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Strategi Bakteri Probiotik untuk Menekan Pertumbuhan Bakteri Patogen di dalam Pencernaan Kerapu Chromileptes altivelis dengan Memproduksi Beberapa Bakterial Substansi
[ Probiotic Bacteria Strategy For Depressing Patogenic Bacteria Growth In Digestion Of Grouper Fish (Chromileptes altivelis) With Producing Of Substancy Bacterial ]
Corresponding Author(s) : Agustono Agustono
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
The aim of the research is looking for probiotic bacteria strategy for depresing the growth of patogenic bacteria in digestion of grouper fish. Some of anti bacteria can be produced by bacteria, such as protease, bacteriocia (germicidine, pyrocydia, circulin), amilase lipase, and lyzozym. In this case, Bacillus sp. is chosen because it can produce antibacteria againts Vibrio sp. and probiotic multifactor effect, that is enzyme production and competition of nutrient and space.
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- Ahne, W., W. Popp and R. Hoffman (1982) : Pseudomonas fluorescens as a pathogen of tench Tinca tinca. Bull. Europe. Ass. Fish Path. 4 : 56 - 57.
- Allen, D. A., B. Austin and R. R. Colwell (1983) : Numerical taxonomy of bacterial isolates associated with a freshwater fishery. J. Gen. Microbiol, 129 : 2043 - 2062.
- Aoki, T., Kitao,T., Itabashi,T., Wada,Y., Sakai,M. (1981) : Proteins and lipopolysaccharides in the membrane of Vibrio anguillarum. Develop. Biol. Standard., 49, 225 - 232.
- Austin, B. and D. Austin (1987) : Bacterial Fish Pathogen. Ellis Hoorwood. London. Pp 250 - 262.
- Bergh, O., K.E.Naas and T.Harboe (1994) : Shift in the intestinal microflora of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus larvae during first feeding. Can. J. Fish. Aquat.Sci., 51:1899-1903.
- Chart,H. and Trust, T.J. (1984) : Characterization of the surface antigen of the marine fish pathogens, Vibrio anguillarrum and Vibrio ordalli.Can.J.Microbiol., 30, 703 -710.
- Clement, K.D. (1997) : Fermentation and gastrointestinal microorganism in fishes. In: Mackei, R.I., B.A.Withe, R.E.Isaccson (Ed), Gatrointestinal Microbiology, Vol 1, Gastrointestinal Ecosystem and Fermentation, Chapman and Hall Microbiology Series, International Thomson Publishing, New York, pp 156-198.
- Dopazo, C.P., M.L.Lemos, C.Lodeiros, J.Bolinches, J.L. Barja and A.L.Toranzo (1988) : Inhibitory activity of antibiotics-producing marine bacteria against fish pathogens. J.Appl.Bact., 65: 97-101.
- Egidius,E. and Anderson,K. (1979) : Bath immunization-a practical and non stressing method of vaccinating farmed sea rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson against Vibriosis, J.Fish.Dis. 2, 405 - 410.
- Ellis, A.E. (1988) : Fish Vaccination. Academic Press.
- Fryer,J.L., Rohovec,J.S. and Garrison, R.L. (1978) : Immunization of salmonid for control of Vibriosis. Mar. Fish Review, 40, 20 - 23.
- Figueras, A., M. M. Santarem and B. Novoa (1997) : In vitro immunostimulan of turbot Scophthalmus maximus leucocytes with beta glucan and/or Photobacterium damsela bacterin. Fish Pathology, 32 : 153 - 157.
- Gould,R.W., O`Leary,P.J., Garrison, R.L., Rohovec,J.S. and Fryer, J.L. (1978) : Spray vaccination: a method for immunization of fish. Fish.Pathol.,13, 63 - 68.
- Gournier-Chateau, N., J.P.Larpent, I.Catellanos, J.L.Larpent (1994) : Les Probiotiques en Alimentation Animale et Humaine. Tehchnique et Documentation Lavoisier, Paris. 192 pp.
- Hamid, A., T.Sakata and D.Kakimoto (1978) : Microflora in the alimentary tract of grey mullet. A comparison of the mullet intestinal microflora in fresh and seawater.Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 44 : 53-57.
- Imada, C., U.Simidu and T.Naga (1985) : Isolation and characterization of marine bacteria producing alkaline protease inhibitor. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 51:799-803.
- Johnson,K.A., Flynn,J.K and Ammend, D.F. (1982) : Duration of immunity in salmonids vaccinated by direct immersion with Yersinia ruckeri andVibrio anguillarum bacterins. J.Fish.Dis.,5, 207 - 213.
- Kawai,K., Kusuda,R. and Itami.T. (1981) : Mechanisms for protection in ayu orally vaccinated for vibriosis. Fish.Pathol., 15, 257 - 262.
