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Optimization of Effervescent Tablets in Sensory Acceptance from the Active Ingredients of Fish Protein Hydrolysate and Microalgae Chlorellae sp. powder
Corresponding Author(s) : Tatty Yuniarti
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 17 No. 1 (2025): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Graphical Abstract
Highlight Research
1. FPH and Chlorella sp. microalgae can be used as effervescent tablet ingredients received by panelists.
2. The mixture design method can determine the formula of effervescent tablets made from a combination of FPH and microalgae
3. The best percentage of FPH and microalgae in effervescent tablets was 5.873% and 9.127%.
Effervescent tablets are a promising delivery system for functional food ingredients, offering convenience and enhanced consumer appeal. This study aimed to optimize effervescent tablet formulations incorporating Fish Protein Hydrolysate (FPH) and Chlorella sp. powder using the d-optimal mixture design method. Thirteen formulations were evaluated for sensory attributes (color, aroma, taste, aftertaste, hedonic scores) and chemical properties (protein, lipid, water content). The optimal formulation, consisting of 5.873% FPH and 9.127% Chlorella sp. powder, significantly improved sensory acceptance (p < 0.05), validated by a robust statistical model (R2 = 0.93). Proximate analysis confirmed the nutritional value, with protein contents of 19.60% and 47.68% in FPH and Chlorella sp., respectively, along with flavonoids (2.69%) in Chlorella sp.. These results demonstrate the successful integration of bioactive compounds into effervescent formulations, addressing consumer demand for sustainable and health-promoting products. This research provides a framework for developing innovative functional food products, contributing to the global advancement of nutraceuticals and sustainable food solutions. Future studies should focus on long-term stability, bioavailability, and consumer acceptability to enhance the commercialization potential of these effervescent tablets.
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- Abdel-Karim, O. H., Gheda, S. F., Ismail, G. A., & Abo-Shady, A. M. (2020). Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of Chlorella vulgaris. Delta Journal of Science, 41(1):81-91.
- Adi-Dako, O., Kumadoh, D., Egbi, G., Okyem, S., Addo, P. Y., Nyarko, A., Osei-Asare, C., Oppong, E. E., & Adase, E. (2021). Strategies for formulation of effervescent granules of an herbal product for the management of typhoid fever. Heliyon, 7(10):1-8.
- Agustini, N. W. S., & Winarni, A. H. (2017). Characteristics and antioxidant activity from transparent solid soap enriched with carotenoid crude extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. [in English]. Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 12(1):1-12.
- Aklima, A., Baral, P. K., Amin, M. T., Emon, T. I., & Hossain, M. S. (2020). Formulation and quality optimization of effervescent tablet of glipizide: An approach to comfort anti-diabetic medication. Modern Health Science, 3(2):14-21.
- Aktsoglou, D. C., Kasampalis, D. S., Sarrou, E., Tsouvaltzis, P., Chatzopoulou, P., Martens, S., & Siomos, A. S. (2021). Protein hydrolysates supplement in the nutrient solution of soilless grown fresh peppermint and spearmint as a tool for improving product quality. Agronomy, 11(2):317.
- Ampofo, J., & Abbey, L. (2022). Microalgae: Bioactive composition, health benefits, safety and prospects as potential high-value ingredients for the functional food industry. Foods, 11(12):1-20.
- Annisa, S., Darmanto, Y. S., & Amalia, U. (2017). The effect of various fish species on fish protein hydrolysate with the addition of papain enzyme. Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 13(1):24-30.
- Ares, G., Bruzzone, F., Vidal, L., Cadena, R. S., Giménez, A., Pineau, B., Hunter, D. C., Paisley, A. G. & Jaeger, S. R. (2014). Evaluation of a rating-based variant of check-all-that-apply questions: Rate-all-that-apply (RATA). Food Quality and Preference, 36(1):87-95.
- Das, A., Nayak, Y., & Dash, S. (2021). Fish protein hydrolysate production, treatment methods and current potential uses: A review. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 9(2):195-200.
- Dewi, R., Iskandarsyah, & Octarina, D. (2010). Formulation of granules and effervescent tablets of starfruit extract (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) with varying contents of aspartame sweetener. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 1(2):116-133.
- Dinakarkumar, Y., Krishnamoorthy, S., Margavelu, G., Ramakrishnan, G., & Chandran, M. (2022). Production and characterization of fish protein hydrolysate: Effective utilization of trawl by-catch. Food Chemistry Advances, 1(1):1-9.
