The freshwater fishery sector is one of the potentials possessed by the village of Tapen due to its location near the river and the Sampean Baru dam, which is the largest river in Bondowoso Regency. However, the income of the people with the livelihood of freshwater fish fishermen in Tapen Village is not optimal because the community does not understand how to process and market processed freshwater fish products in order to increase the selling value of fish. Efforts to increase community income through the fisheries sector carried out by the 60 KKN BBM Uniar period eke-63 are socialization of processing and marketing of processed freshwater fish products. The activity was carried out with a presentation method regarding the processing and marketing of processed freshwater fish products as well as a demonstration on the process of making processed freshwater fish products in the form of catfish dumplings and tilapia nuggets. The socialization participants were PKK women, village cadres, fishermen's wives, and prospective entrepreneurs from the village of Tapen. In addition, the socialization regarding the marketing of processed freshwater fish products was also carried out using the online method using the Whatsapp group media.
Sektor perikanan air tawar merupakan salah satu potensi yang dimiliki oleh desa Tapen disebabkan letaknya yang berada di dekat sungai dan bendungan Sampean Baru yang merupakan sungai terbesar yang berada di Kabupaten Bondowoso. Namun, pendapatan masyarakat dengan mata pencaharian nelayan ikan air tawar di Desa Tapen belum maksimal karena masyarakat kurang memahami cara mengolah dan memasarkan produk olahan ikan air tawar guna meningkatkan nilai jual ikan. Upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat melalui sektor perikanan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok 60 KKN BBM Uniar periode ke-63 adalah dengan Sosialisasi Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Produk Olahan Ikan Air Tawar. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan metode presentasi mengenai pengolahan dan pemasaran produk olahan ikan air tawar serta demonstrasi mengenai proses pembuatan produk olahan ikan air tawar yang berupa siomay ikan lele dan nugget ikan nila. Peserta sosialisasi adalah ibu-ibu PKK, kader desa, istri nelayan, serta calon pengusaha yang berasal dari desa Tapen. Selain itu sosialisasi mengenai pemasaran produk olahan ikan air tawar juga dilakukan dengan metode daring menggunakan media grup Whatsapp.
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