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Morphometric and Meristic Characterization of Hairtails Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758 (Scombriformes: Trichiuridae) from the Northern Coast of Java, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Eko Setyobudi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- The most significant morphological variation was the snout length and caudal peduncle
- T. lepturus from the coast of Pati and Cirebon have a high morphometric character resemblance and possibly are members of the same population
- T. lepturus in Demak waters formed a separate population group from T. lepturus from the coast of Pati and Cirebon, however still in the same species
Hairtails (Trichiurus spp.) are economically important fisheries resources and have become an export commodity. In Indonesia, there are several hairtail species; however, each species distribution is not yet certainly known. This study aimed to identify and determine the morphometric and meristic character of the hairtail from the northern coast of Java, Indonesia. Fish specimens were obtained from fishermen catches in the north coast of Pati and Demak (Central Java) and the northern coast Cirebon (West Java), which captures the fish in less than one-week fishing operation. Fish samples were grouped based on morphological similarities identified in previously published works. After that, 22 morphometric and four meristic characters were measured and counted. Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant Analysis were used to analyze morphometric data, while the meristic data were compared to the available published works. The hairtail caught at the northern coast of Java was long, flat, silvery in color, and had a sagittal crest, with the fin formula being D.III.125-134, P.I.10, and A.I.98-104. According to the morphological and meristic characters, the hairtail caught at Java's northern coast was identified as Trichiurus lepturus. The most significant morphological variation was the snout length and caudal peduncle. The PCA and scattergram analyses showed that T. lepturus from the coast of Pati and Cirebon have a high morphometric character resemblance and possibly are members of the same population. T. lepturus in Demak waters formed a separate population group from T. lepturus from the coast of Pati and Cirebon, however still in the same species.
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- Apriliani, I. M., Nurrahman, Y. A., Dewanti, L. P., & Herawati, H. (2018). Determination of potential fishing ground for hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) fishing based on chlorophyll-a distribution and sea surface temperature in Pangandaran waters, West Java, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 11(4):1047-1054.
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- Burhanuddin, A. I., Iwatsuki, Y., Yoshino, T., & Kimura, S. (2002). Small and valid species of Trichiurus brevis Wang and You, 1992 and T. russelli Dutt and Thankam, 1966, defined as the "T. russelli complex” (Perciformes: Trichiuridae). Ichthyological Research, 49:211-223.
- Burhanuddin, A. I, & Iwatsuki, Y. (2003). Trichiurus nickolensis, a new hairtail from Australia belonging the Trichiurus russelli complex (Perciformes: Trichiuridae). Ichthyological Research, 50:270-275.
- Brraich, O. S., & Akhter, S. (2015). Morphometric characters and meristic counts of a fish, Crossocheilus latius latius (Hamilton-Buchanan) from Ranjit Sagar Wetland, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(5):260-265.
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- Chakraborty, A., Burhanuddin, A. I., & Iwatsuki, Y. (2005). A new species, Trichiurus australis (Perciformes: Trichiuridae) from Australia. Ichthyological Research, 52(2):165-170.
- Chakraborty, A., & Iwatsuki, Y. (2006). Genetic variation at the mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene among Trichiurus lepturus (Teleostei: Trichiuridae) from various localities: Preliminary evidence of a new species from West Coast of Africa. Hydrobiologia, 563(1):501-513.
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- Fagbuaro, O., Oso, J. A., Olurotimi, M. B., & Akinyemi, O. (2015). Morphometric and meristic characteristics of Clarias gariepinus from controlled and uncontrolled population from Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2(1): 39-45.
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- Firawati, I., Murwantoko, & Setyobudi, E. (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization of hairtail (Trichiurus spp.) from the Indian Ocean, Southern Coast of East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal, 18(1):190-196.
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- Hashemi, S. A., Taghavimotlagh, S. A., & Doustdar, M. (2020). Estimation of fisheries reference points of the largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus (Teleostei: Trichiuridae) Iranian waters of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 7(3):202-208.
