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Tidal Current Influence on Distributing Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Area in the North Lombok Waters, Indonesia
[Pengaruh Arus Pasang Surut dalam Distribusi Keluaran Air Tanah Lepas Pantai (KALP) di Perairan Lombok Utara, Indonesia]
Corresponding Author(s) : Ulung Jantama Wisha
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) has been found in the North Lombok Island. This phenomenon is strongly related to the watershed from Rinjani Mountain permeated in the form of underwater seepages. The largest seepage was observed in Krakas Beach. The emergence of these seepages may affect water quality and nutrient pollution in the surrounding by which the distribution is mainly induced by the tidal current regime. This study aimed to determine the influence of tidal current on low-temperature groundwater distribution and to analyze the environmental issues resulted from this phenomenon. Flow model and statistical analysis were employed to determine the transport pattern of SGD. The tidal current moved southwestward during the high tidal condition ranging from 0-0.15 cm/s. While tidal current flowed northeastward during the low tidal condition ranging from 0-0.3 cm/s. The temperature fluctuation follows the changes of surface elevation around SGD in which the correlation value between those two parameters reached 63 percent. This proves that the cold-water transportation depends on the fluctuation of tidal current (tidal pumping), resulting in the imbalanced ecosystem, especially during the high tidal condition when a greater water mass transport takes place.
Keluaran Air Tanah Lepas Pantai (KALP) telah ditemukan di utara Pulau Lombok. Fenomena ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh daerah aliran air Gunung Rinjani yang meresap dalam bentuk rembesan bawah air. Rembesan terbesar diketahui berada di Pantai Krakas. Kemunculan rembesan ini mungkin berdampak pada kualitas perairan dan polusi nutrien di sekitarnya yang mana distribusinya sangat dipicu oleh pengaruh arus pasang surut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari arus pasang surut terhadap distribusi air dingin dan menganalisis masalah lingkungan akibat dari kondisi tersebut. Arus pasang surut bergerak menuju barat daya saat kondisi pasang berkisar antara 0-0,15 cm/s, sedangkan arus pasang surut bergerak menuju timur laut pada kondisi surut berkisar antara 0-0,32 cm/s. Fluktuasi suhu mengikuti perubahan elevasi muka air di lokasi KALP dimana nilai korelasi dari kedua parameter tersebut mencapai 63 persen. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa transpor air dingin bergantung pada fluktuasi arus pasang surut, menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan ekosistem, khususnya pada kondisi pasang ketika mekanisme transpor masa air yang lebih besar sedang berlangsung.
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Bakti, H., Lubis, R., Delinom, R., & Naily, W. (2012). Identify on submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on the alluvial coast of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Jurnal Lingkungan Dan Benclouda Geologi, 3(2): 133–149.
Bakti, H., Lubis, R. F., Naily, W., Delinom, R. M., & Purwoko, W. (2010). Identifikasi dan Karakter Hidrokimia Keluaran Airtanah Lepas Pantai (KALP) di Pulau Lombok, Kabupaten Lombok Utara Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Prosiding Pemaparan Hasil Penelitian Puslit Geoteknologi – LIPI . (1992): 59–66.
Bayhaqi, A., Wisha, U. J., & Surinati, D. (2018). Modeling Tidal Current on Banten Bay During Transitional Monsoons. Jurnal Segara, 14(2): 95–105.
Beck, A. J., Rapaglia, J. P., Cochran, J. K., & Bokuniewicz, H. J. (2007). Radium mass-balance in Jamaica Bay, NY: Evidence for a substantial flux of submarine groundwater. Marine Chemistry, 106(4): 419–441.
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Correll, D. L. (1998). The Role of Phosphorus in the Eutrophication of Receiving Waters: A Review. Journal of Environment Quality, 27(2): 261–266.
Johan, O., Kusumah, G., & Wisha, U. J. (2018). Kondisi Terumbu Karang di kawasan KALP Pantai Krakas, Lombok Utara. Jurnal Segara, 13(3):193–200.
Junaidi, M., Nurliah, Marzuki, M., Cokrowati, N., & Rahman, I. (2018). Identifikasi Lokasi Perairan Untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Laut di Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 18(1): 57–68.
