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Reproductive Cycle, Size at Maturity and Fecundity of Giuris margaritaceus in Limboto Lake
Corresponding Author(s) : Arafik Lamadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Graphical Abstract
Highlight Research
- The size of the first mature gonads in hulu'u fish can be analyzed.
- Differences in sperm and egg size characterize sexual maturity.
- Sexual maturity is not influenced by season.
- Hulu'u fish have an asynchronous spawning type.
Understanding fish reproduction biology, particularly sexual maturity, the reproductive cycle, and fecundity, is useful for managing fisheries. The reproduction of Giuris margaritaceus in Limboto Lake is regrettably unknown. Over a year, fish specimens (N = 662) were gathered. They ranged in length from 6.5 to 20.9 cm (mean SD 10.9±2.5). Fecundity varied from 30,057 to 61,920. The first sexual maturity of male and female fish occurred at different sizes, 11.2 cm and 10.3 cm, respectively. This information is needed to determine this fish's lowest acceptable harvest length under the management aim to enter all-female fish for reproduction at least once. We estimated the reproductive of G. margaritaceus cycle using the size of the oocytes, histological analysis of the ovaries, and monthly mean GSI. These techniques produced the same reliable conclusion: G. margaritaceus can spawn yearly, with maximal between September and October. Based on this finding, spawners of Giuris margaritaceus can be kept from entering the reproductive stock between September and October. Future efforts to fine-tune fishing efforts for the effective management of G. margaritaceus may be aided by the study's findings.
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- Auliyah, Nurul, & Oli'i, Y. U. (2018).Relationship between Gonad Maturity Level (TKG) and Fecundity of Huluu Fish (Gurius margaritacea). Gorontalo Fisheries Journal, 1(2):1-22.
- Barrett, T. J., Rossong, M. A., van den Heuvel, M. R., & Munkittrick, K. R. (2020). Assessing reproductive effects on fish populations: an evaluation of methods to predict the reproductive strategy of fishes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(9):1-16.
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- Burow, S., Fontaine, R., von Krogh, K., Mayer, I., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Hollander-Cohen, L., Cohen, Y., Shpilman, M., Levavi-Sivan, B., & Weltzien, F. A. (2019). Medaka follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh) and luteinizing hormone (Lh): Developmental profiles of pituitary protein and gene expression levels. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 272(11):93–108.
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- Kasmi, M., Hadi, S., & Kantun, W. (2018). Reproductive biology of Indian mackerel, Rastreliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) in Takalar Coastal Waters, South Sulawesi. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 17(3):259-271.
- Keith, P., Mennesson, M. I., Delrieu-trottin, E., Hubert, N., Keith, P., Mennesson, M. I., Delrieu-trottin, E., Hubert, N., & Teleostei, G. (2021). Giuris ( Teleostei : Eleotridae ) from Indonesia , with description of a new species To cite this version : HAL Id : hal-03087963 Regular paper Giuris ( Teleostei : Eleotridae ) from Indonesia , with description of a new species.
- Lamadi, A., Paricahya, A. F., Iranawati, F., Widodo, M.S., & DGR Wiadnya. (2024). Sexual Dimorphism of Ambigous Hulu'u Fish ( Giuris sp. Limboto) from Limboto Lake, North Sulawesi. 28(2):429–440.
- Lamadi, A., Paricahya, A. F., Iranawati, F., Widodo, M.S., & DGR Wiadnya. (2023). Genetic and morphological analysis of complex Giuris group species from Limboto Lake, Gorontalo Province , Indonesia. 24(10):5223–5232.
- Larson, H. (2019). Giuris margaritacea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T196317A123380986.
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- Makmur, S., Muthmainnah, D., & Subagdja, S. (2019). Biological Characters of Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea Valenciennes, 1837) in Tondano Lake, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biovalentia: Biological Research Journal, 5(2):1-9.
- Mamangkey, J. J., Rogahang, F. H. N., & Adil, E. (2019). Analysis of population structure and gonad maturity level of payangka fish (Ophieleotris aporos) in Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi. Frontiers, Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi, 2(3):211–219.
- Mon, E. E., Swe, T., Zin, P. P., & Dwe, K. L. (2020). Length-weight relationship, condition factor and sex ratio of tade mullet (Liza tade Forsskal, 1775) from Mawlamyine, Mon state, Myanmar. Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 9(4):107–112.
- Ndobe, S., Nurdin, M. S., Hasanah, N., Putra, A. E., Mansyur, K., Nasir, M., Rabuna, M. L., & Moore, A. M. (2023). DNA barcoding detects resurrected taxon Giuris laglaizei (Sauvage 1880) in Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bolano Sau Lake payangka phylogeny, phenotypic characters and implications for Giuris spp. conservation. F1000Research, 11(Sauvage 1880):295-305.
