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Estimation of Fishing Mortality Rate and Exploitation Status of Yellowstrip Scad (Selaroides leptolepis) in Tomini Bay using Von Bertalanffy Growth Model Approach
Corresponding Author(s) : Nuralim Pasisingi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- The fishing area of S. leptolepis in this study was confirmed to be located in Tomini Bay
- The fish samples were gathered randomly from fishers' catch using purse seines
- The growth curve for the male and female fish data were both plotted following the trend of the Von Bertalanffy equation
- This study estimates the growth parameters, mortality, and exploitation rates of the male and female fish separately.
Comprehensive data is required for implementing sustainable fisheries management. Population dynamic and stock assessment aspects of Selaroides leptolepis species in Tomini Bay have not been entirely reported. This study aimed to determine the fishing mortality rate and exploitation status of S. leptolepis in Tomini Bay by calculating Von Bertalanffy growth model parameters (L∞, K, t0) then plotting them into Pauly's empirical equation. The sampling was conducted monthly from April to September 2020 at Gorontalo City Fishing Port. Samples were collected randomly from five commercial fishing vessels shortly after the fishermen landed their catch at the fishing port. All fish samples were confirmed to be obtained by the fishermen from Tomini waters. The growth parameters of the samples were analyzed using FiSAT II based on Von Bertalanffy mathematical model. While the mortality and exploitation values were calculated manually using Pauly's equation. The study showed that the growth parameter values of S. leptolepis in Tomini Bay were 245.47 mm, 0.49/year, and -3.04/year for males, while 227.80 mm, 0.63/year, and -2.72/year for females separately for L∞, K, and t0. The total, natural, and fishing mortality rates were 3.06/year, 0.61/year, and 2.45/year for males and 0.99/year, 0.74/year, and 0.25/year for females. The analysis results showed that the female's natural mortality (M) was higher than the male. In contrast, the fishing mortality (F) and total mortality (Z) of male fish exceed the female. The exploitation value of males (E=0.80) was greater than that of females (E=0.26).
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- Brahma, B., Dash, S., Kar, P. P., & Pani, S. K. (2021). Mathematical model for analysis of COVID-19 outbreak using Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(11):6063-6075.
- Cabuga Jr, C. C., Lanes, J. R., Varona, C. J. L., Milloria, M. B., Pondang, J. M. D., Ruales, J. J., Rivera, C. L. R., Cuares, B. H., Batonghinog, R. G., Paler, J. C. C., Roa, J. L. G., Pacaldo, D. L., Guritan, K. C. A., Calamba, R. L. S., & Corporal, A. T. (2019). Application of geometric morphometrics for body shape analysis in Selaroides leptolepis population from Butuan Bay, Philippines. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 7(3):19-26.
- Del Norte-Campos, A., Lapara, S. S., Angeli, K., & Sanchez, S. (2021). Population dynamics of the comb pen shell Atrina pectinata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Pinnidae) collected by diving from shallow areas of the southwest Visayan Sea, Northeastern Panay Island, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 150(3):1051-1060.
- Du Pontavice, H., Randon, M., Lehuta, S., Vermard, Y., & Savina-Rolland, M. (2018). Investigating spatial heterogeneity of von Bertalanffy growth parameters to inform the stock structuration of common sole, Solea solea, in the Eastern English Channel. Fisheries Research, 207:28-36.
- Effendie, M. I. (2002). Biologi perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama.
- Fauzan. (2011). Pemetaan daerah potensial penangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) berbasis sistem informasi geografis di Perairan Teluk Tomini Provinsi Gorontalo. Makassar: Universitas Hasanuddin.
- Fernandes, F. A., da Silva, í‰. M., de Lima, K. P., Jane, S. A., Fernandes, T. J., & Muniz, J. A. (2020). Parameterizations of the von Bertalanffy model for description of growth curves. Revista Brasileira de Biometria, 38(3):369-384.
- Ferse, S., & Glaser, M. (2021). Sustainable livelihoods frameworks in investigating household assets in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 14(1):204-218.
- Ford, D. F., Plants-Paris, E. D., & Ford, N. B. (2020). Comparison of louisiana pigtoe (Pleurobema riddellii, Mollusca, Unionidae) growth at three different locations in the Neches River Basin of East Texas. Hydrobiologia, 847(9):2021-2033.
- Fuad, F., Baskoro, M. S., Riyanto, M., & Mawardi W. (2020). Physiological response of the eye yellow-striped Scad (Selaroides leptolepis) and short mackerel (Rastreliger brachysoma) to the color of light. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 12(1):277-288.
- Genisa, A. S. (1999). Pengenalan jenis-jenis ikan laut ekonomi penting di Indonesia. Oseana, 24(1):17-38.
- Harris, J. E., Newlon, C., Howell, P. J., Koch, R. C., & Haeseker, S. L. (2018). Modelling individual variability in growth of bull trout in the Walla Walla River Basin using a hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27(1):103-115.
- Hartaty, H., & Sulistyaningsih, K. (2014). Pendugaan parameter populasi dan tingkat pemanfaatan ikan madidihang (Thunnus albacares) yang didaratkan di Benoa, Bali. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 20(2):97-103.
- Hestiana, Yasidi, F., & Mustafa, A. (2019). Biologi reproduksi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) di Perairan Wolo Kabupaten Kolaka. Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 4(1):23-30.
- Jaafar, M., Taylor, M., Mohd Nor, S., Bruyn, M., & Carvalho, G. (2020). Comparative genetic stock structure in three species of commercially exploited Indo-Malay Carangidae (Teleosteii, Perciformes). Journal of Fish Biology, 96(2):337-349.
- Kartini, N., Boer, M., & Affandi, R. (2017). Pola rekrutmen, mortalitas, dan laju eksploitasi ikan lemuru (Amblygaster sirm, Walbaum 1792) di Perairan Selat Sunda. Biospecies, 10(1):11-16.
- Khatami, A. M., Yonvitner, & Setyobudiandi, I. (2019). Karakteristik biologi dan laju eksploitasi ikan pelagis kecil di Perairan Utara Jawa. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 11(3):637-651.
- King, M. (1995). Fisheries biology, assessment, and management. Oxford: Fishing News Books Ltd.
- Lawadjo, F. W., Tuli, M., & Pasisingi, N. (2021). Length-weight relationship and condition factor of layang fish (Decapterus russelli) landed at tenda fish landing base, Gorontalo. Jurnal Pengelolaan Perikanan Tropis (Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management), 5(1):44-51.
- Lee, L., Atkinson, D., Hirst, A. G., & Cornell, S. J. (2020). A new framework for growth curve fitting based on the von Bertalanffy growth function. Scientific Reports, 10(1):1-12.
- López-Rocha, J. A., Melo, F. J. F. R., Gastélum-Nava, E., Larios-Castro, E., & Romo-Piñera, A. (2018). Morphometric relationship, growth parameters, and natural mortality as estimated primary inputs for fishery management in newfishing areas for bivalve molluscs (Bivalvia: Veneridae). Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(3):591-600.
- Mata-Estrada, A., González-Cerón, F., Pro-Martínez, A., Torres-Hernández, G., Bautista-Ortega, J., Becerril-Pérez, C. M., Vargas-Galicia, A. J., & Sosa-Montes, E. (2020). Comparison of four nonlinear growth models in creole chickens of Mexico. Poultry Science, 99(4):1995-2000.
- Mustika, P. L. K., Wonneberger, E., Erzini, K., & Pasisingi, N. (2021). Marine megafauna bycatch in artisanal fisheries in Gorontalo, Northern Sulawesi (Indonesia): An assessment based on fisher interviews. Ocean and Coastal Management, 208:105606.
- Muzakir & Suparman. (2016). Strategy of developing Tomini Bay for economic growth of coastal community in Central Sulawesi. Journal of Economics and Policy, 9(1):96-110.
- Ogle, D. H., & Isermann, D. A. (2017). Estimating age at a specified length from the von Bertalanffy growth function. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(5):1176-1180.
- Pasisingi, N., Pramesthy, T. D., & Musyali, A. (2021). Length-weight relationships and sex ratio of Selaroides leptolepis, Cuvier length-weight relationships and sex ratio of Selaroides leptolepis, Cuvier 1833 in Tomini Bay , Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 744(2021):012052.
- Pasisingi, N., Sapira Ibrahim, P., Arsalam Moo, Z., & Tuli, M. (2020). Reproductive biology of oci fish Selaroides leptolepis in Tomini Bay. Journal of Marine Research, 9(4):407-415.
- Pauly, D. (1984). Fish population dynamic in tropical waters: a manual for use with programmable calculators. Manila, Philippines: ICLARM Sudies and Reviews 8. 325 p.
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- Prato, E., Biandolino, F., Parlapiano, I., Papa, L., Denti, G., & Fanelli, G. (2020). Estimation of growth parameters of the black scallop Mimachlamys varia in the gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy). Water (Switzerland), 12(12):3342.
- Ramirez, M. D., Popovska, T., & Babcock, E. A. (2021). Global synthesis of sea turtle von Bertalanffy growth parameters through Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 657:191-207.
- Rasyid, M., Yasidi, F., & Mustafa, A. (2019). Parameter populasi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) di Perairan Wolo Kabupaten Kolaka. Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 4(1):51-59.
- Sala, R., Bawole, R., Runtuboi, F., Mudjirahayu, M., Wopi, I. A., Budisetiawan, J., & Irwanto, I. (2018). Population dynamics of the yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta Cuvier, 1816) in the Wondama Bay Water, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 139(2018):012026.
- Salim, G. (2010). Kajian pertumbuhan ikan beronang tulis (Siganus javus) menggunakan pendekatan von Bertalanffy. Jurnal Harpodon Borneo, 3(1):46-52.
- Sari, T. J. (2018). Karakter morfologi dan truss morphometrics ikan selar bengol (Selar boops) yang didaratkan di PPI Tanjungsari Pemalang. Purwokerto: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
- Septiyawati, S., Fauzi, M., & Efizon, D. (2020). Analisis dinamika populasi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) dalam upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di perairan Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. DEPIK Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan, 9(3):428-434.
- Sparre, P., & Venema, S. (1999). Introduction of tropical fish assessments. FAO.
- Sudradjat, A. (2006). Studi pertumbuhan, mortalitas, dan tingkat eksploitasi ikan selar kuning, Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier dan Valenciennes) di Perairan Pulau Bintan, Riau. Jurnal Perikanan (Journal of Fisheries Sciences), 8(2):223-228.
- Tambun, J., Bakti, D., & Desrita. (2018). The growth and exploitation rate of yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) in the Malacca Strait, Medan Belawan Subdistrict, North Sumatera Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 122(2018):012104.
- Tangke, U., Sangadji, I., Rochmady, R., & Susiana, S. (2018). A population dynamic aspect of selaroides leptolepis in the coastal waters of South Ternate Island, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 11(4):1334-1342.
- Vahabnezhad, A., Taghavimotlagh, S. A., & Salarpouri, A. (2020). Estimation of growth parameters and mortality rate of Upeneus sulphureus (Cuvier, 1829) in the Persian Gulf ecosystem. Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 7(1):69-81.
- Wang, K., Zhang, C., Sun, M., Xu, B., Ji, Y., Xue, Y., & Ren, Y. (2021). Fishing pressure and lifespan affect the estimation of growth parameters using ELEFAN. Fisheries Research, 238:105903.
- Yunanda, T. (2020). Arah kebijakan pengelolaan sumber daya ikan tahun 2020-2024.
Brahma, B., Dash, S., Kar, P. P., & Pani, S. K. (2021). Mathematical model for analysis of COVID-19 outbreak using Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(11):6063-6075.
Cabuga Jr, C. C., Lanes, J. R., Varona, C. J. L., Milloria, M. B., Pondang, J. M. D., Ruales, J. J., Rivera, C. L. R., Cuares, B. H., Batonghinog, R. G., Paler, J. C. C., Roa, J. L. G., Pacaldo, D. L., Guritan, K. C. A., Calamba, R. L. S., & Corporal, A. T. (2019). Application of geometric morphometrics for body shape analysis in Selaroides leptolepis population from Butuan Bay, Philippines. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 7(3):19-26.
Del Norte-Campos, A., Lapara, S. S., Angeli, K., & Sanchez, S. (2021). Population dynamics of the comb pen shell Atrina pectinata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Pinnidae) collected by diving from shallow areas of the southwest Visayan Sea, Northeastern Panay Island, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 150(3):1051-1060.
