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Fortification of Eucheuma cottonii Flour on Vaname Shrimp Nuggets as Source of Iodine

Nugget Udang Vaname Terfortifikasi Tepung Eucheuma cottonii

Eucheuma cottonii Fortification Nugget Vannamei Iodine


Background: Iodine is an essential micronutrient component for humans. Iodine deficiency can lead to a decrease in the level of intelligence. Sources of iodine other than salt can come from marine products such as seaweed. Eucheuma cottonii seaweed is usually used in flour preparations. The addition of E. cottonii seaweed flour which has a high iodine content can be applied to food products that are popular with the public, such as fast food in the form of nuggets. In addition, fishery products that have a high protein content can be used as raw material for nuggets, namely vannamei shrimp. The development of food products such as vannamei shrimp nuggets with fortification of E. cottonii seaweed flour has not been carried out much. So it is necessary to develop nugget products made from vannamei shrimp fortified with Eucheuma cottonii seaweed flour as an alternative to prevent and overcome the problem of iodine deficiency.  

Objectives: To fortify Eucheuma cottonii seaweed flour in the manufacture of vannamei shrimp nuggets as an effort to increase the iodine content in processed fishery food products.

Methods: The research design was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. The research was carried out in April-May 2022 at the Fishery Products Laboratory of FPIK, Universitas Brawijaya. The addition of E. cottonii seaweed flour was 0% (negative control), 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5%. Chemical testing parameters include iodine levels, physical testing parameters, namely the elasticity test, and organoleptic testing, namely the hedonic test method for parameters of color, aroma, taste, and texture. The best treatment was determined using the de Garmo method and proximate testing was carried out including the levels of carbohydrates, protein, fat, moisture, and ash.

Results: Fortification of E. cottonii seaweed flour with different levels had a significant effect (p<0.05) on iodine levels, elasticity, and organoleptic values including the appearance, taste, aroma, and texture of vannamei shrimp nuggets. Fortification of seaweed flour type E.cottonii with the best grade, namely treatment level F2 (7.5%) with iodine content 6.17mcg/g, elasticity 6.65 N, carbohydrate content 77.04%, protein 7.78%, fat 3.67%, moisture 9.85%, and ash 1.66%.

Conclusions: Vannamei shrimp nugget products fortified with E. cottonii seaweed flour can be a form of product diversification and need further development and testing to become a food alternative to prevent and overcome iodine deficiency.