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Development of GIS-Based Pangasius Aquaculture Areas Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Asro Nurhabib
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2024: IN PRESS ISSUE (JUST ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT, 2024)
Graphical Abstract
Highlight Research
The author mentioned four highlights from their research:
1. Pangasius aquaculture in Tulungagung Regency continues to increase
2. GIS can be used to determine the suitability of aquaculture land
3. AHP can be used to determine the weight of aquaculture land suitability parameters
4. The development of aquaculture areas must consider other land uses.
Tulungagung Regency in East Java Province has an export demand of 300,000-400,000 tons per year. The high demand for exports spurred the people and government of Tulungagung Regency to develop pangasius aquaculture areas. This will have a negative impact if carried out without a land suitability assessment. The study aimed to analyze the parameters of pangasius aquaculture and map the potential areas for pangasius aquaculture using AHP and GIS-based analysis. This research was conducted from January to August 2022 in Tulungagung Regency, Indonesia. Several stages were carried out, including primary data collection (water quality, soil quality, and infrastructure), secondary data collection (literature, reports, fisheries statistics data, government statistical data, and journals/articles), application of land suitability assessment, and pangasius farming area suitability analysis. Land suitability analysis consists of measuring water quality parameters (DO, temperature, TDS, pH, ammonia, and nitrate), soil quality (texture, pH, and slope), and infrastructure (roads, markets, hatcheries, and fillet factories) using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method (AHP), which includes standardization, determination of weights, and combining the weights of land suitability maps, which are then mapped by ArcGIS Software. Most of the land conditions for the pangasius aquaculture areas in Tulungagung Regency are moderately suitable, suitable, and most suitable, with percentages of 30, 21, and 28%. The area that can be developed for pangasius aquaculture is 976885.71 ha, with the most suitable category being 2619.35 ha, the appropriate category being 2235.74 ha, and the most suitable category being 4913.77 ha.
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- Abedin, M. J., Abu, M., Bapary, J., Majumdar, B. C., & Haque, M. M. (2017). Water quality parameters of some Pangasius ponds at Trishal Upazila, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, 5(2):29-35.
- Abidin, Z., Setiawan, B., Soemarno, Primyastanto, M., & Sulong, A. (2019). Ecological and socio-economic sustainability of ornamental fish business in minapolitan area of Blitar Regency, East Java, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 239(1):1-8.
- Asro, N., Aida, S., Mimit, P., Maheno, S. widodo, Lugu, T. H., Andra, R. R., and Suharun, M. (2024). Sustainable Pangasius aquaculture management strategy using multidimensional scaling (MDS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautam, 16(1):66-91.
- Belton, B., & Thilsted, S. H. (2014). Fisheries in transition: Food and nutrition security implications for the global south. Global Food Security, 3(1):59-66.
- Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., Rodriguez, C. M. T., & Campos, L. M. S. (2016). Identification and analysis of reverse logistics barriers using fuzzy Delphi method and AHP. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 108(3):182–197.
- Boyd, C. E., Torrans, E. L., & Tucker, C. S. (2018). Dissolved oxygen and aeration in ictalurid catfish aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 49(1):7-70.
- Brugere, C., Troell, M., & Eriksson, H. (2021). More than fish: Policy coherence and benefit sharing as necessary conditions for equitable aquaculture development. Marine Policy, 123(1):1-19.
- BPS. (2020). Kabupaten Tulungagung dalam angka 2020. Tulungagung: BPS Kabupaten Tulungagung.
- Daniarto, R. (2019, July). Tulungagung tak mampu penuhi ekspor ikan patin.
- Dedeoğlu, M., & Dengiz, O. (2019). Generating of land suitability index for wheat with hybrid system aproach using AHP and GIS. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167(11):1-18.
- Effendi, H., & Wardiatno, Y. (2015). Water quality status of Ciambulawung River, Banten Province, based on pollution index and NSF-WQI. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 24(2):228-237.
- Aquaculture is key to meet increasing food demand, says FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Filipski, M., & Belton, B. (2018). Give a man a fishpond: Modeling the impacts of aquaculture in the rural economy. World Development, 110(10):205-223.
- Ghobadi, M., Nasri, M., & Ahmadipari, M. (2021). Land suitability assessment (LSA) for aquaculture site selection via an integrated GIS-DANP multi-criteria method; a case study of lorestan province, Iran. Aquaculture, 530(1):1-18.
- Hadipour, A., Vafaie, F., & Hadipour, V. (2015). Land suitability evaluation for brackish water aquaculture development in coastal area of Hormozgan, Iran. Aquaculture International, 23(1):329-343.
- Hong, S., Piao, S., Chen, A., Liu, Y., Liu, L., Peng, S., Sardans, J., Sun, Y., Peñuelas, J., & Zeng, H. (2018). Afforestation neutralizes soil pH. Nature Communications, 9(1):1-7.
- Hossain, M. S., & Das, N. G. (2010). GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation to land suitability modelling for giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Companigonj Upazila of Noakhali , Bangladesh. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 70(1):172-186.
