Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a condition where plaque build up inside the coronary artery which could lead to heart attack. One of the factors that affects CHD is food consumption pattern that can increase lipid level so the heart could not get any nutrition optimally. The research was aimed to analyze the relationship between food consumption pattern, and lipid profi le with CHD in elderly patients of Jemursari Islamic General Hospital, Surabaya. The study was a case control design with 20 of case patients who had CHD history and 20 of control patients with dyslipidemia. The analysis used chi-square test for the variables such as carbohydrates and fat intake, meal frequency, total cholesterol level, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides level. The result showed that there is relationship between fat intake and CHD (p=0.002; OR=13.500; 95%CI), but there were no relationship between carbohydrates intake (p= 0.105), meal frequency (p=0.451), total cholesterol level (p = 0.237), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) (p = 0.054), and triglycerides level (p=0.341), with CHD in dyslipidemia elderly patient. Elderly patients is expected to maintain their nutrient intake, especially fat intake in order to reduce the chance of CHD.
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