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Study on Spatio-temporal Distribution of Chlorophyll-a on Pelagic Catch Productivity in Muara Bendera, West Java, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Graphical Abstract
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- The trend of chlorophyll-a in the pelagic fish catchment area of the Muara Bendera has increased.
- Trend of chlorophyll-a values around the waters of the Citarum and Cisadane River Estuaries increased.
- Chlorophyll-a and pelagic CPUE have a negative relationship.
- The waters around the mouth of the Citarum River are mesotrophic - eutrophic waters
Chlorophyll-a has been considered an indicator of pelagic fish abundance in waters. Although a high nutrient load causes eutrophication, leading to fish mortality, global-scale climate anomalies will also influence the oceanographic conditions of the seas. This study aimed to investigate spatial patterns and trends of chlorophyll-a, the relationship between chlorophyll-a and pelagic fish catch productivity, and the effect of ENSO and IOD on pelagic fish catch productivity. The chlorophyll-a data were obtained from the SeaWiFS and Terra-Aqua MODIS time-series datasets of ocean color satellites. The results indicated that Jakarta Bay had the highest chlorophyll-A concentration. The Chlorophyll-A concentrations declined as the distance between the estuary and the coast grew. From 1997 to 2021, the regional pattern of increasing chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Citarum and Cisdane estuaries was continuous. Since 2001, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in Jakarta Bay has declined, whereas it has begun to climb in the seas of the North Seribu Islands. The increasing chlorophyll-A trend in the Seribu Islands is attributed to rising nitrate levels induced by human-driven coral degradation. Between 1997 and 2021, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the Muara Bendera fishing region grew by +0.013 mg/m3/year, or 1.43 percent each year. The correlation between chlorophyll-a and pelagic fish catch productivity was -0.13. ENSO does not affect the productivity of pelagic catches in this region. However, it was discovered that IOD reduced the productivity of low-category pelagic catches.
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Lumban-Gaol, J., Siswanto, E., Mahapatra, K., Natih, N. M. N., Nurjaya, I. W., Hartanto, M. T., Maulana, E., Adrianto, L., Rachman, H. A., Osawa, T., Rahman, B. M. K., & Permana, A. (2021). Impact of the Strong Downwelling (Upwelling) on Small Pelagic Fish Production during the 2016 (2019) Negative (Positive) Indian Ocean Dipole Events in the Eastern Indian Ocean off Java. Climate, 9(2):1-29.
Miura, T., Smith, C. Z., & Yoshioka, H. (2021). Validation and analysis of Terra and Aqua MODIS, and SNPP VIIRS vegetation indices under zero vegetation conditions: A case study using Railroad Valley Playa. Remote Sensing of Environment, 257(6):1-19.
Mohebzadeh, H., Yeom, J., & Lee, T. (2020). Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Chlorophyll-a with Genetic Programming in South Korea. Remote Sensing, 12(9):1-19.
Mukhtar, M. K., Supriatna, & Manessa, M. D. M. (2021). The validation of water quality parameter algorithm using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 image in Palabuhanratu Bay. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 846(2):1-10.
Muskananfola, M. R., Jumsar, & Wirasatriya, A. (2021). Spatio-temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration, sea surface temperature and wind speed using aqua-modis satellite imagery over the Savu Sea, Indonesia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 22(2):1-18.
Nastiti A. S., Mujiyanto, & Krismono. (2020). The abundance of Chaetoceros spp. and its relation to the water quality parameters in the Muara Gembong Waters, West Jawa. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, 16(1):39-46.
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