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Coral Reef Degradation Due to ‘Ship Grounding' in Indonesia: Case Study of Ship Aground in Bangka-Belitung Waters by Mother Vessel MV Lyric Poet
Corresponding Author(s) : Idris Idris
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
- Damage to coral reefs by ship aground is twice the area of a football field
- Found four zones of damage including runoff, dune, blow and dispersal
- Mortality of live coral and other benthic biota ranges from 75-100% in the affected location
- The form of damaged live coral growth is predominantly slow growing.
- Eight hard coral species were found on the IUCN-Redlist list with a vulnerable status.
Ship grounding on coral reefs often results in physical and biological damage, including dislodging and removal of corals from reefs, destruction of coral skeletons, erosion and removal of sediment deposits, and loss of three-dimensional complexity. Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, is very vulnerable to various pressures; for example, the case of ship grounding is a great concern of scientists, managers, divers, and sailors themselves. Most of the damage is very severe. The purpose of the research conducted is to identify the condition of the live coral cover, mapping the type and extent of coral reef damage, affected coral species, their conservation status, and to quantify the extent of the area of coral reef damage. Measuring the extent of damage to coral reef ecosystems using the fishbone method, while the level of damage and its impact was measured using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) and belt transect method. The event of the grounding of the MV Lyric Poet on the Bangka Waters, Bangka-Belitung Province, has caused damage to the coral reef ecosystem. There are four damage zones identified, i.e., trajectory, mound, propeller, and dispersion zone. Corals are damaged with a total area of 13.540m2; equivalent to twice that of an international football field. Diversity of hard coral found as many as 49 species included in the CITES-Appendix II. A total of eight protected species are included in the IUCN Red List with extinction-prone status.
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- Aronson, R. B., & Swanson, D. W. (1997). Disturbance and recovery from ship groundings in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In Baruch
- Bruckner, A. W., & Bruckner, R. J. (2001). Condition of restored Acropora palmata fragments off Mona Island, Puerto Rico, 2 years after the Fortuna Reefer ship grounding. Coral Reefs, 20(3): 235- 243. DOI: 10.1007/s003380100164
- CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). (2019). Appendices I, II and III : Interpretation. Retrieved January 20, 2020, from https://www.
- Collier, C., Dodge, R., Gilliam, D., & Gracie, K. (2007) Reef injuries in Southeast Florida - guidelines and recommendations. Southeast Florida: Florida Department of Environmental.
- Daud, J. R. P., & Fran, V. R. (2011). The Impact of Land filled (coastal reclamation) on Coral Reefs in Kalasey-Bulo, Manado Bay. Jurnal Ekowisata.
- Edwards, A. J., & Gomez, E. D. (2008). Reef Restoration concepts and guidelines: making sensible management choices in the face of uncertainty. St Lucia, Australia: Coral Reef Targeted Re- search & Capacity Building for Management Programme.
- English, S., Wilkinson, C., & Baker, V. (1997). Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources (2nd ed.). Australia: Australian Institute of Marine Science.
- Fox, H. E., Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Muljadi, A. H., & Caldwell, R. L. (2005). Experimental assessment of coral reef rehabilitation following blast fishing. Conservation Biology, 19: 98-107. DOI:10.1111/j.15231739.2005.00261.x
- Giyanto. (2012). Kajian tentang panjang transek dan jarak antar pemotretan pada penggunaan metode transek foto bawah air. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia, 38:1-18.
- Giyanto. (2012). Penilaian kondisi terumbu karang dengan metode transek foto bawah air. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia , 38(3): 377- 390.
- Gomez, E. D., Alino, P. M., Yap, H. T., & Licuanan, W. Y. (1994). A review of the status of Philippine Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 29: 62-68.
- Hadi, T. A., Giyanto, Prayudha, B., Hafizt, M., Budiyanto, A., & Suharsono. (2018). Status terumbu karang Indonesia. Jakarta: Puslit Oseanografi-LIPI.