- Krieg, N.R. and J.G.Holt (1984) : Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vo.1.Wllilam and Wilkin, Baltimore, pp 964.
- Kusuda, R and K. Kawai (1992) : Bacterial infections of fish in Japan. In Salmonid diseases, editor T. Kimura. Hokkaido University Press,Sapporo, Japan.
- Leong, J.C dan J.L.Fryer (1993) : Viral vaccine for aquaculture. Annual. Rev. of Fish Disease, pp 225 - 240.
- Lesel, R. (1990) : Thermal effects on bacterial flora in the gut of rainbow trout and african catfish. In: Lesel, R (Ed) : Microbiology in Poecilotherms.Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 33-38.
- Lowry, O.H., N.J. Rosebrough, A.L.Farr and R.J.Randall (1951) : Protein me-asurement with the folin fenol reagent. J.Biol. Chemistry 193 : 265- 275.
- Munro, P.D., T.H.Birbeck and A. Barbour (1993) : Influence of rate of bacterial colonization of the gut of turbot larvae on larval survival. In: Resinersten, H., L.A.Dahle, L.Jorgensen, K.Tvinnereim (Eds), Fish farming Technology, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam, pp 85-92.
- Moriarty, D.J.W (1997) : The role of microorganism in aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 151: 333-349.
- Moriarty, D.J.W (1998) : Control of luminous Vibrio species in penaeid aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 164: 351-358.
- Mushiake, K., T. Nakai and K. Muroga (1985) : Effects of Zinc on the activity of Eel Anguilla japonica leucocyte. Fish Pathol 6 : 125 - 130.
- Plumb, J.A (1994) : Health maintenance of cultured fishes : Principal microbial diseases. CRC Press. Boca Raton.
- Porubcan, R.S. (1991a) : Reduction of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in tank of Penaeus monodon using floating biofilter containing processed diatomaceus erath-media pre-inoculated with nitrifying bacteria. Program and abstract of the 22nd Annual Conference and Exposition, 16-20 June 1991, San Juan Puerto Rico, World Asquaculture Society.
- Porubcan, R.S. (1991b) : Reduction in chemical oxygen demand and improvement in Penaeus monodon yield in pond inoculated with Bacillus bacteria. Program and abstract of the 22nd Annual Conference and Exposition, 16-20 June 1991, San Juan Puerto Rico, World Asquaculture Society.
- Prieur, D., G.Mevel, J.L.Nicolas, A.Plusquellec and M.Vigneulle (1990) : Interaction between bivalve molluscs and bacteria in the marine environment. Oceanogr.Mar.Biol.Annu.Rev., 28 : 277-352.
- Reed, M and R. Mueench (1958) : The calculation of LD50. J. Bio. Chemistry. 5 : 25 - 27.
- Ringo, E., E.Strom and J.A.Tabachek (1995) : Intestinal microflora of salmonids : a review. Aquacul.Res., 26: 773-789.
- Robert, R.J. and M.T. Horne (1978) : Bacterial meningitis in farmed rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson, affected with chronic pancreatic necrosis. J. Fish Diseases. 1 : 157 - 164.
- Robert (1988) : Fish Pathology. Bailliere Tindal. London. Pp 189 - 190.
- Sakata, T. (1990) : Microfora in the digestive tract of fish and shellfish. In :Lesel, R. (Ed), Microbiology in Poecilotherms, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 171-176.
- Sakata, T., J.Okabayashi and D.Kakimoto (1990) : Variation in the intestinal microflora of Tilapia reared in fresh and sea water. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 46: 313-317.
- Salati, F., K. Watanabe, K.Kawai and R.Kusuda (1989) : Immune response of ayu against Vibrio anguillarum Lipopolysaccharide. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 19 : 45 - 49.
- Sharmila, R., T.J.Abraham, J. Sundararaj (1996) : Bacterial flora of semi-intensive pond reared Penaeus indicus and the environment. J.Aquaculture Trop., 11: 193-203.
- Sugita, H., H.Tanaami, T. Kobashi and Y.Deguchi (1981) : Bacterial flora of coastal bivalve. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci. Fish., 47:655-661.
- Suprapto, H., T. Hara, T. Nakai and K. Muroga (1996) : Purification of a lethal toxin of Edwardsiella tarda. Fish Pathology 31 : 203 - 207.
- Suprapto, H. (1997) : Studies on the toxin of Edwardsiella tarda. Doctoral dissertation. Hiroshima University, Japan.
- Storm, E. and E. Ringo (1993) : Changes in bacterial flora in developing cod, Gadus morhua L larvae after inoculation of Lactobacillus plantarum in the water. In: Walter, B., H.J.Fyhn (Eds), Physio-logical and Biochemical Aspects of Fish larval Development. University of Bergen Norway, pp 226-228.
