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Growth and Survival Rate of Pocillopora spp. Fragments on Coral Tree and Coral Table Media in Semut Kecil Island, Anambas Islands
Corresponding Author(s) : Riyanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 17 No. 1 (2025): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Graphical Abstract
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- Pocillopora spp. grew faster on coral tree media (0.55 cm/month) than on coral table media (0.15 cm/month).
- Survival rates were high, with 97.3% on coral trees and 87.0% on coral tables, proving both methods effective.
- Coral growth on table media was slower due to sediment accumulation, while tree media provided more stable growth.
- ANOVA analysis showed no significant effect of transplant media on growth and survival, confirming adaptability.
- Both methods are viable for large-scale coral reef restoration, especially in the Anambas Islands and similar ecosystems.
Pulau Semut Kecil, Anambas Islands, are located within the coral reef triangle, as one of the largest Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Indonesia. Coral reefs possess significant functional attributes within ecosystems, and their condition is progressively deteriorating due to anthropogenic activities. This situation necessitates restoration endeavors, primarily through coral transplantation methodologies. The methods involved the introduction or relocation of donor corals into substrates such as tree transplantation media and tables, exhibiting high success rates. This study was conducted to determine the growth and survival rate of Pocillopora spp. The direct survey approach was used and the different coral transplanting media were statistically analyzed with the ANOVA test and SPSS software. The results of the growth of coral fragments Pocillopora spp. Reported coral tree media and table with an average value of 0.55 cm/month and 0.15 cm/month. The survival rate of Pocillopora spp. coral fragments in tree media and table was 97.3% and 87.0%. The media for dropping coral trees and table did not affect the growth and survival rate. This coral transplantation method can facilitate for the restoration of degraded ecosystem and ecological succession.
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- Ammar, M. S. A., Fahmy, E. G., Mohammed, N., Aisha, B., Wahid, F., Gamal, E. M., Khaled, E. H., Abdelnaby, O., Ali, B., & Amgad, S. (2013). Current trends in coral transplantation-an approach to preserve biodiversity. Journal Biodiversitas, 14(1):43-53.
- Arafat, D., Affandy, A., Subhan, B., Rikardi, N., Madduppa, Putra, E. R., Santoso, P., Setiawan, A., Aprizan, M., Prabowo, B., Muhammad, F., & Hashri, M. S. (2020). Assessing coral reefs condition for rehabilitation site using driver-towed survey in an island of Anambas Island. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Enviromental Science, 429(1):1-9.
- Baker, A. C., Glynn, P. W., & Riegl, B. (2008). Climate change and coral reef bleaching: an ecological assessment of long-term impacts, recovery trends and future outlook. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 80(4):435-471.
- Bellwood, D. R., & Fulton, C. J. (2008). Sediment-mediated suppression of herbivory on coral reefs: decreasing resilience to rising sea levels and climate change? Limnology and Oceanography, 53(6):2695-2701.
- Bouwmeester, J., Daly, J., Zuchowicz, N., Lager, C., Henley, E. M., Quinn, M., & Hagedorn, M. (2023). Solar radiation, temperature and the reproductive biology of the coral Lobactis scutaria in a changing climate. Scientific Reports, 13(1):246-261.
- Combillet, L., Sonia, F. M., Sebastian, M., Jose, A. M. M., Monica, G., & Juan, J. A. (2022). Pocillopora spp. Growth analysis on restoration structures in an Eastern Tropical Pasific upwelling area. PeerJ, 10(1):1-19.
- Curran, A., & Barnard, S. (2021). What is the role of zooxanthellae during coral bleaching? Review of zooxanthellae and their response to environmental stress. South African Journal of Science, 117(7/8):1-7.
- Cruz, D. W. D., Rinkevich, B., Gomez, E. D., & Yap, H. T. (2015). Assesing an abriedged nursery phase for slow growing corals used in coral restoration. Journal Ecological Engineering, 84(11):408-415.
