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Jellyfish Sting: Sebuah studi Kasus Indonesia
[Jellyfish Sting : An Indonesian Case Report]
Corresponding Author(s) : Nova Mujiono
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Jellyfish sting cases are reported between the years 2005 to 2009 from Indonesian waters. Three fatal cases occurred in Jebus and Situbondo in 2008 which predicted to be caused by Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Physalia physalis. Another species, Physalia utriculus is causing no fatality. Seasonality, treatment of the injury and prevention from the sting also discussed.
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- Adi, O.N. 2007. Ubur-ubur Api Serang Pantai Pacitan. 15312 0/807738/475/ubur-ubur-api-
- serang-pantai-pacitan. 21 July 2007. 18/02/2010.
- Alam, J.M and Qasim, R. 1991. Toxicology of Physalia' s (Portuguese man- o' war) venom. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4(2) : 159–168.
- Arai, M.N. 1997. A functional biology of Scyphozoa. Champman and Hall. 316 pp.
- Balamurugan, E., Kumar, D.R, and Menon, V.P. 2009. Proapoptotic effect of Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Sea Nettle) Nematocyst venom peptide in HEp 2 and HeLa Cells. E u r o p e a n J o u r n a l o f S c i e n t i f i c Research 35 (3) : 355-367.
- Bali Post. 30 July 2005. Stinging jellyfish making a rare and hopefully short appearance along Bali's Sanur beach.
- Bangka Post. 07 October 2008. Balita tewas akibat ubur-ubur saat mandi di pantai Bembang.
- Bouillon, J., Medel, M.D., Pages,F., Gili, J.M., Boero, F., and Gravili, C. 2004. Fauna of the Mediterranean Hydrozoa. Scientia Marina 68 (Suppl. 2): 5-438.
- Bouillon, J., Gravili, C., Pages,F., Pili, J.M., and Boero, F. 2006. An Introduction to Hydrozoa. Memoires du Museum Nacional d'Histoire Naturelle 194. 591pp.
- Brodeur, R.D., Mills, C.E., Overland, J.E., Walters, G.E. and Schumacher, J.D. 1999. Evidence for a substantial increase in gelatinous zooplankton in the Bering Sea, w i t h p o s s i b l e l i n k s t o c l i m a t e change. Fisheries Oceanography. 8 (4) : 296-306.
- Burke, W.A. 2002. Cnidarians and human skin. Dermatologic Therapy 15: 18-25.
- Burnett, J.W., Cobbs, C.S., Kelman, S.N and Calton, G.J. 1983. Studies on serologic response to jellyfish envenomations. Journal American Academy of Dermatology 9 : 223- 231.
- Burnett, J.W., and Gable, W.D. 1989. A fatal jellyfish envenomation by the Portuguese man-o-war. Toxicon 27 : 823-824.
- Calder, D.R. 2008. An Illustrated key to Cubozoan and Scyphozoan jellyfish of the South Atlantic Bight. Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center ( SERTC), South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 18pp.
- Daubert, G.P. 2008. Cnidaria Envenomation. h t t p : / / e m e d i c i n e . Updated: Aug 18, 2008. 18/02/2010.
- Fenner, P.J., Williamson, J.A., Burnett, J.W and Rifkin, J. 1993. First aid treatment of jellyfish stings in Australia : response to a newly differentiated species. Medical Journal of Australia 158 : 498-501
- Fenner, P.J. 1997. Awareness, prevention and treatment of world-wide marine stings and bites. Proceedings International Live Saving Federation Medical/Rescue Conference. 1- 12.
- Fenner, P.J and Williamson, J.A. 1996. Worldwide deaths and severe envonomation from jellyfish stings. Medical Journal of Australia 165 : 11-12.
- Fenner, P.J. 1997. The Global Problem of Cnidarian (Jellyfish) Stinging. M.D. Thesis, University of Lodon. 205pp.
- Fenner, P.J. 1998. Dangers in the ocean: the traveler and marine envenomation. I. Jellyfish. Medical Journal of Australia 5:135-141.
