Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, so many victims died. Seeing an increase in Covid-19 cases, the government made a physical distancing policy to reduce the spread of Covid-19. However, this policy has an impact on hampered economic activity. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2020, the number of poor people in March 2020 was 26.42 million people, an increase of 1.63 million people compared to September 2019. In addition, the Indonesian economy in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the second quarter of 2019 experienced a growth contraction of 5.32 percent (y-on-y). One of the groups of people who feel the impact of the Covid-19 on the family's economic condition is a group of people with disabilities. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many people with disabilities have lost their jobs. In addition, some of them have succeeded in developing cooperatives. Currently, there are many Cooperatives for Persons with Disabilities. However, their work is lacking in demand due to declining demand in the market. Therefore, this is the background for community service activities to increase business volume through optimizing the use of digital platforms at the Indonesian Disability Cooperative. With business assistance for people with disabilities, it can help improve the skills of people with disabilities and help promote their products so that they can expand the marketing reach of products for people with disabilities. Thus, the income of persons with disabilities will increase.
Keywords: Cooperatives, Disability, Digital Platform, Covid-19
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19, sehingga banyak korban meninggal. Melihat adanya peningkatan kasus Covid-19, pemerintah membuat kebijakan pysical distancing untuk mengurangi penyebaran Covid-19. Namun, kebijakan tersebut berdampak pada aktivitas perekonomian yang terhambat. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2020, jumlah penduduk miskin pada Maret 2020 sebesar 26,42 juta orang, meningkat 1,63 juta orang terhadap September 2019. Selain itu, ekonomi Indonesia triwulan II-2020 terhadap triwulan II-2019 mengalami kontraksi pertumbuhan sebesar 5,32 persen (y-on-y). Salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang merasakan dampak adanya Covid-19 terhadap kondisi perekonomian keluarga yaitu kelompok masyarakat penyandang disabilitas. Sejak adanya pandemi Covid-19, banyak dari para penyandang disabilitas yang kehilangan pekerjaannya. Disamping itu, sebagian dari mereka telah berhasil mengembangkan koperasi. Saat ini telah banyak Koperasi Penyandang Disabilitas. Namun demikian, hasil karya mereka sepi peminat karena permintaannya yang menurun di pasar. Oleh karena itu, hal tersebut menjadi latar belakang kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dalam rangka peningkatan volume usaha melalui optimalisasi penggunaan plaftom digital pada Koperasi Disabilitas Indonesia. Dengan adanya pendampingan usaha untuk penyandang disabilitas, maka dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan para penyandang disabilitas serta membantu memasarkan produknya sehingga dapat memperluas jangkauan pemasaran produk para penyandang disabilitas. Dengan demikian, maka pendapatan para penyandang disabilitas akan meningkat.
Kata Kunci: Koperasi, Disabilitas, Platform Digital, Covid-19
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