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The Effectiveness of Filopaludina javanica and Sulcospira testudinaria in Reducing Organic Matter in Catfish (Clarias sp.) Aquaculture Wastewater
Corresponding Author(s) : Shofiyatul Lailiyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
- Catfish aquaculture wastewater contains organic matter that exceeds the quality standard of 68.75 mg / L and 72.48 mg / L.
- Tutut Jawa snail (F. javanica) can reduce organic matter in waste by up to 92%.
- Susuh Kura snail (S. testudinaria) can reduce organic matter in waste by up to 87%.
- Catfish aquaculture wastewater treatment with snails only takes 8 hours.
The residual or wastewater from the cultivation process that is discharged directly into common waters can reduce the quality of the waters because it contains a lot of organic material from organism feces and feed residue, so it needs management first. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of Javanese snails and freshwater gastropods to reduce total organic matter in catfish culture waste. The research method used was the experiment with 2 factor Factorial completely randomized design, namely the measurement time (4, 8, 12, and 16 hours) and the abundance of the Tutut Java snail and freshwater gastropods (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and control) with 5 repetitions. Tutut Java snails were taken from the pond at UPR Sumbermina Dau and brought to the laboratory. The results obtained in the treatment with the addition of Tutut Java snail, the total organic matter content decreased at 75% snail density by 90% (from 68.75 mg / L to 5.31 mg / L) at the 12th hour. The treatment with the addition of Freshwater Gastropods at a density of 25%, the total organic matter content decreased by 87% (from 72.48 to 9.35 mg / L) at the 8th hour. Water quality during the study was in a condition that could tolerate the Tutut Java snails and freshwater gastropods. The conclusion is that the addition of Tutut Java snail and / or freshwater gastropods can reduce the total organic matter content to the water quality standard.
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Arfiati, D., Putra, C. D. G., Tullah, A. H., Permanasari, S. W. A., & Puspitasari, A. W. (2019). The dynamics of total organic matter (tom) on sangkuriang catfish (clarias gariepinus) farming at upt ptpbp2kp and the effectiveness of freshwater bivalve (anodonta woodiana) in reducing the total organic matter with varying density. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 236(1).
Choirudin, I. R., Supardjo, M. N., & Muskananfola, M. R. (2014). Studi Hubungan Kandungan Bahan Organik Sedimen Dengan Kelimpahan Makrozoobenthos Di Muara Sungai Wedung Kabupaten Demak. Journal of Management of Aquatic Resources, 3(3): 168–176.
Erlinda, L., Yolanda, R., & Purnama, A. A. (2015). Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda Di Danau Sipogas Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FKIP Prodi Biologi, 1(1): 1-6.
Fadhilah, N., Masrianih, & Sutrisnawati. (2013). Keanekaragaman Gastropoda Air Tawar di Berbagai Macam Habitat di Kecamatan Tanambulava Kabupaten Sigi Diversity of Freshwater Gastropoda in a Variety of Habitats in the District Tanambulava Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indones. E-Jipbiol, 2: 13–19.
Fisesa, E. D., Setyobudiandi, I., & Krisanti, M. (2014). Kondisi perairan dan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos di Sungai Belumai Kabupaten Deli Serdang Provinsi Sumatera Utara Water quality condition and community structure of macrozoobenthos in Belumai River , Deli Serdang District , North Sumatra Province. Jurnal Depik, 3(1): 1–9.
Gea, L., Knouw, A., & Tupan, C. (2020). Keanekaragaman Gastropoda pada habitat lamun Di Perairan Desa Tayando Yamtel Kecamatan Tayando Tam Kota Tual. Jurnal Biology Science and Education, 9(2): 163-176.
Igho, B., Idowu, J., Chukuemeka, F., & Ayowie, D. (2015). Ecological Survey of Freshwater Ecosystems of Ovia , Edo State. Animal Research International, 12(2): 2171–2177.
Indriyastuti, J., Muskananfola, M., & Widyorini, N. (2014). Analisis Total Bakteri, Tom, Nitrat Dan Fosfat Di Perairan Rowo Jombor, Kabupaten Klaten. Diponegoro Journal of MAQUARES, 3(4): 102–108.
