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Penambahan Ekstender Madu Dalam Proses Penyimpanan Sperma Beku Terhadap Motilitas Dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa Ikan Komet (Carassius auratus auratus)
[Additions Extender Honey In Frozen Sperm Storage Process Against Sperm Motility And Viability Comet Fish (Carassius auratus auratus) ]
Corresponding Author(s) : Boedi Setya Rahardja
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
The development of fish culture is strongly influenced by hatchery technology, especially in the stock of fish seed. Often, the problem arises in the stock of seeds, due to the maturation of gametes, broadstock fish sometimes do not happen simultaneously, one of alternative solution to the problem through the application of reproductive biotechnology, is preservation of sperm (Dirjennak, 2007). Preservation sperm is to optimize the male broadstock (Dirjennak, 2007). This storage process requires diluent and cryoprotectant material that could sustain sperm motility (Zaenab, 2007). Diluent material is used to reduce the activity of spermatozoa that inhibit energy usage and prolong the life of sperm (Rustidja, 2000). The use of honey as a diluent material is expected to support the vitality of spermatozoa. Material of honey there are various combinations of materials a simple sugar and salt ions. With the combination of basic ingredients and simple sugar salt ions spermatozoa can produce an energy source so it can defend itself and can fertilize an egg cell after Cryoperservation process. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of adding extender honey in enhancing sperm motility and viability of fish comet after the freezing process and to determine the best dose of honey in the process of freezing sperm comet fish (Carassius auratus auratus). This research was conducted at the Laboratory Center for Artificial Insemination Singosari. The design use Completely Randomized Design (CRD) followed by Duncan's multiple range test. Test materials in this research is sperm comet fish are packed in mini straw and stored in liquid nitrogen container with 9 treatments and 3 replications. Media diluent used was physiological NaCl is added to honey, glucose, fructose, and Tris Aminomethane. Honey dosages of the experiments were 0.3% (A); 0.4% (B), 0.5% (C), 0.6% (D) and 0.7% (E) and 0.05% glucose (KG); fructose 0.05% (KF), Tris Aminomethane (KT) and without the addition of physiological NaCl (KN). The main parameters of observed percentage of live sperm and duration of motion. The supporting parameters measured were fresh sperm concentration, percentage of live sperm fresh, long fresh sperm, pH, volume and color of sperm. The results of the research shows that the addition of honey with different dosage at diluents material physiological NaCl gived significant effect (P <0.05) against the percentage of sperm motion and long life. Average percentage of long life and highest sperm obtained by treatment of the addition of honey 0.6% (D), ie 63.89% and 101.33 seconds. Average lowest percentage of life gained by treatment of honey 0.3% (C) that were 39.67 second while the lowest was in motion treatment control without the addition of (KN) that were 28.33 seconds.
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Billard R., J. Cosson, G. Perchec and. O. Linhart. 1995. Biology of Sperm and Artificial Reproduction in Carp. Aquaculture vol. 129 : 95-112.
Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. 2007. Petunjuk Teknis Produksi dan Distribusi Semen Beku. Departeman Pertanian Direktorat Jendral Perternakan. Jakarta. hal 531-536.
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Fujaya, Y. 2002. Fisiologi Ikan. Proyek Peningkatan Penelitian Pendidikan Tinggi Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta. Hal. 160-163.
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Harper, H. A., P. A. Mayes, D. K. Graner, V. W. Rodwell and D. W. Martin. 1984. Review of physiology Chemistry, 19th. Ed. Diterjemahkan oleh Darmawan. Buku Kedokteran, ECG. Jakarta. hal. 164-175.
Hidayaturrahmah. 2007. Waktu Motilitas dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L) Pada Beberapa Konsentrasi Fruktosa. Jurnal Bioscientiae. hal 9-18.
Kilawati, Y. 2004. Kualitas Sperma Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) pada Umur Ikan Yang Berbeda. Artikel Ilmiah Tesis. Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. hal 5.
Kusriningrum,R.S. 2008. Perancangan Percobaan. Airlangga University Press. Surabaya. hal 43-87.
Nuryadi dan Siddiq, 2002. Teknik Inseminasi Buatan. Balai Inseminasi Buatan Singosari. Malang. Hal 10-16.
Partodiharjo,S.1992. Ilmu Reproduksi Hewan. Jurusan Reproduksi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Penerbit Mutiara Sumber Widya. Jakarta.hal 519-571.
Puspitasari, R. 2006. Pengaruh Penambahan Glukosa pada Media Ekstender dalam Proses Penyimpanan Sperma Beku Terhadap Kualitas Sperma Ikan Patin (Pangasius suchi). Fakultas Perikanan. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. hal 16-25.
Rustidja. 2000. Prospek Pembekuan Ikan. Fakultas Perikanan Brawijaya. Malang. hal 46-52.
Salisbury, G. W. and N.L. Van Demark. 1985. Fisiologi dan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jendral Sudirman. Gajahmada University Press. Hal 124-189.
Shiantiningsih, Dini. 2005. Pengaruh Penambahan Glukosa Pada Proses Penyimpanan Terhadap Motilitas dan Lama Hidup Spermatozoa Ikan Mas. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. Tidak Diterbitkan. hal 46.
Stoss, J. and Donaldson. 1982. Preservation of Fish Gametes. Proceeding of The International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation. Wagenigen, Netherland. pp 114-122.
Toelihere, M.S. 1981. Inseminasi Buatan pada Ternak, Angkasa. Bandung. hal 43-98.
Wulandari, W. 2004. Lama Hidup Spermatozoa Kambing Peranakan Ettawa pada Beberapa Kadar Glukosa dalam Pengencer Larutan Ringer – Kuning Telur Yang Disimpan pada Suhu 5oC. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. hal 50.
Zaenab, S. 2007. Motilitas Spermatozoa dalam Berbagai Pengencer dan Krioprotektan pada Proses Kriopreservasi. Thesis. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. hal 72.
Zenichori, K.Herliantien., dan Sarastina. 2007. Teknologi Prosesing Semen Beku Pada Sapi. Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan Singosari. Malang. 2007. hal 19-55.