- Cunning, R., Gillette, P., Capo, T., Galvez, K., & Baker, A. C. (2015). Growth tradeoffs associated with thermotolerant symbionts in the coral Pocillopora damicornis are lost in warmer oceans. Coral Reefs, 34(1):155-160.
- Edwards, A. J., Guest, J., Shafir, S., Fisk, D., Gomez, E., Rinkevich, B., Heyward, A., Omori, M., Iwao, K., Dizon, R., Morse, A., Boch, C., Job, S., Bongiorni, L., Levy, G., Shaish, L., & Wells, S. (2010). Reef rehabilitation manual. St Lucia, Australia: The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program.
- Erftemeijer, P. L. A., Riegl, B., Hoeksema, B. W., & Todd, P. A. (2012). Environmental impacts of dredging and other sediment disturbances on corals: A review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(9):1737-1765.
- Goatley, C. H. R., & Bellwood, D. R. (2012). Sediment suppresses herbivory across a coral reef depth gradient. Biology Letters, 8(6):1016-1018.
- Harahap, S. A., Amron, & Supriyadi. (2014). Condition of coral reefs in Anambas Islands. Journal of Aquatics, 5(2):96-103.
- Haris, A., Rani, C., Tahir, A., Burhanuddin, A. I., Samawi, M. F., Tambaru, R., Werorilangi, S., Arniati, & Faisal, A. (2017). Survival and growth of transplantation of ornament coral Acropora sp. in the Village of Tonyaman, Binuang District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Spermonde, 3(2):1-8.
- Harriot, V. J., & Fisk, D. A. (1988). Coral transplantation as reef management option. Proceeding of 6th International Coral Reef Symposium. Australia. 2(2/3):375-379.
- Henley, E. M., Bouwmeester, J., Jury, C. P., Toonen, R. J., Quinn, M., Lager, C. V. A., & Hagedorn, M. (2022). Growth and survival among Hawaiian corals outplanted from tanks to an ocean nursery are driven by individual genotype and species differences rather than preconditioning to thermal stress. PeerJ, 10(1):1-24.
- Horoszowski-Fridman, Y. B., & Rinkevich, B. (2016). Restoration of the animal forests: Harnessing silvicullture biodiversity concepts for coral transplantation. Springer Link: 1-23.
- Houlbre`que, F. & Ferrier-Page`s, C. (2008). Heterotrophy in tropical scleractinian corals. Biological Reviews, 84(1):1-17.
- Kerby, A.B. (2023). Coral-focused climate change adaptation and restoration based on accelering natural process: launching the “Reefs of Hope” paradigm. Oceans, 4(1):13-26.
- Khasanah, R. I., Herawati, E. Y., & Hariati, A. M. (2019). Growth rate of Acropora formosa coral fragments transplanted on different composition of faba kerbstone artificial reef. Biodiversitas, 20(12):3593-3598.
- Knoester, E. G., Groenendijk, M. H., Murk, A. J., & Osinga, R. (2024). “Some like it dirty: Less frequent nursery cleaning can reduce reef restoration costs with limited negative effects on coral performance. Ecological Engineering, 201(4):1-8.
- Kuanui, P., Chavanich, S., Viyakarn, V., Omori, M., & Lin, C. (2015). Effects of temperature and salinity on survival rate of cultured corals and photosynthetic efficiency of zooxanthellae in coral tissues. Ocean Science Journal, 50(2):263-268.
- Liñán-Cabello, M. A., Flores-Ramírez, L. A., Laurel-Sandoval, M. A., Mendoza, E. G., Santiago, O. S., & Delgadillo-Nuño, M. A. (2011). Acclimation in Pocillopora spp. during a coral restoration program in Carrizales Bay, Colima, Mexico. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 44(1):61-72.
- Lizcano-Sandoval, L. D., Londoño-Cruz, E., & Zapata, F. A. (2018). Growth and survival of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) coral fragments and their potential for coral reef restoration in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Marine Biology Research, 14(8):887-897.