Lazure, P., Garnier, V., Dumas, F., Herry, C., & Chifflet, M. (2009). Development of a hydrodynamic model of the Bay of Biscay. Validation of hydrology. Continental Shelf Research, 29(8): 985–997.
Lestiana, H., Sukristiyanti, S., Bakti, H., & Lubis, R. F. (2017). Pemanfaatan Band Termal Citra Landsat Untuk Identifikasi Keluaran Airtanah Lepas Pantai (KALP) Di Pantai Utara Lombok. RISET Geologi Dan Pertambangan, 27(1): 65–75.
Li, X., Hu, B. X., Burnett, W. C., Santos, I. R., & Chanton, J. P. (2009). Submarine ground water discharge driven by tidal pumping in a heterogeneous aquifer. Ground Water, 47(4): 558–568.
Liang, W. D., Tang, T. Y., Yang, Y. J., Ko, M. T., & Chuang, W. S. (2003). Upper-ocean currents around Taiwan. Deep-Sea StudyPart II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 50(6–7): 1085–1105.
Lubis, R. F., Bakti, H., & Suriadarma, A. (2011). Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) In Indonesia Rachmat Fajar Lubis,
Hendra Bakti and Ade Suriadarma. Jurnal Riset dan Geologi Pertambangan, 21(1): 57–62.
Mehdiabadi, F. E., Mehdizadeh, M. M., & Rahbani, M. (2015). Simulating Wind Driven Waves in the Strait of Hormuz using MIKE21 (Simulasi Gelombang Angin di Selat Hormuz Menggunakan MIKE21). Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 20(1): 1.
Ningsih, N. S., Rachmayani, R., Hadi, S., & Brodjonegoro, I. S. (2018). Internal Waves Dynamics in the Lombok Strait Studied By a Numerical Model. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), 5(1): 17–33.
Pratomo, Y., Pranowo, W. S., & Setiadi, H. (2017). Identifikasi Penjalaran Gelombang Panjang Samudera Hindia Ke Selat Lombok Berdasarkan Komponen Harmonik Arus. Omni-Akuatika, 12(1): 22–29.
Rachmayani, R., Atma, G., Suprijo, T., & Sari, N. (2006). Marine Current Potential Energy for Environmental Friendly Electricity Generation in Bali, Lombok and Makassar Straits. In Environmental Technology and Management Conference, September 7-8, 2006.
Scuderi, D., Restuccia, C., Chisari, M., Barbagallo, R. N., Caggia, C., & Giuffrida, F. (2011). Salinity of nutrient solution influences the shelf-life of fresh-cut lettuce grown in floating system. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 59(2):132–137.
Surić, M., LonÄarić, R., Buzjak, N., Schultz, S. T., Å angulin, J., Maldini, K., & Tomas, D. (2015). Influence of submarine groundwater discharge on seawater properties in Rovanjska-ModriÄ karst region (Croatia). Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(7): 5625–5638.
Thompson, C., Smith, L., & Maji, R. (2007). Hydrogeological modeling of submarine groundwater discharge on the continental shelf of Louisiana. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C03014): 1–13.
Warren, I. R., & Bach, H. K. (1992). MIKE 21: a modelling system for estuaries, coastal waters and seas. Environmental Software, 7(4): 229–240.
Wisha, U.J., Tanto, T. A., Pranowo, W. S., & Husrin, S. (2018). Current movement in Benoa Bay water, Bali, Indonesia: Pattern of tidal current changes simulated for the condition before, during, and after reclamation. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 18: 177–187.
Wisha, U.J., Husrin, S., & Prasetyo, G. S. (2016). Hydrodynamics of Bontang Seawaters: Its Effects on the Distribution of Water Quality Parameters. Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 21(2): 123–134.
Wisha, U. J., Ondara, K., & Kusumah, G. (2017). An Overview of Surface Water Quality Influenced by Suspended Solid Content in the Sayung Waters, Demak, Indonesia. Segara, 13(2): 107–117.
Zhang, W., Jin, X., Liu, D., Lang, C., & Shan, B. (2017). Temporal and spatial variation of nitrogen and phosphorus and eutrophication assessment for a typical arid river - Fuyang River in northern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 55: 41–48.