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Pengaruh Pemberian Beberapa Bakteri Terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias sp.)
[The Effect Of Bacteria Supply To Survival Rate Juvenile Of African Catfish (Clarias sp.) ]
Corresponding Author(s) : Muhammad Arief
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Commodities African catfish (Clarias sp) is a rapidly growing commodity in Indonesia. Clarias gariepinus is one of the leading commodities and have a good market. African catfish hatchery fish is generally done in areas that have abundant water resources so that a minimal constraint on the area of water. Therefore applied a closed system with the addition of bacteria recirculation degrading organic material that is expected to reduce the accumulation of organic material, there by increasing the survival of African catfish fry. This study aimed to investigate the influence of bacteria that degrade organic material in a closed recirculation system on the survival of fish fry of African catfish (Clarias sp.). This research using Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and five replications of each K treatment (0%), A (1%) (6.0x108 CFU / ml), B (3%) (1.8x109 CFU / ml ) and C (5%) (3.0x109). added bacteria consisting of Pseudomonas pseudomallei with similarity index (97.81%), Pseudomonas stutzeri with similarity index (97.81%), Pseudomonas stutzeri with similarity index ( 61.21%) The results of this study indicate that the addition of Pseudomonas pseudomallei (97.81%), Pseudomonas stutzeri (97.81%) and Pseudomonas stutzeri (61.21%) gave significant differences (p <0.05) against survival of fish fry of African catfish.
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Boyd, C.E. 1992. Water Quality In Ponds For Aquaculture. Birmingham Publishing Co Birmingham. Alabama. Hal 1 – 187.
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Fardiaz, S. 1993. Analisis Mikrobiologi Pangan. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta. Hal 205 - 219.
Frobisher, M. 1965. Fundamental of Microbiologi 7th edition. WB Saunders co. Philadelphia. p. 254 – 271.
Hadieotomo, R. S. 1993. Mikrobiologi Dasar Dalam Praktek. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Hal 84 – 97.
Khairuman dan Amri. 2002. Budidaya Ikan Lele Dumbo Secara Intensif. Agromedia Pustaka. Jakarta. Hal 23 – 25.
Kusriningrum. 2008. Dasar Perancangan Percobaan. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. Hal 14 - 20.
Mahyuddin, K. 2007. Agribisnis Lele. Penebar Swadaya. Depok. Hal 24 – 94.
Prayogo. 2009. Eksplorasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Bahan Organik Pada Pembenihan Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias sp) Sistem Resirkulasi Tertutup. Thesis Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. 59 hal.
Sasongko, A. 2001. Biomassa Bakteri Nitrifikasi pada Berbagai Bahan Filter dalam Sistem Resirkulasi Aliran Tertutup dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kondisi Ikan. Disertasi Program Studi Ilmu Perairan. IPB. 59 hal.
Sexena, R. K., P. K. Ghost, R. Gupta, W. S. Davidson, S. Bradoo dan R. Gulati. 2004. Microbial Lipase: Potensial Biocatalysts for Tha Future Industry. http:/ Akses 13/10/09. 7 hal.
Stabeell, O. B. 1992. A Simple System For Self-Clening Of Fish Rearing Tanks By Periodic Increase In Water Outflow. Aquaculture Engineering. Hal 47 – 53.
Sutisna, D.H dan R. Sutarmanto. 1995. Pembenihan Ikan Air Tawar. Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Hal 37 – 39.
Sutanto, I dan Suprapto. 2004. Peranan Probiotik dalam Budidaya Udang Intensif. Makalah Seminar The National Symposium on Development and Scientific and Tecnology Innovation in Aquaculture. Semarang 27 – 29 Januari 2004. 22 hal.
Yulianta, E. 2009. Studi Perbandingan Sistem Penggolondongan Benih Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias sp) Antara Sistem Tradisional dan Resirkulasi. Akses 14/09/09. 15 hal.