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Effects of Iodine Treatment on the Development of Eggs and Larvae of Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus Bloch, 1787)
Corresponding Author(s) : Huyen Kieu Thi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Iodine is proven to be an effective disinfectant for fish eggs and is commonly used in a hatchery to improve hatching and survival rates. However, tolerance to iodine can vary in different fish species, and it is essential to determine the optimal concentration to ensure successful hatchery production. This study investigated the optimum concentration and exposure time to iodine during incubation to improve rabbitfish larvae's hatching and fertilization rate from 4/2022 – 8/2022 in Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam. The study consisted of two experiments: Experiment 1 focused on different iodine concentrations: 0 ppm (C1), 50 ppm (C2), 100 ppm (C3), and 150 ppm (C4). Experiment 2 explored three exposure times: 10 minutes (T1), 20 minutes (T2), and 30 minutes (T3) to increase the fertilization, hatching, and survival rates at five days post-hatching. Data were compiled, analyzed, and compared by ANOVA using SPSS ver. 22.0. The results showed that 100 ppm iodine concentration at 20 minutes of exposure resulted in the optimum hatching, fertilization, and survival rates of S. guttatus during artificial reproduction. In the future, integrated solutions in the use of iodine solution for egg treatment and natural food supplementation at the larval stage should be recommended to improve the efficiency in artificial hatchery production of Rabbitfish.
Highlight Research
- The concentration and incubation time of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) eggs affect the production efficiency of fingerling fish.
- Iodine concentration of 100ppm for 20 minutes is the best to treat fish eggs before incubation.
- The fertilization rate of eggs, hatching rate, and survival rate of larva after 5 days of hatching when washing by iodine concentration of 100 ppm was 86.44 ±84%, 96.14 ± 1.05%, 58.65 ± 7.60% respectively.
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- Ansari, M., Raissy, M., Shakeryan, A., Rahimi, E., & Fadaeifard, F. (2010). Determination of iodine in the muscles of two marine fish species and lobster from the Persian Gulf. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 8:228-229.
- Aydın, I., Polat, H., Sahin, T., Kolotoğlu, L., & Küçük, E. (2011). Effect of iodine treatment on the hatching rate of black sea turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758), eggs. Journal of FisheriesSciences.com, 5(5):73-78.
- Ayson, F. G. (1989). The effect of stress on spawning of brood fish and survival of larvae of the rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 80(3-4):241-246.
- Ayson, F. G., & Lam, T. J. (1993). Thyroxine injection of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock: Changes in thyroid hormone levels in plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect on larval growth and survival. Aquaculture, 109(1):83-93.
- Béguer, M., Pasquand, S., Noel, P., Girardin, M., & Boet, P. (2008). First description of heavy skeletal deformations in Palaemon shrimp populations of European estuaries is the Gironde (France) case. Hydrobiologia, 607(1):225-229.
- Cabanilla-Legaspi, M. I. C., Traifalgar, R. F. M., de Jesus-Ayson, E. G. T., Andrino-Felarca, K. G. S., & Mamauag, R.E.P. (2021a). Changes in iodide and thyroid hormone levels of hatchery-reared orange-spotted rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch, 1787) during early larval development. Aquaculture Reports, 20:100674.
- Cabanilla-Legaspi, M. I. C., Traifalgar, R. F. M., de Jesus-Ayson, E. G. T., Andrino-Felarca, K.G.S., & Mamauag, R.E.P. (2021b). Growth, metamorphosis and survival of orange-spotted rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) larvae fed sodium iodide-supplemented brine shrimp (Artemia sp.), Aquaculture, 536:736443,
- Duray, M., & Kohno, H. (1988). Effects of continuous lighting on growth and survival of first-feeding larval rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Aquaculture, 72(1-2):73-79.
- El-Gawad, E. A. A., Shen, Z. G., & Wang, H. P. (2015). Efficacy of formalin, iodine, and sodium chloride in the improvement of egg hatching rate and larva survival prior to the onset of exogenous feeding in yellow perch. Aquaculture Research, 47(8):2461-2469.
- Forneris, G., Bellardi, S., Palmegiano, G. B., Sarolia, M., Sicuro, B., Gasco, L., & Zoccarato, I. (2003). The use of ozone in trout hatchery to reduce saprolegniasis incidence. Aquaculture, 221(1-4):157-166.
- Hara, S. (1987). A fundamental study on the seed production of the rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Doctoral thesis. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo.
