Widespread of Covid-19 throughout the world in a fast rate pushes WHO to declare its status as a global pandemic. In February 2021, the virus have been already infecting 233 nations in the world. The effect of Covid-19 is present in all aspect of society, and one of them is education sector. The most prominent effect of Covid-19 on education is the erasure of traditional learning method through physical class, and the encouraged uses of online learning. Nevertheless, with the usage of e-learning contain several disadvantages, and one of them is the ineffectiveness of student to understand the courses and skills necessary in the education. In fact, according to several sources, student who come from lower social-economi classes in society tend to fail at grasping and understanding lesson from the teachers in the online-learning context,compared to the higher-upper clasess student. From those problems, we tried to provide a solution in the form of tutoring program which will be held at Pucang Arjo, Kelurahan Kertajaya, Kecamatan gubeng, which the majority of the people who live in here come from the lower social-economic status and profession, for instance, market merchant, driver of online transportation, and all other low-income job that makes their children ignored in terms of education aspect. The purpose of this community service is to help the students in terms of knowledge, skills, and understanding towards their courses in their respective grades. Methods used in this community service is by the means of tutoring them while also maintaining healthy protocols to prevent covid-19 spread. The result of this community service, are, the tutoring programs are succesfully held within 1 weeks and being responded by the students positively. This is indicated by the enthusiasm from the participants. Also, the knowledge, understanding, and skills from the students rises significantly after the program was held. With this tutoring programs, the students which mainly composed from kindergarten and elementary grade, gain more knowledge and skills after participating in this program.
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