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Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) Restoration Performance with Two Different Methods (Anchor and Seed) in Panjang Island, Jepara, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Jan Ericson Wismar
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Highlight Research
- Seeds can grow into seagrass seedlings for an optimal period of five weeks
- Seed sowing can be optimized by supplementing nutrients with fertilizers
- The seedling transplant method, which utilizes seed seedlings, is not significantly different in daily growth from the anchor transplant method, which utilizes donors/seeds transport
- The biomass content of seagrass leaves can be used to determine the growth rate of the leaves
Globally, the area of seagrass beds important to the ecosystems in coastal environment is decreasing due to environmental pressures, both natural and artificial. Transplantation is one way to restore the condition of damaged seagrass beds, the anchor transplant method uses the transfer of donor seagrass to the transplant area, while the seed transplant method uses seed sowed from seagrass. This study aimed to investigate the survival and growth rates of seagrass transplants and the biomass and chlorophyll content of transplanted Enhalus acoroides in the waters of Panjang Island Jepara utilizing anchor and seedling methods. The research was conducted in the waters around Panjang Island, Jepara, between September and December 2021. The results indicated that transplantation of seagrass E. acoroides using the anchor method resulted in the highest average growth rate of 0.25 cm/day and a survival rate of 96.67%, while transplantation using the seedling method resulted in a growth rate of 0.18 cm/day and a survival rate of 83.33%. The results showed that the anchor method scored better than the seedling transplantation method in terms of growth rate and survival rate. However, seedling is a feasible method to meet the availability of seeds that will later be transplanted, considering that the anchor method still has shortcomings in terms of the availability of seeds and the use of pegs which are still not environmentally friendly. so that the seedling method can be recommended for the restoration process of seagrass ecosystems by taking into account the season, weather and other important indices.
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- Ambo-Rappe, R. (2022). The success of seagrass restoration using Enhalus acoroides seeds is correlated with substrate and hydrodynamic conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, 310:114692.
- Ambo-Rappe, R., Nafie, Y. A. L., Syafiuddin, Limbong, S. R., Asriani, N., Handayani, N. T., & Lisdayanti, E. (2019). Short communication: Restoration of seagrass Enhalus acoroides using a combination of generative and vegetative techniques. Biodiversitas, 20(11):3358-3363.
- Ambo-Rappe, R., & Yasir, I. (2015). The effect of storage condition on viability of Enhalus acoroides seedlings. Aquatic Botany, 127:57-61.
- Azkab, M. H. (2000). Struktur dan fungsi pada komunitas lamun. Oseana, XXV(3):9-17.
- BTNKpS (Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu). (2006). Metode penanaman lamun. Jakarta: BTNKps.
- Borum, J., Duarte, C. M., Krause-Jensen, D., & Greve, T. M. (2004). European seagrasses: an introduction to monitoring and management. Copenhagen: The EU Project Monitoring and Managing of European Seagrass (M&MS).
- Calumpong, H. P., & Fonseca, M. S. (2001). Seagrass transplantation and other seagrass restoration methods. In F. T. Short and R. G. Coles (Ed.), Global seagrass research method. (pp. 425-443). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Dahuri, R., Rais, J., Ginting, S. P., & Sitepu, M. J. (2001). Pengelolaan sumber daya wilayah pesisir dan lautan secara terpadu. Jakarta: Pradnya Paranita.
- Harah, Z. M., & Sidik, B. J. (2013). Occurrence and distribution of seagrasses in waters of Perhentian Island Archipelago, Malaysia. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 8(3):441-451.
- Hartati, R., Widianingsih, W., Trianto, A., Zainuri, M., & Ambariyanto, A. (2017). The abundance of prospective natural food for sea cucumber Holothuria atra at Karimunjawa Island waters, Jepara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 18(3):947-953.
- Harnianti, N., Karlina, I., & Irawan, H. (2017). Laju pertumbuhan jenis lamun Enhalus acoroides dengan teknik transplantasi Polybag dan Sprig Anchor pada jumlah tunas yang berbeda dalam rimpang di perairan Bintan. Intek Akuakultur, 1(1):15-26.
