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Food Preference of Shortfin Scad (Decapterus macrosoma) at the Southern Waters of Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[Preferensi pakan ikan layang deles (Decapterus macrosoma) di Pantai Selatan Gunungkidul Yogyakarta]
Corresponding Author(s) : Eko Setyobudi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
The food habit is one of the important information used in the fisheries resource management. This study aimed to determine food preferences, index of preponderance, and trophic level of shortfin scad (D. macrosoma) captured from the southern waters of Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A total of 325 fish samples were collected from March to September 2018. Each fish sample was measured in total length, body weight, determined its sex, and then dissected. The digestive tract was measured in total length then the gut contents were preserved in 5% formaldehyde to observe the type of food composition. The results showed that shortfin scad was carnivorous fish (relative gut length = 0.47) with the diet composing of fish (84.15%), phytoplankton (8.91%), zooplankton (4.47%), and snipping shrimp (3.19%). The molecular identification showed that the main fish species eaten by shortfin scad was Cololabis saira (Scomberesocoidae).
Kebiasaan pakan ikan merupakan salah satu informasi penting yang digunakan dalam manajemen sumberdaya perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi pakan, indeks bagian terbesar dan tingkat trofik ikan layang deles (D. macrosoma) yang ditangkap dari Perairan Gunungkidul. Total 325 sampel ikan layang deles dikumpulkan selama bulan Maret sampai dengan September 2018. Setiap sampel ikan diukur panjang total, berat tubuh, ditentukan jenis kelaminnya kemudian dilakukan pembedahan. Saluran pencernaan diukur panjangnya, kemudian isi lambung ikan diawetkan dalam formalin 5% untuk diamati komposisi jenis makanannya. Analisis data meliputi panjang usus relatif, frekuensi kejadian, indeks bagian terbesar, dan tingkat trofik ikan layang deles. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan layang deles bersifat karnivora (panjang usus relatif = 0,47) dengan komposisi jenis makanan utama adalah ikan (84,15%). Makanan pelengkap layang deles adalah fitoplankton (8,91%), sedangkan zooplankton (4,47%) dan potongan udang (3,19%) merupakan makanan tambahan. Berdasarkan identifikasi molekuler, spesies ikan yang menjadi makanan utama ikan layang deles adalah Cololabis saira (Scomberesocoidae).
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- Alatorre-ramirez, V. G., Galvan-magana, F., & Torres-rojas, Y. E. (2013). Trophic habitat of the Pacific shrapnose shark (Rizoprionodon longurio) in the Mexican Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(8): 2217–2224.
- Almohdar, E., & Souisa, F. N. J. (2017). Komposisi jenis dan tingkat trofik (trophic level) hasil tangkapan bagan di Perairan Desa Ohoililir, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 1(2): 43–51.
- Ashwini, L., Benakappa S., Anjanayapp, H. N., & Akshay, L. (2016). Food and feeding habits of indian scad, Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830) from Mangaluru Coast. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, 6(6): 7389–7393.
- Astuti, E., Abduljabarsyah, & Irawati. (2005). Studi aspek kebiasaan makanan ikan Nomei (Harpodon nehereus Nam Buch, 1822) yang tertangkap di perairan Juata Laut Tarakan. Tarakan: Borneo University Library.
- Baitaliuk, A. A., Orlov, A. M., & Ermakov, Y. K. (2013). Characteristic features of ecology of the Pacific Saury Cololabis saira (Scomberesocidae, Beloniformes) in open waters and in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Joural of Ichthyology, 53(11): 899–913.
- Behzadi, S., Kamrani, E., Kaymaram, F., & Ranjbar, M. S. (2016). Trophic level, food preference and feeding ecology of Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766), in Hormuzgan Province waters (Northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(1): 179–193.
- Biswas, S.P. (1993). Manual of methods in fish biology. New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
- Bubun, R. L., Simbolon, D., Nurani, T. W., & Wisudo, S.H. (2014). Tropik level pada daerah penangkapan ikan yang menggunakan light fishing di Perairan Sulawesi Tenggara. Marine Fisheries, 5(1): 58–66.
- Caddy, J. F., & Sharp, G. D. (1986). An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations. FAO Fisheries Technical Papers No. 283. 152 pp.