- Hill, J., & Wilkinson, C. (2004). Methods for ecological monitoring of coral reefs. A resource for man- ager ver.1. Australia: AIMS publisher.
- Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2009). Climate change and coral reefs: trojan horse or false prophecy? Coral Reefs, 28: 569–575 . DOI:10.1007/s00338-009-0508-6
- Hudson, J. H., & Goodwin, W. B. (2001). Assessment of vessel grounding injury to coral reef and seagrass habitats in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida: protocol and methods. Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(2): 509-516.
- Hughes, T. P., Baird, A. H., Bellwood, D. R., Card, M., Connolly, S. R., Folke, C., Grosberg, R., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., J. B. C. Jackson, J. B. C., Kleypas, J., Lough, J. M., Marshall, P., Nyström, M., Palumbi, S. R., Pandolfi, J. M., Rosen, B., & Roughgarden, J. (2003). Climate change, human impacts, and the resilience. Science, 929-933. DOI: 10.1126/science.108504
- Idris, M. P. S., Widodo, & Rahmat, B. (2019). Kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang di lokasi dan bukan lokasi penyelaman Pulau Maratua. Jurnal Kelautan Nasional, (14): 59-69. DOI: 10.15578/jkn.v14i1.6898
- IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). (2014). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved Februari 26, 2018, from https://
- Jaap, W. C. (2000). Coral reef restoration. Ecological Engineering, 15, 345-364. DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8574(00)00085-9
- Jaap, W. C., Hudson, J. H., Gilliam, D., Dodge, R. E., & Shaul, R. (2006). Coral reef restoration with case studies from Florida. In I. M. Cí´te, & J.D. Reynolds (Eds), Coral Reef Conservation. (pp. 478-524). London: Cambridge University Press, Zoological Society of London. DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511804472.018
- Johan, O., & Herminawati, S. C. (2015). Perbedaan laju pertumbuhan karang montipora digitata hasil propagasi pada kedalaman yang berbeda di Pulau Aur Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Suma- tera Barat. Prosiding Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur. Jakarta.
- Jones, R. J. (2007). Chemical contamination of a coral reef by the grounding of a cruise ship in Bermuda. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54: 905-911. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.02.018
- Kleypas, J. A., Feely, R. A., Fabry, V. J., Langdon, C., Sabine, C. L., & Robbins, L. L. (2006). Impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs and other marine calcifiers: a guide for future research. St. Petersburg, FL: NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and U.S. Geological Survey.
- Kohler, K. E., & Gill, L. (2006). Coral Point Count With Excel extensios (CPCe): A visual basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count metodology. Computer Geoscience, 32(9): 1259-1269.
- Lirman, D., Gracias, N., Gintert, B., Gleason, A. C. R., Deangelo, G., Dick, M., Martinez, E., & Reid, R. (2005): Conservation of Coral Reefs through Active Restoration Measures: Recent Approaches and Last Decade. Florida: Progress Environtment Science Technology.
- Lirman, D., Gracias, N., Gintert, B., Gleason, A. C. R., Deangelo, G., Dick, M., Martinez, E., & Reid, R. (2010). Damage and recovery assessment of vessel grounding injuries on coral reef habitats by use of georeferenced landscape video mosaics. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 8: 88–97.
- Marine traffic. (2019). Global ship tracking intelligence. Retrieved October 22, 2019, from https://www.
- Muhlis. (2019). Pertumbuhan kerangka karang Acropo- ra di perairan Sengigi Lombok. Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 19(1): 14-18. DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v19i1.940
- Negri, A. P., Smith, L. D., Webster, N. S., & Heyward, A. J. (2002). Understanding ship grounding impact on a coral reef; potential effect of antifoulant paint contamination on coral recruitment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, (44): 109-115. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-326X(01)00128-X
- Neter, J., Kutner, M. H., Nachtscheim, C. J., & Wasserman, W. (1996). Applied linear statistical models. 4th Edition. New York: Mc. Graw Hill.
