Himmatun Ayat was an orphanage located on Jalan Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya, East Java which aimed to build public awareness of orphans, poor people, and neglected children in achieving their goals for a better future. The problems faced by the Himmatun Ayat orphanage during the COVID-19 pandemic were the decline in turnover and market saturation for their products. The solution was to evoke entrepreneurship development during the pandemic with innovation and technology by providing training on the manufacture of various flavors pasteurized milk, yogurt, and packaging methods to increase the economic value of the product so it could increase the income of the Himmatun Ayat Orphanage. The implementation of this activity was carried out by three methods: 1. Counseling, 2. Training, and 3. Monitoring and evaluation. The result obtained from this community service was all participants displayed the results of pasteurized milk and yogurt products as well as good packaging according to what was conveyed. The successful application of technology through community service could increase the income and welfare of the Himmatun Ayat Orphanage.
Keywords: pasteurized milk, yogurt, packaging, orphanage, community service.
Himmatun Ayat merupakan lembaga panti asuhan yang di Jalan Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya, Jawa Timur yang bertujuan membangun kepedulian masyarakat kepada anak-anak yatim, kaum dhuafa dan anak terlantar dalam meraih cita-cita menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Permasalahan yang dihadapi panti asuhan Himmatun Ayat saat pandemi COVID-19 ini adalah penurunan omset dan kejenuhan pasar terhadap produk mereka. Solusinya membangkitkan pengembangan kewirausahaan di masa pandemi dengan inovasi dan teknologi dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan produk susu pasteurisasi aneka rasa, yoghurt dan cara pengemasannya untuk menambah nilai ekonomis produk sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan Panti Asuhan Himmatun Ayat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan tiga metode: 1) Penyuluhan, 2) Pelatihan, dan 3) Monitoringdan evaluasi. Hasil yang didapat dari pengabdian masyarakat ini semua peserta menampilkan hasil produk susu pasteurisasi dan yoghurt serta kemasan yang bagus sesuai dengan yang disampaikan. Keberhasilan pengaplikasian teknologi melalui pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan Panti Asuhan Himmatun Ayat.
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