- Fenner, P.J. 2000. Physalia Species: Physalia utriculus – T h e " B l u e b o t t l e ” . h t t p : / / w w w . m a r i n e - up/physalia.pdf 17/02/2010.
- Goggi, L., Gershwin, L., Fenner, P., Seymour, J. and Carrette, T. 2004. Stinging Jellyfish in tropical Australia (brochure). CRC Reef Research Centre.
- Graham, W.M., Pag'es, F., and Hamner, W.M. 2001. A physical context for gelatinous zooplankton aggregations : a review. Hydrobiologia 451 : 199-212.
- Halstead, B.W. 1971. Venomous Coelenterates: Hydroids, Jellyfishes, Corals and Sea Anemones. In : Bucherl, W and Buckley, E.E (eds). Venomous Animals and Their Venoms. Volume I I I : Venomous Invertebrates. Academic Press. New York. 395-417.
- Heru, C.N. 2009. Pengunjung Parangtritis diminta waspadai serangan ubur-ubur. http://ip52-,20090 22-199027,id.html. 22 September 2009. 18/02/2010.
- Hughes, S. (2006). Impacts of Climate Change on Sea Temperature in Marine Climate Change Impact Annual Report Card 2006 (Eds. Buckley, P.J, Dye, S.R. and Baxter, J.M), Online Summary Reports, M C C I P , Lowestoft, 18/02/2010.
- Jon Cawley. Look Out! Jellyfish Hordes Back For Another Summer. Daily Press. July 11, 2009.
- Kuntadi. 2009. Sengatan Ubur-ubur Serang W i s a t a w a n P a n t a i G l a g a h . 40/259634/340/sengatan-ubur-ubur-serang- wisatawan-pantai glagah. 24 September 2009. 18/02/2010.
- Little, M. 2008. First aid for jellyfish stings: Do we really know what we are doing? Emergency Medicine Australasia 20: 78-80.
- Marsh, L and Slack-Smith, S. 1986. Sea Stingers and Other Venomous and Poisonous Marine Invertebrates of Western Australia Museum. Perth. 133pp.
- Mills, C.E. 2001. Jellyfish blooms: are populations increasing globally in response to changing ocean conditions? Hydribiologia. 451: 55-68.
- Pikiran Rakyat. 03 October 2009. Warga padati objek wisata.
- Purcell, J.E. 2005. Climate effect on formation of jellyfish and ctenophore blooms: a review. Journal of Marine Biology Association of United Kingdom. 85: 461-476.
- Radar Banyuwangi. 05 June 2008. Tewas disengat ubur-ubur.
- Radar Banyuwangi. 05 July 2008. Bocah SD Tewas Disengat Ubur-ubur.
- Republika. 24 September 2009. Wisatawan pantai Widarapayung diserang ubur-ubur.
- Stein, M.R., Marraccini, J.V., Rothschild, N.E. and Burnett, J.W. 1989. Fatal Portuguese man-o'- war (Physalia physalis) envenomation. Annals of Emergency Medicine 18 (3) : 312-
- Utsntoro, A. 2007. Puluhan wisatawan Parangtitis tersengat ubur-ubur. Media Indonesia. 12 August 2007.
- Uye, S. 2008. Blooms of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai: a threat to the fisheries sustainability of the East Asian Marginal Seas. Plankton Benthos Research 3(Suppl.): 125-131.
- Wakiki Aquarium Education Department, 2009. Marine Life Profile: Indo-Pacific Portuguese Man-Of-War. 4pp.
- Waskita, D. 2009. Teror Ubur-ubur Melanda Pantai Parangtritis. 009/07/20/1 /2402 98/1/teror-ubur-ubur- melanda-pantai-parangtritis. 20 July 2009. 18/02/2010.
- Werdiono, D. 2007. Kompas. 09 July 2007.”Balon biru”, ubur-ubur lucu yang bikin gatal.
- Woodcock, A.H. 1997. Why sailing sea animals h a v e mirror images. Pacific Science 51 (1) :12-17.