- Nugraha, W. A. (2008). Laju pertumbuhan karang porites lutea di Karimunjawa Dan Bangkalan, Indonesia. Embryo, 5(1): 24-33
- Nurcahyani, L. P. A. D., Karang, I W. G. A. & Karim, W. (2018). Laju pertumbuhan dan tingkat ke- langsungan hidup transplantasi karang Acropo- ra secale di Pantai Serangan dan Pantai Geger, Bali. Marine Aquatic Science, (4): 297-303. DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2018.v4.i02.297-303
- Pratiwi, D. B., Ramses, & Efendi, Y. (2019). Perbedaan laju pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup karang jenis Montipora tuberculosa yang berasal dari induk transplantasi dan induk dari alam. SIMBIOSA, 8(1):10-19. DOI: 10.33373/simbio.v8i1.1529
- Precht, W. F., & Robbart, M. (2006). Coral reef restoration: the rehabilitation of an ecosystem under siege. Dalam W. F. Precht, (Ed.) , Coral Reef Restoration Handbook. (hal. 1-24). Florida (USA): Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton.
- Precht, W. F., Aronson, R. B., & Swanson, D. W. (2001). Improving scientific decision-making in the restoration of ship-grounding sites on coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science, (69): 1001-1012.
- Precht, W. F. (1998). The art and science of reef restoration. Geotimes, (1): 16-20.
- Raymundo, L., Maypa, A., Gomez, E. D., & Cadiz, P. (2007). Can dynamite-blasted reefs recover ? A novel, low-tech approach to stimulating natural recovery in fish and coral populations. Marine Pollution of Bulletin, (54): 1009-1019. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.02.006
- Riegl, B. (2001). Degradation of reef structure, coral and fish communities in the Red Sea by ship groundings and dynamite fisheries. Bulletin Of Marine Science, 69(2): 595-611.
- Schmahl, G. P. (2006). Cooperative natural resource damage assessment and coral reef restoration at the container ship Houston grounding in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In W.E. (ed.), Coral reef restoration handbook (pp. 235-256). London: CRC Press.
- Schuhmacher, H., Treeck, P., van, Eisinger, M., & Paster, M. (2002). Transplantation of coral fragments from ship groundings on electrochemically formed reef structures. Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia.
- Shutler, S. K., Gittings, S., Penn, T., & Schittone, T. (2006). Compensatory restoration: how much is enough? Legal, economic, and ecological considerations. In W. F. Precht (ed,), Coral reef restoration handbook (pp. 77-94). London: CRC Press.
- Suharsono. (2008). Jenis-jenis karang di Indonesia. Jakarta: LIPI Press.
- Symons, L. C., Stratton, A., & Goodwin, W. (2006). Streamlined injury assessment and restoration planning in the U.S. National Marine Sanctuaries. In W. E. (ed.), Coral reef restoration hand- book (pp. 167-192). London: CRC Press.
- Tissier, M. L. (2010). Hanjin Istanbul Grounding Survey Report. Envision. United Kingdom.: ITOPF & P & I Club Britannia.
- Tito, C. K., Setiawan, A., Cahyarini, S. Y., Nugroho, S. C., Zaky, A. R., & Saputra, A. J. (2015, Agus- tus). Analisis pertumbuhan karang porites di Pulau Siladen Utara, Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara. Paper presented at Seminar Nasional Tahunan XII Hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia.