- Enriquez JE, G.I. Olivas, P.B. Zamudio-Flores, E. Ortega-Rivas b, S. Perez-Vega b, D. R. S. (2017). Effect of water content on the flowability of hygroscopic powders. Journal of Food Engineering, 205(7):12-17.
- Felberg, I., Deliza, R., Farah, A., Calado, E., & Donangelo, C. M. (2010). Formulation of a soy–coffee beverage by response surface methodology and internal preference mapping. Journal of Sensory Studies, 25(1):226-242.
- Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., Mousavi, S. M., Hamedi, M., & Ghasemlou, M. (2012). Response surface modeling for optimization of formulation variables and physical stability assessment of walnut oil-in-water beverage emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 26(1):293-301.
- Henriques, A., Vázquez, J. A., Valcarcel, J., Mendes, R., Bandarra, N. M., & Pires, C. (2021). Characterization of protein hydrolysates from fish discards and by-products from the North-West spain fishing fleet as potential sources of bioactive peptides. Marine Drugs, 19(6):1-19.
- Hussein, H. A., Syamsumir, D. F., Radzi, S. A. M., Siong, J. Y. F., Zin, N. A. M., & Abdullah, M. A. (2020). Phytochemical screening, metabolite profiling and enhanced antimicrobial activities of microalgal crude extracts in co-application with silver nanoparticle. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 7(39):1-17.
- Ibrahim, N. H., Iqbal, A., Mohammad-Noor, N., Roziawati, M. R., Yanto, D. H. Y., Wilson, L. D., & Mahadi, A. H. (2022). A review on the biological, physical and chemical mitigation of harmful algal bloom. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, 17(2):95-110.
- İpci, K., Öktemer, T., Birdane, L., Altıntoprak, N., Muluk, N. B., Lopatin, D. A., Bellusi, L., Mladina, R., Pawankar, R. & Cingi, C. (2016). Effervescentt tablets: A safe and practical delivery system for drug administration. ENT Updates, 6(1):46-50.
- Kartikasari, S. D., Murti, Y. B., & Mada, U. G. (2015). Effervescent tablets formulation of ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) with variation of citric acid and tartaric acid level. Majalah Obat Tradisional, 20(2):124-132.
- Khodashenas, M., & Jouki, M. (2020). Optimization of stabilized probiotic Doogh formulation by edible gums and response surface methodology: Assessment of stability, viability and organoleptic attributes. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(1):3201-3210.
- Koyande, A. K., Chew, K. W., Rambabu, K., Tao, Y., Chu, D. T., & Show, P. L. (2019). Microalgae: A potential alternative to health supplementation for humans. Food Science and Human Wellness, 8(1):16-24.
- Martinez, Y., Ausina, V., Llena, C., & Montiel, J. M. (2023). Scientific evidence on the efficacy of effervescent tablets for cleaning removable prostheses. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 131(6):1-13.
- Martosuyono, P., Fawzya, Y. N., Patantis, G., & Sugiyono. (2019). Enzymatic production of fish protein hydrolysates in a pilot plant scale. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, 14(2):85-92.
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- Meisner, M., Duda, P., Szulc-Musioł, B., & Sarecka-Hujar, B. (2023). Characteristics of commercial effervescent tablets using selected pharmacopeial and novel analytical methods. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(5):1-13.
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- Parajuli-Baral, K. (2023). Formulation and evaluation of quality parameters of effervescent granules from the potent antioxidant between two variants of the adaptogenic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum L. The Scientific World Journal, 2023(7):1-8.
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Adi-Dako, O., Kumadoh, D., Egbi, G., Okyem, S., Addo, P. Y., Nyarko, A., Osei-Asare, C., Oppong, E. E., & Adase, E. (2021). Strategies for formulation of effervescent granules of an herbal product for the management of typhoid fever. Heliyon, 7(10):1-8.
Agustini, N. W. S., & Winarni, A. H. (2017). Characteristics and antioxidant activity from transparent solid soap enriched with carotenoid crude extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. [in English]. Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 12(1):1-12.
Aklima, A., Baral, P. K., Amin, M. T., Emon, T. I., & Hossain, M. S. (2020). Formulation and quality optimization of effervescent tablet of glipizide: An approach to comfort anti-diabetic medication. Modern Health Science, 3(2):14-21.
Aktsoglou, D. C., Kasampalis, D. S., Sarrou, E., Tsouvaltzis, P., Chatzopoulou, P., Martens, S., & Siomos, A. S. (2021). Protein hydrolysates supplement in the nutrient solution of soilless grown fresh peppermint and spearmint as a tool for improving product quality. Agronomy, 11(2):317.