- Choy, C. A., & Drazen, J. C. (2013). Plastic for dinner? Observations of frequent debris ingestion by pelagis predatory fishes from the central North Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 485: 155–163.
- Collard F., Gilbert, B., Eppe, G., Parmentier, E., & Das, K. (2015). Detection of Antrophogenic particles in fish stomach: an isolation method adapted to identification by Raman Spectroscopy. Archives of Environmental. Contamination and. Toxicology, 69: 331–339.
- Dhurmeea, Z., Zudaire, I., Chassot, E., Cedras, M., Nikolic, N., Bourjea, J., West, W., Appadoo, C., & Bodin, N. (2016). Reproductive Biology of Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Western Indian Ocean. Plos ONE, 11(12): 3–22.
- Ditty, J. G., Shaw, R. F., & Cope, J. S. (2004). Distribution of carangid larvae (Teleostei: Carangidae) and concentrations of zooplankton in the northern Gulf of with illustration of early Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus and Caranx spp. larvae. Marine Biology, 145: 1001–1014.
- Effendie, M.I. (1997). Biologi Perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusatara.
- Frank, K.T., Petrie, B., & Shackell, N. L. (2007). The ups and downs of trophic control in continental shelf ecosystems. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 22(5): 237–242.
- Gerking, S. D. (1994). Feeding ecology of fish (pp. 3-385). California: Academic Press.
- Ginderdeuren, K. V., Vandendriessche, S., Prossler, Y., Motala, H., Vincx, M., & Hostens, K.(2014). Selective feeding by pelagic fish in Belgian part of thhe North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71: 808–820.
- Hanson, J. M., & Chouinard, G. A. (2002). Diet of atlantic cod in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as an index of ecosystem change, 1959-2000. Journal of Fish Biology, 60 (4): 902–922.
- Hart, P. J. B., & Reynolds, J. D. (2002). Handbook of fish biology and fisheries. Volume 2 Fisheries. Blackwell Publishing. 217–219 pp.
- Honebrink, R. R. (2000). A review of the biology of the family Carangidae, with emphasis on species found in Hawaiian waters. Department of Land and Natural Resources. 22 pp.
- Huang, W. B., Lo, N. C. H., Chiu, T. S., & Chen, C. S. (2007). Geographical distribution and abundance of pacific saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort) (Scomberesocidae), fishing stocks in the Northwestern Pacific in relation to sea temperatures. Zoological Studies, 46(6): 705–716.
- Jin, S., Yan, X., Zhang, H., & Fan, W. (2015). Weight-length relationships and Fultons's condition factors of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the western and central Pacific Ocean. PeerJ. 1–11.
- Jo, H., Gim, J. A., Jeong, K. S., Kim, H. S., & Joo, G. J. (2013). Application of DNA barcoding for identification of freshwater carnivorous fosh diets: Is number of prey items dependent on size class for Micropterus salmoides?. Ecology and Evolution, 4(2): 219-229.
- Kimura, S., Katahira, K., & Kuriiwa, K. (2013). The red-fin Decapterus group (Perciformes: Carangidae) with the description of a new species, Decapterus smithvanizi. Ichthyological Research, 60: 241-248.
- Kocher, T. D., Thomas, W. K., Meyer A., Edwards S. V, Pääbo, S., Villablanca, F. X. & Wilson, A. C., (1989). Dynamics of mitochondrial DNA evolution in animals: amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Proeedings of the. National Academy of Sciences, 86: 6196–6200.
- Kochzius, M., Seidel, C., Antoniou, A., Botla, S. K, Campo, D., Cariani, A., Vazquez, E. G., Hauschild, J., Hervet, C., Hjorleifsdottir, S., Hreggvidsson, G., Kappel, K., Landi, M., A., Magoulas, V., Marteinsson, M., Nolte, S., Planes, F., Tinti, C., Turan, M. N., Venugopal, H. Weber, & Blohm, D. (2010). Identifying fishes through DNA Barcodes and microarrays. Plos ONE, 5(9): 1–15.
- Kulbicki, M., Bozec, Y. M., Labrosse, P., Letourneur, Y., & Mou-Tham, G. (2005). Diet composition of carnivorous fishes from coral reef lagoons of New Caledonia. Aquatic Living Resources, 18(3): 231–250.