- Hossain, M. Y., Rahman, M. M., & Mollah, M. F. A. (2009). Threatened fishes of the world: Pangasius pangasius Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 (Pangasiidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84(3):315-316.
- Hossain, M. S., Rahman, S., Gopal, N., Sharifuzzaman, S. M., & Abida, S. (2009). Integration of GIS and multicriteria decision analysis for urban aquaculture development in Bangladesh. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90(3-4):119-133.
- Jayanthi, M., Thirumurthy, S., Samynathan, M., Manimaran, K., Duraisamy, M., & Muralidhar, M. (2020). Assessment of land and water ecosystems capability to support aquaculture expansion in climate-vulnerable regions using analytical hierarchy process based geospatial analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 270(18):1-23.
- Jescovitch, L. N., & Boyd, C. E. (2017). A case study : Impacts of deviating from model research design to the commercial industry for split-pond aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering, 79(5):35-41.
- Khalid, M., Naeem, M., Lal, V., & Khakwani, A. Z. (2022). Some morphometric relationship traits of Pangasius pangasius from Multan, Pakistan. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 26(4):969-979.
- KKP. (2017). Satu data produksi kelautan dan perikanan tahun 2017. Jakarta: Pusat Data, Statistik, dan Informasi.
- Kustiyaningsih, E., & Irawanto, R. (2020). Pengukuran total dissolved solid (TDS) dalam fitoremediasi deterjen dengan tumbuhan Sagitaria lancifolia. Jurnal Tanah Dan Sumberdaya Lahan, 7(1):143-148.
- Minggawati, I., & Saptono. (2012). Parameter kualitas air untuk budidaya ikan patin (Pangasius pangasius) di Keramba Sungai Khayan, Kota Palangka Raya. Ilmu Hewani Tropika, 1(1):27-30.
- Morgan, R. (2017). An investigation of constraints upon fisheries diversification using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Marine Policy, 86(12):24-30.
- Murray, N. J., Keith, D. A., Bland, L. M., Ferrari, R., Lyons, M. B., Lucas, R., Pettorelli, N., & Nicholson, E. (2018). The role of satellite remote sensing in structured ecosystem risk assessments. Science of the Total Environment, 619-620(7):249-257.
- Nayak, A. K., Kumar, P., Pant, D., & Mohanty, R. K. (2018). Land suitability modelling for enhancing fi shery resource development in Central Himalayas ( India ) using GIS and multi-criteria evaluation approach. Aquacultural Engineering, 83(7):120-129.
- Noor, N. M. (2015). The Water Bodies Compatibility analysis for culturing brown seaweed Kappapycus alvarezii in Ketapang Seashore, South Lampung. Maspari Journal, 7(1):91-100.
- Odu, G. O. (2019). Weighting methods for multi-criteria decision making technique. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 23(8):1449-1457.
- Osmundsen, T. C., Amundsen, V. S., Alexander, K. A., Asche, F., Bailey, J., Finstad, B., Olsen, M. S., Hernández, K., & Salgado, H. (2020). The operationalisation of sustainability: Sustainable aquaculture production as defined by certification schemes. Global Environmental Change, 60(1):1-15.
- PEMPROV Jawa Timur. (2019, July). Kemitraan olahan ikan patin Tulungagung makin diminati - Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Jawa Timur. DKP Provinsi Jawa Timur.
- Pourebrahim, S., Hadipour, M., & Bin, M. (2011). Integration of spatial suitability analysis for land use planning in coastal areas; case of Kuala Langat District, Selangor, Malaysia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101(1):84-97.
- Primyastanto, M., Adi, C., Supriyadi, Nurhabib, A., Khoiri, A., Intan, P. A. N. & Fahma, W. (2020). Analysis the business efficiency and profitability of catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in Tulungagung, East Java. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(4):769-784.
- Puniwai, N., Canale, L., Haws, M., Potemra, J., Lepczyk, C., & Gray, S. (2014). Development of a GIS-based tool for aquaculture siting. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3(2):800-816.
- Putra, B. P., & Apriani, A. (2018, November). Fungsi kawasan berdasarkan kelerengan di Kecamatan Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulonprogo. Prosiding Nasional Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi XIII Tahun 2018 (ReTII), 2018(1):23-29.
- Rahman, S., Mohiuddin, H., Kafy, A., Kumar, P., & Di, L. (2019). Classification of cities in Bangladesh based on remote sensing derived spatial characteristics. Journal of Urban Management, 8(2):206-224.
- Riyanto, Sartimbul, A., & Sambah, A. B. (2020). Suitability And Carrying Capacity Analysis Of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Aquaculture In Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia. RJOAS, 10(106):119–126.
- Saaty, T. (1993). Pengambilan keputusan bagi para pemimpin. Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Pressindo.
- Safitri, D. A., Bespalova, L., & Wijayanti, F. (2019). Changes in land use in Eastern Surabaya, Indonesia, and their impact on coastal society and aquaculture. R-Economy, 5(4):198–207.
- Saing, Z., Djainal, H., & Deni, S. (2021). Land use balance determination using satellite imagery and geographic information system: case study in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 12(2):133-147.