- Tito, C. K., Saputra, A.J., Hidayat, J. J., Indriyawan M.W., & Zaky, A. R. (2015, Mei). Kajian SPL, presipitasi, dan salinitas kaitannya dengan laju pertumbuhan Karang Porites di Nusa Penida, Bali. Paper presented at Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan V, Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
- Tokeshi, M., & Daud, J. R. P. (2011). Assessing feeding electivity in Acanthaster planci: a null model analysis. Coral Reefs, ) (30): 227–235. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-010-0693-3
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- Veron, J. E. N., Devantier, L., Turak, E., Green, A., Kininmonth, S., Stafford-Smith, M., Peterson, N. (2009). Delineating the coral triangle. Galaxea Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 11(2): 91-100. DOI: 10.3755/galaxea.11.91
- Wakeford, M., Done, T. J., & Johnson, C. R. (2008). Decadal trends in a coral community and evidence of changed disturbance regime. Journal of Coral Reef Studies, (11):91-100. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-007-0284-0
- Worm, B., Barbier, E. B., Beaumont, N., Duffy, J. E., Folke, C., Halpern, B. S., Jackson, J. B. C., Lotze, H. K., Micheli, F., Palumbi, S. R., Sala, S., Selkoe, K. A., Stachowicz, J. J., & Watson, R. (2006). Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services. Science, (314)5800: 787-790. DOI: 10.1126/science.1132294
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Aronson, R. B., & Swanson, D. W. (1997). Disturbance and recovery from ship groundings in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In Baruch
Bruckner, A. W., & Bruckner, R. J. (2001). Condition of restored Acropora palmata fragments off Mona Island, Puerto Rico, 2 years after the Fortuna Reefer ship grounding. Coral Reefs, 20(3): 235- 243. DOI: 10.1007/s003380100164
CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). (2019). Appendices I, II and III : Interpretation. Retrieved January 20, 2020, from https://www.
Collier, C., Dodge, R., Gilliam, D., & Gracie, K. (2007) Reef injuries in Southeast Florida - guidelines and recommendations. Southeast Florida: Florida Department of Environmental.
Daud, J. R. P., & Fran, V. R. (2011). The Impact of Land filled (coastal reclamation) on Coral Reefs in Kalasey-Bulo, Manado Bay. Jurnal Ekowisata.
Edwards, A. J., & Gomez, E. D. (2008). Reef Restoration concepts and guidelines: making sensible management choices in the face of uncertainty. St Lucia, Australia: Coral Reef Targeted Re- search & Capacity Building for Management Programme.
English, S., Wilkinson, C., & Baker, V. (1997). Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources (2nd ed.). Australia: Australian Institute of Marine Science.
Fox, H. E., Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Muljadi, A. H., & Caldwell, R. L. (2005). Experimental assessment of coral reef rehabilitation following blast fishing. Conservation Biology, 19: 98-107. DOI:10.1111/j.15231739.2005.00261.x
Giyanto. (2012). Kajian tentang panjang transek dan jarak antar pemotretan pada penggunaan metode transek foto bawah air. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia, 38:1-18.
Giyanto. (2012). Penilaian kondisi terumbu karang dengan metode transek foto bawah air. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia , 38(3): 377- 390.
Gomez, E. D., Alino, P. M., Yap, H. T., & Licuanan, W. Y. (1994). A review of the status of Philippine Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 29: 62-68.
Hadi, T. A., Giyanto, Prayudha, B., Hafizt, M., Budiyanto, A., & Suharsono. (2018). Status terumbu karang Indonesia. Jakarta: Puslit Oseanografi-LIPI.
Hill, J., & Wilkinson, C. (2004). Methods for ecological monitoring of coral reefs. A resource for man- ager ver.1. Australia: AIMS publisher.
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2009). Climate change and coral reefs: trojan horse or false prophecy? Coral Reefs, 28: 569–575 . DOI:10.1007/s00338-009-0508-6
Hudson, J. H., & Goodwin, W. B. (2001). Assessment of vessel grounding injury to coral reef and seagrass habitats in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida: protocol and methods. Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(2): 509-516.
