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Analisis Respons Imun Ikan Koi (Cyprinus carpio Koi) yang Divaksin dengan Whole Protein Spora Myxobolus koi sebagai Kandidat Vaksin Myxobolusis
[ Immune Response Analysis of Fish Koi (Cyprinus carpio Koi) Vaccinated Myxobolus Koi Spores Whole Protein as Vaccine Candidate Myxobolusis]
Corresponding Author(s) : Gunanti Mahasri
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Myxobolus is one of parasites on koi fish that belongs to a class myxosporea that can infect and systemic and can cause harm to the fish farming. Vaccination is an attempt to cause-specific endurance through vaccination. Observations differential leukocytes and increased optical density values can be used to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine is given. This study aims to analyze the immune response koi fish vaccinated with Myxobolus koi spores whole protein for vaccine development myxobolusis in koi fish. The method used in this study is Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The results showed that a change in the total number and types of leukocytes that can be used as indicators of the presence of certain infectious diseases that occure in fish. The highest value of lymphocytes in treatment B, monocytes highest in treatment D, neutrophils on treatment D, eosinophils on treatment A and basophils highest in treatment A. The observation of the highest optical density value in treatment B (fish vaccinated and infected 80 M. koi spores / tail) of 0.593 at day 30, while the lowest in treatment D (fish are not vaccinated but diinveksi 80 M. koi spores / tail) of 0,064 in 30 days
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Abbas, S. A., J. J Glazier., A. H. Lightman and Pober, J. S. 2000. Celluler and Molecular Immunology. J of Immun. 36: 959-969p.
Affandi R dan Tang UM. 2002. Fisiologi Hewan Air. Unri Press. Pekanbaru. 38 - 40.
Anshary, H. 2008. Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Student Center Learning (SCL) Mata Kuliah Parasitologi Ikan. Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Hassanudin. Makasar. Hal 126.
Bastiawan D, A. Wahid, M. Alifudin dan I. Agustiawan. 2001. Gambaran Darah Lele dumbo (Clarias spp) yang Diinfeksi Cendawan Aphanomyces sp pada pH yang Berbeda. Jurnal Penelitian Indonesia 7(3) : 4447.
Chavda, D. 2010. Pathogenicity of Myxobolus Infection and its Effect on Protein Expression in Catla catla Central Gujarat Region. J. Cell Tiss Research. 8: 258-261p.
Dwijayanti, A. A. 2011. Karakterisasi protein nodul pada insang ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) akibat infestasi Myxobolus sp dengan metode SDS-PAGE. Skripsi. Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Airlangga. Hal 2.
Hadiroseyani, Y. 2003. Potensi Oligochaeta Sebagai Inang Antara Parasit Myxosporea pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L). Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Hal 37-39.
Helmiati, S., Triyanto dan H. N. Kamiso. 2005. Prevalensi dan Derajat Infeksi Myxobolus sp Pada Insang Benih Karper (Cyprinus carpio) di Kabupaten Sleman. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta. Hal 7.
Lom, J and I. Dykova. 1992. Protozoan Parasites of Fishes. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. 26: 315 p.
Poobalane, S., K. D. Thompson, L. Ardo, N. Verjan, H. J. Han, G. Jeney, I. Hirono, T. Aoki and A. Adams. 2010. Production and efficacy of an Aeromonas hydrophila recombinant Slayer protein vaccine for fish. Elsevier. Japan. 3540-3541 p.
Rizkiani, F. 2006. Produksi Antibodi Poliklonal oleh Toksin Insektisida Photorhabdus spp dan Deteksinya dengan Teknik NCM-ELISA. Program Studi Biokimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Hal 4-5.
Rukyani, A. 1990. Histopathological Changes in The Gill of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Infected with the Myxosporean Parasite Myxobolus Koi Kudo. 1920: 337-341.
Tizard I. 1988. Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Ed ke-2. Partodirejo M, Hardjosworo S, penerjemah; Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. Terjemahan dari: An Introduction to Veterinary Immunology.