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Evaluating Marine Debris Trends and the Potential of Incineration in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Southern Bali, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research:
- The potential calorific value of marine debris obtained from calculating the total waste is 12.05 MJ/kg, which still falls within the incinerator application's standard criteria.
Marine debris, a global environmental issue today, is a major threat to Bali's seas which are famous for its natural beauty and aggravated by the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of marine debris in Bali Island, especially in the southern region and to analyze the feasibility of incineration as one of the waste treatment processes. This research was conducted by utilizing secondary data and literature reviews from related previous studies. Water content and caloric value were measured directly using the ASTM E 790-15 and ASTM D 5865-11a standards. Marine debris generation from 2013 to 2019 tends to decrease from 1.22 kg/ to 0.46 kg/ Organic waste (59.4%) comprised the largest marine debris followed by plastic waste (13.4%) and diapers (11.9%). Thermal technology such as incineration can be introduced to treat marine debris. The standard application of incinerator technology is moisture content and caloric value. The water content of marine debris is reportedly 54.56%, therefore, further preliminary processing is needed, especially for waste with high moisture content, such as diapers and organic waste. The potential calorific value of marine debris during the COVID-19 pandemic obtained from calculating the total waste was 12.05 MJ/kg which still did not meet the incinerator application's standard criteria.
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Farhani, N. (2020). Pengendalian pencemaran dan kerusakan pesisir dan laut dari sampah masa pandemi Covid-19. Direktorat Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Pesisir Dan Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia.
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Lebreton, L., van der Zwet, J., Damsteeg, J., Slat, B., Andrady, A., & Reisser, J. (2017). River plastic emissions to the World's Oceans. Nature Communications, (8)15611: 1-10.
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup. (2020). Surat Edaran Menteri Lingkungan HIdup No. SE.2/MENLHK/PSLB3/PLB.3/3/2020 tentang pengelolaan limbah infeksius (B3) dan sampah rumah tangga dari penanganan Corona virus disease (Covid 19).
Menteri Pekerjaan Umum RI. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum RI No. 03/PRT/M/2013 tentang penyelenggaraan prasarana dan sarana persampahan dalam penanganan sampah rumah tangga dan sampah sejenis sampah rumah tangga. Jakarta.
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Nusa Bali. (2020, Maret). Sampah rumput laut berdatangan di Pantai Nusa Dua.
Opfer, S., Arthur, C., & Lippiatt, S. (2012). NOAA Marine Debris Shoreline Survey Field. 449.
Putra, A., & Husrin, S. (2017). Water quality of post contamination of marine debris in the Kuta beach of Bali. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 9(1):57-66.
Putra, M. G. A., Zamani, N. P., Natih, N. M., & Harahap, S. A. (2021). Relationship between characteristics of marine debris and impact to coral reef. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 13(1):11-19.
Republika. (2020). Ketika laut jakarta dipenuhi sampah APD.
Roman, L., Hardesty, B. D., Leonard, G. H., Pragnell-Raasch, H., Mallos, N., Campbell, I., & Wilcox, C. (2020). A global assessment of the relationship between anthropogenic debris on land and the seafloor. Environmental Pollution, 264(114663).
Septiariva, I. Y, & Suryawan, I. W. K. (2021). Development of water quality index (WQI) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for assessment around suwung landfill, Bali Island. Journal of Sustainability Science And Management, 16(4).
Subekti, S., Basuki, P., & Purwaningrum, S. D. (2020). Pembakar sampah rendah emisi dengan air sebagai filtrasi. Neo Teknika, 6(2):6-11.
Suryawan, I. W. K., Rahman, A., Septiariva, I. Y., Suhardono, S., & Wijaya, I. M. W. (2021). Life cycle assessment of solid waste generation during and before pandemic of Covid-19 in Bali Province. Journal of Sustainability Science And Management, 16(1):11-21.
Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., & Vigil, S. (1993). Integrated solid waste management: Engineering principles and management issues. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Tribun News. (2019). Sampai Juni Sudah 1.646 Ton Sampah di Pesisir 5 Pantai Favorit Bali ini.
Vanapalli, K. R., Sharma, H. B., Ranjan, V. P., Samal, B., Bhattacharya, J., & Dubey, B. K. (2021). Challenges and strategies for effective plastic waste management during and post COVID-19 pandemic. Science of The Total Environment, 750:141514.
Vermaire, J. C., Pomeroy, C., Herczegh, S. M., Haggart, O., & Murphy, M. (2017). Microplastic abundance and distribution in the open water and sediment of the Ottawa River, Canada, and its tributaries. Facets, 2(1):301-314.
Wedayani, N. M. (2018). Studi pengelolaan sampah plastik di Pantai Kuta sebagai bahan bakar minyak. Jurnal Presipitasi: Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan, 15(2):122-126.
Widyarsana, I. M., Damanhuri, E., Ulhusna, N., & Agustina, E. (2020). A Preliminary study: identification of stream waste quantity and composition in Bali Province, Indonesia. E3S Web of Conferences, 148, 05005.
World Bank. (2018). Hotspot sampah laut Indonesia. Jakarta: World Bank.
Yusdantara, I. K., & Rahanatha, G. B. (2015). Pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap reputasi perusahaan yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan pelanggan (studi pada PT. Coca Cola Amatil Denpasar). E-Jurnal Manajemen Unud, 4(4): 813-831.