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The Effects of Depth and Habitats on Bycatch Distribution in Deployed Fish Traps in Bidong Archipelago, Terengganu – Peninsular Malaysia
Corresponding Author(s) : FAZRUL HISAM
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Graphical Abstract
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1. Fish traps at 20 m depth captured the highest species diversity, while 10 m had the most bycatch abundance.
2. Habitat type strongly influenced bycatch composition and species richness, with differences across the study stations.
3. Artisanal fish traps captured a wide range of species, indicating non-selectivity in fishing.
4. Bycatch composition varied with depth, with demersal species being predominant at greater depths.
5. The study recommends management strategies like time-release mechanisms to minimize the ecological impact of fish traps.
In many marine ecosystems, the fish population has been correlated to bycatch related activities, the most frequently fisheries activities in Malaysia, while the relative importance of other factors such as the depth of artisanal fish trap remains understudied. We investigate whether the bycatch distribution would be affected by deployment of artisanal fish trap at different depths, placed at extensively studied marine educational university station, the Bidong Island, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Terengganu. The traditional artisanal fish trap with a dimension of 1.52 m x 0.92 m x 0.92 m with the wooden frame and the oval shape funnel with a diameter of 25 cm x 6 cm and 25 cm of entrance depth were used for sample collection. The results show that there are six families, six genera and seven species of fish were successfully captured with a 20 m depth captured more fish species compared to others (i.e., 10 m and 15 m depth). The findings of this study provide evidence of the relationship of fish trap depths and fish distribution in the wild. This information could be useful for fishermen for further deployment of their fish trap within the sampling areas in the future.
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- Chen, W., Al-Baz, A., Bishop, J. M., & Al-Husaini, M. (2012). Field experiments to improve the efficacy of gargoor (fish trap) fishery in Kuwait’s waters. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(1):535-546.
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- Jones, B. L., Unsworth, R. K. F., Udagedara, S., & Cullen-Unsworth, L. C. (2018). Conservation concerns of small-scale fisheries: By-catch impacts of a Shrimp and Finfish Fishery in a Sri Lankan Lagoon. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4(52):1-13.
- Marshak, A. R., Hill, R. L., Sheridan, P., Schärer, M. T., & Appeldoorn, R. (2007). In-situ observations of Antillean fish trap contents in Southwest Puerto Rico: Relating catch to habitat and damage potential. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.
- Mohidin, N. A. H., Hajisamae, S., Abdullah, M. M., Hashim, M., Ishak, S. D., & Fazrul, H. (2022). Assessing impact of stingray gill net fishery to bycatch population around Bidong Island, Malaysia. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 17(1):23-36.
- Munro, J. L. (1983). Caribbean coral reef fishery resources. Manila: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management.
- Naimullah, M., Lee, W. Y., Wu, Y. L., Chen, Y. K., Huang, Y. C., Liao, C. H., & Lan, K. W. (2022). Effect of soaking time on targets and bycatch species catch rates in fish and crab trap fishery in the southern East China Sea. Fisheries Research, 250(1):1-15.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (2022). Understanding bycatch. Retrieved from fisheries.noaa.gov on https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/insight/understanding-bycatch
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- Patanasatienkul, T., Delphino, M. K. V. C., & Thakur, K. K. (2020). Comparing the effectiveness of traditional and alternative baits in Prince Edward Island, Canada Lobster Fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(1):1-7.
- Peatman, T., Allain, V., Caillot, S., Park, T., Williams, P., Tuiloma, I., Panizza, A., Fukofuka, S., & Smith, N. (2018). Summary of purse seine fishery bycatch at a regional scale, 2003-2017. Paper presented at the Conference: 14th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Scientific, Busan, Republic of Korea.
- Priede, I. G., Godbold, J. A., King, N. J., Collins, M. A., Bailey, D. M., & Gordon, J. D. M. (2010). Deep-sea demersal fish species richness in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic Ocean: Global and regional patterns. Marine Ecology, 31(1):247-260.
- Shester, G. G., & Micheli, F. (2011). Conservation challenges for small-scale fisheries: Bycatch and habitat impacts of traps and gillnets. Biological Conservation, 144(5):1673-1681.
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- mitigation, and the future of trap fishing for crustaceans and fish. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(2):584-596.