- Hasanah. (2014). Efek umur semaian lamun Enhalus acoroides terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasannya saat ditanam di Pulau Barranglompo. Thesis. Makassar: Universitas Hasanuddin.
- Hernawan, U. E., Rahmawati, S., Ambo-Rappe, R., Sjafrie, N. D. M., Hadiyanto, H., Yusup, D. S., Nugraha, A. H., La Nafie, Y. A., Adi, W., Prayudha, B., Irawan, A., Rahayu, Y. P., Ningsih, E., Riniatsih, I., Supriyadi, I. H., & McMahon, K. (2021). The first nation-wide assessment identifies valuable blue-carbon seagrass habitat in Indonesia is in moderate condition. Science of The Total Environment, 782:1-11.
- Ilahude, A. G., & Nontji, A. (1999). Oseanografi Indonesia dan perubahan iklim global (El Nino dan La Nina). Paper presented at Lokakarya AIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Ilhami, B. T. K. (2019). Respon fisiologis lamun Thalassia hemprichii terhadap kondisi pH dalam proses asidifikasi. Thesis. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
- Irawan, A., Supriharyono, S., Hutabarat, J., & Ambariyanto, A. (2019). Threat of small scale capture fisheries on the fish biodiversity in seagrass beds of Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 12(6):2286-2297.
- Irawan, A., Supriharyono, S., Hutabarat, J., Ambariyanto, A. (2018). Seagrass beds as the buffer zone for fish biodiversity in coastal water of Bontang City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 19(3):1044-1053.
- Kawaroe, M., Jaya, I., & Indarto, H. S. (2008). Rekayasa teknologi transplantasi lamun pada jenis Enhalus acoroides dan Thallassia hemprichii di Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Bogor: IPB University.
- Kilminster, K., McMahon, K., Waycott, M., Kendrick, G. A., Scanes, P., McKenzie, L., O'Brien, K. R., Lyons, M., Ferguson, A., Maxwell, P., Glasby, T., & Udy, J. (2015). Unravelling complexity in seagrass system for management: Australia as a microcosm. Science of The Total Environment, 534:97-109.
- Kiswara, W. (2004). Kondisi padang lamun (seagrass) di perairan Teluk Banten 1998-2001. Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-LIPI.
- Kusuma, A. N., Suryono, C. A., & Riniatsih, I. (2020). Kandungan klorofil Cymodocea serrulata berdasarkan perbedaan kedalaman di Perairan Pulau Panjang, Jepara. Journal of Marine Science, 9(4):439-443.
- Lanuru, M. (2011). Bottom sediment characteristics affecting the success of seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) transplantation in westcoast of South Sulawesi (Indonesia). Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Engineering IPCBEE, Singapore.
- Lewis, R. R., Phillips, R. C., Adamek, D. J., & Cato, J. C. (1982). Final report - seagrass revegetation studies in Monroe County. Florida: Florida Deptartment of Transportation.
- Mustaromin, E., Apriadi, T., & Kurniawan, D. (2019). Transplantasi lamun Enhalus acoroides menggunakan metode berbeda di Perairan Sebong Pereh Kecamatan Teluk Sebong Kabupaten Bintan. Jurnal Akuatiklestari, 3(1):23-30.
- Nugraha, A. H., Almahdi, S., Zahra, A., & Karlina, I. (2021). Morphometric characteristic and growth responses of Enhalus acoroides seedlings under different substrate composition treatment. Journal Omni-Akuatika, 17(2):112-117.
- Ort, B. S., Cohen, C. S., Boyer, K. E., Reynolds, L. K., Tam, S. M., & Wyllie-Echeverria, S. (2014). Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. Journal of PloS one, 9(2):e89316.