- Hou, G., Xu, Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, K., Huang, W., Wang, J., & Zhou, J. (2021). Identification of eggs and spawning zones of hairtail fishes Trichiurus (Pisces: Trichiuridae) in Northern South China Sea, using DNA barcoding. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9(703029):1-11
- Hsu, K. C., Shih, N. T., Ni, I. H., & Shao, K. T. (2009). Speciation and population structure of three Trichiurus species based on mitochondrial DNA. Zoological Studies, 48(6):835-849.
- Jeong, Y. D., Kim, S., Jung, H. I., & Cho, G. (2021). Optimal harvesting strategy for hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus, in Korea Sea using discrete-time age-structured model. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 392:125743.
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- Lestari, T. A., Murwantoko, & Setyobudi, E. (2020). Morphological and molecular identification of hairtail (Trichiurus spp.) caught in Pangandaran Waters. E3S Web of Conferences, 147(02021):1-10.
- Liao, B., Karim, E., & Zhang, K. (2021). Comparative performance of catch-based and surplus production models on evaluating largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) fishery in the East China Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48:102026.
- Meriem, S. B., Al-Marzouqi, A., Al-Mamry, J., & Al-Mazroui, A. (2011). Stock assessment and potential management of Trichiurus lepturus fisheries in the Arabian Sea, Oman. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 6(3):212-224.
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Akindele, T. A., & Fagbuaro, O. (2022). The morphometric characteristics and meristic traits and condition factors of Sarotherodon galilaeus from three major reservoirs of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 12(1):1-11.
Apriliani, I. M., Nurrahman, Y. A., Dewanti, L. P., & Herawati, H. (2018). Determination of potential fishing ground for hairtail (Trichiurus sp.) fishing based on chlorophyll-a distribution and sea surface temperature in Pangandaran waters, West Java, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 11(4):1047-1054.
Bailly, N. (2013). World register of marine species. <> accessed on 18th June 2021.
Barbosa, S. C. T., Costa, M. F., Barletta, M., Dantas, D. V., Kehrig, H. A., & Malm, O. (2011). Total mercury in the fish Trichiurus lepturus from a tropical estuary in relation to length, weight, and season. Neotropical Ichthyology, 9(1):183-190.
Burhanuddin, A. I., Iwatsuki, Y., Yoshino, T., & Kimura, S. (2002). Small and valid species of Trichiurus brevis Wang and You, 1992 and T. russelli Dutt and Thankam, 1966, defined as the "T. russelli complex” (Perciformes: Trichiuridae). Ichthyological Research, 49:211-223.
Burhanuddin, A. I, & Iwatsuki, Y. (2003). Trichiurus nickolensis, a new hairtail from Australia belonging the Trichiurus russelli complex (Perciformes: Trichiuridae). Ichthyological Research, 50:270-275.
Brraich, O. S., & Akhter, S. (2015). Morphometric characters and meristic counts of a fish, Crossocheilus latius latius (Hamilton-Buchanan) from Ranjit Sagar Wetland, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(5):260-265.
Cadrin, S. X. (2000). Advances in morphometric identification of fishery stock. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 10(1):91-112.
Carpenter, K. E., & Niem, V. H. (2001). FAO spesies identification guide for fishery purpose. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles, sea turtles, sea snakes and marine mammals. Rome: FAO.
Carvalho, G. R. & Hauser, L. (1994). Molecular genetics and stock concept in fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 4:326-350.
Chakraborty, A., Burhanuddin, A. I., & Iwatsuki, Y. (2005). A new species, Trichiurus australis (Perciformes: Trichiuridae) from Australia. Ichthyological Research, 52(2):165-170.
Chakraborty, A., & Iwatsuki, Y. (2006). Genetic variation at the mitochondrial 16s rRNA gene among Trichiurus lepturus (Teleostei: Trichiuridae) from various localities: Preliminary evidence of a new species from West Coast of Africa. Hydrobiologia, 563(1):501-513.
Cruz-Torres, J. D. L., Martinez-Perez, J. A., Franco-Lopez, J., & Ramirez-Villalobos, A. J. (2014). Biological and of Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758 (Perciformes: Trichiuridae) in Boca Del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environment Science, 14(10):1058-1066.
Fagbuaro, O., Oso, J. A., Olurotimi, M. B., & Akinyemi, O. (2015). Morphometric and meristic characteristics of Clarias gariepinus from controlled and uncontrolled population from Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2(1): 39-45.