- Taiga, K., & Katsunori, T. (2021). Patterns in diversity and species composition in soft-sediment
- tidepool fishes across topographical types: Implications for conservation with spatial nuances. Marine Environmental Research, 170(1):1-12.
- Travers, M. J., Newman, S. J., & Potter, I. C. (2006). Influence of latitude, water depth, day v. night and wet v. dry periods on the species composition of reef fish communities in tropical Western Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 69(4):987-1017.
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- Vadziutsina, M., & Riera, R. (2020). Review of fish trap fisheries from tropical and subtropical reefs: Main features, threats and management solutions. Fisheries Research, 223(1):1-12
- Vadziutsina, M., & Riera, R. (2021). Artisanal and small-scale fish trap fisheries from tropical and subtropical reefs: Targeted species and conservation of fish stocks. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 45(2):69-83.
- Vasconcelos, P., Pereira, F., Moreno, A., & Gaspar, M. B. (2019). Bycatch, discards and survival rates in the small-scale cuttlefish trap fishery on sandy bottoms off the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Management and Ecology, 26(4):334-344.
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Afiq-Firdaus, M. A., Lima, C. S., Din, M. S. C., Kadir, S. T. S. A., Ramasamy, A. M. A., Manaf, N. A., Ali, M. S., Lachs, L., Wright, H. E., & Bachok, Z. (2021). Coral reef fish community at Pulau Bidong, Terengganu, South China Sea. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(5):48-66.
Alverson, D. L., Freeberg, M. H., Murawski, S. A., & Pope, J. G. (1994). A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. Rome: FAO.
Azahari, M. A. Bin, Hassan, M., Hajisame, S., Ali, N. A. N., & Aziz, M. F. H. B. A. (2020). Effect of coconut leaves, coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) as artificial bait on the catch of fish traps at Telaga Batin Water, Terengganu. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 12(1):1-8.
Azman, A. M. N., Samsur, M., & Othman, M. (2014). Distribution of tetrodotoxin among tissues of pufferfish from Sabah and Sarawak waters. Sains Malaysiana, 43(7):1003-1011.
Bacheler, N. M., Bartolino, V., & Reichert, M. J. M. (2013). Influence of soak time and fish accumulation on catches of reef fishes in a multispecies trap survey. Fishery Bulletin, 218-232.
Bouwer, S., Pilling, G., Hampton, J., Williams, P., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Vincent, M., Smith, N., & Peatman, T. (2018). The Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fishery: 2017 overview and status of stocks. New Caledonia: SPC.
Chen, W., Al-Baz, A., Bishop, J. M., & Al-Husaini, M. (2012). Field experiments to improve the efficacy of gargoor (fish trap) fishery in Kuwait’s waters. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(1):535-546.
Collins, M. R. (1990). A comparison of three fish trap designs. Fisheries Research, 9(4):325-332.
Colloca, F., Scarcella, G., & Libralato, S. (2017). Recent trends and impacts of fisheries exploitation on Mediterranean stocks and ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4(244):1-13.
Graham, N. (2010). Technical measures to reduce bycatch and discards in trawl fisheries. In P. He (Ed.), Behavior of marine fishes: Capture processes and conservation challenges. New Jersey: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Gray, C. A., & Kennelly, S. J. (2018). Bycatches of endangered, threatened and protected species in marine fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 28(3):521-541.
Hajisamae, S., Fazrul, H., & Pradit, S. (2015). Feeding ecology of Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Brachyura, Portunidae) in the southern gulf of Thailand: Influences of habitat, season, size class, shell stage and ovigerous condition. Crustaceana, 88(10–11): 1163-1180.
Harris, J. H. (1995). The use of fish in ecological assessments. Australian Journal of Ecology, 20(1):65-80.
Hawkins, J. P., & Roberts, C. M. (2004). Effects of artisanal fishing on Caribbean coral reefs. Conservation Biology, 18(1):215-226.
Hawkins, J. P., Roberts, C. M., Gell, F. R., & Dytham, C. (2007). Effects of trap fishing on reef fish communities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17(2):111-132.
He, P. (2015). Systematic research to reduce unintentional fishing-related mortality: Example of the Gulf of Maine Northern Shrimp Trawl Fishery. In Fisheries Bycatch: Global Issues and Creative Solutions.
Indrahti, S., & Maziyah, S. (2021). Identification of fishing gear in Java from historical and cultural perspective. Journal of Maritime Studies and National Integration, 5(1):30-41.
