The Interaction between Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index Status and Gestational Weight Gain on Newborn Anthropometry Outcomes in West Sumatera, Indonesia
Interaksi antara Status Indeks Massa Tubuh sebelum Hamil dan Kenaikan Berat Badan selama Hamil terhadap Antropometri Bayi Lahir di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Background: Mother's nutritional status before and during pregnancy plays an important role in fetal growth and development. The prevalence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) incidence in West Sumatra has increased from 3.11% (2019) to 3.4% (2021).
Objectives: To analyze the interaction between pre-pregnancy BMI status and gestational weight gain on newborn anthropometry in West Sumatra.
Methods: This is a secondary data analysis study from the Vitamin D Pregnant Mother (VDPM) 2018 study with a prospective cohort design and the follow-up analysis was in February-April 2024. This study involved 175 pregnant women and newborns who met the predetermined criteria. Variables examined included pre-pregnancy BMI status, gestational weight gain, and newborn anthropometry. Data analysis used Kruskal Wallis, Spearman correlation test, and multivariate General Linear Model (GLM).
Results: Research findings showed a correlation between pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain (p-value 0.049, r=-1.4). Pre-pregnancy BMI correlated with birth weight (p-value=0.003, r=0.2) and body length (p-value=0.045, r=0.1), but not with head circumference (p-value=0.054). Gestational weight gain had no significant relationship with newborn anthropometry (p-value 0.512 for birth weight, p-value 0.368 for body length, and 0.368 for head circumference). No interaction was found between pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain status on newborn anthropometric measurements with a p-value of 0.739 for birth weight, 0.377 for body length, and 0.175 for head circumference.
Conclusions: The results show no interaction between pre-pregnancy BMI status and gestational weight gain on newborn anthropometry. Women are encouraged to pay attention to nutrition before and during pregnancy to optimize maternal and infant health.
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