FAO. (2020). The State of world fisheries and aquaculture 2020: Sustainability in action. Rome: FAO.
Firawati, I., Murwantoko, & Setyobudi, E. (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization of hairtail (Trichiurus spp.) from the Indian Ocean, Southern Coast of East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal, 18(1):190-196.
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N., & Laan, V. R. (2022). Eschmeyer's catalog of fishes: Genera, species, rerefences (Ed.). Electronic version accessed 07 February 2022.
Hashemi, S. A., Taghavimotlagh, S. A., & Doustdar, M. (2020). Estimation of fisheries reference points of the largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus (Teleostei: Trichiuridae) Iranian waters of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 7(3):202-208.
Hou, G., Xu, Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, K., Huang, W., Wang, J., & Zhou, J. (2021). Identification of eggs and spawning zones of hairtail fishes Trichiurus (Pisces: Trichiuridae) in Northern South China Sea, using DNA barcoding. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9(703029):1-11
Hsu, K. C., Shih, N. T., Ni, I. H., & Shao, K. T. (2009). Speciation and population structure of three Trichiurus species based on mitochondrial DNA. Zoological Studies, 48(6):835-849.
Jeong, Y. D., Kim, S., Jung, H. I., & Cho, G. (2021). Optimal harvesting strategy for hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus, in Korea Sea using discrete-time age-structured model. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 392:125743.
Landau, S., & Everit, B. S. (2004). A handbook of statistical analyses using SPSS. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC Press LLC.
Lee, S., & Kim, J. K. (2014). Identification of Trichiurus (Pisces: Trichiuridae) eggs and larvae from Korea, with a taxonomic note. Korea. Fish Aquatic Science, 17(1):137-143.
Lestari, T. A., Murwantoko, & Setyobudi, E. (2020). Morphological and molecular identification of hairtail (Trichiurus spp.) caught in Pangandaran Waters. E3S Web of Conferences, 147(02021):1-10.
Liao, B., Karim, E., & Zhang, K. (2021). Comparative performance of catch-based and surplus production models on evaluating largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) fishery in the East China Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48:102026.
Meriem, S. B., Al-Marzouqi, A., Al-Mamry, J., & Al-Mazroui, A. (2011). Stock assessment and potential management of Trichiurus lepturus fisheries in the Arabian Sea, Oman. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 6(3):212-224.
Milana, V., Fusari, A., Rossi, A. R., & Sola, L. (2011). Molecular and morphological identification of an uncommon centrolophid fish. Central European Journal of Biology, (6)3:440-445.
Mwakiti, S. M., Kaunda-Arara, B., Mlewa, C. M., & Ruwa, R. (2016).Morphometric variation in the cutlassfish Trichiurus lepturus on the Kenyan coast: implications for stock identification and management. African Journal of Marine Science, 38(1):49-56.
Nakamura, I. & Parin, N. V. (1993). FAO species catalogue. Snake mackerels and cutlassfishes of the world. Volume 15. Rome: FAO.
Panhwar, S. K., Zhou, Y. D., Tianxiang, G., Wang, P., Han, Z., Wang, Z., & Wang, Y. (2018). Decadal population traits and fishery of largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the East China Sea. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 50(1).
Simon, K. D., Bakar, Y., Temple, S. E., & Mazlan, A. G. (2010). Morphometric and meristic variation in two congeneric archer fishes Toxotes chatareus (Hamilton 1822) and Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas 1767) inhabiting Malaysian coastal waters. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 11(11):871–879.
Turan, C., Ergüden, D., Gürlek, M., Turan, F., & Başusta, N. (2004) Morphometric structuring of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Black, Aegean and Northeastern Mediterranean Seas. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28(5):865-871.
Yokogawa, K., & Seki, S. (1995). Morphological and genetic differences between Japanese and Chinese sea bass of the Genus Lateolabrax. Japan Journal Ichtyological, 41(4):437-445.
Yokogawa, K., Taniguchi, N., & Seki, S. (1997). Morphological and genetic characteristics of sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus, from the Ariake Sea, Japan. Ichthyology Research, 44(1):51-60.