Sorong Regency in West Papua Province, is an endemic area of malaria and dengue.
The aims of this community service were 1) To increase the knowledge level of children
about malaria and dengue, 2) To increase the skill of children in monitoring Aedes
mosquito larvae, 3) To identify the proportion of anemia in children. The methods
included 1) giving information about malaria and dengue, 2) cadre training of Aedes
mosquito larvae monitoring, 3) Hb level examination. The targets were students in
Elementary School Inpres 24 and Public Elementary School 22, in Sorong. The results
showed no difference (p>0.05) of knowledge level between before and after giving
information. During 4 weeks of monitoring mosquito larvae, the mean percentage of
students' house of Elementary School Inpres 24 and Public Elementary School 22 with
positive mosquito larvae were 57% and 60.3%, respectively. Most (60%) of students
suffered from anemia in Public Elementary School 22, while only 38% of those in
Elementary School Inpres 24. Conclusion: Giving information was not able to increase
knowledge level on malaria and dengue in elementary school students in Sorong. They
had a good capability to monitor mosquito larvae. The proportion of anemia in
elementary school students in Sorong was 38-60%.
Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat, merupakan daerah endemis malaria dan dengue.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan anak
tentang malaria dan dengue, 2) Meningkatkan ketrampilan anak dalam memantau jentik
nyamuk Aedes serta 3) Mengidentifikasi proporsi anemia pada anak. Metode kegiatan
pengabdian masyarakat meliputi: 1) Penyuluhan tentang malaria dan dengue, 2)
Pelatihan kader pemantau jentik nyamuk Aedes, 3) Pemeriksaan kadar Hb, untuk
mendeteksi anemia. Sasaran kegiatan adalah siswa di SD Inpres 24 dan SD Negeri 22,
kabupaten Sorong. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan tidak ada beda (p>0.05) tingkat
pengetahuan antara sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan. Selama 4 minggu pemantauan,
rerata persentase rumah siswa SD Inpres 24 dengan jentik nyamuk positif sebesar
57.9%; sedangkan rerata persentase rumah siswa SD Negeri 22 dengan jentik nyamuk
positif sebesar 60.3%. Sebagian besar (60%) siswa di SD Negeri 22 menderita anemia,
sedangkan di SD Inpres 24 sebanyak 38% siswa menderita anemia. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan belum dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang malaria dan dengue pada siswa SD di Sorong. Siswa mampu melakukan pemantauan jentik nyamuk. Proporsi anemia pada siswa SD di Sorong sebesar 38-60%.
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