- Hirazawa, N., Hara, T., Mitsuboshi, T., Okazaki, J., & Hata, K. (1999). Iodophor disinfection of eggs of spotted halibut Verasper variegatus and Red Sea bream Pagrus major. Fisheries Science, 65(3):333-338.
- Iwamoto, K., Chang, C. W., Takemura, A., & Imai, H. (2012). Genetically structured population and
- demographic history of the goldlined spinefoot Siganus guttatus in the northwestern Pacific. Fisheries Science, 78(2):249-57.
- Juario, J. V., Duray, M. N., Duray, V. M., Nacario, J. F., & Almendras, J, M. E. (1985). Breeding and larval rearing of the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 44(2):91-101.
- Kieu, T, H., Pham, T. H. Y., Tran, N. N., Tran, V. P., & Nguyen, Q. L. (2023). Determining the effect of different ecological conditions on the maturation of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus). Journal of Aquaculture & Livestock Production, 4(3):1-8.
- Klaren, P. H. M., Wunderink, Y. S., Yúfera, M., Mancera, J. M., & Flik, G. (2008). The thyroid gland and thyroid hormones in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) during early development and metamorphosis. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:686-694.
- Kohno, H., Hara, S., Duray, M., & Gallego, A. (1988). Transition from endogenous to exogenous nutrition sources in larval rabbitfish Siganus guttatus. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(7):1083-1091.
- Lai, D. P., Pham, T. C., Nguyen, X.S., Do, M. D., Dang, M. D., & Nguyen, Q. T. (2020). Research results on broodstock rearing techniques, reproductive stimulation and incubation of abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) eggs. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 142-148 (in Vietnamese).
- Leatherland, J. F. (2010). Endocrine and reproductive systems, including their interaction with the immune system. Fish Disease and Disorders, 2:85-143.
- Nguyen, Q. L., Tran, N. N., Kieu, T. H., Ngo, T. H. G., & Nguyen, V. H. (2015). Nutritional characteristics and feeding of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) in Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon systems. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(12):562-570.
- Nguyen, V. B., & Vu, N. U. (2020). Effect of Ozone treatment frequency on Mub crab (Scylla paramamosain) egg quality. Can Tho University Journal of Science, 56(5B):176-183.
- Pham, H. Q., & Le, H. M. (2016). Effects of Thyroxin and domperidone on oocyte maturation and spawning performances in the rabbit fish, Siganus guttatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 47:691-700.
- Phuong, T. V., Tuan, N. A., Thuan, N. D., Giang, N. T. H., Ngoc, T. N., Quynh Tram, N. D., & Linh, N. Q. (2022). Effects of protein levels of commercial diets on the growth performance and survival rate of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) at the nursing stage. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 10(5):1115-1120.
- Quinitio, G. F., & Siladan, M. G. (2013). Reproductive performance of Siganus guttatus (Bloch) exposed to dispersed bunker oil. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University, Special Issue, 45-50.
- Rachman Syah, M., Tampangallo, B. R., Undu, M. C., Asaad, A. I. J., & Laining, L. (2020). Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) culture in floating net cage with different stocking densities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 564:012022.
- Stattin, C. (2012). Nursing technique and growth environment of Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus) in the area of Tam Giang lagoon, Thua Thien Hue. Uppsala: Department of Animal Nutrition and Management Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Solbakken, J. S., Berntessen, M. H. G., Norberg, B., Pittman, K., & Hamre, K. (2002). Different iodine and thyroid hormone levels between Atlantic halibut larvae fed wild zooplankton or Artemia from first exogenous feeding until post metamorphosis. Journal of Fish Biology, 61(6):1345-1362.
- Sorrenti, S., Baldini, E., Pironi, D., Lauro A., D'Orazi, V., Tartaglia, F., Tripodi, D., Lori, E., Gagliardi, F., Praticò, M., Illuminati, G., D'Andrea, V., Palumbo, P., & Ulisse, S. (2021). Iodine: Its role in thyroid hormone biosynthesis and beyond. Nutrients, 13(12):4469.
- Srivastava, A., Stoss, J., & Hamre, K. (2011). A study on enrichment of the rotifer Brachionus "Cayman” with iodine and selected vitamins. Aquaculture, 319(3-4):430-438.
- Tran, N. N., Kieu, T. H., Tran, V. P., & Nguyen, Q. L. (2023). The right time to add a commercial feed for rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) from 10 to 25 days of age. Journal of Aquaculture & Livestock Production, 4(3):1-6.