- Maneval, P., Jacoby, C. A., Harris, H. E., & Frazer, T. K. (2021). Genotype, nursery design, and depth influence the growth of Acropora cervicornis fragments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(2):1-9.
- Mompala, K., Rondonuwu, A., & Rembet, U. N. W. J. (2017). The growth rate of Acropora sp. transplanted on artificial reefs in Kareko Waters of North Lembeh Sub-District of Bitung City. Platax Journal of Science, 1(2):234-242.
- Mustahal, M & Rahmawaty, N. (2011). Survival and growth rate of transplanted ornamental coral fragments in Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands. [in English]. Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan, 1(1):18-22.
- Mutmainah, H., & Clara, R. S. (2017). Analysis of coral reef cover distribution and mortality index in the waters around Pagai Strait, Mentawai. Jurnal Akuatika Indonesia, 2(1):43-57.
- Najmi, N., Darmarini, A., Razi. N. M, Suriani, M., & Kahar, S. (2023). The current condition of coral reef and fish diversity in Gosong Island, Southwest Aceh. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 15(1):57-70.
- Nasution, M. A., & Munandar, M. (2018). Efficiency of bioreeftech as coral growth media in Rubiah Island Sabang. Journal of Tropical Fisheries, 5(2):207-216.
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- Prameliasari, T. A., Munasik, & Wijayanti, D. P. (2012). Effect of different fragment sizes and transplantation methods on the growth of Pocillopora damicornis coral in Awur Bay, Jepara. [in English]. Journal of Marine Research, 1(1):159-168.
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- Pratiwi, D. B., Ramses, R., & Efendi, Y. (2019). Differences in growth rate and survival rate of Montipora tuberculosa corals derived from transplanted and natural parents. Simbiosa, 8(1):1-10.
- Putra, R. D., Siringiringo, R. M., Suryanti, A., Sari, N. P., Sinaga, M., Hidayati, N. V., Hukom, F. D., Abrar, M., Makatipu, P. C., Sianturi, R., & Ilham, Y. (2021). Impact of marine protected areas on economical important coral reef fish communities: An evaluation of the biological monitoring of coral reef fish in Anambas Islands, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22(10): 4169-4181.
- Rabalais, N. N., Turner, R. E., Díaz, R. J., & Justić, D. (2009). Global change and eutrophication of coastal waters. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(7):1528-1537.
- Ramses, R., Puspita, L., Irham, W., Hamdayani, H. 2019. Restoration of Coastal Ecosystems Through Coral Transplantation and Making Concrete Block Seedling Tables on Sarang Island, Belakang Padang District, Batam City. Minda Baharu, 3(1):42-58.
- Rani, C., Tahir, A., Jompa, J., Faisal, A., Yusuf, S., Werorilangi, S., Arniati. 2017. Success of Coral Reef Rehabilitation Following the 2016 Bleaching Event Using Transplantation Techniques. Spermonde, 3(1):13–19.
- Ricker, W. E., (1975). Computation and Interpretation of biological statistic of fish population. Canada: Bulletin of Fish Research Board of Canada.
- Rogers, C. S., & Ramos-Scharrón, C. E. (2022). Assessing effects of sediment delivery to coral reefs: A Caribbean watershed perspective. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(3):1-23.
- Sandoval, L. D. L., Edgardo, L. C., & Fernando, S. Z. (2018). Growth and survival of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) coral fragments and their potential for coral reef restoration in the Tropical Eastern Pasific. Journal Marine Biology Research, 14(8):887-897.
- Sangpaiboon, P., & Kongjandtre, N. (2023). Growth and survival rate of three transplanted coral taxa (Acropora robusta, Pocillopora damicornis and Platygyra daedalea) on coral reefs in Eastern Thailand. Burapha Science Journal, 28(1):605-628.
