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The Combination of Dolomite and Hydrated Lime with Different Compositions in Sulfuric Acid Soil for Fish Culture Ponds
Corresponding Author(s) : Mirna Fitrani
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- Sulfuric acid soil causes extreme acidity of the water (pH<3) and is unsuitable for fish culture
- Well management for sulfuric acid soil reduce the high risk of soil and water acidity
- The use of an appropriate combination of different liming is better than the single material to solve the very low pH
- Combination of dolomite and hydrated lime increased the pH and alkalinity
The application of liming material should consider the amount and quality of chemicals related to cost expenditure and target of expected soil properties since it is usually done with an incorrect number's estimation and expected soil-water quality which produces unsuccessful results. This study aimed to analyze the effect of different percentages from each combination of dolomite and hydrated lime (DH); DH1 (75:25), DH2 (50:50), and DH3 (25:75), which used five replications to the soil and water quality. The soil samples were taken from the earthen pond of semi-intensive tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) culture in Lat Bua Luang, Rangsit, Thailand, placed into 50 plastic pots (volume = 1.5 L), and mixed with lime of different compositions. Based on the results, the mixture of dolomite and hydrated lime (DH) increased the soil and water pH into the desirable ranges (7.4-8.6). The alkalinity of DH treatments was not higher than that of the single dolomite (DA) or hydrated lime (HA). However, the value was still sufficient (>75 mg/L as CaCO3) to buffer water quality changes. Several depletions of the toxic materials (total aluminum, iron, and manganese) caused by sulfuric acid (FeS2) had been observed in combination treatment, especially in DH1. On the contrary, the essential base cations, calcium, and magnesium increased beyond the single treatment, either dolomite (DA) or hydrated lime (HA). A combination of dolomite and hydrated lime (DH1) as an alternative treatment to remedy aquaculture ponds in acid-containing soil is suggested in terms of efficiency and possible cost-effectiveness.
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Anand, T., Blakrishnan, G., Padmavathy, P., Rani, V., & Chandran, A. (2013). Influence of C/N ratio on the heterotrophic activity of model brackish water system. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(3):12-21.
Attanandana, T., & Vacharotayan, S. (1986). Acid sulfate soils: their characteristics, genesis, amelioration and utilization. Southeast Asian Studies, 24(2):154-180.
Benner R. (2011). Biosequestration of carbon by heterotrophic microorganisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9(75):1.
Boyd, C. E. (1995). Bottom soils, sediment and pond aquaculture. New York: Springer.
Boyd, C. E. (2003). Bottom soil and water quality management in shrimp ponds. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 13(1-2):11-33.
Boyd, C. E. (2017). Use of agricultural limestone and lime in aquaculture. CAB Reviews, 12(015):1-10.
Boyd, C. E., & Daniels, H. V. (1994). Liming and fertilization of brackishwater shrimp ponds. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 2(3-4):221-234.
Boyd, C. E., Hargreaves, J. A., & Clay, J. W. (2002). Codes of practice and conduct for marine shrimp aquaculture. USA: Consortium.
Boyd, C. E., Wood, C. W., Thunjai, T., Rowan, M., & Dube, K. (1999). Pond soil characteristics and dynamics of soil organic matter and nutrients. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP Annual Technical Report, 1-12.
Boyd, C. E., Tanner, M., Madkour, M., & Masuda, K. (1994). Chemical characteristics of bottom soils from freshwater and brackishwater aquaculture ponds. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 25(4):517-534.
Boyd, C. E., & Teichert-Coddington, D. (1994). Pond bottom soil respiration during fallow and culture periods in heavily-fertilized tropical fish ponds. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 25(3):417-423.
Boyd, C. E., & Tucker, C. S. (1998). Pond aquaculture water quality management. New York: Springer.
Boyd, C. E., & Tucker, C. S. (2014). Handbook for aquaculture water quality. Alabama: Craftmaster Printers, Inc.