- Pradhana, H. D. W., Endrawati, H., & Susanto, A. B. (2021). Analisis kesesuaian ekosistem lamun sebagai pendukung ekowisata bahari Pulau Panjang, Kabupaten Jepara. Journal of Marine Research, 10(2):213-224.
- Rahmawati, S. (2011). Ancaman terhadap komunitas padang lamun. Oseana, XXXVI(2):49-58.
- Riniatsih, I., & Endrawati, H. (2013). Pertumbuhan lamun hasil transplantasi jenis Cymodocea rotundata di padang lamun Teluk Awur Jepara. Buloma: Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 2(1):34-40.
- Riniatsih, I., Ambariyanto, A., Yudiati, E., & Hartati, R. (2021). Fish communities associated in seagrass beds correlated to the characteristics of their habitat at the Coast of Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 27(Aug Suppl.):S28-S35.
- Rosmawati, Huselan, N. V., Khouw, A. S., & Tupan, Ch. I. (2020). Laju pertumbuhan lamun Enhalus acoroides yang di transplantasi dengan menggunakan metode terfs di perairan pantai Desa Waai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Biologi Science & Education, 9(1):69-80.
- Rustam, A., Bengen, D. G., Arifin, Z., Gaol, J. L., & Arhatin, R. E. (2014). Growth rate and productivity dynamics of Enhalus Acoroides leaves at the seagrass ecosystem in Pari Islands based on in situ and alos satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 10(1):37-46.
- Sand-Jensen, J. (1975). Biomass, net production and growth dynamics in an eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) population in Vellerup Vig, Denmark. Ophelia, 14(1-2):185-201.
- Short, F. T., & Coles, R. G. (2001). Global seagrass research methods. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Short, F. T., Davis, R. C., Kopp, B. S., Short, C. A., & Burdick, D. M. (2002). Site selection model for optimal transplantation of eelgrass Zostera marina in the Northeastern US. Journal of Marine Ecology Progress Series, 227:253-267.
- Singarimbun, M., & Effendi, S. (1995). Metode penelitian survey. Jakarta: PT. Pustaka LP3ES.
- Sjafrie, N. D. M., Hernawan, U. E., Prayudha, B., Iswari, M. Y., Rahmat, Anggraini, K., Rahmawati, S., Suyarso, & Supriyadi, I. H. (2018). Status padang lamun indonesia Ver. 02 2018. Jakarta: Puslit Oseanografi - LIPI.
- Sugianti, Y., & Mujiyanto, M. (2020). Current status and species diversity of seagrass in Panjang Island, Banten. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 25(1):15-22.
- Sumbayak, J. E. W. S., Setyati, W. A., & Riniatsih, I. (2021). Potensi penyimpanan karbon pada vegetasi padang lamun di perairan besar utara, Sikka Maumere, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Buloma: Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 10(1):51-60.
- Supriadi, S., Soedharma, D., & Kaswadji, R. F. (2006). Beberapa aspek pertumbuhan lamun Enhalus acoroides di Pulau Barrang Lompo Makassar. Biosfera, 23(1):1-8.
- Talakua, C., & Rumengan, Y. (2020). Pertumbuhan lamun hasil transplantasi Enhalus acoroides di padang lamun Teluk Amahai. Jurnal Biosilampari: Jurnal Biologi, 2(2):52-57.
- Tangke, U. (2010). Ekosistem Padang Lamun (manfaat dan fungsi rehabilitasi). Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, 3(1):9-29.
- Tasabaramo, I. A., Kawaroe, M., & Ambo-Rappe, A. (2016). Laju pertumbuhan, penutupan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup Enhalus acoroides yang ditransplantasi secara monospesies dan multispesies. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 7(2):757-770.
- Tebaiy, S., Mampioper, D. C., Batto, M., Manuputty, A., Tuharea, S., & Clement, K. (2021). The status of seagrass health: supporting sustainable small-scale fisheries in Misool Marine protected area, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 26(3):136-146.