- Triggiani, V., Tafaro, E., Giagulli, V. A., Sabba, C., Resta, F., Licchelli, B., & Guastamacchia E., (2009). Role of iodine, selenium and other micronutrients in thyroid function and disorders. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, 9(3):277-294.
- Truong, V. D. (2022). Status and trends of water quality fluctuations in aquaculture in Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon, Thua Thien Hue province. Journal of Research and Development, 9(128):52-68.
- Venturi, S. (2011). Evolutionary significance of iodine. Current Chemical Biology, 5:155-162.
- Yamano, K. (2005). The role of thyroid hormone in fish development with reference to aquaculture. JARQ: Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 39:161-168.
- Young P. S., & Dueñas, C. E., (1993). Salinity tolerance of fertilized eggs and yolk-sac larvae of the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 112(4):363-377.
- Zawada, A., Polechoñski, R., & Bronowska, A. (2014). Iodine disinfection of sea trout, Salmotrutta (L.), eggs and the effect on egg surfaces. Archives of Polish Fisheries, 22(2):121-126.
Ansari, M., Raissy, M., Shakeryan, A., Rahimi, E., & Fadaeifard, F. (2010). Determination of iodine in the muscles of two marine fish species and lobster from the Persian Gulf. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 8:228-229.
Aydın, I., Polat, H., Sahin, T., Kolotoğlu, L., & Küçük, E. (2011). Effect of iodine treatment on the hatching rate of black sea turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758), eggs. Journal of FisheriesSciences.com, 5(5):73-78.
Ayson, F. G. (1989). The effect of stress on spawning of brood fish and survival of larvae of the rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 80(3-4):241-246.
Ayson, F. G., & Lam, T. J. (1993). Thyroxine injection of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock: Changes in thyroid hormone levels in plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect on larval growth and survival. Aquaculture, 109(1):83-93.
Béguer, M., Pasquand, S., Noel, P., Girardin, M., & Boet, P. (2008). First description of heavy skeletal deformations in Palaemon shrimp populations of European estuaries is the Gironde (France) case. Hydrobiologia, 607(1):225-229.
Cabanilla-Legaspi, M. I. C., Traifalgar, R. F. M., de Jesus-Ayson, E. G. T., Andrino-Felarca, K. G. S., & Mamauag, R.E.P. (2021a). Changes in iodide and thyroid hormone levels of hatchery-reared orange-spotted rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch, 1787) during early larval development. Aquaculture Reports, 20:100674.
Cabanilla-Legaspi, M. I. C., Traifalgar, R. F. M., de Jesus-Ayson, E. G. T., Andrino-Felarca, K.G.S., & Mamauag, R.E.P. (2021b). Growth, metamorphosis and survival of orange-spotted rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) larvae fed sodium iodide-supplemented brine shrimp (Artemia sp.), Aquaculture, 536:736443,
Duray, M., & Kohno, H. (1988). Effects of continuous lighting on growth and survival of first-feeding larval rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Aquaculture, 72(1-2):73-79.
El-Gawad, E. A. A., Shen, Z. G., & Wang, H. P. (2015). Efficacy of formalin, iodine, and sodium chloride in the improvement of egg hatching rate and larva survival prior to the onset of exogenous feeding in yellow perch. Aquaculture Research, 47(8):2461-2469.
Forneris, G., Bellardi, S., Palmegiano, G. B., Sarolia, M., Sicuro, B., Gasco, L., & Zoccarato, I. (2003). The use of ozone in trout hatchery to reduce saprolegniasis incidence. Aquaculture, 221(1-4):157-166.
Hara, S. (1987). A fundamental study on the seed production of the rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Doctoral thesis. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo.
Hirazawa, N., Hara, T., Mitsuboshi, T., Okazaki, J., & Hata, K. (1999). Iodophor disinfection of eggs of spotted halibut Verasper variegatus and Red Sea bream Pagrus major. Fisheries Science, 65(3):333-338.
Iwamoto, K., Chang, C. W., Takemura, A., & Imai, H. (2012). Genetically structured population and
demographic history of the goldlined spinefoot Siganus guttatus in the northwestern Pacific. Fisheries Science, 78(2):249-57.
Juario, J. V., Duray, M. N., Duray, V. M., Nacario, J. F., & Almendras, J, M. E. (1985). Breeding and larval rearing of the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 44(2):91-101.
Kieu, T, H., Pham, T. H. Y., Tran, N. N., Tran, V. P., & Nguyen, Q. L. (2023). Determining the effect of different ecological conditions on the maturation of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus). Journal of Aquaculture & Livestock Production, 4(3):1-8.