- Mata-Sotres, J. A., F. J Moyana, G. Martinez-Rodriguez, & M. Yufera. (2016). Daily thythms of digestive enzyme activity and gene expression in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) during ontogeny. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 97: 43–51.
- Menard, F., Labrune, C., Shin, Y. J., Asine, A. S., & Bard, F. X. (2006). Opportunistic predation in tuna: a size-based approach. Maine Ecology Progress Series, 323: 223–231.
- Nath, S. R., Beraki, T., Abraha, A., Abraham, K., & Berhane, Y. (2015). Gut contents analysis of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 3(1): 1–5.
- Nikolsky, G. V. (1963). The ecology of fishes. Translated by: L. Brikett. London and New York: Academic Press. 352 pp.
- Ohshimo, S., Shiraisi, T., Tanaka, H., Yasuda, T., Yoda, M., Ishida, H., & Tomiyasu, S. (2014). Growth and reproductive characteristics of the rougher Decapterus tabl in the East China Sea. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 48(2): 245–252.
- Ory, N.C., Sobral, P., Ferreira, J.L., & Thiel, M. (2017). Amberstripe scad Decapterus muroadsi (Carangidae) fish ingest blue microplastics resembling their copepod prey along the Coast of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the south Pacific subtropical grey. Science of the Total Environment. 586: 430–437.
- Pauly, D., & Watson, R. (2005). Background and interpretation of the Marine Trophic Index as a measure of biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 360: 415–423.
- Potier, M., Menard, F., Benivary, H.D., & Sabatie, R. (2011). Length and weight estimates from diagnostic hard part structure of fish, crustacea and cephalopods forage species in the western Indian Ocean. Environmental Biology Fish, 92: 413–423.
- Richardson, A. J. (2008). In hot water: zooplankton and climate change ICES. Journal of Marine Science, 65: 279–295.
- Rochman, C. M., Tahir, A., Williams, S. L, Baxa, D. V, Lam, R., Miller, J. T., The, F. C., Werorilangi, S., & The, S. J. (2015). Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers from textiles in fish and bivalves sold for human consumption. Scientific Reports, 5: 1–10.
- Sangadji, M. (2016). Hubungan panjang-bobot dan faktor kondisi ikan momar putih (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker, 1851) di perairan pantai selatan pulau Haruku Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis dan Perikanan, 9 (2): 25–29.
- Shirota, A. (1996). The plankton of south of Viet-Nam. Japan: Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency.
- Stergiou, K. I., Moutopoulus, D. K., Casal, H. J. A., & Erzini, K. (2007). Trophic signatures of small-scale fishing gears: implication for conservation and management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 333: 117–128.
- Tiphaine, C., Violamer, L., Aurelie, D., Paco, B., Francoise, M., Cecilia, P. M., & Christine, D. (2015). Small pelagic fish feeding patterns in relation to food resource variability: an isotopic investigation for Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus from the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic). Marine Biology, 162(1): 15–37.
- Tseng, C. T., Sun, C. L., Belkin, I. M., Yeh, S. Z., Kuo, C. L., & Liu, D. C. (2014). Sea surface temperature fronts affect distribution of Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 107: 15–21.
- Wahju, R. I., Zulkairnain, & Mara, K.P.S. (2011). Estimasi musim penangkapan layang (Decapterus spp.) yang didaratkan di PPN Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Buletin PSP, 19(1): 105–113.
Alatorre-ramirez, V. G., Galvan-magana, F., & Torres-rojas, Y. E. (2013). Trophic habitat of the Pacific shrapnose shark (Rizoprionodon longurio) in the Mexican Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(8): 2217–2224.
Almohdar, E., & Souisa, F. N. J. (2017). Komposisi jenis dan tingkat trofik (trophic level) hasil tangkapan bagan di Perairan Desa Ohoililir, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 1(2): 43–51.
Ashwini, L., Benakappa S., Anjanayapp, H. N., & Akshay, L. (2016). Food and feeding habits of indian scad, Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830) from Mangaluru Coast. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, 6(6): 7389–7393.
Astuti, E., Abduljabarsyah, & Irawati. (2005). Studi aspek kebiasaan makanan ikan Nomei (Harpodon nehereus Nam Buch, 1822) yang tertangkap di perairan Juata Laut Tarakan. Tarakan: Borneo University Library.
