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Assessing Price Behavior of Tuna in Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Ketut Sukiyono
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
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- Prices are often a signal for producers to produce or market products, including the price of tuna.
- Four price behaviors, namely trends, seasonal variation, variability and instability, and market integration, are important to study in designing business development plans.
- Tuna prices in Indonesia tend to have a statistically positive trend.
- Tuna prices tend to be stable, or do not have high variability, throughout the observations and indicate a low price risk.
- The price of tuna fish in each port is formed independently and is not influenced and influences each other between the markets observed.
Prices of agricultural and fisheries products have always been a concern not only by producers and consumers but also by the government in designing policies to control and stabilize these prices to protect the poor. Therefore, a study of price behavior is crucial to be scrutinized more deeply and comprehensively. This research is aimed at examining and analyzing tuna (Thunnus spp.) price behavior in terms of their seasonal, trend, variability, and instability behavior as well as their market integration. For this purpose, monthly data of tuna prices from 2011:1 to 2019:12 in five tuna production centers (provinces) in Indonesia, including North Sulawesi, West Papua, Aceh, North Maluku, and Bali, at the national level were applied. It was found that tuna prices have a positive trend and are statistically significant, excluding in West Papua. The study also found that price variability and instability were insignificant during observations. The study also concluded that the tuna price in every single province in Indonesia is formed independently.
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- Kurniawan, D. N., Ghofar, A., Saputra, A.W., & Setyadji, B. (2016). Tingkat eksploitasi ikan tuna sirip biru selatan (Thunnus maccoyii) di Samudera Hindia berdasarkan hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali. Diponegoro Journal of Maquares, 5(4):345-352.
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Arias, G. M., O. Chassot, A. R. Melendez, T. M. Poeyo, & A. Figueroa. (2009). Bi-National Macaw festival to foster the conservation of the Great Green Macaw across borders. V Simposio Mesoamericano de Conservación de Psittaciformes, Belize City, Belize.
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Chatterjee, S., & Kapur, D. (2016). Understanding price variation in agricultural commodities in India: MSP, Government Procurement, and Agriculture Markets. NCAER India Policy Forum 2016. Accessed from
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Hoffmann, R. (1998). Statistics for economists. Sao Paulo: Pioneer. 430 p.
Kaminski J., Christiaensen L., & Gilbert, C. L. (2016). Seasonality in local food markets and consumption: Evidence from Tanzania. Policy Research Working Paper, 7520.
Kekenusa, J. S., Watung, V. N. R., & Hatidja, D. (2012). Analisis penentuan musim penangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) di Perairan Manado Sulawesi Utara. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, 12(2):112-199.
Khajuria, Vinod, Sharma, O. P., & Jain, H. K. (2008). A study on fish production, marketing and price behavior in Udaipur (Rajasthan). Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 22(2):152-169.
KKP (Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan). (2014). Siaran pers: Potensi tuna Indonesia tertinggi di dunia. Retrieved on June 20, 2021 from
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Kumar, V., Sharma, H. R., & Sharma, R. K. (2006). Market arrivals and the price behavior of potato: A study of four metropolitan markets. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 20(1):78-89.
Kumar, P., & Sharma, A. (2006). Price variability and its determinants: An analysis of major foodgrains in India. Indian Economic Review, 41(2):149-172.
Kurniawan, D. N., Ghofar, A., Saputra, A.W., & Setyadji, B. (2016). Tingkat eksploitasi ikan tuna sirip biru selatan (Thunnus maccoyii) di Samudera Hindia berdasarkan hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali. Diponegoro Journal of Maquares, 5(4):345-352.
Lach, S. (2002). Existence and persistence of price dispersion: An empirical analysis. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(3):433-444.
Levy, D. (2007) Price rigidity and flexibility: Recent theoretical developments. Managerial & Decision Economics, 28(6):523-530.
Makbul, Y., Ratnaningtyas, S., & Soniaty, S. (2019). Integration rice price and farmers welfare with error correction model analysis. Archives of Business Research, 7(9):221-228.
Maygirtasari, T., Yulianto, E., & Mawardi, M. K. (2015). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi volume ekspor crude palm oil (CPO) Indonesia. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis, 25(2):1-8.
Miftahuljanah, Sukiyono, K., & Asriani, P. S. (2020). Volatilitas dan transmisi harga cabai merah keriting pada pasar vertikal di Provinsi Bengkulu. Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 38(1):29-39.
Mustapha, M. & Richard, J. C. (2013). Causes, magnitude and consequences of price variability in agricultural commodity market: An African perspective journal. Murdoch University: The Economic Society of Australia.