- Thangaradjou, T., & Kannan, L. (2008). Survival and growth of transplants of laboratory raised axenic seedlings of Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) royle and field-collected plants of Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers and Halodule pinifolia (Miki) den Hartog. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 12:135-143.
- Thorhaug, A. (1974). Transplantation of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum König. Aquaculture, 4(2):177-183.
- Wendländer, N. S., Lange, T., Conolly, R. M., Kristensen, E., Pearson, R. M., Valdemarsen, T., & Flindt, M. R. (2019). Assessing methods for restoring seagrass (Zostera muelleri) in Australia's subtropical waters. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71(8):996−1005.
- Wulandari, D., Riniatsih, I., Yudiati, E. (2013). Transplantasi lamun Thalassia hemprichii dengan metode jangkar di Perairan Teluk Awur dan Bandengan, Jepara. Journal of Marine Research, 2(2):30-38.
- Zieman, J. C. (1974). Methods for the study of the growth and production of the turtle grass, Thalassia Testudinum König. Aquaculture, 4:139-143.
Ambo-Rappe, R. (2022). The success of seagrass restoration using Enhalus acoroides seeds is correlated with substrate and hydrodynamic conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, 310:114692.
Ambo-Rappe, R., Nafie, Y. A. L., Syafiuddin, Limbong, S. R., Asriani, N., Handayani, N. T., & Lisdayanti, E. (2019). Short communication: Restoration of seagrass Enhalus acoroides using a combination of generative and vegetative techniques. Biodiversitas, 20(11):3358-3363.
Ambo-Rappe, R., & Yasir, I. (2015). The effect of storage condition on viability of Enhalus acoroides seedlings. Aquatic Botany, 127:57-61.
Azkab, M. H. (2000). Struktur dan fungsi pada komunitas lamun. Oseana, XXV(3):9-17.
BTNKpS (Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu). (2006). Metode penanaman lamun. Jakarta: BTNKps.
Borum, J., Duarte, C. M., Krause-Jensen, D., & Greve, T. M. (2004). European seagrasses: an introduction to monitoring and management. Copenhagen: The EU Project Monitoring and Managing of European Seagrass (M&MS).
Calumpong, H. P., & Fonseca, M. S. (2001). Seagrass transplantation and other seagrass restoration methods. In F. T. Short and R. G. Coles (Ed.), Global seagrass research method. (pp. 425-443). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Dahuri, R., Rais, J., Ginting, S. P., & Sitepu, M. J. (2001). Pengelolaan sumber daya wilayah pesisir dan lautan secara terpadu. Jakarta: Pradnya Paranita.
Harah, Z. M., & Sidik, B. J. (2013). Occurrence and distribution of seagrasses in waters of Perhentian Island Archipelago, Malaysia. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 8(3):441-451.
Hartati, R., Widianingsih, W., Trianto, A., Zainuri, M., & Ambariyanto, A. (2017). The abundance of prospective natural food for sea cucumber Holothuria atra at Karimunjawa Island waters, Jepara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 18(3):947-953.
Harnianti, N., Karlina, I., & Irawan, H. (2017). Laju pertumbuhan jenis lamun Enhalus acoroides dengan teknik transplantasi Polybag dan Sprig Anchor pada jumlah tunas yang berbeda dalam rimpang di perairan Bintan. Intek Akuakultur, 1(1):15-26.
Hasanah. (2014). Efek umur semaian lamun Enhalus acoroides terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasannya saat ditanam di Pulau Barranglompo. Thesis. Makassar: Universitas Hasanuddin.
Hernawan, U. E., Rahmawati, S., Ambo-Rappe, R., Sjafrie, N. D. M., Hadiyanto, H., Yusup, D. S., Nugraha, A. H., La Nafie, Y. A., Adi, W., Prayudha, B., Irawan, A., Rahayu, Y. P., Ningsih, E., Riniatsih, I., Supriyadi, I. H., & McMahon, K. (2021). The first nation-wide assessment identifies valuable blue-carbon seagrass habitat in Indonesia is in moderate condition. Science of The Total Environment, 782:1-11.
