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A Multi-Criteria Approach and Sustainability Index as a Consideration on Torpedo scad Fisheries Management in Sunda Strait
Corresponding Author(s) : Yonvitner Yonvitner
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
- The main problem to ensure the good management in fisheries was multi species fish
- Precautionary approach needed to get a good view of the important criteria in fisheries management
- Needed a multi criteria and index to make a final conclusion of the any criteria
- Natural history and population dynamic parameter important input to sustainability index
- Validation model in sunda strait as preliminary approach will help to get a good data and result
Torpedo scad species known are both economic and ecologic important pelagic fish that fishing catch tends to increase last a few decades. For sustainability, in the long term, needed a management strategy that complies with measurable fish population indicators. This effort is a part of the precautionary approach in fiseries management in related exploitation. This research was conducted in Labuan fishing port performed for more than 8 months and then analyzed with population parameters. Composite analysis by multi-criteria approaches found that the average score of Torpedo scad is 1.48 and then grouped as moderate sustainability. Schooling fish, including torpedo scad has been moderate until high sustainability levels. Overall population status in this area refer to moderate potential risk and needs a precautionary approach on management.
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- Johnson, M. G. & Tamatamah, A. R. (2013). Lengh frequency distribution, mortality rate, and reproductive biology of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis-Cantor, 1849) in the Coastal Water of Tanzania. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 16 (21):1270-1278.
- Kempter, J., Kielpinski, M., Panicz, R., Pruffer, K and Keszka S. (2017). Development of the method for identification of selected populations of torpedo scad, Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758), using microsatellite DNA analyses. CELFISH project - Part 4. Food Cemistry. 15: 944-949
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- Martosubroto, P. (2010). Implementation Code of Conduct For Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Fisheries Sector. Indonesian Jurnal of International Law, 2 (3): 445-446.
- Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Arifin, Z., Djohani, R., Erdmann, M. V., Halim, A., Knight, M., Pet-Soede, L. & Wiadnya, G. (2005) Policy needs to improve marine capture fisheries management and to define a role for marine protected areas in Indonesia. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 12(4): 259-268
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- Yonvitner, Y., Boer, M., Akmal, S. G., & Andi, I. S. (2018). Kerentanan Intrinsik Dan Risiko Pemanfaatan Perikanan: Analisis Berbasis Data Poor Untuk Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan. Tropical Fisheries Management Journal, 2(2), 54.
Ahmed, Q., Yousuf, F., Sarfraz, M., Ali, Q. M., Balkhour, M., Safi, S. Z., & Ashraf, M. A. (2014). Euthynnus affinis (little tuna): fishery, bionomics, seasonal elemental variations, health risk assessment and conservational management. Frontiers in Life Science, 8(1): 71-96.
Andrianto, L. (2005). Implementasi Code of Conduct For Responsible Fisheries dalam Perspektif Negara Berkembang. Indonesian Jurnal of International Law, 2 (3): 470.
Ardelia, V., Vitner, Y., & Boer, M. (2016). Biologi reproduksi ikan tongkol Euthynnus affinis di perairan Selat Sunda. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 8(2): 689-700
Badrudin, Aisyah, & Wiadnyana, N. N. (2010). Indeks kelimpahan stok dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan demersal di WPP Laut Jawa. Jakarta (ID): Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Barani, H. M. (2004). Pemikiran Percepatan Pembangunan Perikanan Tangkap Melalui Gerakan Nasional. Bogor. Bogor
Brehmer, P., Gerlotto, F., Laurent, C., Cotel, P., Achury, A., & Samb, B. (2007). Schooling behaviour of small pelagic fish: phenotypic expression of independent stimuli. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 334: 263-272.
Effendie, M. I. (1997). Metoda Biologi Perikanan. Bogor: Yayasan Dewi Sri.
Effendie, M. I. (2002). Biologi Perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama.
Effendie, M. I. & Sjafei, D. S. (1976). Potensi reproduksi ikan belanak (Mugil dussumieri Valenciennes) di perairan Muara Sungai Cimanuk Indramayu. Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan, 1: 55-86.
FAO. (2003). Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. FAO Technical Paper.
FAO. (2005). The State of Food and Agricultural. FAO Forestry Paper No. 147. Rome.
FAO. (2018). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: meeting the development of sustainable goals. FAO, Rome.
Febianto, S. (2007). Aspek biologi reproduksi ikan lidah pasir (Cynoglossus lingua Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822) di Perairan Ujung Pangkah, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur [Skripsi]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Holland, D. S. (2003). Integrating spatial management measures into traditional fishery management system: the case of the Georges Bank multispecies groundfish fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 915 – 929.
