The Effectiveness of Digital Pocketbook for the Transformation of the Knowledge and Attitude of Adolescent Girls about the Prevention of Anemia
Efektifitas Buku Saku Digital untuk Transformasi Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Putri tentang Pencegahan Anemia

Background: Anemia is a significant health issues among adolescent girls, negatively impacting their life cycle. Bogor City has an anemia prevalence of 28%. The Indonesian Ministry of Health has introduced a digital pocketbook "Prevention of Anemia for Pregnant Women and Adolescent Girls", an educational tool.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the digital pocketbook in improving the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls about preventing anemia.
Methods: This quasi-experiment study used Pretest-Posttest with Control Group design. Samples were purposively chosen from female students in four junior high schools in Bogor (40 students per group per school). Group 1 received Digital Pocket Book with Presentatio, Group 2 received Digital Pocket Book only, and Group 3 served as Control. Changes in knowledge and attitude scores before and after the intervention were analyzed using Wilcoxon test, while the difference among the three groups were tested using Kruskall-Wallis tests with post-hoc analysis (p-value<0.05).
Results: Before the intervention, knowledge and attitudes score was relatively homogeneous (p-value=0.068 and 0.695). After the intervention, Group 1 and 2 showed significant improvements compared to the control. Group 1's knowledge increased significantly (3.01 ± 3.613), followed by Group 2 (1.78 ± 2.947). Attitude improvement was also highest in Group 1 (5.10 ± 7.947), followed by Group 2 (2.65 ± 7.118). Additionally, 95% of respondents rated the digital pocketbook as excellent.
Conclusions: The digital pocketbook iss considered effective and informative in improving the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls about preventing anemia, regardless of additional explanation.
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