 106 hal.
Hamdani. 1993. 1993. Peluang dan Kendala Ekspor Ikan Hias. Techner no 11. Jakarta. Hal 27 – 30.
Hammer, C.F. 1970. Semen In Reproduction And Breeding And Fibiger. Philadelphia. Hal 57 – 73.
Inerny, D.M dan G. Gerard. 1989. All About Tropical Fish. Completely revised by Dr. Chris Andrews, Hutchinson Australia, Australia. 207 hal.
Lesmana, D.S dan I. Dermawan. 2006. Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Populer. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 158 hal.
Lingga, P dan H. Susanto. 1999. Ikan Hias Air Tawar. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Hal 51.
Petrovicky, I. 1985. Aquarium Fish Of The World. Illustrated by libune and jowmir knotek, Hamlyn. 205 hal.
Sutisna, D.H dan R. Sutarmanto. 1995. Pembenihan Ikan Air Tawar. Kanisius, Yogyakarta. 135 hal.
Verhoef, E dan Verhallen. 2000. The Complete Encyclopedia Of Tropical Fish. Hof and Land Typografie Maorssen, Netherlands. 204 hal.
Zonneveld, N., E.A Huisman dan J.H Boon. 1991. Prinsi