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The Needs for Main Facilities and Availability of the Capture Fisheries Production in Cilacap Oceanic Fishing Port until 2027
Corresponding Author(s) : Ernani Lubis
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
- The main facilities in Cilacap oceanic fishing port were identified and analyzed.
- Provide crucial information for the managers of the Cilacap oceanic fishing port with regards to developing the facilities.
- The predictions for the production of capture fisheries until 2027 in Cilacap oceanic fishing port have been analyzed to give the information to develop facilities capacity of the fishing port.
Fishing ports are an important factor in supporting various capture fisheries activ- ities in Indonesia. The number of vessels that landed fish at Oceanic Fishing Port (PPS) Cilacap during 2005-2013 increased by an average of 1.33% annually, which has implications for port capacity. It is important to know the capacity requirements for the basic facilities of the dock, and port pond at PPS, therefore that the activity of landing fish catches can take place properly. The purpose of this research is to not only get an overview of the current condition, and capacity of the main facil- ities at PPS Cilacap, but also to predict the production of fish caught until 2027. The research method is a case study. The data used in this study are primary, and secondary data obtained from PPS Cilacap. The results showed that the length of the landing dock in 2016 was 648.8m with the area, and depth of the port pool of 155,000 m2 and -2.5 m. The predicted requirement for the length of the landing dock until 2027 is 1,380.1 m, with the area and depth of the harbor pool of 239,612 m2 and -4.1 m. Based on the results, it shows that PPS Cilacap requires additional capacity of the dock, and port pool. Predictions of fish catch in 2022, and 2027 are 20,104,259 tons and 25,407,506 tons.
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- Bigot, J. F., Baranger, L., Guillotreau, P., Pearraudeau, A. R., & Souffez, A. (2008). Criée et Ports de Píªche. Mare Economicum. Enjeux et ave-nir de la France maritime et littorale: France Cedex.
- Bradley, D., Merrified, M., Miller, K. M., Lomonico, S., Wilson, J. R., & Gleason, M. G. (2019). Opportunities to improve fisheries management through innovative technology and advanced data systems. Fish and Fisheries, 20(3): 564- 583.
- Dajan, A. (1973). Pengantar metode statistik deskriptif. Jakarta: LP3ES.
- Das, M., Rohit P., Maheswarudu, G., Dash, B., & Ramana, P. V. (2013). An overview of dry fish landing and trade at Visakhpatnam Fishing Harbour. Marine Fisheries Information Service. Technical and Extension Series, 215: 3-7.
- Fujita, T., Yoshizuka, Y., Kaneda, T., Fudo, M., & Date, S. (2014). Features and problems of function conservation project in fishing port facili- ties. IACSIT International Journal of Engineer- ing and Technology, 6(5): 409-413.
- Hamzah, A., Pane, A. B., Lubis, E., & Solihin, I. (2015). Potensi ikan unggulan sebagai bahan baku industri pengolahan di PPN Karangantu. Jurnal Marine Fisheries, 6(1): 45–58.
- Hasselberg, A. E., Aakre, I., Scholtens, J., Overa, R., Holding, J., Bank, M.S., Atter, A., & Kjellevold. (2020). Fish for food and nutrition security in Ghana challenges and opportunities. Global Food Security,26:1-10.
- Janie, D. N. A. (2012). Statistik deskriptif & regresi linier berganda dengan SPSS. Semarang: Semarang University Press.
- Jennings, S., Stentiford, G. D, Leocadio, A. M., Jeffery, K.R., Metcalf, J. D., Katsidaki, I., Auchterlonie, N. A., Mangi, S. C., Pinnegar, J. K., Ellis, T., Peeler, W.J., Lisetti, T., Balker-Austin, C., Brown, M. Cacthpole, T. L., Clyne, F. J., Dye, S. R., Edmons, N. J., Hyder, K., Lee, J., Less, D. N., Morgan, O. C., O'Brien, C. M., Oidtman, B., Posen, P. E.,Santos, A. R., Taylor, N. G. H., Turner, A. D., Towmhill, B. L., & Verner-Jeffreys, D. W. (2016). Aquatic food security: insight to challenges and solutions from an analysis of interaction between fisheries, aquaculture, food safety, human health, fish and human welfare, economy and environment. Fish and Fisheries, 17(4): 893-938.