Jadhav, T. D. & Mohite, S. A. (2013). Reproductive biology of Horse mackerel Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758) along Ratnagiri coast of Maharashtra. Journal Marine Biologi Ass. India, 55 (2): 35-40.
Johnson, M. G. & Tamatamah, A. R. (2013). Lengh frequency distribution, mortality rate, and reproductive biology of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis-Cantor, 1849) in the Coastal Water of Tanzania. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 16 (21):1270-1278.
Kempter, J., Kielpinski, M., Panicz, R., Pruffer, K and Keszka S. (2017). Development of the method for identification of selected populations of torpedo scad, Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758), using microsatellite DNA analyses. CELFISH project - Part 4. Food Cemistry. 15: 944-949
KKP. (2018). Statistik Perikanan Tangkap Indonesia 2014-2016. Jakarta.
Khatami, A. M., Yonvitner, Y., & Setyobudiandi, I. (2019). Tingkat kerentanan sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil berdasarkan alat tangkap di perairan Utara Jawa. Tropical Fisheries Management Journal, 2(1): 19-29.
King, M. (1995). Fishery biology, assessment, and management. London, USA: Fishing News Books. 341 p.
Kusumawardani, N. M. (2014). Kajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Di Perairan Selat Sunda Yang Didaratkan Di PPP Labuan, Pandeglang, Banten. [Skripsi]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Lawson, E. O. & Doseku, P. A. (2013). Aspects of Biology in Round Sardinella, Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) from Majidun Creek, Lagos, Nigeria. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences. 5 (5): 575-581.
Martosubroto, P. (2010). Implementation Code of Conduct For Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Fisheries Sector. Indonesian Jurnal of International Law, 2 (3): 445-446.
Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Arifin, Z., Djohani, R., Erdmann, M. V., Halim, A., Knight, M., Pet-Soede, L. & Wiadnya, G. (2005) Policy needs to improve marine capture fisheries management and to define a role for marine protected areas in Indonesia. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 12(4): 259-268
Musbir, Nurdian, I., Sihbudi, R., & Sudirman. (2008). Deskripsi alat tangkap cantrang, analisis bycatch, discard, dan komposisi ukuran ikan yang tertangkap di perairan Takalar. Jurnal Perikanan Indonesia, 18(2): 160-170.
Nurdin, H. S., Iskandar, B. H., Imron, M., & Novita, Y. (2017). Pengaruh Distribusi Muatan Terhadap Stabilitas Kapal Purse Seine Modifikasi Di Kabupaten Bulukumba. Jurnal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, 4 (7): 39 – 48
Nurhayati, M. (2001). Analisis beberapa aspek potensi ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) di Perairan Pelabuhan Ratu [Skripsi]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Pauly, D. (1984). Fish population dynamics in tropical waters: A Manual For Use With Programmable Calculators. Manila: ICLARM. 325 p.
Sari, R. P. (1999). Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Kurisi (Nemipterus tambuloides) yang Didaratkan di TPI Labuan, Pandeglang. [Skripsi]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian. Bogor.
Sibagariang, R., Mulya, M. B., & Desrita. (2014). Potensi, Tingkat Pemanfaatan dan Keberlanjutan Ikan Sebelah (Psettodes spp.) di Perairan Selat Malaka, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara. Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Simon Kumar Das, S. K., Moumita D & Mazlan A. G. (2014). Length-weight relationship and trophic level of hard-tail scad Megalaspis cordyla. Journal Science Asia, 40 : 317–322
Sjafei, D. S., Rahardjo, M. F., Affandi, R., Brojo, M., & Sulistiono. (1993). Fisiologi ikan II: Reproduksi ikan. Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. 213 p.
Sluka,R. D, Chiappone, M., Sealey, K. M. S. (2001). Influence of habitat on grouper abundance in the Florida Keys USA. Journal of Fish Biology, 58: 682 – 700.
Sparre, P., & Venema, S. C. (1999). Introduksi Pengkajian Stok Ikan Tropis. Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. 438p.
Udupa, K. S. (1986). Statistical method of estimating the size at first maturity of fishes. Fishbyte. 4(2):8-10.
World Bank. (2008). Population Growth (%).
Yonvitner, Y., Boer, M., Akmal, S. G., & Andi, I. S. (2018). Kerentanan Intrinsik Dan Risiko Pemanfaatan Perikanan: Analisis Berbasis Data Poor Untuk Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan. Tropical Fisheries Management Journal, 2(2), 54.