Hughes, T. P., Baird, A. H., Bellwood, D. R., Card, M., Connolly, S. R., Folke, C., Grosberg, R., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., J. B. C. Jackson, J. B. C., Kleypas, J., Lough, J. M., Marshall, P., Nyström, M., Palumbi, S. R., Pandolfi, J. M., Rosen, B., & Roughgarden, J. (2003). Climate change, human impacts, and the resilience. Science, 929-933. DOI: 10.1126/science.108504
Idris, M. P. S., Widodo, & Rahmat, B. (2019). Kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang di lokasi dan bukan lokasi penyelaman Pulau Maratua. Jurnal Kelautan Nasional, (14): 59-69. DOI: 10.15578/jkn.v14i1.6898
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). (2014). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved Februari 26, 2018, from https://
Jaap, W. C. (2000). Coral reef restoration. Ecological Engineering, 15, 345-364. DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8574(00)00085-9
Jaap, W. C., Hudson, J. H., Gilliam, D., Dodge, R. E., & Shaul, R. (2006). Coral reef restoration with case studies from Florida. In I. M. Cí´te, & J.D. Reynolds (Eds), Coral Reef Conservation. (pp. 478-524). London: Cambridge University Press, Zoological Society of London. DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511804472.018
Johan, O., & Herminawati, S. C. (2015). Perbedaan laju pertumbuhan karang montipora digitata hasil propagasi pada kedalaman yang berbeda di Pulau Aur Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Suma- tera Barat. Prosiding Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur. Jakarta.
Jones, R. J. (2007). Chemical contamination of a coral reef by the grounding of a cruise ship in Bermuda. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54: 905-911. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.02.018
Kleypas, J. A., Feely, R. A., Fabry, V. J., Langdon, C., Sabine, C. L., & Robbins, L. L. (2006). Impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs and other marine calcifiers: a guide for future research. St. Petersburg, FL: NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and U.S. Geological Survey.
Kohler, K. E., & Gill, L. (2006). Coral Point Count With Excel extensios (CPCe): A visual basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count metodology. Computer Geoscience, 32(9): 1259-1269.
Lirman, D., Gracias, N., Gintert, B., Gleason, A. C. R., Deangelo, G., Dick, M., Martinez, E., & Reid, R. (2005): Conservation of Coral Reefs through Active Restoration Measures: Recent Approaches and Last Decade. Florida: Progress Environtment Science Technology.
Lirman, D., Gracias, N., Gintert, B., Gleason, A. C. R., Deangelo, G., Dick, M., Martinez, E., & Reid, R. (2010). Damage and recovery assessment of vessel grounding injuries on coral reef habitats by use of georeferenced landscape video mosaics. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 8: 88–97.
Marine traffic. (2019). Global ship tracking intelligence. Retrieved October 22, 2019, from https://www.
Muhlis. (2019). Pertumbuhan kerangka karang Acropo- ra di perairan Sengigi Lombok. Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 19(1): 14-18. DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v19i1.940
Negri, A. P., Smith, L. D., Webster, N. S., & Heyward, A. J. (2002). Understanding ship grounding impact on a coral reef; potential effect of antifoulant paint contamination on coral recruitment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, (44): 109-115. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-326X(01)00128-X
Neter, J., Kutner, M. H., Nachtscheim, C. J., & Wasserman, W. (1996). Applied linear statistical models. 4th Edition. New York: Mc. Graw Hill.
Nugraha, W. A. (2008). Laju pertumbuhan karang porites lutea di Karimunjawa Dan Bangkalan, Indonesia. Embryo, 5(1): 24-33
Nurcahyani, L. P. A. D., Karang, I W. G. A. & Karim, W. (2018). Laju pertumbuhan dan tingkat ke- langsungan hidup transplantasi karang Acropo- ra secale di Pantai Serangan dan Pantai Geger, Bali. Marine Aquatic Science, (4): 297-303. DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2018.v4.i02.297-303
Pratiwi, D. B., Ramses, & Efendi, Y. (2019). Perbedaan laju pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup karang jenis Montipora tuberculosa yang berasal dari induk transplantasi dan induk dari alam. SIMBIOSA, 8(1):10-19. DOI: 10.33373/simbio.v8i1.1529
Precht, W. F., & Robbart, M. (2006). Coral reef restoration: the rehabilitation of an ecosystem under siege. Dalam W. F. Precht, (Ed.) , Coral Reef Restoration Handbook. (hal. 1-24). Florida (USA): Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton.