Baitaliuk, A. A., Orlov, A. M., & Ermakov, Y. K. (2013). Characteristic features of ecology of the Pacific Saury Cololabis saira (Scomberesocidae, Beloniformes) in open waters and in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Joural of Ichthyology, 53(11): 899–913.
Behzadi, S., Kamrani, E., Kaymaram, F., & Ranjbar, M. S. (2016). Trophic level, food preference and feeding ecology of Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766), in Hormuzgan Province waters (Northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(1): 179–193.
Biswas, S.P. (1993). Manual of methods in fish biology. New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
Bubun, R. L., Simbolon, D., Nurani, T. W., & Wisudo, S.H. (2014). Tropik level pada daerah penangkapan ikan yang menggunakan light fishing di Perairan Sulawesi Tenggara. Marine Fisheries, 5(1): 58–66.
Caddy, J. F., & Sharp, G. D. (1986). An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations. FAO Fisheries Technical Papers No. 283. 152 pp.
Choy, C. A., & Drazen, J. C. (2013). Plastic for dinner? Observations of frequent debris ingestion by pelagis predatory fishes from the central North Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 485: 155–163.
Collard F., Gilbert, B., Eppe, G., Parmentier, E., & Das, K. (2015). Detection of Antrophogenic particles in fish stomach: an isolation method adapted to identification by Raman Spectroscopy. Archives of Environmental. Contamination and. Toxicology, 69: 331–339.
Dhurmeea, Z., Zudaire, I., Chassot, E., Cedras, M., Nikolic, N., Bourjea, J., West, W., Appadoo, C., & Bodin, N. (2016). Reproductive Biology of Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Western Indian Ocean. Plos ONE, 11(12): 3–22.
Ditty, J. G., Shaw, R. F., & Cope, J. S. (2004). Distribution of carangid larvae (Teleostei: Carangidae) and concentrations of zooplankton in the northern Gulf of with illustration of early Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus and Caranx spp. larvae. Marine Biology, 145: 1001–1014.
Effendie, M.I. (1997). Biologi Perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusatara.
Frank, K.T., Petrie, B., & Shackell, N. L. (2007). The ups and downs of trophic control in continental shelf ecosystems. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 22(5): 237–242.
Gerking, S. D. (1994). Feeding ecology of fish (pp. 3-385). California: Academic Press.
Ginderdeuren, K. V., Vandendriessche, S., Prossler, Y., Motala, H., Vincx, M., & Hostens, K.(2014). Selective feeding by pelagic fish in Belgian part of thhe North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71: 808–820.
Hanson, J. M., & Chouinard, G. A. (2002). Diet of atlantic cod in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as an index of ecosystem change, 1959-2000. Journal of Fish Biology, 60 (4): 902–922.
Hart, P. J. B., & Reynolds, J. D. (2002). Handbook of fish biology and fisheries. Volume 2 Fisheries. Blackwell Publishing. 217–219 pp.
Honebrink, R. R. (2000). A review of the biology of the family Carangidae, with emphasis on species found in Hawaiian waters. Department of Land and Natural Resources. 22 pp.
Huang, W. B., Lo, N. C. H., Chiu, T. S., & Chen, C. S. (2007). Geographical distribution and abundance of pacific saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort) (Scomberesocidae), fishing stocks in the Northwestern Pacific in relation to sea temperatures. Zoological Studies, 46(6): 705–716.
Jin, S., Yan, X., Zhang, H., & Fan, W. (2015). Weight-length relationships and Fultons's condition factors of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the western and central Pacific Ocean. PeerJ. 1–11.
Jo, H., Gim, J. A., Jeong, K. S., Kim, H. S., & Joo, G. J. (2013). Application of DNA barcoding for identification of freshwater carnivorous fosh diets: Is number of prey items dependent on size class for Micropterus salmoides?. Ecology and Evolution, 4(2): 219-229.
Kimura, S., Katahira, K., & Kuriiwa, K. (2013). The red-fin Decapterus group (Perciformes: Carangidae) with the description of a new species, Decapterus smithvanizi. Ichthyological Research, 60: 241-248.
Kocher, T. D., Thomas, W. K., Meyer A., Edwards S. V, Pääbo, S., Villablanca, F. X. & Wilson, A. C., (1989). Dynamics of mitochondrial DNA evolution in animals: amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Proeedings of the. National Academy of Sciences, 86: 6196–6200.