Islam, M., & Yasmin, R. (2017). Impact of Aquaculture and Contemporary environmental issues in Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 5(4): 100–107.
Khalil, M., Ezraneti, R., Jannatiah, & Hajar, S. (2016). Penggunaan Keong Bakau Telescopium sp (Gastropoda: Potamididae) dan Siput Bakau Cerithidea sp (Gastropoda: Potamididae) Sebagai Biofilter terhadap Limbah Budidaya Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) Munawar. Omni-Akuatika, 12(3): 88–97.
Negara, I. K. W., Marsoedi, M., & Susilo, E. (2015). Strategi Pengembangan Budidaya Lele Dumbo Clarias Sp. Melalui Program Pengembangan Usaha Mina Pedesaan Perikanan Budidaya Di Kabupaten Buleleng. Jurnal Manusia Dan Lingkungan, 22(3): 365-371.
Ni'ma, N., Widyorini, N., & Ruswahyuni. (2014). Kemampuan apu-apu (Pistia sp.) sebagai bioremediator limbah pabrik pengolahan hasil perikanan (skala laboratorium). Diponegoro Journal of Maquares, 3(4):257-264.
Purnomo, W., Khasanah, L. U., & Anindito, R. B. K. (2014). Pengaruh ratio kombinasi maltodekstrin, karagenan dan whey terhadap karakteristik mikroenkapsulan pewarna alami daun jati (Tectona grandis L. f.). Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan, 2(3): 121-129.
Riniatsih, I. (2016). Distribusi Muatan Padatan Tersuspensi (MPT) di Padang Lamun di Perairan Teluk Awur dan Pantai Prawean Jepara. Jurnal Kelautan Tropis, 18(3): 121.
Sahin, S., & Albayrak, E. (2017). Some Ecological Needs of the Species in the Aquatic Gastropods in Malatya Region (Turkey). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(1): 1127–1134.
Sari, W. P., Bahtiar, & Emiyarti. (2016). Studi Preferensi Habitat Siput Tutut ( Bellamya javanica ) di Desa Amonggedo Kabupaten Konawe. Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 1(2): 213–224.
Saveanu, L., & Martín, P. R. (2013). Pedal surface collecting as an alternative feeding mechanism of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 79(1): 11-18.
Setiawan, A., Ariqoh, R., Tivani, P., Pipih, L., & Pudjiastuti, I. (2016). "Bioflokulasi Sistem” Teknologi Budidaya Lele Tebar Padat Tinggi Dengan Kapasitas 1M3/750 Ekor Dengan Flock Forming Bacteria. Inovasi Teknik Kimia, 1(1): 45–49.
Srithongouthai, S., & Tada, K. (2017). Impacts of organic waste from a yellowtail cage farm on surface sediment and bottom water in Shido Bay (the Seto Inland Sea, Japan). Aquaculture, 471: 140–145.
Sulistiyarto, B. (2016). Pemanfaatan Limbah Budidaya Ikan Lele Dumbo Sebagai Sumber Bahan Organik untuk Memproduksi Bloodworm ( Larva Chironomidae ). Jurnal Ilmu Hewani Tropik, 5(1): 36–40.
Supriyantini, E., Nuraini, R. A. T., & Fadmawati, A. P. (2017). Studi Kandungan Bahan Organik Pada Beberapa Muara Sungai Di Kawasan Ekosistem. Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 6(1): 29–38.
Suwignyo, S. (2005). Avertebrata Air. Penebar Swadaya : Jakarta
Tanjung, L. R. (2015). Moluska Danau Maninjau: Kandungan Nutrisi Dan Potensi Ekonomisnya Livia. LIMNOTEK, 22(2): 118–128.
Yuningsih, H. D., Soedarsono, P., & Anggoro, S. (2014). Hubungan Bahan Organik Dengan Produktivitas Perairan Pada Kawasan Tutupan Eceng Gondok, Perairan Terbuka Dan Keramba Jaring Apung Di Rawa Pening Kabupaten Semarang Jawa Tengah. Jurnal of Management of Aquatic Resources, 3(1): 37–43.