Ilahude, A. G., & Nontji, A. (1999). Oseanografi Indonesia dan perubahan iklim global (El Nino dan La Nina). Paper presented at Lokakarya AIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Ilhami, B. T. K. (2019). Respon fisiologis lamun Thalassia hemprichii terhadap kondisi pH dalam proses asidifikasi. Thesis. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Irawan, A., Supriharyono, S., Hutabarat, J., & Ambariyanto, A. (2019). Threat of small scale capture fisheries on the fish biodiversity in seagrass beds of Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 12(6):2286-2297.
Irawan, A., Supriharyono, S., Hutabarat, J., Ambariyanto, A. (2018). Seagrass beds as the buffer zone for fish biodiversity in coastal water of Bontang City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 19(3):1044-1053.
Kawaroe, M., Jaya, I., & Indarto, H. S. (2008). Rekayasa teknologi transplantasi lamun pada jenis Enhalus acoroides dan Thallassia hemprichii di Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Bogor: IPB University.
Kilminster, K., McMahon, K., Waycott, M., Kendrick, G. A., Scanes, P., McKenzie, L., O'Brien, K. R., Lyons, M., Ferguson, A., Maxwell, P., Glasby, T., & Udy, J. (2015). Unravelling complexity in seagrass system for management: Australia as a microcosm. Science of The Total Environment, 534:97-109.
Kiswara, W. (2004). Kondisi padang lamun (seagrass) di perairan Teluk Banten 1998-2001. Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-LIPI.
Kusuma, A. N., Suryono, C. A., & Riniatsih, I. (2020). Kandungan klorofil Cymodocea serrulata berdasarkan perbedaan kedalaman di Perairan Pulau Panjang, Jepara. Journal of Marine Science, 9(4):439-443.
Lanuru, M. (2011). Bottom sediment characteristics affecting the success of seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) transplantation in westcoast of South Sulawesi (Indonesia). Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Engineering IPCBEE, Singapore.
Lewis, R. R., Phillips, R. C., Adamek, D. J., & Cato, J. C. (1982). Final report - seagrass revegetation studies in Monroe County. Florida: Florida Deptartment of Transportation.
Mustaromin, E., Apriadi, T., & Kurniawan, D. (2019). Transplantasi lamun Enhalus acoroides menggunakan metode berbeda di Perairan Sebong Pereh Kecamatan Teluk Sebong Kabupaten Bintan. Jurnal Akuatiklestari, 3(1):23-30.
Nugraha, A. H., Almahdi, S., Zahra, A., & Karlina, I. (2021). Morphometric characteristic and growth responses of Enhalus acoroides seedlings under different substrate composition treatment. Journal Omni-Akuatika, 17(2):112-117.
Ort, B. S., Cohen, C. S., Boyer, K. E., Reynolds, L. K., Tam, S. M., & Wyllie-Echeverria, S. (2014). Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. Journal of PloS one, 9(2):e89316.
Pradhana, H. D. W., Endrawati, H., & Susanto, A. B. (2021). Analisis kesesuaian ekosistem lamun sebagai pendukung ekowisata bahari Pulau Panjang, Kabupaten Jepara. Journal of Marine Research, 10(2):213-224.
Rahmawati, S. (2011). Ancaman terhadap komunitas padang lamun. Oseana, XXXVI(2):49-58.
Riniatsih, I., & Endrawati, H. (2013). Pertumbuhan lamun hasil transplantasi jenis Cymodocea rotundata di padang lamun Teluk Awur Jepara. Buloma: Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 2(1):34-40.
Riniatsih, I., Ambariyanto, A., Yudiati, E., & Hartati, R. (2021). Fish communities associated in seagrass beds correlated to the characteristics of their habitat at the Coast of Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 27(Aug Suppl.):S28-S35.