Kochzius, M., Seidel, C., Antoniou, A., Botla, S. K, Campo, D., Cariani, A., Vazquez, E. G., Hauschild, J., Hervet, C., Hjorleifsdottir, S., Hreggvidsson, G., Kappel, K., Landi, M., A., Magoulas, V., Marteinsson, M., Nolte, S., Planes, F., Tinti, C., Turan, M. N., Venugopal, H. Weber, & Blohm, D. (2010). Identifying fishes through DNA Barcodes and microarrays. Plos ONE, 5(9): 1–15.
Kulbicki, M., Bozec, Y. M., Labrosse, P., Letourneur, Y., & Mou-Tham, G. (2005). Diet composition of carnivorous fishes from coral reef lagoons of New Caledonia. Aquatic Living Resources, 18(3): 231–250.
Mata-Sotres, J. A., F. J Moyana, G. Martinez-Rodriguez, & M. Yufera. (2016). Daily thythms of digestive enzyme activity and gene expression in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) during ontogeny. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 97: 43–51.
Menard, F., Labrune, C., Shin, Y. J., Asine, A. S., & Bard, F. X. (2006). Opportunistic predation in tuna: a size-based approach. Maine Ecology Progress Series, 323: 223–231.
Nath, S. R., Beraki, T., Abraha, A., Abraham, K., & Berhane, Y. (2015). Gut contents analysis of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 3(1): 1–5.
Nikolsky, G. V. (1963). The ecology of fishes. Translated by: L. Brikett. London and New York: Academic Press. 352 pp.
Ohshimo, S., Shiraisi, T., Tanaka, H., Yasuda, T., Yoda, M., Ishida, H., & Tomiyasu, S. (2014). Growth and reproductive characteristics of the rougher Decapterus tabl in the East China Sea. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 48(2): 245–252.
Ory, N.C., Sobral, P., Ferreira, J.L., & Thiel, M. (2017). Amberstripe scad Decapterus muroadsi (Carangidae) fish ingest blue microplastics resembling their copepod prey along the Coast of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the south Pacific subtropical grey. Science of the Total Environment. 586: 430–437.
Pauly, D., & Watson, R. (2005). Background and interpretation of the Marine Trophic Index as a measure of biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 360: 415–423.
Potier, M., Menard, F., Benivary, H.D., & Sabatie, R. (2011). Length and weight estimates from diagnostic hard part structure of fish, crustacea and cephalopods forage species in the western Indian Ocean. Environmental Biology Fish, 92: 413–423.
Richardson, A. J. (2008). In hot water: zooplankton and climate change ICES. Journal of Marine Science, 65: 279–295.
Rochman, C. M., Tahir, A., Williams, S. L, Baxa, D. V, Lam, R., Miller, J. T., The, F. C., Werorilangi, S., & The, S. J. (2015). Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers from textiles in fish and bivalves sold for human consumption. Scientific Reports, 5: 1–10.
Sangadji, M. (2016). Hubungan panjang-bobot dan faktor kondisi ikan momar putih (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker, 1851) di perairan pantai selatan pulau Haruku Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis dan Perikanan, 9 (2): 25–29.
Shirota, A. (1996). The plankton of south of Viet-Nam. Japan: Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency.
Stergiou, K. I., Moutopoulus, D. K., Casal, H. J. A., & Erzini, K. (2007). Trophic signatures of small-scale fishing gears: implication for conservation and management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 333: 117–128.
Tiphaine, C., Violamer, L., Aurelie, D., Paco, B., Francoise, M., Cecilia, P. M., & Christine, D. (2015). Small pelagic fish feeding patterns in relation to food resource variability: an isotopic investigation for Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus from the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic). Marine Biology, 162(1): 15–37.
Tseng, C. T., Sun, C. L., Belkin, I. M., Yeh, S. Z., Kuo, C. L., & Liu, D. C. (2014). Sea surface temperature fronts affect distribution of Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 107: 15–21.
Wahju, R. I., Zulkairnain, & Mara, K.P.S. (2011). Estimasi musim penangkapan layang (Decapterus spp.) yang didaratkan di PPN Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Buletin PSP, 19(1): 105–113.