Ampofo, J., & Abbey, L. (2022). Microalgae: Bioactive composition, health benefits, safety and prospects as potential high-value ingredients for the functional food industry. Foods, 11(12):1-20.
Annisa, S., Darmanto, Y. S., & Amalia, U. (2017). The effect of various fish species on fish protein hydrolysate with the addition of papain enzyme. Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 13(1):24-30.
Ares, G., Bruzzone, F., Vidal, L., Cadena, R. S., Giménez, A., Pineau, B., Hunter, D. C., Paisley, A. G. & Jaeger, S. R. (2014). Evaluation of a rating-based variant of check-all-that-apply questions: Rate-all-that-apply (RATA). Food Quality and Preference, 36(1):87-95.
Das, A., Nayak, Y., & Dash, S. (2021). Fish protein hydrolysate production, treatment methods and current potential uses: A review. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 9(2):195-200.
Dewi, R., Iskandarsyah, & Octarina, D. (2010). Formulation of granules and effervescent tablets of starfruit extract (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) with varying contents of aspartame sweetener. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 1(2):116-133.
Dinakarkumar, Y., Krishnamoorthy, S., Margavelu, G., Ramakrishnan, G., & Chandran, M. (2022). Production and characterization of fish protein hydrolysate: Effective utilization of trawl by-catch. Food Chemistry Advances, 1(1):1-9.
Enriquez JE, G.I. Olivas, P.B. Zamudio-Flores, E. Ortega-Rivas b, S. Perez-Vega b, D. R. S. (2017). Effect of water content on the flowability of hygroscopic powders. Journal of Food Engineering, 205(7):12-17.
Felberg, I., Deliza, R., Farah, A., Calado, E., & Donangelo, C. M. (2010). Formulation of a soy–coffee beverage by response surface methodology and internal preference mapping. Journal of Sensory Studies, 25(1):226-242.
Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., Mousavi, S. M., Hamedi, M., & Ghasemlou, M. (2012). Response surface modeling for optimization of formulation variables and physical stability assessment of walnut oil-in-water beverage emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 26(1):293-301.
Henriques, A., Vázquez, J. A., Valcarcel, J., Mendes, R., Bandarra, N. M., & Pires, C. (2021). Characterization of protein hydrolysates from fish discards and by-products from the North-West spain fishing fleet as potential sources of bioactive peptides. Marine Drugs, 19(6):1-19.
Hussein, H. A., Syamsumir, D. F., Radzi, S. A. M., Siong, J. Y. F., Zin, N. A. M., & Abdullah, M. A. (2020). Phytochemical screening, metabolite profiling and enhanced antimicrobial activities of microalgal crude extracts in co-application with silver nanoparticle. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 7(39):1-17.
Ibrahim, N. H., Iqbal, A., Mohammad-Noor, N., Roziawati, M. R., Yanto, D. H. Y., Wilson, L. D., & Mahadi, A. H. (2022). A review on the biological, physical and chemical mitigation of harmful algal bloom. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, 17(2):95-110.
İpci, K., Öktemer, T., Birdane, L., Altıntoprak, N., Muluk, N. B., Lopatin, D. A., Bellusi, L., Mladina, R., Pawankar, R. & Cingi, C. (2016). Effervescentt tablets: A safe and practical delivery system for drug administration. ENT Updates, 6(1):46-50.
Kartikasari, S. D., Murti, Y. B., & Mada, U. G. (2015). Effervescent tablets formulation of ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) with variation of citric acid and tartaric acid level. Majalah Obat Tradisional, 20(2):124-132.
Khodashenas, M., & Jouki, M. (2020). Optimization of stabilized probiotic Doogh formulation by edible gums and response surface methodology: Assessment of stability, viability and organoleptic attributes. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(1):3201-3210.
Koyande, A. K., Chew, K. W., Rambabu, K., Tao, Y., Chu, D. T., & Show, P. L. (2019). Microalgae: A potential alternative to health supplementation for humans. Food Science and Human Wellness, 8(1):16-24.
Martinez, Y., Ausina, V., Llena, C., & Montiel, J. M. (2023). Scientific evidence on the efficacy of effervescent tablets for cleaning removable prostheses. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 131(6):1-13.
Martosuyono, P., Fawzya, Y. N., Patantis, G., & Sugiyono. (2019). Enzymatic production of fish protein hydrolysates in a pilot plant scale. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, 14(2):85-92.
Mashkour, M., Maghsoudlou, Y., & Shahraki, M. H. (2013). Optimization of roselle beverage formulation using response surface methodology. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 5(2):119-129.