- Jackson, B., Neis, B., Canning, A., & MacKinnon, S. (2013). Safety on Newfoundland's fishing wharves. Safety Science, 60(1): 1–12.
- Kaplan, D.M., Chassot, E., Amande, J. M., Dueri, S., Demarcq, H., Dagorn, L., & Fonteneau, A. (2014). Spatial management of Indian Ocean tropical tuna fisheries: potential and perspectives. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(7): 1728- 1749.
- Kramadibrata, S. (1989). Perencanaan pelabuhan. Bandung: Ganesa Exact.
- Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia. (2012). Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Nomor PER.08/ MEN/2012 tentang Kepelabuhan Perikanan. Jakarta: Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.
- Le Ry, J. M. (2005, July). Cornouaille fishing harbours. Sobretah. France. Paper presented at Semiloka Internasional Perikanan Tangkap dan Pelabuhan Perikanan di Pulau Jawa. Bogor
- Lubis, E. (2011). Kajian peran strategi Pelabuhan Per- ikanan terhadap Pengembangan Perikanan Laut. AKUARTIK-Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan, 5(2): 1–7.
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- Lubis, E., & Mardiana, N. (2011). Peranan fasilitas PPI terhadap kelancaran aktivitas pendaratan ikan di Cituis Tanggerang. Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, 1(2): 1-10.
- Muammar, R., Boesono, H., & Purnomo, P. W. (2020). Analysis of Bajomulyo Cosatal Fishing Port devel- opment in Pati Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanog- raphy, 14(1): 17-32.
- Mukhtar. (2013). Metode penelitian deskriptif. Jakarta: GP Press Group.
- Norse, E. A., Brooke, S., Cheung, W. W. L., Clark, M. R., Ekeland, I., Froese, R., Gjerde, K. M., Haedrich, R. L., Heppel, S. S., Morato, T., Mor- gan, L. E., Pauly, D., Sumaila, R., & Watson, R. (2012). Sustainability of deep-sea fisheries. Ma- rine Policy, 36: 307-320.
- Paramita, P. N. (2018). Keakuratan data produksi ikan hasil tangkapan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. Skripsi. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Perta- nian Bogor.
- Paulauskas, V. (2016). Ship and quay wall mooring system capability evaluation. Transportation Research Procedia, 14: 123–132.
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- Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. (2017b). Laporan Tahunan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap 2016. Cilacap. Jawa Tengah: PPS Cilacap.
- Polacheck, T. (2006). Tuna longline cacth rate in the Indian Ocean: did industrial fishing result in a 90% rapid decline in the abundance of large pred- atory species? Marine Polic, 30: 470-482.
- Rosana, N., & Prasita, V. D. (2017). Profile of capture fisheries in the Southern of East Java as the basis for the development of fishing port. Applied Me- chanics & Materials. 862: 244-249.
- Sampathkumar, V., & Vanjinathan, J. (2015). Feasibili-ty study on upgrading infrastructure in Jeppiar Fishing Harbour. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 9(2): 128-141.
- Saptanto, S., & Apriliani, T. (2012). Aspek penting dalam pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Belawan untuk mendukung program industrialisasi perikanan. Buletin Ilmiah Marina Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, 7(2): 46.
- Sciortino, J. A. (2010). Fishing harbour planning, contruction and management. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. Rome: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations.
- Sharaan, M., Negm, A., Iskander, M., & Nadaoka, K. (2017). Questionnaire-based assessment of medi- terranean fishing ports, Nile Delta, Egypt. Marine Policy, 81: 98–108.
- Suherman, A. (2011). Formulasi strategi pengemban- gan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pengamben- gan Jembrana. Marine Fisheries, 2(1): 87–99.
- Suman, A., Irianto, H. E., Satria, F., & Amri, K. (2017). Potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPP NRI) tahun 2015 serta opsi pengelolaannya. Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia, 8(2): 97.
- Syahputra, F. (2015). Analisis pengembangan fasil- itas pokok Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Lampulo Banda Aceh. Thesis. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Perta- nian Bogor.
- Syakuro, M. A., Handaka, A. A., Junianto, & Rizal, A. (2020). Analysis of the role Cikidang Fish Land- ing Port (PPI) towards fisherman's socio-econ- omy in Pangandaran district, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 7(4): 1-7.
