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Effect of Combination of Averrhoa bilimbi Extract and Curcuma longa Extract on LDL Levels in Rats Fed a High Fat Diet

Studi Eksperimental Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar yang diinduksi Pakan Tinggi Lemak

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Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which blood fat levels are too high, so they can clog blood vessels and are a risk factor for CHD. Alternative treatments such as flavonoids in starfruit are known to reduce cholesterol and LDL levels, and curcumin in turmeric can reduce fat absorption and increase fat expenditure.

Objectives: This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of belimbing wuluh and turmeric extracts on LDL levels.

Methods: Experimental study with a post test only design with control group design using male wistar rats divided into 6 random groups. KN group (standard feed, 28 days aquadest), K-, K+, P1, P2, P3 (14 days high cholesterol diet, followed by standard feed and aquadest and simvastatin 0.18 mg/200grBB/day, combination of starfruit extract 240mg/200grBB /day and turmeric extract 270 mg/200grBB/day, starfruit extract 360mg/200grBB/day and turmeric extract 135mg/200grBB/day, starfruit extract 120mg/200grBB/day and turmeric extract 405mg/200grBB/day for 14 days.

Results: The mean results of LDL levels were KN (53.60 ± 10.69), K- (193.40 ± 16.86), K + (100.20 ± 42.48), P1 (118.00 ± 64.71), P2 (104.00 ± 45.28), P3 (78.00 ± 4.69). The data obtained were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, the results obtained differences in LDL levels between various groups (p <0.001), then continued with the Mann-Whitney test on KN compared to K-, K+, P1, P2, P3 showed p = 0.009 so that there were differences significant LDL levels between KN and K-, K+, P1, P2, P3.

Conclusions: The conclusion obtained was that the combination of belimbing wuluh extract and turmeric extract at P1 was proven to reduce LDL with an average (118.00 ± 64.71), at T2 it was (104.00 ± 45.28), and at T3 it was (78.00 ± 4,69). Thus, P3 is the most optimal dose in lowering LDL.

Keywords: Belimbing wuluh, turmeric, flavonoids, curcumin, LDL, cholesterol, hypercholesterolemia, antihypercholesterolemia

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