Fageria, N. K., Slaton, N. A., & Baligar, V. C. (2003). Nutrient management for improving lowland rice productivity and sustainability. Advances in Agronomy, 80:63-152.
Fitrani, M., Wudtisin, I., & Kaewnern, M. (2020). The impacts of the single-use of different lime materials on the pond bottom soil with acid sulfate content. Aquaculture, 527:735471.
Foth, H. D. (1990). Fundamentals of soil science (8th ed.). New York: John Willey & Sons.
Herrman, K. S., Bouchard, V., & Moore, R. H. (2008). An assessment of nitrogen removal from headwater streams in an agricultural watershed, northeast Ohio, USA. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(6):2573-2582.
Hossain, M. B., & Rahman, M. (2017). Ocean acidification: an impending disaster to benthic shelled invertebrates and ecosystem. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University, 1(1):19-30.
Lyle-Fritch, L. P., Romero-Beltrán, E., & Páez-Osuna, F. (2006). A survey on use of the chemical and biological products for shrimp farming in Sinaloa (NW Mexico). Aquacultural Engineering, 35(2):135-146.
Mahmood, N., & Saikat, S. Q. (1995). On acid sulfate soils of the coastal aquaculture ponds of Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences, 4(1):39-43.
Masuda, K., & Boyd, C. E. (1994). Phosphorus fractions in soil and water of aquaculture ponds built on clayey, Ultisols at Auburn, Alabama. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 25(3):379-395.
McCarty, G. W., Mookherji, S., & Angier, J. T. (2007). Characterization of denitrification activity in zones of groundwater exfiltration within a riparian wetland ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43:691-698.
Nelson, D. W., & Sommers, L. E. (1996). Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In D. L. Sparks, A. L. Page, P. A. Helmke, R. H. Loeppert, P. N. Soltanpour, M. A. Tabatabai, C. T. Johnston, & M. E. Summer (Ed.), Methods of soil analysis: part 3 chemical methods. (pp. 961-1010). Madison: Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
Norman, R. J., & Beyrouty, T. H. (2000). B. R. Wells Rice Research Studies 1998. Arkansas: University of Arkansas.
Pine, H. J., & Boyd, C. E. (2011). Magnesium budget for inland low-salinity water shrimp ponds in Alabama. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 42(5):705-713.
Sá, M. V. C., Cavalcante, D. H., & Lima, F. R. S. (2021). Total buffering capacity of CaCO3-undersaturated and saturated waters buffered with agricultural limestone or hydrated lime and its importance to the liming of shrimp culture ponds. Aquaculture, 536:736455.
Sammut, J. (1996). Amelioration and management of shrimp ponds in acid sulfate soils: key researchable issues. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Songkhla, 102-106.
Silapajarn, K., Boyd, C. E., & Silapajarn, O. (2004). An improved method for determining the fineness value of agricultural limestone for aquaculture. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 66(2):113-118.
Sonnenholzner, S., & Boyd, C. E. (2000). Chemical and physical properties of shrimp pond bottom soils in Ecuador. Journal of the World Aquaculture and Society, 31(3):358-375.
Stelzer, R. S., Scott, J. T., Bartsch, L. A., & Parr, T. B. (2014). Particulate organic matter quality influences nitrate retention and denitrification in stream sediments: evidence from a carbon burial experiment. Biogeochemistry, 119:387-402.
Weber, W. P., & Gokel, G. W. (1977). Synthesis of ethers. In W. P. Weber & G. W. Gokel (Ed.), Phase transfer catalysis in organic synthesis. (pp. 73-84). Berlin: Springer.
Wurts, W. A., & Durborow, R. M. (1992). Interactions of pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity and hardness in fish ponds. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, 464:1-4.
Xue, P. P., Carrillo, Y., Pino, V., Minasny, B., & McBratney, A. B. (2018). Soil properties drive microbial community structure in a large scale transect in South Eastern Australia. Scientific Reports, 8(11725):1-11.