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Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daging Bekicot (Achatina fulica) pada Pakan Buatan terhadap Pertumbuhan, Rasio, Konversi Pakan dan Tingkat Kelulushidupan Benih Ikan Patin (Pangasius pangasius)
[Effect of Use of Snail Meat (Achatina fulica) for Artificial Diet on Growth, Food Convertion and Survival Rate Catfish (Pangasius pangasius)]
Corresponding Author(s) : Boedi Setya Rahardja
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Currently catfish is experiencing a fairly rapid growth, this is because the catfish is one of the important commodities in the fishery. Efforts to increase catfish production is to improve the quality of feed. The aim of this study is to observe effect of snail meat meal for growth rate, food conversion ratio and survival rate of catfish seeds. This research method is experimental with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were used: (A) 0% snail meat meal, (B) 10% snail meat meal and 30% fish meal, (C) 20% snail meat meal and 20% fish meal, (D) 30% snail meat meal and 10% fish meal and (E) 40% snail meat meal. The main parameters measured were growth, feed conversion ratio and survival rate. Supporting parameters measured were water quality. Analysis of the data used is Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to know the difference among treatment using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results of this study showed that use of snail meat meal in feed formulation stastistically difference (p<0.05) for growth and survival rate of catfish seeds but not statistically difference (p>0.05) for feed conversion ratio. Water quality in maintenance media seed catfish is the temperature 0range between 26-31C, pH 7-8 and dissolved oxygen was 7.2-8.0 mg/L.
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Afrianto, E dan E. Liviawaty. 1992. Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan. Kanisius. Jakarta. hal. 33.
Agustono., W. P. Lokapirnasari, H. Setyono dan T. Nurhajati. 2007. Pengantar Teknologi Pakan Ikan. Universitas Airlangga. hal. 29-37.
Akbar, S. 2000. Meramu Pakan Ikan Kerapu (Bebek,Lumpur, Macan, Malabar). Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. hal. 7.
Amri, K dan Susanto, H. 2002. Budidaya Ikan Patin. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 90 hal.
Badan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (BSNI).2000. Produksi Benih Ikan Patin Siam(Pangasius hyphopthalmus) Kelas Benih Sebar. SNI : 01-6483.4. Jakarta. 23Oktober 2010. 13 hal.
Badan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (BSNI). 2009. Ikan Patin Djambal (Pangasius djambal). Bagian 3 : Kelas Benih Sebar. SNI : 7471.3. Jakarta. www.perikananbudidaya. 23 Oktober 2010. 12hal.
Bureau, D. P and Cho, C. Y. 1999. An Introduction to Nutrition and Feeding of Fish. Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory Departement of Animal and Poultry Science. University o f G u e l p h , O n t a r i o .C a n a d a 04 Maret 2011. 36 hal.
Balai Budidaya Laut (BBL). Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan Dan Perikanan. 2002. Pengelolaan Kesehatan Ikan Budidaya Laut. ISBN : 979-95483-8-1. No : 10. Lampung. hal. 17.
Balai Budidaya Laut (BBL). Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan Dan Perikanan. 2003. Penanganan Penyakit Ikan Budidaya Laut. ISBN : 979-98017-1No : 12. Lampung. hal. 24.
Fujaya, Y. 2004. Fisiologi Ikan : Dasar Pengembangan Teknik Perikanan. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. hal. 131.
Gusrina, 2008b. Budidaya Ikan. Edisi kedua. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta. 22 Oktober 2010. 284 hal.
Haetami, K., I. Susangka dan Y. Adriani. 2007. Kebutuhan dan Pola Makan Ikan Jambal Siam dari Berbagai Tingkat Pemberian Energi Protein Pakan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Efisiensi. Skripsi. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Ke l aut an Unive r s i t a s Padj a j a r an. 01 Maret 2011. 40 hal
Kordi, M. G. H. K. 2010. Budidaya Ikan Patin di Kolam Terpal. Lily Publisher. Yogyakarta. hal. 1-14.
Kusriningrum, R. S. 2008. Perancangan Percobaan. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. hal. 43- 63.
Lovell, T. 1988. Nutrition and Feeding of Fish. Auburn University. New York. ISBN 0- 442-25927-1. hal. 19.
Mudjiman, A. 2001. Makanan Ikan. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. hal. 100-178.
Murtidjo, B. A. 1987. Pedoman Meramu Pakan Unggas. Kanisius. hal. 1-73.
Narbuko, C. dan A. Achmadi. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian. PT. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta. Hal 51-52.
Sahwan, M. F. 2002. Pakan Ikan dan Udang. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 95 hal.
Sogbesan, A. O and Ugwumba A. A. A. Nutritional Values of Some Non-Conventional Animal Protein Feedstuffs Used as Fishmeal Supplement in Aquaculture Practices in Nigeria. University of Ibadan. Ibadan. Nigeria. 2 hal.
Umphan, K. M. 2009. Growth Performance, Sex Hormone Levels and Maturation Ability of Pla Pho (Pangasius bocourti) Fed with Spirulina Supplementary Pellet and Hormone Application. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 11: 458-462. 21 Oktober 2010. 4 hal.
Wilson, R. P. 1994. Utilization of Different Carbohydrate by Fish. Aquaculture 124, 67-