- Sawall, Y., Teichberg, M. C., Seemann, J., Litaay, M., Jompa, J., & Richter, C. (2011). Nutritional status and metabolism of the coral Stylophora subseriata along a eutrophication gradient in Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia). Coral Reefs, 30(3):841-853.
- Sugiyono. (2018). Quantitative, qualitative and R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
- Suryadi, L. P. S., Haris, A., & Yanuarita, D. (2022). Spatial distribution of nitrate and phosphate in coral reef waters of bone regency and its feasibility for coral growth sites. Journal of Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 17(1):68-77.
- Thatje, S. (2021). Saving corals from bleaching. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(14):9634-9636.
- Weis, V. M. (2008). Cellular mechanisms of Cnidarian bleaching: stress causes the collapse of symbiosis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(19):3059-3066.
Ammar, M. S. A., Fahmy, E. G., Mohammed, N., Aisha, B., Wahid, F., Gamal, E. M., Khaled, E. H., Abdelnaby, O., Ali, B., & Amgad, S. (2013). Current trends in coral transplantation-an approach to preserve biodiversity. Journal Biodiversitas, 14(1):43-53.
Arafat, D., Affandy, A., Subhan, B., Rikardi, N., Madduppa, Putra, E. R., Santoso, P., Setiawan, A., Aprizan, M., Prabowo, B., Muhammad, F., & Hashri, M. S. (2020). Assessing coral reefs condition for rehabilitation site using driver-towed survey in an island of Anambas Island. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Enviromental Science, 429(1):1-9.
Baker, A. C., Glynn, P. W., & Riegl, B. (2008). Climate change and coral reef bleaching: an ecological assessment of long-term impacts, recovery trends and future outlook. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 80(4):435-471.
Bellwood, D. R., & Fulton, C. J. (2008). Sediment-mediated suppression of herbivory on coral reefs: decreasing resilience to rising sea levels and climate change? Limnology and Oceanography, 53(6):2695-2701.
Bouwmeester, J., Daly, J., Zuchowicz, N., Lager, C., Henley, E. M., Quinn, M., & Hagedorn, M. (2023). Solar radiation, temperature and the reproductive biology of the coral Lobactis scutaria in a changing climate. Scientific Reports, 13(1):246-261.
Combillet, L., Sonia, F. M., Sebastian, M., Jose, A. M. M., Monica, G., & Juan, J. A. (2022). Pocillopora spp. Growth analysis on restoration structures in an Eastern Tropical Pasific upwelling area. PeerJ, 10(1):1-19.
Curran, A., & Barnard, S. (2021). What is the role of zooxanthellae during coral bleaching? Review of zooxanthellae and their response to environmental stress. South African Journal of Science, 117(7/8):1-7.
Cruz, D. W. D., Rinkevich, B., Gomez, E. D., & Yap, H. T. (2015). Assesing an abriedged nursery phase for slow growing corals used in coral restoration. Journal Ecological Engineering, 84(11):408-415.
Cunning, R., Gillette, P., Capo, T., Galvez, K., & Baker, A. C. (2015). Growth tradeoffs associated with thermotolerant symbionts in the coral Pocillopora damicornis are lost in warmer oceans. Coral Reefs, 34(1):155-160.
Edwards, A. J., Guest, J., Shafir, S., Fisk, D., Gomez, E., Rinkevich, B., Heyward, A., Omori, M., Iwao, K., Dizon, R., Morse, A., Boch, C., Job, S., Bongiorni, L., Levy, G., Shaish, L., & Wells, S. (2010). Reef rehabilitation manual. St Lucia, Australia: The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program.
Erftemeijer, P. L. A., Riegl, B., Hoeksema, B. W., & Todd, P. A. (2012). Environmental impacts of dredging and other sediment disturbances on corals: A review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(9):1737-1765.
Goatley, C. H. R., & Bellwood, D. R. (2012). Sediment suppresses herbivory across a coral reef depth gradient. Biology Letters, 8(6):1016-1018.