- Uda, T., Onaka, S., & Serizawa, M. (2015). Beach erosion downcoast of Pengambengan Fishing Port in western part of Bali Island. Procedia En- gineering, 116: 494-501.
- Velazquez, J. B., Gallardo, J. M., Calo, P., & Auborg, S. P. (2008). Enhanced quality and safety during on-board chilled storage of fish species captured in the Grand Sole North Atlantic fishing bank. Food Chemistry, 106(2): 493-500.
- Yusrini, C. (2016). Kebutuhan fasilitas pokok di pela- buhan Perikanan Pantai Blanakan tahun 2016- 2025. Skripsi. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Bigot, J. F., Baranger, L., Guillotreau, P., Pearraudeau, A. R., & Souffez, A. (2008). Criée et Ports de Píªche. Mare Economicum. Enjeux et ave-nir de la France maritime et littorale: France Cedex.
Bradley, D., Merrified, M., Miller, K. M., Lomonico, S., Wilson, J. R., & Gleason, M. G. (2019). Opportunities to improve fisheries management through innovative technology and advanced data systems. Fish and Fisheries, 20(3): 564- 583.
Dajan, A. (1973). Pengantar metode statistik deskriptif. Jakarta: LP3ES.
Das, M., Rohit P., Maheswarudu, G., Dash, B., & Ramana, P. V. (2013). An overview of dry fish landing and trade at Visakhpatnam Fishing Harbour. Marine Fisheries Information Service. Technical and Extension Series, 215: 3-7.
Fujita, T., Yoshizuka, Y., Kaneda, T., Fudo, M., & Date, S. (2014). Features and problems of function conservation project in fishing port facili- ties. IACSIT International Journal of Engineer- ing and Technology, 6(5): 409-413.
Hamzah, A., Pane, A. B., Lubis, E., & Solihin, I. (2015). Potensi ikan unggulan sebagai bahan baku industri pengolahan di PPN Karangantu. Jurnal Marine Fisheries, 6(1): 45–58.
Hasselberg, A. E., Aakre, I., Scholtens, J., Overa, R., Holding, J., Bank, M.S., Atter, A., & Kjellevold. (2020). Fish for food and nutrition security in Ghana challenges and opportunities. Global Food Security,26:1-10.
Janie, D. N. A. (2012). Statistik deskriptif & regresi linier berganda dengan SPSS. Semarang: Semarang University Press.
Jennings, S., Stentiford, G. D, Leocadio, A. M., Jeffery, K.R., Metcalf, J. D., Katsidaki, I., Auchterlonie, N. A., Mangi, S. C., Pinnegar, J. K., Ellis, T., Peeler, W.J., Lisetti, T., Balker-Austin, C., Brown, M. Cacthpole, T. L., Clyne, F. J., Dye, S. R., Edmons, N. J., Hyder, K., Lee, J., Less, D. N., Morgan, O. C., O'Brien, C. M., Oidtman, B., Posen, P. E.,Santos, A. R., Taylor, N. G. H., Turner, A. D., Towmhill, B. L., & Verner-Jeffreys, D. W. (2016). Aquatic food security: insight to challenges and solutions from an analysis of interaction between fisheries, aquaculture, food safety, human health, fish and human welfare, economy and environment. Fish and Fisheries, 17(4): 893-938.
Jackson, B., Neis, B., Canning, A., & MacKinnon, S. (2013). Safety on Newfoundland's fishing wharves. Safety Science, 60(1): 1–12.
Kaplan, D.M., Chassot, E., Amande, J. M., Dueri, S., Demarcq, H., Dagorn, L., & Fonteneau, A. (2014). Spatial management of Indian Ocean tropical tuna fisheries: potential and perspectives. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(7): 1728- 1749.
Kramadibrata, S. (1989). Perencanaan pelabuhan. Bandung: Ganesa Exact.
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia. (2012). Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Nomor PER.08/ MEN/2012 tentang Kepelabuhan Perikanan. Jakarta: Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Le Ry, J. M. (2005, July). Cornouaille fishing harbours. Sobretah. France. Paper presented at Semiloka Internasional Perikanan Tangkap dan Pelabuhan Perikanan di Pulau Jawa. Bogor
Lubis, E. (2011). Kajian peran strategi Pelabuhan Per- ikanan terhadap Pengembangan Perikanan Laut. AKUARTIK-Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan, 5(2): 1–7.
