Proximate Analysis and Physical Characteristics of Analog Rice Based on Breadfruit Flour and Anchovy
Analisis Proximat dan Karakteristik Fisik Beras Analog Berbasis Tepung Sukun dengan Penambahan Ikan Teri Nasi
Background: The consumption pattern of Indonesian people is highly dependent on rice as a staple food. The development of analog rice from various composite flours is not sufficient with products that are low in carbohydrates and glycemic indeks. Rice analog improved to formulate from various ingredients to enrich nutritional content. The addition of anchovies is an alternative effort to increase the nutritional content of the analog rice formula.
Objectives: To determine the chemical and physical characteristics of analog rice based on breadfruit flour and anchovies.
Methods: Experimental research with a one factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Four treatments consisted of (0%, 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%) addition of anchovies in analog rice formula and three replication treatments. Chemical tests focused on proximate analysis consisting of water, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrate content. Physical tests included rice density, cooking time, water holding capacity, 1000 grain weight, and hardness level. Data analysis used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Post Hoc Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
Results: The addition of anchovies improves the proximate analysis (ash and protein), decreases fat and no significantly different to carbohydrate content and energy compared to the control. Analog rice in this study contained 4.94-8.41% protein. The water content of analog rice meets the Indonesian National Standard with a maximum limit of 14%. The formulation of analog rice in this study reduced water holding capacity and increased bulk density. Cooking time, 1000 grain weight, and hardness level were not different compared to the control. The cooking time of analog rice ranged from 15-16 minutes, and the weight of 1000 grains ranged from 16.33-17.57 g.
Conclusions: The addition of anchovies to the analog rice formula resulted in higher protein levels and lower carbohydrates compared to the control.
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