Harahap, S. A., Amron, & Supriyadi. (2014). Condition of coral reefs in Anambas Islands. Journal of Aquatics, 5(2):96-103.
Haris, A., Rani, C., Tahir, A., Burhanuddin, A. I., Samawi, M. F., Tambaru, R., Werorilangi, S., Arniati, & Faisal, A. (2017). Survival and growth of transplantation of ornament coral Acropora sp. in the Village of Tonyaman, Binuang District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Spermonde, 3(2):1-8.
Harriot, V. J., & Fisk, D. A. (1988). Coral transplantation as reef management option. Proceeding of 6th International Coral Reef Symposium. Australia. 2(2/3):375-379.
Henley, E. M., Bouwmeester, J., Jury, C. P., Toonen, R. J., Quinn, M., Lager, C. V. A., & Hagedorn, M. (2022). Growth and survival among Hawaiian corals outplanted from tanks to an ocean nursery are driven by individual genotype and species differences rather than preconditioning to thermal stress. PeerJ, 10(1):1-24.
Horoszowski-Fridman, Y. B., & Rinkevich, B. (2016). Restoration of the animal forests: Harnessing silvicullture biodiversity concepts for coral transplantation. Springer Link: 1-23.
Houlbre`que, F. & Ferrier-Page`s, C. (2008). Heterotrophy in tropical scleractinian corals. Biological Reviews, 84(1):1-17.
Kerby, A.B. (2023). Coral-focused climate change adaptation and restoration based on accelering natural process: launching the “Reefs of Hope” paradigm. Oceans, 4(1):13-26.
Khasanah, R. I., Herawati, E. Y., & Hariati, A. M. (2019). Growth rate of Acropora formosa coral fragments transplanted on different composition of faba kerbstone artificial reef. Biodiversitas, 20(12):3593-3598.
Knoester, E. G., Groenendijk, M. H., Murk, A. J., & Osinga, R. (2024). “Some like it dirty: Less frequent nursery cleaning can reduce reef restoration costs with limited negative effects on coral performance. Ecological Engineering, 201(4):1-8.
Kuanui, P., Chavanich, S., Viyakarn, V., Omori, M., & Lin, C. (2015). Effects of temperature and salinity on survival rate of cultured corals and photosynthetic efficiency of zooxanthellae in coral tissues. Ocean Science Journal, 50(2):263-268.
Liñán-Cabello, M. A., Flores-Ramírez, L. A., Laurel-Sandoval, M. A., Mendoza, E. G., Santiago, O. S., & Delgadillo-Nuño, M. A. (2011). Acclimation in Pocillopora spp. during a coral restoration program in Carrizales Bay, Colima, Mexico. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 44(1):61-72.
Lizcano-Sandoval, L. D., Londoño-Cruz, E., & Zapata, F. A. (2018). Growth and survival of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) coral fragments and their potential for coral reef restoration in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Marine Biology Research, 14(8):887-897.
Maneval, P., Jacoby, C. A., Harris, H. E., & Frazer, T. K. (2021). Genotype, nursery design, and depth influence the growth of Acropora cervicornis fragments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(2):1-9.
Mompala, K., Rondonuwu, A., & Rembet, U. N. W. J. (2017). The growth rate of Acropora sp. transplanted on artificial reefs in Kareko Waters of North Lembeh Sub-District of Bitung City. Platax Journal of Science, 1(2):234-242.
Mustahal, M & Rahmawaty, N. (2011). Survival and growth rate of transplanted ornamental coral fragments in Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands. [in English]. Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan, 1(1):18-22.
Mutmainah, H., & Clara, R. S. (2017). Analysis of coral reef cover distribution and mortality index in the waters around Pagai Strait, Mentawai. Jurnal Akuatika Indonesia, 2(1):43-57.
Najmi, N., Darmarini, A., Razi. N. M, Suriani, M., & Kahar, S. (2023). The current condition of coral reef and fish diversity in Gosong Island, Southwest Aceh. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 15(1):57-70.