Lubis, E. (2012). Pelabuhan perikanan pelabuhan. Bogor: IPB Press.
Lubis, E., & Mardiana, N. (2011). Peranan fasilitas PPI terhadap kelancaran aktivitas pendaratan ikan di Cituis Tanggerang. Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, 1(2): 1-10.
Muammar, R., Boesono, H., & Purnomo, P. W. (2020). Analysis of Bajomulyo Cosatal Fishing Port devel- opment in Pati Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanog- raphy, 14(1): 17-32.
Mukhtar. (2013). Metode penelitian deskriptif. Jakarta: GP Press Group.
Norse, E. A., Brooke, S., Cheung, W. W. L., Clark, M. R., Ekeland, I., Froese, R., Gjerde, K. M., Haedrich, R. L., Heppel, S. S., Morato, T., Mor- gan, L. E., Pauly, D., Sumaila, R., & Watson, R. (2012). Sustainability of deep-sea fisheries. Ma- rine Policy, 36: 307-320.
Paramita, P. N. (2018). Keakuratan data produksi ikan hasil tangkapan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. Skripsi. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Perta- nian Bogor.
Paulauskas, V. (2016). Ship and quay wall mooring system capability evaluation. Transportation Research Procedia, 14: 123–132.
Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. (2017a). Laporan Statistik Perikanan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap Tahun 2016. Cilacap. Jawa Tengah: PPS Cilacap.
Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. (2017b). Laporan Tahunan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap 2016. Cilacap. Jawa Tengah: PPS Cilacap.
Polacheck, T. (2006). Tuna longline cacth rate in the Indian Ocean: did industrial fishing result in a 90% rapid decline in the abundance of large pred- atory species? Marine Polic, 30: 470-482.
Rosana, N., & Prasita, V. D. (2017). Profile of capture fisheries in the Southern of East Java as the basis for the development of fishing port. Applied Me- chanics & Materials. 862: 244-249.
Sampathkumar, V., & Vanjinathan, J. (2015). Feasibili-ty study on upgrading infrastructure in Jeppiar Fishing Harbour. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 9(2): 128-141.
Saptanto, S., & Apriliani, T. (2012). Aspek penting dalam pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Belawan untuk mendukung program industrialisasi perikanan. Buletin Ilmiah Marina Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, 7(2): 46.
Sciortino, J. A. (2010). Fishing harbour planning, contruction and management. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. Rome: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations.
Sharaan, M., Negm, A., Iskander, M., & Nadaoka, K. (2017). Questionnaire-based assessment of medi- terranean fishing ports, Nile Delta, Egypt. Marine Policy, 81: 98–108.
Suherman, A. (2011). Formulasi strategi pengemban- gan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pengamben- gan Jembrana. Marine Fisheries, 2(1): 87–99.
Suman, A., Irianto, H. E., Satria, F., & Amri, K. (2017). Potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPP NRI) tahun 2015 serta opsi pengelolaannya. Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia, 8(2): 97.
Syahputra, F. (2015). Analisis pengembangan fasil- itas pokok Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Lampulo Banda Aceh. Thesis. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Perta- nian Bogor.
Syakuro, M. A., Handaka, A. A., Junianto, & Rizal, A. (2020). Analysis of the role Cikidang Fish Land- ing Port (PPI) towards fisherman's socio-econ- omy in Pangandaran district, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 7(4): 1-7.
Uda, T., Onaka, S., & Serizawa, M. (2015). Beach erosion downcoast of Pengambengan Fishing Port in western part of Bali Island. Procedia En- gineering, 116: 494-501.
Velazquez, J. B., Gallardo, J. M., Calo, P., & Auborg, S. P. (2008). Enhanced quality and safety during on-board chilled storage of fish species captured in the Grand Sole North Atlantic fishing bank. Food Chemistry, 106(2): 493-500.
Yusrini, C. (2016). Kebutuhan fasilitas pokok di pela- buhan Perikanan Pantai Blanakan tahun 2016- 2025. Skripsi. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor.