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UFLPlus: An Underwater Fish Lamp Technology as an Innovation of Fish-Luring Aids on Boat Lift Net
Corresponding Author(s) : Fajriah Fajriah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- Dipped lamp technology with CCTV (UFLPlus) to catch fish was designed in such a way that the placement of components contained was integrated, water-proof, and having a good light distribution.
- The existence of a CCTV in new innovated UFLPlus that can record events in the water and greatly assist fishing activities of fishermen on passive fishing gear such as boat charts.
- UFLPlus worked well to increase the number of hauling every night of fishing (from 20-30 kg to 50-60 kg per hauling).
The usage of underwater immersion lights outfitted with CCTV is a technological innovation that is expected to solve the inadequacies of the acoustic work system while also improving the existing underwater immersion light work system. Underwater Fish Lamp Plus (UFLPlus) technology can attract attention and directly monitor the condition of fish in the sea from the boat. The purpose of this study was to understand how the UFLPlus was designed and constructed; to test its performance using lamplight, waterproof, and immersion tests; to learn how the light distribution pattern is formed; and to learn the state of the catch. The study was separated into two phases: the design and fabrication of UFLPlus, and numerous laboratory-scale experiments and outdoor trials with boat lift net fishing gear. The results reveal that UFLPlus performed effectively in the field after all of its physical components were tested in the laboratory, and that the values of light intensity and light distribution patterns are still in accordance with the level of adaptation to light reception on the fish retina. During the trial catch, 62 kg of anchovy (Stolephorus sp.), 27 kg of ponyfishes (Leiognathus sp.), 32.5 kg of fringe-scale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata), and 17.5 kg of yellow-stripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis) were caught. UFLPlus was capable of functioning as an underwater immersion lamp that attracts fish attention and directly monitors the arrival of fish in the water in the fishing area.
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Chairunnisa, S., Setiawan, N., Irkham, I., Ekawati, K., Anwar, A., & Fitri, A. D. P. (2018). Study of AUTO-LION (Automatic Lighting Rumpon) on Fisheries of Stationary Lift Net in Semarang, Central Java. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 116:012052.
Firdawati, C. (2011). Development of computer-based interactive media on surface area and volume of tubes and cones for Junior High School Students Class IX. E-Journal, 6(2011):8-11.
Hamidi, H., Baskoro, M. S., & Riyanto, M. (2017). Penggunaan light emitting diode (LED) celup bawah air dengan warna berbeda: Pengaruhnya terhadap hasil tangkapan bagan perahu (The use of underwater Light Emitting Diode (LED) with different color: its effect to the catch on boat life net). Albacore, I(3):285-296.
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Martasuganda, S. (2008). Jaring insang (gillnet). Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization and Center for Coastal and Ocean Resources Studies. Bogor: IPB University.
Mills, E., Gengnagel, T., & Wollburg, P. (2014). Solar-LED alternatives to fuel-based Lighting for night fishing. Energy for Sustainable Development, 21(1):30-41.
Natiqoh, N. U., Utami, E., & Kurniawan, K. (2017). Perbandingan hasil tangkapan ikan teri (Stolephorus sp.) bagan tancap menggunakan lampu celup dalam air dan lampu di atas permukaan air di perairan Rebo Kabupaten Bangka. Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan, 11(2):36-43.
Shen, S. C., Kuo, C. Y., & Fang, M. C. (2013). Design and analysis of an underwater white LED fish-attracting lamp and its light propagation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 10(3):1-10.
Singh, D. (2015). Fundamentals of optics. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Sistiaga, M., Herrmann, B., Grimaldo, E., Larsen, R. B., & Tatone, I. (2015). Effect of lifting the sweeps on bottom trawling catch efficiency: A study based on the Northeast arctic cod (Gadus morhua) trawl fishery. Fisheries Research, 167(6):164-173.
Sudirman, S., Baskoro, M. S., Purbayanto, A., Moninja, D. R., Jufri, M., & Arimoto, T. (2004a). Adaptasi retina mata ikan layang (Decapterus ruselli) terhadap cahaya dalam proses penangkapan pada bagan rambo di Selat Makassar. Jurnal Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia, 10(2):85-92.
Sudirman, S., Baskoro, M. S., Purbayanto, A., Monintja, D. R., Jufri, M., & Arimoto, T. (2004b). Respon retina mata ikan teri (Stolephorus insularis) terhadap cahaya dalam proses penangkapan pada bagan Rambo. Jurnal Torani Unhas, 3(3):1-14.
Sulkhani, E., Purbayanto, A., Wisodo, S. H., & Mawardi, W. (2014). LED underwater lamp as fish aggregating device on boat liftnet. Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 5(1):83-93.
Taufiq, T., Mawardi, W., Baskoro, M. S., & Zulkarnain, Z., (2016). Pembuatan dan pengembangan lampu LED celup (super bright blue) untuk perikanan bagan apung di Perairan Patek Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Provinsi Aceh. Jurnal Perikanan Tropis, 3(2):177-188.
Telemka, G., Mghamba, M., & Ntarisa, A. (2018). Design of a low-cost underwater LED fishing light attractor. Circuits and Systems, 9(4):67-73.
Thenu, I. M., Puspito, G., & Martasuganda, S. (2013). Penggunaan light emitting diode pada lampu celup bagan. Jurnal Teknologi Manajemen Perikanan Laut, 4(2):141-151.
Wahyu, R. I., Iskandar, B. H., & Wahyudin, E. N. (2009). Pertimbangan desain dan estimasi gaya apung dan gaya tenggelam pada rumpon di perairan Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten. Bulletin PSP, 18(2):1-9.
Wahyu, R., Riyanto, M., Sasmita, S., Syahlevi, R. S., & Purwangka, F. (2020). Pengukuran intensitas dan penetrasi cahaya lampu LED (light emitting diode) bawah air dan TL (tubular lamp) pada bagan rakit. ALBACORE: Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut, 3(2):145-153.
Yami, M. B. (1976). Fishing with light. England: Arrangement with FAO of the United Nations. Farnham, Surrey, England: Fishing News Books Ltd.