Nasution, M. A., & Munandar, M. (2018). Efficiency of bioreeftech as coral growth media in Rubiah Island Sabang. Journal of Tropical Fisheries, 5(2):207-216.
Nedimyer, K., Gaines, K., & Roach, S. (2011). Coral tree nursery: An innovative approach to growing corals in an ocean-based field nursery. AACL Bioflux, 4(4):442-446.
Prameliasari, T. A., Munasik, & Wijayanti, D. P. (2012). Effect of different fragment sizes and transplantation methods on the growth of Pocillopora damicornis coral in Awur Bay, Jepara. [in English]. Journal of Marine Research, 1(1):159-168.
Prastiwi, D. I., Soedharma, D., & Subhan, B. (2012). Growth of transplanted soft coral Lobophytum strictum in recirculation system with different light conditions. Bonorowo Wetlands, 2(1):31-39.
Pratiwi, D. B., Ramses, R., & Efendi, Y. (2019). Differences in growth rate and survival rate of Montipora tuberculosa corals derived from transplanted and natural parents. Simbiosa, 8(1):1-10.
Putra, R. D., Siringiringo, R. M., Suryanti, A., Sari, N. P., Sinaga, M., Hidayati, N. V., Hukom, F. D., Abrar, M., Makatipu, P. C., Sianturi, R., & Ilham, Y. (2021). Impact of marine protected areas on economical important coral reef fish communities: An evaluation of the biological monitoring of coral reef fish in Anambas Islands, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22(10): 4169-4181.
Rabalais, N. N., Turner, R. E., Díaz, R. J., & Justić, D. (2009). Global change and eutrophication of coastal waters. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(7):1528-1537.
Ramses, R., Puspita, L., Irham, W., Hamdayani, H. 2019. Restoration of Coastal Ecosystems Through Coral Transplantation and Making Concrete Block Seedling Tables on Sarang Island, Belakang Padang District, Batam City. Minda Baharu, 3(1):42-58.
Rani, C., Tahir, A., Jompa, J., Faisal, A., Yusuf, S., Werorilangi, S., Arniati. 2017. Success of Coral Reef Rehabilitation Following the 2016 Bleaching Event Using Transplantation Techniques. Spermonde, 3(1):13–19.
Ricker, W. E., (1975). Computation and Interpretation of biological statistic of fish population. Canada: Bulletin of Fish Research Board of Canada.
Rogers, C. S., & Ramos-Scharrón, C. E. (2022). Assessing effects of sediment delivery to coral reefs: A Caribbean watershed perspective. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(3):1-23.
Sandoval, L. D. L., Edgardo, L. C., & Fernando, S. Z. (2018). Growth and survival of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) coral fragments and their potential for coral reef restoration in the Tropical Eastern Pasific. Journal Marine Biology Research, 14(8):887-897.
Sangpaiboon, P., & Kongjandtre, N. (2023). Growth and survival rate of three transplanted coral taxa (Acropora robusta, Pocillopora damicornis and Platygyra daedalea) on coral reefs in Eastern Thailand. Burapha Science Journal, 28(1):605-628.
Sawall, Y., Teichberg, M. C., Seemann, J., Litaay, M., Jompa, J., & Richter, C. (2011). Nutritional status and metabolism of the coral Stylophora subseriata along a eutrophication gradient in Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia). Coral Reefs, 30(3):841-853.
Sugiyono. (2018). Quantitative, qualitative and R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Suryadi, L. P. S., Haris, A., & Yanuarita, D. (2022). Spatial distribution of nitrate and phosphate in coral reef waters of bone regency and its feasibility for coral growth sites. Journal of Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 17(1):68-77.
Thatje, S. (2021). Saving corals from bleaching. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(14):9634-9636.
Weis, V. M. (2008). Cellular mechanisms of Cnidarian bleaching: stress causes the collapse of symbiosis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(19):3059-3066.