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Mekanisme Infeksi Vibrio Pada Reseptor Ikan Kerapu Tikus Cromileptes altivelis
[The Mechanism Of Vibrio Infection To Grouper Reseptor Cromileptes altivelis]
Corresponding Author(s) : Uun Yanuhar
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
One of the most favourite fish that farmer fish cultivated because its high economic value was gouper (C. altivelis). The obstacle in cultivation system was caused by Vibrio algynolitycus. Vibrio angullarum, Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Vibrio harveyi infection. Many deseases that attacked to the grouper was caused by the role of pathogen specific as a ligan and its reseptor. The aim of these study was to improve and to know the role of reseptor in vibriosis mechanism with tested spesific reseptor protein of grouper Cromileptes altivelis. These study used experimental and descriptive methode with identified of grouper reseptor, Hemaglutinin test and observation use electron microscope. These study result showed that reseptor protein of C. altivelis was found in its eyes. These showed spesivity and reactivity to the vibriosis specific epitop.
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Mahardika, K .Zafran, 2004. Infeksi Iridovirus Pada JuvenilKerapu Bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) Di Karamba Jaring Apung. Balai Besar Riset Perikanan Budidaya Laut Gondol. Bali. Prosiding. Pengendalian Penyakit Pada Ikan Dan Udang berbasis Imunisasi Dan Biosecurity.
Istiqomah, I., Isnasetyo, A., Triyanto, Nitimulyo, K. H., Murjani, M., 2006, Pathogenicity of Vibrio fluvialis 24SK in Humpback Grouper. Journal of Fisheries Science. Vol III. No. 1. P. 17-24
Wang, X.H., Oon, H.L., Ho, G.W.P., Wong, W.S.F., Lim, T.M., Leung, K.Y. 1998. Internalization and cytotoxicity are importance virulence mechanisms in vibrio-fish epithelial cell interactions. Microbiology, 144, p. 2987-3002
Denkin, S.M., Nelson, D.R. 2004. Regulation of Vibrio anguilarum empA Metalloprotease Expression and Its Role in Virulence. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, July. p.4193-4204.
Yanuhar, U. 2008. The role of Haemagglutinin Protein as Adhesin Molecule of Fimbriae Vibrio alginolyticus That Recognized by Receptor Membrane Protein of Intestine Cromileptes altivelis Within Pathomechanism Infection of Vibriosis. Pressented on International Seminar Management Strategy on Animal Health and Production Control in the Anticipation of Global Warming for the Achievement of Millennium Developmental Goals, Surabaya
Yanuhar, U., Sukoso, Sumarno, Widodo, M. A. 2006. Kajian Molekuler Faktor Virulensi Bakteri Dalam Patomekanisme Infeksi Vibrio alginolyticus Pada Cromileptes altivelis. Pressented on Conference of Indonesian Aquaculture , 6-8 Juni 2006, Surabaya
Sudhakar, P., and Subramani, P., 2006, Review: Mechanism of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Targets for Vaccine Design. St. Peters's Chemical College, Tamil Nadu, India, P. 1-16
Sumarno, Noorhamdani, A.S., Samsul Islam, Sjoekoer M. Dzen, Ehara, M, dan Ichinose, Y. 1991. Purifikasi protein hambatan aglutinasi Vibrio cholerae El Tor T79-6. Majalah Kedok. Univ. Brawijaya.Malang
Winarsih, S., Sumarno, dan Roekistiningsih. 1998. Fungsi dan sifat immunogenitas protein haemagglutinin 32 kDa dan 20 kDa pada Helicobacter Pylori. Majalah Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malang 8:11-14
Beachy E.H. 1981.Bacterial adherence: adhesin-receptor intewractions mediating the attachment of bacteria to mucosal surface. Journal Infect Diseases, Mar; 143 (3): 325-45.