Food production through the cultivation industry is one of the promising options because it is able to support the nutritional needs of the community, especially in terms of the adequacy of animal protein. One promising aquaculture product is catfish culture (Clarias batracus) because catfish are known to be able to grow in relatively unfavorable water conditions, have relatively short growth times (2–3 months). Nonetheless, the emergence of diseases that cause mass death and decreased cultivator income have become the main problems lately. Therefore, the purpose of community service is to overcome mass death in order to increase catfish production and diversify post-harvest fish processing to increase community income. The approach includes isolation and characterization of bacteria that cause mass death, bacterial resistance to antibiotics, indigenous probiotic production, and training in making catfish. The results of the dedication showed that there were bacteria that were resistant to antibiotics from isolation from catfish that experienced disease during July to October. In addition, efforts have been made to produce indigenous probiotics from the catfish digestive tract that survive mass death, and training in processing catfish snacks on site. A good response is shown in processing training and it is hoped that in the future these two efforts will be able to increase the economic independence
of the community.
Produksi pangan melalui industri budidaya merupakan salah satu opsi menjanjikan karena mampu mendukung kebutuhan gizi masyarakat, terutama dari segi kecukupan protein hewani. Salah satu produk budidaya yang menjanjikan adalah budidaya ikan lele (Clarias batracus) karena ikan lele dikenal mampu tumbuh dalam kondisi air yang relatif kurang baik, memiliki waktu pertumbuhan relatif pendek (2-3 bulan). Meskipun demikian munculnya penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian massal serta penghasilan pembudidaya yang menurun
menjadi permasalahan utama belakangan ini. Oleh karena itu, tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah upaya mengatasi kematian massal guna meningkatkan produksi lele serta diversifi kasi olahan ikan pasca panen untuk meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat. Pendekatan yang dilakukan meliputi isolasi dan karakteristik bakteri penyebab kematian massal, resistansi bakteri terhadap antibiotik, produksi probiotik indigenous, serta pelatihan pembuatan olahan lele. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bakteri yang tahan terhadap antibiotik hasil isolasi dari lele yang mengalami penyakit selama bulan Juli sampai Oktober. Selain itu juga telah dilakukan upaya produksi probiotik indigenous dari saluran pencernaan lele yang bertahan hidup dari kematian massal, dan pelatihan pengolahan snack berbahan ikan lele di lokasi. Respons yang baik ditunjukkan pada pelatihan pengolahan serta diharapkan ke depan kedua upaya ini mampu meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat.
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