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Uji Proximat Daging Ikan Lele yang Dibudidayakan dengan Perbedaan Manajemen Kualitas Air dan Pakan
[Test Proximat Meat Catfish Cultivated with Differences Water and Feed Quality Management]
Corresponding Author(s) : Arif Bimantara
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal ilmiah perikanan dan kelautan
Ikan lele merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan budidaya yang popular di Indonesia. Permintaan pasar akan jenis ikan ini yang semakin bertambah menyebabkan pembudidaya lele menggunakan berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahui hasil uji proksimat daging ikan lele yang dibudidayakan dengan manajemen kualitas air dan pakan yang berbeda meliputi kandungan protein, lemak, air dan abu. Sampel didapatkan dari lima pembudidaya ikan lele yang menggunakan metode pemeliharaan yang berbeda yaitu (1) L1 : pemberian pakan daging ayam dengan pergantian air 3 -5 hari sekali; (2) L2 : pemberian pakan pelet dicampur dengan bahan herbal, penambahan probiotik pada air budidaya dan dilakukan pergantian air setiap hari; (3) L3 : pakan kombinasi pelet dan daging ayam dengan pergantian air 3-5 hari sekali; (4) L4 : pakan pelet tanpa pergantian air; (5) L5 : pakan pelet dicampur multivatimin komersial, penambahan probiotik pada air budidaya dan dilakukan pergantian air 3-5 hari sekali. Daging ikan lele L1 memiliki kandungan air (67,1%) dan protein (14,6%) paling rendah walaupun memiliki kandungan lemak (5,6%) tertinggi dibandingkan sampel perlakuan lain, sedangkan sampel L2 memiliki kandungan protein tertinggi sebesar 17,4% sekaligus memiliki kadar abu paling rendah diantara sampel lainnya sebesar 0,4%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa manajemen kualitas air dan pakan mempengaruhi hasil uji proksimat daging ikan lele yang dibudidayakan.
Catfish is one of the most popular aquaculture commodities in Indonesia. The increasing market demand for this fish caused the catfish farmers to apply various methods to improve the quality and quantity of its product. This study aimed to assess the proximate test results of catfish meat cultured in different water quality and feeding management for the parameters protein, fat, water, and ash content. The samples were obtained from five catfish farmers using different culture methods, namely (1) L1: chicken meat feeding with water exchange every 3-5 days; (2) L2: pellets feeding mixed with herbs, probiotics addition to culture water and daily water exchange; (3) L3: combination of pellets and chicken meat feeding with water exchange every 3-5 days; (4) L4: pellets feeding with no water exchange; (5) L5: commercial multivatimin mixed with pellets feeding, probiotics addition to culture water and water exchange every 3-5 days. The L1 catfish meat has the lowest water (67,1%) and protein (14,6%) content, although it has the highest fat content (5,6%) compared to other treatments, while the L2 sample has the highest protein content of 17,4 % as well as the lowest as content among other samples of 0.4%. These results indicate that water quality and feeding management affect the proximate test results of cultured catfish meat.
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Abdulrahman, N. M., Hamad, & Ameen, H. J. (2014). Replacement of fishmeal with microalgae Spirulina on common carp weight gain, meat and sensitive composition and survival. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 13: 93–98.
Adewoye, S. O., & Omotosho, J. S. (1997). Nutrient composition of some freshwater fishes in Nigeria. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 11(4): 333-336.
Adewumi, A. A., Adewole, H. A., & Olaleye, V. F. (2014). Proximate & elemental composition of the fillets of some fish species in Osinmo Reservoir, Nigeria. The Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 5(3): 109-117.
Aitken, A., Lees, A., & Smith, J. G. M. (2001). Measuring Fish Composition. Retrieved March 26, 2018 from
Ali, M., Salam, A., Igbal, F. (2001). Effect of environmental variables on body composition parameters of Channa punctata. Journal Reseach in Science, 12: 200-206.
AOAC. (1990). Official methods of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc., Washington, DC, USA.
Bernard, E., Bankole, N. O., Akande, G. R., Adeyemi, S., & Ayo-Olalusi, C. I. (2010). Organoleptic characteristics, lengthweight relationship and condition factor of Oreochromis Niloticus in Egah River at Idah L.G.A Of Kogi State, Nigeria. Internet Journal of Food Safety, 12: 62-70
Cruz, N. E., Cruz, P. E., & Suárez, H. (2012). Characterization of the Nutritional Quality of the Meat in Some Species of Catfish: A Review. The Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomía Medellín, 65(2):6799-6709.
de Roos, B., Alan, S., & Helen, M. (2012). Fish as a dietary source of healthy long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) and vitamin D. A Review of Current Literature. Food and Health innovation Service. United Kingdom.
Fabiola, H., & Martha, E. (2012). Nutritional richness and importance of the consumption of tilapia in the Papaloapan Region (Riqueza nutricional eimportancia del consumo de la mojarra tilapia en la región del Papaloapan). Revista electrónica de Veterinaria, 13: 6-12.
FAO. (2016). The State of World Fisheries & Aquaculture 2016. Contributing to food security and nutrition for all. Rome. 200 pp.
Hafiluddin, Perwitasari, Y., & Budiarto, S. (2014). Analisis kandungan gizi dan bau lumpur ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) dari dua lokasi yang berbeda. Jurnal Kelautan, 7(1): 33-34.
Ibrahim, M. D. (2013. Evolution of probiotics in aquatic world: potential effects, the current status in Egypt and recent prospectives. Journal of Advanced Research, 6: 765–791.
Idris, Libata, G., Omojowo, Samuel, F., Folake, O. P., Oluwaseun, A. C., & Onyebuchi, N. E. (2010). The effect of different concentrations of ginger on the
quality of smoked dried catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Nature and Science, 8(4):59-63.
Liu, S., Fan, W., Zhong, S., Ma, C., Li, P., Zhou, K., Peng, Z., & Zhu, M. (2010). Quality evaluation of traypacked tilapia fillets stored at 0°C based on sensory, microbiological, biochemical and physical attributes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(5):692-701.
Nahar, Z., Azad Shah, A. K. M., Bhandari, R. K., Ali, M. H. & Dewan, S. (2000). Effect of different feeds on growth, survival and production of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell). Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research., 4(2):121-126.
Samy, Y., Mohamed, M., Mohamed, E. & Walid, N. (2012). Flesh quality differentiation of wild and cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(17): 4086-4089.
Sobha, K., Poonima, A., Harini, P., & Veeraiah, K. (2007). A study on biochemical changes in the freshwater fish, Catla catla (Hamilton) exposed to the heavy metal toxicant cadmium chloride. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 1(4): 1–11.
Starling, P., Karen C., Anne T. M. & Catherine L. (2015). Fish intake during pregnancy and foetal neurodevelopment-A systematic
review of the evidence. Nutrients, 7: 2001-2014.
Zmijewski, T., Kujawa, R., Jankowska, B., Kwiatkowska, A., & Mamcarz, A. (2006). Slaughter yield, proximate and fatty acid composition and sensory properties of rapfen (Aspius aspius L.) with tissue of bream (Abramis brama L.) and pike (Exox lucius L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 19: 176- 181.