Rosmawati, Huselan, N. V., Khouw, A. S., & Tupan, Ch. I. (2020). Laju pertumbuhan lamun Enhalus acoroides yang di transplantasi dengan menggunakan metode terfs di perairan pantai Desa Waai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Biologi Science & Education, 9(1):69-80.
Rustam, A., Bengen, D. G., Arifin, Z., Gaol, J. L., & Arhatin, R. E. (2014). Growth rate and productivity dynamics of Enhalus Acoroides leaves at the seagrass ecosystem in Pari Islands based on in situ and alos satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 10(1):37-46.
Sand-Jensen, J. (1975). Biomass, net production and growth dynamics in an eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) population in Vellerup Vig, Denmark. Ophelia, 14(1-2):185-201.
Short, F. T., & Coles, R. G. (2001). Global seagrass research methods. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Short, F. T., Davis, R. C., Kopp, B. S., Short, C. A., & Burdick, D. M. (2002). Site selection model for optimal transplantation of eelgrass Zostera marina in the Northeastern US. Journal of Marine Ecology Progress Series, 227:253-267.
Singarimbun, M., & Effendi, S. (1995). Metode penelitian survey. Jakarta: PT. Pustaka LP3ES.
Sjafrie, N. D. M., Hernawan, U. E., Prayudha, B., Iswari, M. Y., Rahmat, Anggraini, K., Rahmawati, S., Suyarso, & Supriyadi, I. H. (2018). Status padang lamun indonesia Ver. 02 2018. Jakarta: Puslit Oseanografi - LIPI.
Sugianti, Y., & Mujiyanto, M. (2020). Current status and species diversity of seagrass in Panjang Island, Banten. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 25(1):15-22.
Sumbayak, J. E. W. S., Setyati, W. A., & Riniatsih, I. (2021). Potensi penyimpanan karbon pada vegetasi padang lamun di perairan besar utara, Sikka Maumere, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Buloma: Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 10(1):51-60.
Supriadi, S., Soedharma, D., & Kaswadji, R. F. (2006). Beberapa aspek pertumbuhan lamun Enhalus acoroides di Pulau Barrang Lompo Makassar. Biosfera, 23(1):1-8.
Talakua, C., & Rumengan, Y. (2020). Pertumbuhan lamun hasil transplantasi Enhalus acoroides di padang lamun Teluk Amahai. Jurnal Biosilampari: Jurnal Biologi, 2(2):52-57.
Tangke, U. (2010). Ekosistem Padang Lamun (manfaat dan fungsi rehabilitasi). Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, 3(1):9-29.
Tasabaramo, I. A., Kawaroe, M., & Ambo-Rappe, A. (2016). Laju pertumbuhan, penutupan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup Enhalus acoroides yang ditransplantasi secara monospesies dan multispesies. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 7(2):757-770.
Tebaiy, S., Mampioper, D. C., Batto, M., Manuputty, A., Tuharea, S., & Clement, K. (2021). The status of seagrass health: supporting sustainable small-scale fisheries in Misool Marine protected area, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 26(3):136-146.
Thangaradjou, T., & Kannan, L. (2008). Survival and growth of transplants of laboratory raised axenic seedlings of Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) royle and field-collected plants of Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers and Halodule pinifolia (Miki) den Hartog. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 12:135-143.
Thorhaug, A. (1974). Transplantation of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum König. Aquaculture, 4(2):177-183.
Wendländer, N. S., Lange, T., Conolly, R. M., Kristensen, E., Pearson, R. M., Valdemarsen, T., & Flindt, M. R. (2019). Assessing methods for restoring seagrass (Zostera muelleri) in Australia's subtropical waters. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71(8):996−1005.
Wulandari, D., Riniatsih, I., Yudiati, E. (2013). Transplantasi lamun Thalassia hemprichii dengan metode jangkar di Perairan Teluk Awur dan Bandengan, Jepara. Journal of Marine Research, 2(2):30-38.
Zieman, J. C. (1974). Methods for the study of the growth and production of the turtle grass, Thalassia Testudinum König. Aquaculture, 4:139-143.