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Pengembangan Metode Isolasi Kondroitin Sulfat dari Tulang Rawan Sotong (Sepia phraonis), Pari (Raja sp.), Dan Hiu (Carcharinus falciformes)
[The Isolation Development of Chondroitin Sulphate from Cuttlebone (Sepia phraonis), Ray's Cartilage (Raja sp.), and Shark (Carcharinus falciformes) ]
Corresponding Author(s) : Moch. Amin Alamsjah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Chondroitin sulfate are drugs for osteoarthritis which usually made from pig cartilage and shark , the material can not be accepted because of the prohibition of pork and rare of shark. This study developed a method of Nakano, Garnjanagoonchorn, and Volpi . Extraction and isolation of chondroitin sulfate from alternative raw materials such as the rays and cuttlefish cartilage materials because both are abundant and cheap. Isolation results were analyzed using Fourier Transform - Infrared and Thermal Analysis diffrential, obtained 2.37% chondroitin sulfate from shark cartilage, 1.57 % from ray's, while the squid was not obtained chondroitin sulfate.
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Budavari, S. 1996. The Merck Index, ed 12th. Whitehouse Station, Merck & Co. p 371
Creswell, C.J., Runquist, O.A., and Campbell, M. M. 2005. Analisis Spektrum Senyawa Organik. Edisi 3. Diterjemahkan oleh: Padmawinata K, dan Soediro I. Bandung: Penerbit ITB.
Cavalcanti, O.A., Silva, C.C., Pineda, E.A.G., and Hechenleitner, A.A.W. 2005. Synthesis and characterization of phosphate crosslinked chondroitin sulfate: potential ingredient for specific drug delivery. Journal of Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense 24(2): 234238.
Garnjanagoonchorn W, Wongekalak L, and Engkagul A. 2006. Determination of chondroitin sulfate from different sources of cartilage. Chemical Engineering and Processing Journal 46: 465-471.
Lucifora, L.O., V. B. Gracia, B. Worm. 2011. Global Diversity Hotspots and Conservation Priorities for Shark. Journal of PLoS One, 6 (5) : 1-5.
Mierendorff, H. J. 2006. Analysis of Chondroitinsulphate. http://www. 22/01/2013. 6 hal. Nakano, T., N. Ikawa, and L. Ozimek. 2000. An Economical Method to Extract Chondroitin Sulphate-peptide From Bovine Nasal Cartilage. Journal of Agriculture, 42 : 205-208.
[SDBS] Spectral Database for Organic Compounds. 2006. Advanced industrial and science technology.
Volpi, N. 2009. Quality of Different Chondroitin Sulfate Preparations in Relation to Their Therapeutic Activity. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 61 : 1271-1280.
Vangsness, C. T., Spiker, W., Erickson, J. 2009. A Review of Evidence-Based Medicine for Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate Use in Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. 25(1) : 86-94.