- Nunes, M. U. S., Cardoso, O. R., Soeth, M., Silvano, R. A. M., & Fávaro, L. F. (2021). Fisherstextquoteright{} ecological knowledge on the reproduction of fish and shrimp in a subtropical coastal ecosystem. Hydrobiologia, 848(4):929–942.
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- Putera, A. E., Nurdin, M. S., Hasanah, N., Ndobe, S., & Mansyur, K. (2022). Sex Ratio and Size at First Maturity of Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea) Caught with Gillnets at Bolano Sau Lake, Parigi Moutong District. Jurnal Ilmiah AgriSains, 21(3):111–118.
- Rahman, M. M., & Samat, A. F. (2021). Reproductive cycle, sexual maturity and fecundity of Nemipterus furcosus (Valenciennes, 1830). Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6(4):424–431.
- Rochmatin, S. Y., Solichin, A., & Saputra, S. W. (2019).Aspects of Growth and Reproduction of Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) in Rawa Pening Waters, Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. Diponegoro Journal of Maqueres, Management of Aquatic Resources., 3(3):153–159.
- Stoner, A. W., & Appeldoorn, R. S. (2021). Synthesis of {Research} on the {Reproductive} {Biology} of {Queen} {Conch} (textit{{Aliger} gigas}): Toward the {Goals} of {Sustainable} {Fisheries} and {Species} {Conservation}. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 30(3):346–390.
- Syarifudin, A. A., Prayogo, Suciyono, Kenconojati, H., Santanumurti, M. B., Lamadi, A., & Jati, C. W. (2023). Performance of Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) and Bok Choy (Brassica chinensis) in Aquaponics Systems Using Nutrient Film Technique in Indonesian Small-scale Livestock. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 46(4):1375–1390.
- Wiadnya, D. G. R., Kurniawan, N., Hariati, A. M., Astuti, S. S., Paricahya, A. F., Dailami, M., & Kusuma, W. E. (2023). DNA barcoding of the most common marine ornamental fish species spilled over from a small-sized marine protected area, Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24(1):47–54.
Auliyah, N. (2019). Lenght-weight relationship and condition factor of huluu fish (Giuris margaritacea) in Limboto Lake. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 567:(2019) 012027.
Auliyah, Nurul, & Oli'i, Y. U. (2018).Relationship between Gonad Maturity Level (TKG) and Fecundity of Huluu Fish (Gurius margaritacea). Gorontalo Fisheries Journal, 1(2):1-22.
Barrett, T. J., Rossong, M. A., van den Heuvel, M. R., & Munkittrick, K. R. (2020). Assessing reproductive effects on fish populations: an evaluation of methods to predict the reproductive strategy of fishes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(9):1-16.
Brosset, P., Cooke, S. J., Schull, Q., Trenkel, V. M., Soudant, P., & Lebigre, C. (2021). Physiological biomarkers and fisheries management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31(4):797–819.
Burow, S., Fontaine, R., von Krogh, K., Mayer, I., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Hollander-Cohen, L., Cohen, Y., Shpilman, M., Levavi-Sivan, B., & Weltzien, F. A. (2019). Medaka follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh) and luteinizing hormone (Lh): Developmental profiles of pituitary protein and gene expression levels. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 272(11):93–108.
Dinh, Q. M., Truong, N. T., Sy Tran, N., & Nguyen, T. H. D. (2022). Testicular development and reproductive references of Glossogobius giuris in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 48(1):61–66.
Fasya, A. H., & Mufidah, F. (2022). The Effect of Parental Length and Weight on Fecundity of Betta sp . Journal of Aquaculture Science, 7(2):64–68.
Gebremedhin, S., Bruneel, S., Getahun, A., Anteneh, W., & Goethals, P. (2021). Scientific methods to understand fish population dynamics and support sustainable fisheries management. Water (Switzerland), 13(4):1–20.
Hasan, M., Hosen, M. H. A., Miah, M. I., Ahmed, Z. F., Chhanda, M. S., & Shahriar, S. I. M. (2020). Fecundity, length at maturity and gonadal development indices of river catfish (Clupisoma garua) of the old Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 46(3):259–263.
Kant, K. R., Gupta, K., & Langer, S. (2016). Fecundity in fish Puntius sophore and relationship of fecundity with fish length , fish weight and ovary weight from Jammu water bodies J and K (India). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences., 6(2):99–110.
Kasmi, M., Hadi, S., & Kantun, W. (2018). Reproductive biology of Indian mackerel, Rastreliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) in Takalar Coastal Waters, South Sulawesi. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 17(3):259-271.
