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Effect of Andrographis paniculata Leaf Crude Extract Against Edwardsiella tarda Bacteria and Histopathological Profile of the Liver of Osphronemus gouramy Juvenil
Corresponding Author(s) : Giri Pratama
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- Paniculata leaf crude extract has antibacterial compounds
- Paniculata leaf crude extract can inhibit the growth of E. tarda bacteria
- Gouramy liver infected by tarda bacteria undergoes degeneration, congestion, and necrosis
- Treatment using paniculata leaf extract can improve Gouramy liver damage
Edwardsiellosis caused by bacterium E. tarda is a serious challenge faced by Gourami farmers. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of A. paniculata leaf crude extract on the growth of E. tarda bacteria and its effect on the histopathology of gourami liver which was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the active compound was identified in the leaves of A. paniculata followed by the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test at five different doses and two controls. In-silico test was conducted to determine the antibacterial activity of crude extract of A. paniculata leaf. In the second stage, the Lethal Dosage (LD50) and Toxicity (LC50) tests were carried out. Histopathological test of gouramy liver was carried out by taking the liver of fish that had been exposed to E. tarda bacteria. The active compounds contained in the crude extract of A. paniculata leaf are flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, triterpenoids, and saponins. The Lethal Dosage (LD50) was 106 CFU/ml, and a toxicity test showed a dose of 250 mg/L caused the most death compared to other treatments. Histopathological test of gouramy liver showed that crude extract of A. paniculata leaf could improve liver function optimally at a dose of 300 (mg/L). The results of this study indicate that crude extract of A. paniculata leaf can affect the histology profile of gouramy liver and can cause toxicity if used inappropriately.
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Faccioli, C. K., Chedid, R. A., Bombonato, M. T. S., Vicentini, C. A., & Vicentini, I. B. F. (2014). Morphology and histochemistry of the liver of carnivorous fish Hemisorubim platyrhynchos. International Journal of Morphology, 32(2):715-720.
Fardiyah, Q., Ersam, T., Suyanta, Slamet, A., Suprapto, & Kurniawan, F. (2020). New potential and characterization of Andrographis paniculata L. Ness plant extracts as photoprotective agent. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13(12):8888-8897.
Fauziyyah, A. I., Prajitno, A., Fadjar, M., Syaifurrisal, A., & Riyadi, F. M. (2021). The effect of giving croton leaf crude extract (Codiaeum variegatum) as an alternative to the antibacterial of Edwardsiella tarda in Vitro. Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health, 10(3):282-289.
Janik-Spiechowicz, E., & Wyszyńska, K. (1999). Genotoxicity evaluation of tetramethylbenzenes. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 439(1):69-75.
KKP. (2019). Data dan statistik perikanan budidaya nasional 2015-2019. Jakarta: Ditjen PDSPKP.
Mauro, M., Lazzara, V., Arizza, V., Luparello, C., Ferrantelli, V., Cammilleri, G., Inguglia, L., & Vazzana, M. (2021). Human drug pollution in the aquatic system: the biochemical responses of Danio rerio adults. Biology, 10(10):1-27.
Nandiyanto, A. B. D., Oktiani, R., & Ragadhita, R. (2019). How to read and interpret FTIR spectroscope of organic material. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1):97-118.
Olga. (2012). Patogenisitas bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila Asb01 pada ikan gabus (Ophicephalus striatus). Sain Akuatik, 14(1):33-39.
Pepi, M., & Focardi, S. (2021). Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in aquaculture and climate change: A challenge for health in the Mediterranean area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11):1-31.
Polianciuc, S. I., Gurzău, A. E., Kiss, B., Ștefan, M. G., & Loghin, F. (2020). Antibiotics in the environment: causes and consequences. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, 93(3):231-240.
Prastiti, L. A., Sarjito., & Prayitno, S. B. (2015). Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak jahe merah (Zingiber officinale var rubrum) pada media pemeliharaan terhadap kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) yang diinfeksi bakteri Edwardsiella tarda. Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology, 4(3):31-37.
Pratama, B. A., Susilowati, T., & Yuniarti, T. (2018). Pengaruh perbedaan suhu terhadap lama penetasan telur, daya tetas telur, kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan benih ikan gurame (Osphronemus gouramy) strain bastar. Jurnal Sains Akuakultur Tropis, 2(1):59-65.
Retnowati, Y., Bialangi, N., & Posagi, N. W. (2011). Pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus pada media yang diekspos dengan infus daun sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata). Saintek, 6(2):397-405.
Riwanti, P., Izazih, F., & Amaliyah. (2020). Pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi etanol pada kadar flavonoid total ekstrak etanol 50, 70 dan 96%. Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika, 2(2):82-95.
Riyadi, F. M., Prajitno, A., Fadjar, M., Syaifurrisal, A., & Fauziyyah, A. I. (2021). Potential of moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extract to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria Edwardsiella tarda. Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health, 10(3):321-330.
Riyono, S. H. (2006). Beberapa metode pengukuran klorofil fitoplankton di laut. Oseana, 31(3):33-44.
Rusmawanto, R., Prajitno, A., & Yuniarti, A. (2019). Minimum inhibitory concentration of marine microalgae Dunaliella salina on fish pathogenic bacteria Edwardsiella tarda. Journal of Life Science, 6(2):72-82.
Safratilofa. (2017). Histopatologi hati dan ginjal ikan patin (Pangasionodon hypopthalmus) yang diinjeksi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila. Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau, 2(2):83-88.
Sawitti, M. Y., Mahatmi, H., & Besung, I. N. K. (2013). Daya hambat perasan daun sambiloto terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli. Indonesia Medicus Veterinus, 2(2):142-150.
Valerio Jr., L. G. (2009). In silico toxicology for the pharmaceutical sciences. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 241(3):356-370.
Wolf, J. C., & Wheeler, J. R. (2018). A critical review of histopathological findings associated with endocrine and non-endocrine hepatic toxicity in fish models. Aquatic Toxicology, 197:60-78.
Zulfadhli, Z., Wijayanti, N., & Retnoaji, B. (2016). Perkembangan ovarium ikan wader pari (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker, 1854): Pendekatan histologi. Jurnal Perikanan Tropis, 3(1):32-39.