Nakelse, T., Dalton, T. J., Hendricks, N. P., & Hodjo, M. (2018). Are smallholder farmers better or worse off from an increase in the international price of cereals? Food Policy, 79(C):213-223.
Nasution, M. H., Anwar, S., Fitri, A., & Zohra, A. F. (2019). Forecasting the amount of tuna/madidihang (Yellowfin tuna) landed in PPS Kutaraja Banda Aceh City with the triple exponential smoothing method. Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan, 10(1):8-14.
Neupane H. S., & Calkins, P. (2013). An empirical analysis of price behavior of natural rubber latex: A case of central rubber market Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. In V. N. Huynh, V. Kreinovich, S. Sriboonchitta, K. Suriya (Ed.), Uncertainty analysis in econometrics with applications. advances in intelligent systems and computing. (pp.185-201). Berlin: Springer.
Nidausoleha, O. (2007). Analisis perilaku harga dan keterpaduan pasar komoditas bawang merah di Jawa. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada (unpublish).
Pandit, Arun, P. Samal., & Jyoti R. Mishra. (2012). An analysis of price behavior of rice in Eastern Indian markets. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 26(2):102-109.
Purnomo, B. H. (2012). Peranan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutan untuk menunjang ketahanan pangan di Indonesia. Paper presented at Seminar Nasional Kedaualatn Pangan dan Energi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Trunojoyo, Indonesia.
Rana, R. K., Pandit, A., Pandey, N. K., & Kumar, N. R. (2003). Lack of integration of major potato market in India. Journal of the Indian Potato Association. 30(1/2):205-206.
Rizal, A., Iskandar, Herawati, H., & Dewanti, L. P. (2018). Potret dan review: Strategi pembangunan perikanan dan kelautan. Bandung: Unpad Press.
Sanger, C. L. M., Jusuf, A., & Andaki, J. A. (2019). Analisis orientasi kewirausahaan nelayan tangkap skala kecil dengan alat tangkap "JUBI” di Kelurahan Batulubang Kecamatan Lembeh Selatan Kota Bitung. Akulturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Agrobisnis Perikanan, 7(1):1095-1101
Sharma, H., & Burark, S. S. (2015). A study of seasonal price behaviour and market concentration of maize in Rajasthan. International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, 6(2):282-286.
Sidik, F., Nurani, T. W., Wisudo, S. H. (2013). Mutu dan perdagangan ikan tuna hasil tangkapan longline yang didaratkan di PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta. Buletin PSP, 21(2):157-166.
Singh, D. K., Pynbianglang, K., & Pandey, N. K. (2017). Market arrival and price behaviour of potato in Agra District of Uttar Pradesh. Economic Affairs, 62(2):341-345.
Singh, S., & Ru, C. G. (2019). Price rigidity, market competition, and product differentiation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 32(1):2941-2958.
Singvejsakul, J., Yaovarate, C., & Limnirankul, B. (2021). Modeling the price volatility of cassava chips in Thailand: Evidence from Bayesian GARCH-X Estimates. Economies, 9(3):132.
Sukiyono, K. & Kaban, H. I. (2007). Perilaku harga dan pemasaran ikan hasil tangkapan di Propinsi Bengkulu. Jurnal AGRISEP Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 6(1):116-131.
Sukiyono, K., Cahyadinata, I., Purwoko, A., Widiono, S., Sumartono, E., Arianti, N. N. & Mulyasari, G. (2017). Assessing smallholder household vulnerability to price volatility of palm fresh fruit Bunch in Bengkulu Province. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15:1–15.
Thumar, V. M., Gajipara, H. M., & Khunt, K. A. (2006). Growth and instability in production and export marketing of garlic. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 20(2):25-33.
TMI (Tridge Market Intelegent). (2021). Global export tuna export overview of top 10 countries. Retrieved on June 20, 2021 from
Triarso, I. (2012). Potensi dan peluang pengembangan usaha perikanan tangkap di Pantura Jawa Tengah. Jurnal Saintek Perikanan, 8(1):65-73.
Uktolseja, J. C. B., Gafa, B., & Bahar, S. (1991). Potensi dan penyebaran sumberdaya ikan tuna dan cakalang. In P. Martosubroto, N. Naamin, B.B.A Malik (Ed.), Potensi dan penyebaran sumberdaya ikan laut di Perairan Indonesia. (p. 29-43). Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi.
Widayanti, S., Kiptiyah, S. M., & Semaoen, M. I. (2009). Analisis ekspor kopi Indonesia. Wacana, 12(1):192-203.
Yusuf, R., Arthatiani, F. Y., & Maharani, H. (2017). Peluang pasar ekspor tuna Indonesia: Suatu pendekatan analisis Bayesian. Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 7(1):39-50.