Keith, P., Mennesson, M. I., Delrieu-trottin, E., Hubert, N., Keith, P., Mennesson, M. I., Delrieu-trottin, E., Hubert, N., & Teleostei, G. (2021). Giuris ( Teleostei : Eleotridae ) from Indonesia , with description of a new species To cite this version : HAL Id : hal-03087963 Regular paper Giuris ( Teleostei : Eleotridae ) from Indonesia , with description of a new species.
Lamadi, A., Paricahya, A. F., Iranawati, F., Widodo, M.S., & DGR Wiadnya. (2024). Sexual Dimorphism of Ambigous Hulu'u Fish ( Giuris sp. Limboto) from Limboto Lake, North Sulawesi. 28(2):429–440.
Lamadi, A., Paricahya, A. F., Iranawati, F., Widodo, M.S., & DGR Wiadnya. (2023). Genetic and morphological analysis of complex Giuris group species from Limboto Lake, Gorontalo Province , Indonesia. 24(10):5223–5232.
Larson, H. (2019). Giuris margaritacea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T196317A123380986.
Longenecker, K., Pauahi, B., Museum, B., Langston, R., & Franklin, E. C. (2020). Standard operating procedure for histology-based rapid reproductive analysis of tropical fishes. July.
Makmur, S., Muthmainnah, D., & Subagdja, S. (2019). Biological Characters of Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea Valenciennes, 1837) in Tondano Lake, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biovalentia: Biological Research Journal, 5(2):1-9.
Mamangkey, J. J., Rogahang, F. H. N., & Adil, E. (2019). Analysis of population structure and gonad maturity level of payangka fish (Ophieleotris aporos) in Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi. Frontiers, Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi, 2(3):211–219.
Mon, E. E., Swe, T., Zin, P. P., & Dwe, K. L. (2020). Length-weight relationship, condition factor and sex ratio of tade mullet (Liza tade Forsskal, 1775) from Mawlamyine, Mon state, Myanmar. Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 9(4):107–112.
Ndobe, S., Nurdin, M. S., Hasanah, N., Putra, A. E., Mansyur, K., Nasir, M., Rabuna, M. L., & Moore, A. M. (2023). DNA barcoding detects resurrected taxon Giuris laglaizei (Sauvage 1880) in Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bolano Sau Lake payangka phylogeny, phenotypic characters and implications for Giuris spp. conservation. F1000Research, 11(Sauvage 1880):295-305.
Nunes, M. U. S., Cardoso, O. R., Soeth, M., Silvano, R. A. M., & Fávaro, L. F. (2021). Fisherstextquoteright{} ecological knowledge on the reproduction of fish and shrimp in a subtropical coastal ecosystem. Hydrobiologia, 848(4):929–942.
Prince, J., Creech, S., Madduppa, H., & Hordyk, A. (2020). Length based assessment of spawning potential ratio in data-poor fisheries for blue swimming crab (Portunus spp.) in Sri Lanka and Indonesia: Implications for sustainable management. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 36(4):1-13.
Putera, A. E., Nurdin, M. S., Hasanah, N., Ndobe, S., & Mansyur, K. (2022). Sex Ratio and Size at First Maturity of Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea) Caught with Gillnets at Bolano Sau Lake, Parigi Moutong District. Jurnal Ilmiah AgriSains, 21(3):111–118.
Rahman, M. M., & Samat, A. F. (2021). Reproductive cycle, sexual maturity and fecundity of Nemipterus furcosus (Valenciennes, 1830). Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6(4):424–431.
Rochmatin, S. Y., Solichin, A., & Saputra, S. W. (2019).Aspects of Growth and Reproduction of Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) in Rawa Pening Waters, Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. Diponegoro Journal of Maqueres, Management of Aquatic Resources., 3(3):153–159.
Stoner, A. W., & Appeldoorn, R. S. (2021). Synthesis of {Research} on the {Reproductive} {Biology} of {Queen} {Conch} (textit{{Aliger} gigas}): Toward the {Goals} of {Sustainable} {Fisheries} and {Species} {Conservation}. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 30(3):346–390.
Syarifudin, A. A., Prayogo, Suciyono, Kenconojati, H., Santanumurti, M. B., Lamadi, A., & Jati, C. W. (2023). Performance of Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) and Bok Choy (Brassica chinensis) in Aquaponics Systems Using Nutrient Film Technique in Indonesian Small-scale Livestock. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 46(4):1375–1390.
Wiadnya, D. G. R., Kurniawan, N., Hariati, A. M., Astuti, S. S., Paricahya, A. F., Dailami, M., & Kusuma, W. E. (2023). DNA barcoding of the most common marine ornamental fish species spilled over from a small-sized marine protected area, Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24(1):47–54.