- Wulan, M.K. 2009. Lima wisatawan terseret ombak, 6 4 t e r s e n g a t u b u r - u b u r . 061990/lima.wisatawan.terseret.ombak.64. tersengat.ubur-ubur. 27 September 2009. 18/02/2010.
Adi, O.N. 2007. Ubur-ubur Api Serang Pantai Pacitan. 15312 0/807738/475/ubur-ubur-api-
serang-pantai-pacitan. 21 July 2007. 18/02/2010.
Alam, J.M and Qasim, R. 1991. Toxicology of Physalia' s (Portuguese man- o' war) venom. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4(2) : 159–168.
Arai, M.N. 1997. A functional biology of Scyphozoa. Champman and Hall. 316 pp.
Balamurugan, E., Kumar, D.R, and Menon, V.P. 2009. Proapoptotic effect of Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Sea Nettle) Nematocyst venom peptide in HEp 2 and HeLa Cells. E u r o p e a n J o u r n a l o f S c i e n t i f i c Research 35 (3) : 355-367.
Bali Post. 30 July 2005. Stinging jellyfish making a rare and hopefully short appearance along Bali's Sanur beach.
Bangka Post. 07 October 2008. Balita tewas akibat ubur-ubur saat mandi di pantai Bembang.
Bouillon, J., Medel, M.D., Pages,F., Gili, J.M., Boero, F., and Gravili, C. 2004. Fauna of the Mediterranean Hydrozoa. Scientia Marina 68 (Suppl. 2): 5-438.
Bouillon, J., Gravili, C., Pages,F., Pili, J.M., and Boero, F. 2006. An Introduction to Hydrozoa. Memoires du Museum Nacional d'Histoire Naturelle 194. 591pp.
Brodeur, R.D., Mills, C.E., Overland, J.E., Walters, G.E. and Schumacher, J.D. 1999. Evidence for a substantial increase in gelatinous zooplankton in the Bering Sea, w i t h p o s s i b l e l i n k s t o c l i m a t e change. Fisheries Oceanography. 8 (4) : 296-306.
Burke, W.A. 2002. Cnidarians and human skin. Dermatologic Therapy 15: 18-25.
Burnett, J.W., Cobbs, C.S., Kelman, S.N and Calton, G.J. 1983. Studies on serologic response to jellyfish envenomations. Journal American Academy of Dermatology 9 : 223- 231.
Burnett, J.W., and Gable, W.D. 1989. A fatal jellyfish envenomation by the Portuguese man-o-war. Toxicon 27 : 823-824.
Calder, D.R. 2008. An Illustrated key to Cubozoan and Scyphozoan jellyfish of the South Atlantic Bight. Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center ( SERTC), South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 18pp.
Daubert, G.P. 2008. Cnidaria Envenomation. h t t p : / / e m e d i c i n e . Updated: Aug 18, 2008. 18/02/2010.
Fenner, P.J., Williamson, J.A., Burnett, J.W and Rifkin, J. 1993. First aid treatment of jellyfish stings in Australia : response to a newly differentiated species. Medical Journal of Australia 158 : 498-501
Fenner, P.J. 1997. Awareness, prevention and treatment of world-wide marine stings and bites. Proceedings International Live Saving Federation Medical/Rescue Conference. 1- 12.
Fenner, P.J and Williamson, J.A. 1996. Worldwide deaths and severe envonomation from jellyfish stings. Medical Journal of Australia 165 : 11-12.
Fenner, P.J. 1997. The Global Problem of Cnidarian (Jellyfish) Stinging. M.D. Thesis, University of Lodon. 205pp.
Fenner, P.J. 1998. Dangers in the ocean: the traveler and marine envenomation. I. Jellyfish. Medical Journal of Australia 5:135-141.
Fenner, P.J. 2000. Physalia Species: Physalia utriculus – T h e " B l u e b o t t l e ” . h t t p : / / w w w . m a r i n e - up/physalia.pdf 17/02/2010.