Precht, W. F., Aronson, R. B., & Swanson, D. W. (2001). Improving scientific decision-making in the restoration of ship-grounding sites on coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science, (69): 1001-1012.
Precht, W. F. (1998). The art and science of reef restoration. Geotimes, (1): 16-20.
Raymundo, L., Maypa, A., Gomez, E. D., & Cadiz, P. (2007). Can dynamite-blasted reefs recover ? A novel, low-tech approach to stimulating natural recovery in fish and coral populations. Marine Pollution of Bulletin, (54): 1009-1019. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.02.006
Riegl, B. (2001). Degradation of reef structure, coral and fish communities in the Red Sea by ship groundings and dynamite fisheries. Bulletin Of Marine Science, 69(2): 595-611.
Schmahl, G. P. (2006). Cooperative natural resource damage assessment and coral reef restoration at the container ship Houston grounding in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In W.E. (ed.), Coral reef restoration handbook (pp. 235-256). London: CRC Press.
Schuhmacher, H., Treeck, P., van, Eisinger, M., & Paster, M. (2002). Transplantation of coral fragments from ship groundings on electrochemically formed reef structures. Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia.
Shutler, S. K., Gittings, S., Penn, T., & Schittone, T. (2006). Compensatory restoration: how much is enough? Legal, economic, and ecological considerations. In W. F. Precht (ed,), Coral reef restoration handbook (pp. 77-94). London: CRC Press.
Suharsono. (2008). Jenis-jenis karang di Indonesia. Jakarta: LIPI Press.
Symons, L. C., Stratton, A., & Goodwin, W. (2006). Streamlined injury assessment and restoration planning in the U.S. National Marine Sanctuaries. In W. E. (ed.), Coral reef restoration hand- book (pp. 167-192). London: CRC Press.
Tissier, M. L. (2010). Hanjin Istanbul Grounding Survey Report. Envision. United Kingdom.: ITOPF & P & I Club Britannia.
Tito, C. K., Setiawan, A., Cahyarini, S. Y., Nugroho, S. C., Zaky, A. R., & Saputra, A. J. (2015, Agus- tus). Analisis pertumbuhan karang porites di Pulau Siladen Utara, Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara. Paper presented at Seminar Nasional Tahunan XII Hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia.
Tito, C. K., Saputra, A.J., Hidayat, J. J., Indriyawan M.W., & Zaky, A. R. (2015, Mei). Kajian SPL, presipitasi, dan salinitas kaitannya dengan laju pertumbuhan Karang Porites di Nusa Penida, Bali. Paper presented at Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan V, Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
Tokeshi, M., & Daud, J. R. P. (2011). Assessing feeding electivity in Acanthaster planci: a null model analysis. Coral Reefs, ) (30): 227–235. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-010-0693-3
Tomascik, T. (1991). Coral reef ecosystem environtment; management guidelines. Marine and Coastal Resources Management. Jakarta: KLH/ MDI.
UNEP (United Nations Environtment Programme). (2009). The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB).
UU (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 5). (1990). tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya.
Veron, J. E. N. (2000). Corals of the world. Vol.1-3. Townsville, Australia: Australian Institute of Marine Science.
Veron, J. E. N., Devantier, L., Turak, E., Green, A., Kininmonth, S., Stafford-Smith, M., Peterson, N. (2009). Delineating the coral triangle. Galaxea Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 11(2): 91-100. DOI: 10.3755/galaxea.11.91
Wakeford, M., Done, T. J., & Johnson, C. R. (2008). Decadal trends in a coral community and evidence of changed disturbance regime. Journal of Coral Reef Studies, (11):91-100. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-007-0284-0
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