- Tanasomwang, V., T.Nakai, Y.Nishimura and K.Muroga (1998) : Vibrio-inhibiting marine bacteria isolated from Black tiger shrimp hatchery. Fish Pathol., 33 : 459-466.
- Vadstein, O (1977) : The use of immunostimulation in marine larviculture: possibilities and challenges. Aquaculture 155: 401-407.
Ahne, W., W. Popp and R. Hoffman (1982) : Pseudomonas fluorescens as a pathogen of tench Tinca tinca. Bull. Europe. Ass. Fish Path. 4 : 56 - 57.
Allen, D. A., B. Austin and R. R. Colwell (1983) : Numerical taxonomy of bacterial isolates associated with a freshwater fishery. J. Gen. Microbiol, 129 : 2043 - 2062.
Aoki, T., Kitao,T., Itabashi,T., Wada,Y., Sakai,M. (1981) : Proteins and lipopolysaccharides in the membrane of Vibrio anguillarum. Develop. Biol. Standard., 49, 225 - 232.
Austin, B. and D. Austin (1987) : Bacterial Fish Pathogen. Ellis Hoorwood. London. Pp 250 - 262.
Bergh, O., K.E.Naas and T.Harboe (1994) : Shift in the intestinal microflora of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus larvae during first feeding. Can. J. Fish. Aquat.Sci., 51:1899-1903.
Chart,H. and Trust, T.J. (1984) : Characterization of the surface antigen of the marine fish pathogens, Vibrio anguillarrum and Vibrio ordalli.Can.J.Microbiol., 30, 703 -710.
Clement, K.D. (1997) : Fermentation and gastrointestinal microorganism in fishes. In: Mackei, R.I., B.A.Withe, R.E.Isaccson (Ed), Gatrointestinal Microbiology, Vol 1, Gastrointestinal Ecosystem and Fermentation, Chapman and Hall Microbiology Series, International Thomson Publishing, New York, pp 156-198.
Dopazo, C.P., M.L.Lemos, C.Lodeiros, J.Bolinches, J.L. Barja and A.L.Toranzo (1988) : Inhibitory activity of antibiotics-producing marine bacteria against fish pathogens. J.Appl.Bact., 65: 97-101.
Egidius,E. and Anderson,K. (1979) : Bath immunization-a practical and non stressing method of vaccinating farmed sea rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson against Vibriosis, J.Fish.Dis. 2, 405 - 410.
Ellis, A.E. (1988) : Fish Vaccination. Academic Press.
Fryer,J.L., Rohovec,J.S. and Garrison, R.L. (1978) : Immunization of salmonid for control of Vibriosis. Mar. Fish Review, 40, 20 - 23.
Figueras, A., M. M. Santarem and B. Novoa (1997) : In vitro immunostimulan of turbot Scophthalmus maximus leucocytes with beta glucan and/or Photobacterium damsela bacterin. Fish Pathology, 32 : 153 - 157.
Gould,R.W., O`Leary,P.J., Garrison, R.L., Rohovec,J.S. and Fryer, J.L. (1978) : Spray vaccination: a method for immunization of fish. Fish.Pathol.,13, 63 - 68.
Gournier-Chateau, N., J.P.Larpent, I.Catellanos, J.L.Larpent (1994) : Les Probiotiques en Alimentation Animale et Humaine. Tehchnique et Documentation Lavoisier, Paris. 192 pp.
Hamid, A., T.Sakata and D.Kakimoto (1978) : Microflora in the alimentary tract of grey mullet. A comparison of the mullet intestinal microflora in fresh and seawater.Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 44 : 53-57.
Imada, C., U.Simidu and T.Naga (1985) : Isolation and characterization of marine bacteria producing alkaline protease inhibitor. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 51:799-803.
Johnson,K.A., Flynn,J.K and Ammend, D.F. (1982) : Duration of immunity in salmonids vaccinated by direct immersion with Yersinia ruckeri andVibrio anguillarum bacterins. J.Fish.Dis.,5, 207 - 213.
Kawai,K., Kusuda,R. and Itami.T. (1981) : Mechanisms for protection in ayu orally vaccinated for vibriosis. Fish.Pathol., 15, 257 - 262.
Krieg, N.R. and J.G.Holt (1984) : Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vo.1.Wllilam and Wilkin, Baltimore, pp 964.
Kusuda, R and K. Kawai (1992) : Bacterial infections of fish in Japan. In Salmonid diseases, editor T. Kimura. Hokkaido University Press,Sapporo, Japan.
Leong, J.C dan J.L.Fryer (1993) : Viral vaccine for aquaculture. Annual. Rev. of Fish Disease, pp 225 - 240.
