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Numerical Modeling of Tidal Current Patterns Using 3-Dimensional MOHID in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Hadi Hermansyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
- The results of the model and observation showed the similarity of the amplitude and phase formed
- At the highest tide was in the position above the Sea Mean level and the current velocity was lower than when heading to the tide
- There was a difference in the direction of the current when heading towards high tide
- Stratification of the water column in both seasons tended to be classified in well-mixed waters
Balikpapan Bay is significant as a link between the cities within and outside of East Kalimantan by becoming the primary path used for local transportation and distribution of produced goods. The various anthropogenic activities increased liquid wastes and debris, which flowed through channels and rivers along the bay. This study aimed to determine tidal current patterns in Balikpapan Bay and its influence on salinity and temperature distributions. This study applied a baroclinic three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model, employing wind, tides, and density variations, resulting from the differences of temperature and salinity, as the model input. To simulate the tidal current flow, we applied MOHID Water Modeling System, which the tidal current patterns depicted current directions and speeds at the different tidal conditions. During the displacement toward the high tidal condition, the water mass moves northwestward entering the river body, while at the displacement toward the low tidal condition, the water mass moves southeastward, which flows toward the coast and without the bay. The current speed varies at certain tidal conditions. At the highest tidal condition, the surface elevation ranged 1.3 - 1.5 m above mean sea level; the current rate is lower compared to the displacement toward high tidal condition, which ranged from 0.01 - 0.15 m/s. At the lowest tidal condition, the surface elevation reached 1 - 1.2 m below mean sea level, and the weaker flow velocity took place (less than 0.15 m/s). The results also showed that the water mass temperature tends to be higher in the inner part of Balikpapan Bay, the Balikpapan Bay waters profile that is increasingly shallow towards the bay head also causes this area to tend to have a higher temperature. Also, areas located on the inside of the bay tend to get more freshwater input from rivers, so this area has lower salinity while the area located at the mouth of the bay tends to be of higher salinity because it gets a lot of mass input of seawater from the Makassar Strait.
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Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Hettiarachchi, S. S. L. (1997). Drainage and exclusion of salt-water in low-lying coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 34(1): 29-53. doi:
Hutabarat, & Evans. (1984). Pengantar Oseanografi. Jakarta: UI Press
[KKES] Kelompok Kerja Erosi dan Sedimentasi. (2002). Kajian Erosi dan Sedimentasi di DAS Teluk Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur. Technical Report
Proyek Pesisir, TE-02/13-I, CRC/URI, Jakarta.
Koutsikopoulos, C., & Cann, B.L. (1999). Physical processes and hydrological structures realted to the Bay of Biscay. Scientia Marina, 60: 9-19
Lopes, J. F., Dias, J. M., Cardoso, A. C., & Silva, C. I. V. (2005). The water quality of the RiadeAveiro lagoon, Portugal: from the observations to the implementation of a numerical model. Marine Environmental Research, 60: 594–628.
Lyard, F., Lefévre, F., Letellier, T., & Francis, O. (2006). Modelling the Global Ocean Tides: A Modern Insight from FES2004. Ocean Dynamics, 56: 394-415.
Malhadas, M. S., Leití£o, P. C., Silva, A., & Neves, R. (2009). Effect of coastal waves on sealevel in í“bidos Lagoon, Portugal. Continental Shelf Research, 29:1240–1250. 2009.02.007
Martins, F. A. (1999). Modelaçí£omatemática tridimensional de escoamentoscosteiros e /estuarinosusandoumaabordagem de coordenada vertical genérica. PhD thesis. Portugal: Technical University of Lisbon.
Miranda, R. (1997). Nitrogen biogeochemical cycle modeling in the North Atlantic Ocean. MSc dissertation thesis. Portugal: Technical University of Lisbon.
Nontji. (1987). Laut Nusantara. Jakarta: Djambatan.
Nur, A. A., Mandang, I., Mubarrok, S., & Riza, M. (2018). The changes of water mass characteristics using 3-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) in Balikpapan bay, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 162: 012006
Nurjaya, I. W., Surbakti, H., Hartanto, M. T., Gaol, J. L., & Sulardi, A. (2019). Water mass dynamics in Balikpapan Bay, Eastern Kalimantan Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 176 (2018) 012019
Oktariani, D., Atmodjo, W., & Widada, S. (2015). Transport Sedimen di Lokasi Perencanaan Pembangunan Pelabuhan Marunda, Jakarta Utara. Jurnal Oseanografi, 4(1): 325-332.
Padman, L., & Erofeeva, S. (2005). Tide Model Driver (TMD) Manual, Earth & Space Research, Washington
[PPKT] Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. 2004. Rencana Strategis Pengelolaan Terpadu Teluk Balikpapan. Balikpapan (ID): Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.
Qomariyah, L., & Yuwono. (2016). Analisa Hubungan antara Pasang Surut Air Laut dengan Sedimentasi yang Terbentuk. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 5(1): 1.
Ross, D. A. (1970). Introduction to Oceanography. New York (US): Appleton Century Croft, Meredith Corporation.
Ruiz-Villarreal, M. (2002). Hydrodynamic Model Study of the Ria de Pontevedra Under Estuarine Conditions. Estuaria Coastal Shelf Science, 54: 101–113.
Santos, A. J. (1995. Modelo Hidrodiní¢mico Tridimensional de Circulaçí£o Oceí¢nica e Estuarina. Ph.D, Thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa: Instituto Superior Técnico.
Schoellhamer, D. H., Mumley, T. E., and Leatherbarrow, J.E. (2007). Suspended sediment and sediment-associated contaminants in San Fransisco Bay. Envirenmental Research, 105: 119-131
Supiyati, Suwarsono, & Setiawan, I. (2013). Pola Transport Sedimen Akibat Arus yang Dibangkitkan Gelombang Di Pelabuhan Pulau Baai Bengkulu. Prosiding Semirata, 91-97. Bandar Lampung: FMIPA Universitas Lampung.
Trancoso, A. R., Saraiva, S., Fernandes, L., Pina, P., Leití£o, P., & Neves, R. (2005). Modelling macroalgae using a 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model in a shallow, temperate estuary. Ecological Modelling, 187:232–246.
Triatmodjo, B. (1999). Tehnik Pantai. Yogyakarta (ID): Beta Offset.
Triatmodjo, B. (2011). Perencanaan Bangunan Pantai. Cetakan Pertama. Yogyakarta: Beta Offset.
Wisha, U. J., Husrin, S., & Prihantono, J. (2015). Hidrodinamika Perairan Teluk Banten Pada Musim Peralihan (Agustus-September). Ilmu Kelautan, 20(2): 105.