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Deteksi Pencemaran Bakteri Salmonella sp. Pada Udang Putih (Penaeus merguiensis) Segar Di Pasar Tradisional Kotamadya Surabaya
[Pollution Detection Of Salmonella sp. To Fresh White Shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) At Traditional Market Of Surabaya Residence]
Corresponding Author(s) : Hasutji Endah Narumi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
The aim of this study were to know the level of contamination againts Salmonella sp. bacteria in fresh white shrimp at the traditional market in surabaya. The fresh white shirmp were collect from 5 areas in Surabaya (East, South, Center, North and West). Total samples were 25 (five samples for each area) dan each sample were weight 100 gram. Sample from each area were using mortar and making for a suspention to take the isolate. More over using SPSS medium for enriched them further more were observed under the microscope also were test for the biochemistry characteristics. Data from the enrichment for Salmonella sp. bacteria were descriptive analyze and to know the level of contaminations we used chi-square : the result of this study were indicate that the fresh white shrimp at the traditional market in Surabaya were contaminated with Salmonella sp. bacteria, but they didn't show the significant different at the contaminant fish levels (p > 0,05).
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- Food Borne Microorganisme of Public Health Significant. Volume I and II The Publication Unit, Registrars
- DivisionThe University of New South Wales.
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- Gray, L.D, 1995. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 6th ed. ASM Press. Washington, D.C. 452-453.
- Holt, J.G., Krieg, N.R, Peter.H.A., Staley.T.J., Williams.S.T., 1994. Bergeys Manual of Determinatif Bacteriology, 10th ed., Williams and Wilkins, Maryland. USA. 186.
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- Suyanto, S.R. dan Mujiman, A., 1999. Budi Daya Udang Windu. Anggota IKAPI, Cetakan XII, Jakarta.
Anonimus, 1974. Prosessing of Froglegs For Export , The Marine Products Export Development Autority, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India. 9-10.
Anonimus, 1989. Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Obat dan Makanan Dirjen. POM, Jakarta. 274-276.
Anonimus, 1992. Meningkatkan Kualitas Krida dan Karya. Poultry Indonesia. 147.
Anonimus, 1992. Standar Nasional Indonesia Udang Segar, Jakarta. 1-3.
Buckle, K.A., Couperwhite, G.R. Davey, M.J.Eyles, G.H. Fleet, B.A. Munee, W.G. Murrel, B. Timperon, 1979.
Food Borne Microorganisme of Public Health Significant. Volume I and II The Publication Unit, Registrars
DivisionThe University of New South Wales.
Darmono, 1991. Budidaya Udang Penaeus P.T. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.
Gray, L.D, 1995. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 6th ed. ASM Press. Washington, D.C. 452-453.
Holt, J.G., Krieg, N.R, Peter.H.A., Staley.T.J., Williams.S.T., 1994. Bergeys Manual of Determinatif Bacteriology, 10th ed., Williams and Wilkins, Maryland. USA. 186.
Jawetz, E., J.L. Melnick and E.A. Adelberg, 1984. Mikrobiologi Untuk Profesi Kedokteran. Edisi 16. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. 214-217.
Merchant, I.A. and Packer, R.A. 1967. Veterinery Bacteriologi and Virologi. ed., lowa State Colege Press. Ames lowa. 286 - 381.
Kusniyo, 1988. Salmonella dan Shigella Serta Deteksinya Dalam Bahan Pangan. Kursus Singkat Mikologi Pangan. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. Universitas Gajah Mada. Yogyakarta.
Mujiman, 1982. Budidaya Udang Windu Pusat Pembenihan Udang Probolinggo P.T. Penebar Swadaya, Anggota IKAPI, Cetakan I, Jakarta.
Prawesthirini, S. 1990. Identifikasi Salmonella Pada Udang Beku Yang Dijual Di Pasar Swalayan Surabaya. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 1.
Suyanto, S.R. dan Mujiman, A., 1999. Budi Daya Udang Windu. Anggota IKAPI, Cetakan XII, Jakarta.