Lesel, R. (1990) : Thermal effects on bacterial flora in the gut of rainbow trout and african catfish. In: Lesel, R (Ed) : Microbiology in Poecilotherms.Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 33-38.
Lowry, O.H., N.J. Rosebrough, A.L.Farr and R.J.Randall (1951) : Protein me-asurement with the folin fenol reagent. J.Biol. Chemistry 193 : 265- 275.
Munro, P.D., T.H.Birbeck and A. Barbour (1993) : Influence of rate of bacterial colonization of the gut of turbot larvae on larval survival. In: Resinersten, H., L.A.Dahle, L.Jorgensen, K.Tvinnereim (Eds), Fish farming Technology, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam, pp 85-92.
Moriarty, D.J.W (1997) : The role of microorganism in aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 151: 333-349.
Moriarty, D.J.W (1998) : Control of luminous Vibrio species in penaeid aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 164: 351-358.
Mushiake, K., T. Nakai and K. Muroga (1985) : Effects of Zinc on the activity of Eel Anguilla japonica leucocyte. Fish Pathol 6 : 125 - 130.
Plumb, J.A (1994) : Health maintenance of cultured fishes : Principal microbial diseases. CRC Press. Boca Raton.
Porubcan, R.S. (1991a) : Reduction of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in tank of Penaeus monodon using floating biofilter containing processed diatomaceus erath-media pre-inoculated with nitrifying bacteria. Program and abstract of the 22nd Annual Conference and Exposition, 16-20 June 1991, San Juan Puerto Rico, World Asquaculture Society.
Porubcan, R.S. (1991b) : Reduction in chemical oxygen demand and improvement in Penaeus monodon yield in pond inoculated with Bacillus bacteria. Program and abstract of the 22nd Annual Conference and Exposition, 16-20 June 1991, San Juan Puerto Rico, World Asquaculture Society.
Prieur, D., G.Mevel, J.L.Nicolas, A.Plusquellec and M.Vigneulle (1990) : Interaction between bivalve molluscs and bacteria in the marine environment. Oceanogr.Mar.Biol.Annu.Rev., 28 : 277-352.
Reed, M and R. Mueench (1958) : The calculation of LD50. J. Bio. Chemistry. 5 : 25 - 27.
Ringo, E., E.Strom and J.A.Tabachek (1995) : Intestinal microflora of salmonids : a review. Aquacul.Res., 26: 773-789.
Robert, R.J. and M.T. Horne (1978) : Bacterial meningitis in farmed rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson, affected with chronic pancreatic necrosis. J. Fish Diseases. 1 : 157 - 164.
Robert (1988) : Fish Pathology. Bailliere Tindal. London. Pp 189 - 190.
Sakata, T. (1990) : Microfora in the digestive tract of fish and shellfish. In :Lesel, R. (Ed), Microbiology in Poecilotherms, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 171-176.
Sakata, T., J.Okabayashi and D.Kakimoto (1990) : Variation in the intestinal microflora of Tilapia reared in fresh and sea water. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci.Fish., 46: 313-317.
Salati, F., K. Watanabe, K.Kawai and R.Kusuda (1989) : Immune response of ayu against Vibrio anguillarum Lipopolysaccharide. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 19 : 45 - 49.
Sharmila, R., T.J.Abraham, J. Sundararaj (1996) : Bacterial flora of semi-intensive pond reared Penaeus indicus and the environment. J.Aquaculture Trop., 11: 193-203.
Sugita, H., H.Tanaami, T. Kobashi and Y.Deguchi (1981) : Bacterial flora of coastal bivalve. Bull.Japan.Soc.Sci. Fish., 47:655-661.
Suprapto, H., T. Hara, T. Nakai and K. Muroga (1996) : Purification of a lethal toxin of Edwardsiella tarda. Fish Pathology 31 : 203 - 207.
Suprapto, H. (1997) : Studies on the toxin of Edwardsiella tarda. Doctoral dissertation. Hiroshima University, Japan.
Storm, E. and E. Ringo (1993) : Changes in bacterial flora in developing cod, Gadus morhua L larvae after inoculation of Lactobacillus plantarum in the water. In: Walter, B., H.J.Fyhn (Eds), Physio-logical and Biochemical Aspects of Fish larval Development. University of Bergen Norway, pp 226-228.
Tanasomwang, V., T.Nakai, Y.Nishimura and K.Muroga (1998) : Vibrio-inhibiting marine bacteria isolated from Black tiger shrimp hatchery. Fish Pathol., 33 : 459-466.
Vadstein, O (1977) : The use of immunostimulation in marine larviculture: possibilities and challenges. Aquaculture 155: 401-407.