Klaren, P. H. M., Wunderink, Y. S., Yúfera, M., Mancera, J. M., & Flik, G. (2008). The thyroid gland and thyroid hormones in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) during early development and metamorphosis. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:686-694.
Kohno, H., Hara, S., Duray, M., & Gallego, A. (1988). Transition from endogenous to exogenous nutrition sources in larval rabbitfish Siganus guttatus. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(7):1083-1091.
Lai, D. P., Pham, T. C., Nguyen, X.S., Do, M. D., Dang, M. D., & Nguyen, Q. T. (2020). Research results on broodstock rearing techniques, reproductive stimulation and incubation of abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) eggs. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 142-148 (in Vietnamese).
Leatherland, J. F. (2010). Endocrine and reproductive systems, including their interaction with the immune system. Fish Disease and Disorders, 2:85-143.
Nguyen, Q. L., Tran, N. N., Kieu, T. H., Ngo, T. H. G., & Nguyen, V. H. (2015). Nutritional characteristics and feeding of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) in Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon systems. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(12):562-570.
Nguyen, V. B., & Vu, N. U. (2020). Effect of Ozone treatment frequency on Mub crab (Scylla paramamosain) egg quality. Can Tho University Journal of Science, 56(5B):176-183.
Pham, H. Q., & Le, H. M. (2016). Effects of Thyroxin and domperidone on oocyte maturation and spawning performances in the rabbit fish, Siganus guttatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 47:691-700.
Phuong, T. V., Tuan, N. A., Thuan, N. D., Giang, N. T. H., Ngoc, T. N., Quynh Tram, N. D., & Linh, N. Q. (2022). Effects of protein levels of commercial diets on the growth performance and survival rate of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) at the nursing stage. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 10(5):1115-1120.
Quinitio, G. F., & Siladan, M. G. (2013). Reproductive performance of Siganus guttatus (Bloch) exposed to dispersed bunker oil. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University, Special Issue, 45-50.
Rachman Syah, M., Tampangallo, B. R., Undu, M. C., Asaad, A. I. J., & Laining, L. (2020). Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) culture in floating net cage with different stocking densities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 564:012022.
Stattin, C. (2012). Nursing technique and growth environment of Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus) in the area of Tam Giang lagoon, Thua Thien Hue. Uppsala: Department of Animal Nutrition and Management Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Solbakken, J. S., Berntessen, M. H. G., Norberg, B., Pittman, K., & Hamre, K. (2002). Different iodine and thyroid hormone levels between Atlantic halibut larvae fed wild zooplankton or Artemia from first exogenous feeding until post metamorphosis. Journal of Fish Biology, 61(6):1345-1362.
Sorrenti, S., Baldini, E., Pironi, D., Lauro A., D'Orazi, V., Tartaglia, F., Tripodi, D., Lori, E., Gagliardi, F., Praticò, M., Illuminati, G., D'Andrea, V., Palumbo, P., & Ulisse, S. (2021). Iodine: Its role in thyroid hormone biosynthesis and beyond. Nutrients, 13(12):4469.
Srivastava, A., Stoss, J., & Hamre, K. (2011). A study on enrichment of the rotifer Brachionus "Cayman” with iodine and selected vitamins. Aquaculture, 319(3-4):430-438.
Tran, N. N., Kieu, T. H., Tran, V. P., & Nguyen, Q. L. (2023). The right time to add a commercial feed for rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) from 10 to 25 days of age. Journal of Aquaculture & Livestock Production, 4(3):1-6.
Triggiani, V., Tafaro, E., Giagulli, V. A., Sabba, C., Resta, F., Licchelli, B., & Guastamacchia E., (2009). Role of iodine, selenium and other micronutrients in thyroid function and disorders. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, 9(3):277-294.
Truong, V. D. (2022). Status and trends of water quality fluctuations in aquaculture in Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon, Thua Thien Hue province. Journal of Research and Development, 9(128):52-68.
Venturi, S. (2011). Evolutionary significance of iodine. Current Chemical Biology, 5:155-162.
Yamano, K. (2005). The role of thyroid hormone in fish development with reference to aquaculture. JARQ: Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 39:161-168.
Young P. S., & Dueñas, C. E., (1993). Salinity tolerance of fertilized eggs and yolk-sac larvae of the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture, 112(4):363-377.
Zawada, A., Polechoñski, R., & Bronowska, A. (2014). Iodine disinfection of sea trout, Salmotrutta (L.), eggs and the effect on egg surfaces. Archives of Polish Fisheries, 22(2):121-126.