Meisner, M., Duda, P., Szulc-Musioł, B., & Sarecka-Hujar, B. (2023). Characteristics of commercial effervescent tablets using selected pharmacopeial and novel analytical methods. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(5):1-13.
Nagashima, A. I., Pansiera, P. E., Baracat, M. M., & Gómez, R. J. H. C. (2013). Development of effervescent products, in powder and tablet form, supplemented with probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii. Food Science and Technology, 33(4):605-611.
Nguyen, H. T., Bao, H. N. D., Dang, H. T. T., Tómasson, T., Arason, S., & Gudjónsdóttir, M. (2022). Protein characteristics and bioactivity of fish protein hydrolysates from Tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) side stream isolates. Foods, 11(24):1-19.
Parajuli-Baral, K. (2023). Formulation and evaluation of quality parameters of effervescent granules from the potent antioxidant between two variants of the adaptogenic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum L. The Scientific World Journal, 2023(7):1-8.
Permadi, Y., Rahmatullah, St., Prafitri L. D., Putri R. S. A. (2021). Effervescent granule formulation of alpocate seed extract (Persea americana Mill) with acid-basic concentration variation. Proceeding of The 14th University Research Colloquium 2021: Bidang Kesehatan, 722-738.
Petrova, I., Tolstorebrov, I., & Magne, T. (2018). Production of fish protein hydrolysates step by step : Technological aspects, equipment used, major energy costs and methods of their minimizing. International Aquatic Research, 10(3):223-241.
Pietta, P. G. (2000). Flavonoids as antioxidants. Journal of Natural Products, 63(7):1035-1042.
Prayudi, A., Yuniarti, T., Taryoto, A., & Supenti, L. (2020). Chemical and amino acid composition of snapper scrap meat hydrolysate. AACL.Bioflux, 13(4):2228-2241.
Purbasari, D. (2008). Production and characterization of protein hydrolysate from mas ngur shellfish (Atactodea striata). Skripsi. [in English]. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Putalan, R., Munifah, I., Nurhayati, T., & Chasanah, E. (2018). Antioxidant and ace inhibitor potential of stripe trevally fish (Selaroides leptolepis) hydrolysate. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, 13(1):17-22.
Putra, H. A. (2015). Optimization of flakes formula based on sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) and sago (Metroxylon sp.). Thesis. [in English]. Bogor: Fateta. IPB University.
Rajani, C., Kumar, D., & Jaya, D. (2017). Effects of granule particle size and lubricant concentrattion. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53(3):1-8.
Rajkumar, G., Panambara, P. A. H. R., & Sanmugarajah, V. (2022). Comparative analysis of qualitative and quantitative phytochemical evaluation of selected leaves of medicinal plants in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Borneo Journal of Pharmacy, 5(2):93-103.
Ramdani, A. S. (2015). The effect of drinking with limited volume of original instant iced coffee on consumers' multisensory perception using the average method (rate-all-that-apply). Thesis. [in English]. Malang: Faculty of Agriculture Technology. Brawijaya University.
Reddy, A., Norris, D. F., Momeni, S. S., Waldo, B., & Ruby, J. D. (2017). The pH of beverages available to the American consumer. Journal of American Dental Association, 147(4):255-263.
Safi, C., Zebib, B., Merah, O., Pontalier, P. Y., & Vaca-Garcia, C. (2014). Morphology, composition, production, processing and applications of Chlorella vulgaris: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 35(1):265-278.
Şahin, B. Y., Demirtaş, E. A., & Burnak, N. (2016). Mixture design: A review of recent applications in the food industry. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 22(4):297-304.
Sankhalkar, S., & Vernekar, V. (2016). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phenolic and flavonoid content in Moringa oleifera Lam and Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Pharmacognosy Research, 8(1):16-21.
Suparman, A., Susilawati, Y., & Chaerunisaa, A. Y. (2021). Tablet formulation with active ingredients extracts of Indonesian medicinal plants: Review. Majalah Farmasetika, 6(3):234.
Sun, H., Wang, X., Wang, J., Shi, G., & Chen, L. (2020). Influence of the formula on the properties of a fast dispersible fruit tablet made from mango, chlorella, and cactus powder. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(1):479-488.
Tan, V. W. K., Wee, M. S. M., Tomic, O., & Farde, C. G. (2020). Rate-all-that-apply (RATA) comparison of taste profiles for different sweeteners in black tea, chocolate milk, and natural yogurt. Journal of Food Science, 85(2):486-492.
Tan, S., Ebrahimi, A., & Langrish, T. (2019). Controlled release of caffeine from tablets of spray-dried casein gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 88(1):13-20.
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