Goggi, L., Gershwin, L., Fenner, P., Seymour, J. and Carrette, T. 2004. Stinging Jellyfish in tropical Australia (brochure). CRC Reef Research Centre.
Graham, W.M., Pag'es, F., and Hamner, W.M. 2001. A physical context for gelatinous zooplankton aggregations : a review. Hydrobiologia 451 : 199-212.
Halstead, B.W. 1971. Venomous Coelenterates: Hydroids, Jellyfishes, Corals and Sea Anemones. In : Bucherl, W and Buckley, E.E (eds). Venomous Animals and Their Venoms. Volume I I I : Venomous Invertebrates. Academic Press. New York. 395-417.
Heru, C.N. 2009. Pengunjung Parangtritis diminta waspadai serangan ubur-ubur. http://ip52-,20090 22-199027,id.html. 22 September 2009. 18/02/2010.
Hughes, S. (2006). Impacts of Climate Change on Sea Temperature in Marine Climate Change Impact Annual Report Card 2006 (Eds. Buckley, P.J, Dye, S.R. and Baxter, J.M), Online Summary Reports, M C C I P , Lowestoft, 18/02/2010.
Jon Cawley. Look Out! Jellyfish Hordes Back For Another Summer. Daily Press. July 11, 2009.
Kuntadi. 2009. Sengatan Ubur-ubur Serang W i s a t a w a n P a n t a i G l a g a h . 40/259634/340/sengatan-ubur-ubur-serang- wisatawan-pantai glagah. 24 September 2009. 18/02/2010.
Little, M. 2008. First aid for jellyfish stings: Do we really know what we are doing? Emergency Medicine Australasia 20: 78-80.
Marsh, L and Slack-Smith, S. 1986. Sea Stingers and Other Venomous and Poisonous Marine Invertebrates of Western Australia Museum. Perth. 133pp.
Mills, C.E. 2001. Jellyfish blooms: are populations increasing globally in response to changing ocean conditions? Hydribiologia. 451: 55-68.
Pikiran Rakyat. 03 October 2009. Warga padati objek wisata.
Purcell, J.E. 2005. Climate effect on formation of jellyfish and ctenophore blooms: a review. Journal of Marine Biology Association of United Kingdom. 85: 461-476.
Radar Banyuwangi. 05 June 2008. Tewas disengat ubur-ubur.
Radar Banyuwangi. 05 July 2008. Bocah SD Tewas Disengat Ubur-ubur.
Republika. 24 September 2009. Wisatawan pantai Widarapayung diserang ubur-ubur.
Stein, M.R., Marraccini, J.V., Rothschild, N.E. and Burnett, J.W. 1989. Fatal Portuguese man-o'- war (Physalia physalis) envenomation. Annals of Emergency Medicine 18 (3) : 312-
Utsntoro, A. 2007. Puluhan wisatawan Parangtitis tersengat ubur-ubur. Media Indonesia. 12 August 2007.
Uye, S. 2008. Blooms of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai: a threat to the fisheries sustainability of the East Asian Marginal Seas. Plankton Benthos Research 3(Suppl.): 125-131.
Wakiki Aquarium Education Department, 2009. Marine Life Profile: Indo-Pacific Portuguese Man-Of-War. 4pp.
Waskita, D. 2009. Teror Ubur-ubur Melanda Pantai Parangtritis. 009/07/20/1 /2402 98/1/teror-ubur-ubur- melanda-pantai-parangtritis. 20 July 2009. 18/02/2010.
Werdiono, D. 2007. Kompas. 09 July 2007.”Balon biru”, ubur-ubur lucu yang bikin gatal.
Woodcock, A.H. 1997. Why sailing sea animals h a v e mirror images. Pacific Science 51 (1) :12-17.
Wulan, M.K. 2009. Lima wisatawan terseret ombak, 6 4 t e r s e n g a t u b u r - u b u r . 061990/lima.wisatawan.terseret.ombak.64. tersengat.ubur-ubur. 27 September 2009. 18/02/2010.