Hearing loss can disrupt communication, which has an impact on social, school, and work environments. Early detection and management of hearing loss can prevent it. The community is hoped to be contributed by raising awareness of hearing loss and its prevention. Therefore, educational activities in the form of counseling and training were carried out for various groups in Kalibaru Kulon village, Kalibaru Sub District, Banyuwangi District, East Java. The aim of the counseling and training on early detection of hearing loss for medical personnel is to increase their knowledge and skills at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) to perform early detection and management of hearing loss. The purpose of hearing health counseling activities for "Satya Kencana” youth organizations is to increase their knowledge as a strategic age in the community to engage in early detection of hearing loss activities in the community. The training of medical personnel was conducted through lectures, practice skills, and questions and answers (Q&A), the average pre-test result was 47,67 (15,69) and the average post-test was 80,67 (22,73). The comparison of both results had significantly different results (p<0,0001). Hearing health counseling for "Satya Kencana” youth organizations was conducted with lectures and Q&A. The average pre-test result was 53,08 (13,72) and the average post-test result was 86,28 (20,81). The comparison of both results also showed significantly different results (p<0,0001).
Gangguan pendengaran dapat mengganggu komunikasi yang berdampak pada lingkungan sosial, sekolah, dan pekerjaan. Gangguan pendengaran dapat dicegah dengan deteksi dan penatalaksanaan dini gangguan pendengaran. Diharapkan masyarakat dapat berkontribusi dengan meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap gangguan pendengaran dan pencegahannya. Sehingga dilaksanakan kegiatan edukasi berupa penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk berbagai kalangan di desa Kalibaru Kulon Kecamatan Kalibaru Kabupaten Banyuwangi Jawa Timur. Tujuan kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran untuk tenaga medis adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tenaga medis di puskesmas untuk melakukan deteksi dan penatalaksanaan dini gangguan pendengaran. Tujuan kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan pendengaran untuk karang taruna Satya Kencana adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan karang taruna sebagai usia strategis di masyarakat untuk berperan serta dalam kegiatan deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran di masyarakat. Pelatihan tenaga medis dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, praktek ketrampilan, dan tanya jawab dengan hasil rata-rata pre test 47,67 (+15,69) dan rata-rata post test 80,67 (+22,73). Perbandingan hasil pre test dan post test didapatkan hasil yang berbeda signifikan (p<0,0001). Penyuluhan kesehatan pendengaran untuk karang taruna Satya Kencana dilaksanakan dengan ceramah dan tanya jawab dengan hasil rata-rata pre test 53,08 (+13,72) dan rata-rata post test 86,28 (+20,81). Perbandingan hasil pre test dan post test didapatkan hasil yang berbeda signifikan (p<0,0001).
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