Du Pontavice, H., Randon, M., Lehuta, S., Vermard, Y., & Savina-Rolland, M. (2018). Investigating spatial heterogeneity of von Bertalanffy growth parameters to inform the stock structuration of common sole, Solea solea, in the Eastern English Channel. Fisheries Research, 207:28-36.
Effendie, M. I. (2002). Biologi perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama.
Fauzan. (2011). Pemetaan daerah potensial penangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) berbasis sistem informasi geografis di Perairan Teluk Tomini Provinsi Gorontalo. Makassar: Universitas Hasanuddin.
Fernandes, F. A., da Silva, í‰. M., de Lima, K. P., Jane, S. A., Fernandes, T. J., & Muniz, J. A. (2020). Parameterizations of the von Bertalanffy model for description of growth curves. Revista Brasileira de Biometria, 38(3):369-384.
Ferse, S., & Glaser, M. (2021). Sustainable livelihoods frameworks in investigating household assets in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 14(1):204-218.
Ford, D. F., Plants-Paris, E. D., & Ford, N. B. (2020). Comparison of louisiana pigtoe (Pleurobema riddellii, Mollusca, Unionidae) growth at three different locations in the Neches River Basin of East Texas. Hydrobiologia, 847(9):2021-2033.
Fuad, F., Baskoro, M. S., Riyanto, M., & Mawardi W. (2020). Physiological response of the eye yellow-striped Scad (Selaroides leptolepis) and short mackerel (Rastreliger brachysoma) to the color of light. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 12(1):277-288.
Genisa, A. S. (1999). Pengenalan jenis-jenis ikan laut ekonomi penting di Indonesia. Oseana, 24(1):17-38.
Harris, J. E., Newlon, C., Howell, P. J., Koch, R. C., & Haeseker, S. L. (2018). Modelling individual variability in growth of bull trout in the Walla Walla River Basin using a hierarchical von Bertalanffy growth model. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27(1):103-115.
Hartaty, H., & Sulistyaningsih, K. (2014). Pendugaan parameter populasi dan tingkat pemanfaatan ikan madidihang (Thunnus albacares) yang didaratkan di Benoa, Bali. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 20(2):97-103.
Hestiana, Yasidi, F., & Mustafa, A. (2019). Biologi reproduksi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) di Perairan Wolo Kabupaten Kolaka. Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 4(1):23-30.
Jaafar, M., Taylor, M., Mohd Nor, S., Bruyn, M., & Carvalho, G. (2020). Comparative genetic stock structure in three species of commercially exploited Indo-Malay Carangidae (Teleosteii, Perciformes). Journal of Fish Biology, 96(2):337-349.
Kartini, N., Boer, M., & Affandi, R. (2017). Pola rekrutmen, mortalitas, dan laju eksploitasi ikan lemuru (Amblygaster sirm, Walbaum 1792) di Perairan Selat Sunda. Biospecies, 10(1):11-16.
Khatami, A. M., Yonvitner, & Setyobudiandi, I. (2019). Karakteristik biologi dan laju eksploitasi ikan pelagis kecil di Perairan Utara Jawa. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 11(3):637-651.
King, M. (1995). Fisheries biology, assessment, and management. Oxford: Fishing News Books Ltd.
Lawadjo, F. W., Tuli, M., & Pasisingi, N. (2021). Length-weight relationship and condition factor of layang fish (Decapterus russelli) landed at tenda fish landing base, Gorontalo. Jurnal Pengelolaan Perikanan Tropis (Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management), 5(1):44-51.
Lee, L., Atkinson, D., Hirst, A. G., & Cornell, S. J. (2020). A new framework for growth curve fitting based on the von Bertalanffy growth function. Scientific Reports, 10(1):1-12.
López-Rocha, J. A., Melo, F. J. F. R., Gastélum-Nava, E., Larios-Castro, E., & Romo-Piñera, A. (2018). Morphometric relationship, growth parameters, and natural mortality as estimated primary inputs for fishery management in newfishing areas for bivalve molluscs (Bivalvia: Veneridae). Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(3):591-600.
Mata-Estrada, A., González-Cerón, F., Pro-Martínez, A., Torres-Hernández, G., Bautista-Ortega, J., Becerril-Pérez, C. M., Vargas-Galicia, A. J., & Sosa-Montes, E. (2020). Comparison of four nonlinear growth models in creole chickens of Mexico. Poultry Science, 99(4):1995-2000.