IUCN. (2021). The IUCN red list of threatened species. Retrieved from https://www. iucnredlist.org on ….
Jones, B. L., Unsworth, R. K. F., Udagedara, S., & Cullen-Unsworth, L. C. (2018). Conservation concerns of small-scale fisheries: By-catch impacts of a Shrimp and Finfish Fishery in a Sri Lankan Lagoon. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4(52):1-13.
Marshak, A. R., Hill, R. L., Sheridan, P., Schärer, M. T., & Appeldoorn, R. (2007). In-situ observations of Antillean fish trap contents in Southwest Puerto Rico: Relating catch to habitat and damage potential. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.
Mohidin, N. A. H., Hajisamae, S., Abdullah, M. M., Hashim, M., Ishak, S. D., & Fazrul, H. (2022). Assessing impact of stingray gill net fishery to bycatch population around Bidong Island, Malaysia. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 17(1):23-36.
Munro, J. L. (1983). Caribbean coral reef fishery resources. Manila: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management.
Naimullah, M., Lee, W. Y., Wu, Y. L., Chen, Y. K., Huang, Y. C., Liao, C. H., & Lan, K. W. (2022). Effect of soaking time on targets and bycatch species catch rates in fish and crab trap fishery in the southern East China Sea. Fisheries Research, 250(1):1-15.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (2022). Understanding bycatch. Retrieved from fisheries.noaa.gov on https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/insight/understanding-bycatch
Ogle, D. H. (2016). Introductory fisheries analyse with R. (pp. 337). New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Patanasatienkul, T., Delphino, M. K. V. C., & Thakur, K. K. (2020). Comparing the effectiveness of traditional and alternative baits in Prince Edward Island, Canada Lobster Fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(1):1-7.
Peatman, T., Allain, V., Caillot, S., Park, T., Williams, P., Tuiloma, I., Panizza, A., Fukofuka, S., & Smith, N. (2018). Summary of purse seine fishery bycatch at a regional scale, 2003-2017. Paper presented at the Conference: 14th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Scientific, Busan, Republic of Korea.
Priede, I. G., Godbold, J. A., King, N. J., Collins, M. A., Bailey, D. M., & Gordon, J. D. M. (2010). Deep-sea demersal fish species richness in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic Ocean: Global and regional patterns. Marine Ecology, 31(1):247-260.
Shester, G. G., & Micheli, F. (2011). Conservation challenges for small-scale fisheries: Bycatch and habitat impacts of traps and gillnets. Biological Conservation, 144(5):1673-1681.
Stevens, B. G. (2021). The ups and downs of traps: Environmental impacts, entanglement,
mitigation, and the future of trap fishing for crustaceans and fish. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(2):584-596.
Taiga, K., & Katsunori, T. (2021). Patterns in diversity and species composition in soft-sediment
tidepool fishes across topographical types: Implications for conservation with spatial nuances. Marine Environmental Research, 170(1):1-12.
Travers, M. J., Newman, S. J., & Potter, I. C. (2006). Influence of latitude, water depth, day v. night and wet v. dry periods on the species composition of reef fish communities in tropical Western Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 69(4):987-1017.
Tuda, P. M., Wolff, M., & Breckwoldt, A. (2016). Size structure and gear selectivity of target species in the multispecies multigear fishery of the Kenyan South Coast. Ocean & Coastal Management, 130(1):95-106.
Vadziutsina, M., & Riera, R. (2020). Review of fish trap fisheries from tropical and subtropical reefs: Main features, threats and management solutions. Fisheries Research, 223(1):1-12
Vadziutsina, M., & Riera, R. (2021). Artisanal and small-scale fish trap fisheries from tropical and subtropical reefs: Targeted species and conservation of fish stocks. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 45(2):69-83.
Vasconcelos, P., Pereira, F., Moreno, A., & Gaspar, M. B. (2019). Bycatch, discards and survival rates in the small-scale cuttlefish trap fishery on sandy bottoms off the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fisheries Management and Ecology, 26(4):334-344.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (2021). What is bycatch? Understanding and preventing fishing activities. Retrieved from worldwildlife.org on https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/bycatch
Zeller, K. A., Vickers, T. W., Ernest, H. B., & Boyce, W. M. (2017). Multi-level, multi-scale resource selection functions and resistance surfaces for conservation planning: Pumas as a case study. PLoS ONE, 12(6):1-20.