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Pengaruh Perasan Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya) terhadap Kerusakan Telur Argulus japonicus
[The Influence of Papaya Seed (Carica papaya) Toward The Damage Eggs of Argulus japonicus]
Corresponding Author(s) : Kismiyati Kismiyati
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Argulus japonicus being parasite with blood sucking the host, do infestations by piercing the skin of the host through a maxillule and preoral stylet. The infestation causes ulceration and bleeding, thus giving access to secondary infection by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and causes death. The act of controlling against Argulus japonicus can be done by reduce in population which began in eggs stadium. Control over A.japonicus can use natural insecticide that is papaya seeds. Papaya seeds contain the active substance that are saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids which act as a natural insecticide. The research design was a completely randomized design with a treatment that were 0 ppt, 70 ppt, 80 ppt, 90 ppt, 100 ppt, and five replications. Data were analyzed by using analysis variance (ANAVA). The results showed that the juice of papaya seeds affect the egg damage of Argulus japonicus. Concentration of 100 ppt juice of papaya seeds can broken A. japonicus eggs with the largest percentage is 100%. Concentration of 90 ppt that percentage of eggs of A. japonicus were damaged by 83%, 74,25% of 80 ppt concentration, 59% of 70 ppt concentration, and 0% of control. Optimal concentration of papaya seeds which resulted in the amount of damage more than 50% of Argulus japonicus eggs is 80 ppt.
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Ajizah, A. 2004, Sensitivitas Salmonella Typhimurium Terhadap Ekstrak Daun Psidium Guajava L. Bioscientiae. 1(1): 31-38.
Arsyiyanti, C. 2012. Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya) Terhadap Kadar Asam Urat Tikus Sprague Dawley Dislipidemia. Skripsi. Ilmu Gizi. Fakultas Kedokteran. Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang. 29 hal.
Diahsari, A. R. 2013. Prevalensi dan Intensitas Argulus pada Ikan Koi (Cyprinus carpio) di Sentra Ikan Koi Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Skripsi. Budidaya Perairan. Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 45 hal.
Fryer, G. 1956. A report on the parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura of the fishes of Lake Nyasa. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 132 : 517-550.
Fryer, G. 1964. Further studies on the parasitic Crustacea of African freshwater fishes. Proc. zoo. Soc. Lond. 143: 79-102.
Hoffman, G. L. 1977. Argulus a Branchiuran Parasite of Freshwater Fishes. US Fish and Wildlife Publication, 137 : 1-10.
Kusriningrum. 2012. Perancangan Percobaan. Airlangga University Press. Surabaya. hal. 11-62.
Mikheev, V. N., A. F. Pasternak, E. T. Valtonen and Y. Lankinen. 2001. Spatial Distribution and Hatching of Overwintered Eggs of a Fish Ectoparasite, Argulus coregoni (crustacea: branchiura). Aquatic Org. 46 : 123-128.
Naria, E. 2005. Insektisida Nabati Untuk Rumah Tangga. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat. Universitas Sumatera Utara. Medan. 5 hal.
Salvato, J. 1992. Enviromental Engineering and Sanitation. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Shafir, A. and J. G. Van As. 1986. Laying, development and hatching of eggs of the fish ectoparasite Argulus japonicus (Crustacea: Branchiura). J Zool. 210 : 401-414.
Sofia, D. 2006. Antioksidan dan Radikal bebas. 11/11/2014. 2 hal.
Taylor, N.G. H., C. Sommerville and R. Wooten. 2005. A Review of Argulus spp. Occuring in UK Freshwaters. Enviroment Agency, 1 : 1-30.
Ulfah, Y., A. Gafur dan E. D. Pujawati. 2009. Penetasan telur dan mortalitas pupa nyamukAedes Aegypti pada perbedaan konsentrasi air rebusan serai (Andropogon Nardus L). Bioscie. 6 (2) : 37-48.
Venter, M. 1988. Voorplantingsbiologie Van Die Visluis Argulus Japonicus Thiele, 1900 (Crustacea : Branchiura). Thesis. University of Johannesburg. South Africa. 138 p.
Walker, P. D. 2008. Argulus the Ecology of a Fish Pest. Doctoral Thesis. The Radbound University. Nijmegen. 191 p