Mustika, P. L. K., Wonneberger, E., Erzini, K., & Pasisingi, N. (2021). Marine megafauna bycatch in artisanal fisheries in Gorontalo, Northern Sulawesi (Indonesia): An assessment based on fisher interviews. Ocean and Coastal Management, 208:105606.
Muzakir & Suparman. (2016). Strategy of developing Tomini Bay for economic growth of coastal community in Central Sulawesi. Journal of Economics and Policy, 9(1):96-110.
Ogle, D. H., & Isermann, D. A. (2017). Estimating age at a specified length from the von Bertalanffy growth function. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(5):1176-1180.
Pasisingi, N., Pramesthy, T. D., & Musyali, A. (2021). Length-weight relationships and sex ratio of Selaroides leptolepis, Cuvier length-weight relationships and sex ratio of Selaroides leptolepis, Cuvier 1833 in Tomini Bay , Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 744(2021):012052.
Pasisingi, N., Sapira Ibrahim, P., Arsalam Moo, Z., & Tuli, M. (2020). Reproductive biology of oci fish Selaroides leptolepis in Tomini Bay. Journal of Marine Research, 9(4):407-415.
Pauly, D. (1984). Fish population dynamic in tropical waters: a manual for use with programmable calculators. Manila, Philippines: ICLARM Sudies and Reviews 8. 325 p.
Pramudji. (2018). Kondisi umum perairan Teluk Tomini. Jakarta: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.
Prato, E., Biandolino, F., Parlapiano, I., Papa, L., Denti, G., & Fanelli, G. (2020). Estimation of growth parameters of the black scallop Mimachlamys varia in the gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy). Water (Switzerland), 12(12):3342.
Ramirez, M. D., Popovska, T., & Babcock, E. A. (2021). Global synthesis of sea turtle von Bertalanffy growth parameters through Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 657:191-207.
Rasyid, M., Yasidi, F., & Mustafa, A. (2019). Parameter populasi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) di Perairan Wolo Kabupaten Kolaka. Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 4(1):51-59.
Sala, R., Bawole, R., Runtuboi, F., Mudjirahayu, M., Wopi, I. A., Budisetiawan, J., & Irwanto, I. (2018). Population dynamics of the yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta Cuvier, 1816) in the Wondama Bay Water, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 139(2018):012026.
Salim, G. (2010). Kajian pertumbuhan ikan beronang tulis (Siganus javus) menggunakan pendekatan von Bertalanffy. Jurnal Harpodon Borneo, 3(1):46-52.
Sari, T. J. (2018). Karakter morfologi dan truss morphometrics ikan selar bengol (Selar boops) yang didaratkan di PPI Tanjungsari Pemalang. Purwokerto: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
Septiyawati, S., Fauzi, M., & Efizon, D. (2020). Analisis dinamika populasi ikan selar kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) dalam upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di perairan Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. DEPIK Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan, 9(3):428-434.
Sparre, P., & Venema, S. (1999). Introduction of tropical fish assessments. FAO.
Sudradjat, A. (2006). Studi pertumbuhan, mortalitas, dan tingkat eksploitasi ikan selar kuning, Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier dan Valenciennes) di Perairan Pulau Bintan, Riau. Jurnal Perikanan (Journal of Fisheries Sciences), 8(2):223-228.
Tambun, J., Bakti, D., & Desrita. (2018). The growth and exploitation rate of yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) in the Malacca Strait, Medan Belawan Subdistrict, North Sumatera Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 122(2018):012104.
Tangke, U., Sangadji, I., Rochmady, R., & Susiana, S. (2018). A population dynamic aspect of selaroides leptolepis in the coastal waters of South Ternate Island, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 11(4):1334-1342.
Vahabnezhad, A., Taghavimotlagh, S. A., & Salarpouri, A. (2020). Estimation of growth parameters and mortality rate of Upeneus sulphureus (Cuvier, 1829) in the Persian Gulf ecosystem. Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 7(1):69-81.
Wang, K., Zhang, C., Sun, M., Xu, B., Ji, Y., Xue, Y., & Ren, Y. (2021). Fishing pressure and lifespan affect the estimation of growth parameters using ELEFAN. Fisheries Research, 238:105903.
Yunanda, T. (2020). Arah kebijakan pengelolaan sumber daya ikan tahun 2020-2024.