- Salmin. (2005). Oksigen terlarut ( DO ) dan kebutuhan oksigen biologi ( BOD ) sebagai salah satu indikator untuk menentukan kualitas air. Osean, 30(3):21-26.
- Sambah, A. B., & Miura, F. (2014). Integration of spatial analysis for tsunami inundation and impact assessment. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2014(6):11-22.
- Sampurno, R., & Thoriq, A. (2016). Klasifikasi tutupan lahan menggunakan citra landsat 8 operational land imager (oli) di Kabupaten Sumedang. Jurnal Teknotan, 10(2):61-70.
- Sanou, A., Coulibaly, S., Marie, A., Guéi, L., Baro, M., Fabrice, E., Tanon, T., Méité, N., & Atsé, B. C. (2022). Assessment of some physico-chemical parameters of the fish farm water in Abengourou, Cí´te d'Ivoire. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 26(5):319-343.
- Satu Data Indonesia. (2022). Akses informasi geospasial terintegrasi. Badan Informasi Geospasial.
- Simanjuntak, M. (2007). Oksigen terlarut dan apparent oxygen utilization. Ilmu Kelautan, 12(2):59-66.
- SNI 8037.1:2014. (2014). Udang Vanamei (Litopenaeus vannamei). Jakarta: SNI.
- Supriyadi, S., Abdillah, K. I., & Primyastanto, M. (2022). Risk analysis of catfish cultivation ( Pangasius hypophthalmus) business in Gondosuli Village, Gondang, Tulungagung. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1036(1).1-11.
- Susanti, A., Soemitro, R. A. A., & Suprayitno, H. (2017). Identifikasi awal kondisi land use di tiap-tiap stasiun yang menjadi tempat pemberhentian KA penumpang di Kota Surabaya. Rekayasa Teknik Sipil, 1(1):144-155.
- Trisnawulan, I., Suyasa, I. W. B., & Sundra, I. K. (2007). Analisis kualitas air sumur gali di kawasan pariwisata Sanur. Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2(2):1-9.
- Tulungagung PEMKAB. (2019). Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Industri ikan patin di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Tulungagung: Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulungagung.
- Vafaie, F., Hadipour, A., & Hadipour, V. (2015). GIS-based fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model for coastal aquaculture site selection. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14(10):2415-2426.
- Vos, C., Don, A., Prietz, R., Heidkamp, A., & Freibauer, A. (2016). Field-based soil-texture estimates could replace laboratory analysis. Geoderma, 267(8):215-219.
- Wirosoedarmo, R., Widiatmono, J. B. R., & Widyoseno, Y. (2014). Rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) berdasarkan daya dukung lingkungan berbasis kemampuan lahan. AGRITECH, 34(4):463-472.
- Yulisti, M., & Putri, H. M. (2013). Supply chain analysis pengembangan budidaya patin Pasupati di Tulung Agung , Jawa Timur. Kebijakan Sosek, 3(2):165-178.
Abedin, M. J., Abu, M., Bapary, J., Majumdar, B. C., & Haque, M. M. (2017). Water quality parameters of some Pangasius ponds at Trishal Upazila, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, 5(2):29-35.
Abidin, Z., Setiawan, B., Soemarno, Primyastanto, M., & Sulong, A. (2019). Ecological and socio-economic sustainability of ornamental fish business in minapolitan area of Blitar Regency, East Java, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 239(1):1-8.
Asro, N., Aida, S., Mimit, P., Maheno, S. widodo, Lugu, T. H., Andra, R. R., and Suharun, M. (2024). Sustainable Pangasius aquaculture management strategy using multidimensional scaling (MDS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautam, 16(1):66-91.
Belton, B., & Thilsted, S. H. (2014). Fisheries in transition: Food and nutrition security implications for the global south. Global Food Security, 3(1):59-66.
Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., Rodriguez, C. M. T., & Campos, L. M. S. (2016). Identification and analysis of reverse logistics barriers using fuzzy Delphi method and AHP. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 108(3):182–197.
Boyd, C. E., Torrans, E. L., & Tucker, C. S. (2018). Dissolved oxygen and aeration in ictalurid catfish aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 49(1):7-70.
Brugere, C., Troell, M., & Eriksson, H. (2021). More than fish: Policy coherence and benefit sharing as necessary conditions for equitable aquaculture development. Marine Policy, 123(1):1-19.
BPS. (2020). Kabupaten Tulungagung dalam angka 2020. Tulungagung: BPS Kabupaten Tulungagung.
Daniarto, R. (2019, July). Tulungagung tak mampu penuhi ekspor ikan patin.
Dedeoğlu, M., & Dengiz, O. (2019). Generating of land suitability index for wheat with hybrid system aproach using AHP and GIS. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167(11):1-18.
Effendi, H., & Wardiatno, Y. (2015). Water quality status of Ciambulawung River, Banten Province, based on pollution index and NSF-WQI. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 24(2):228-237.
Aquaculture is key to meet increasing food demand, says FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Filipski, M., & Belton, B. (2018). Give a man a fishpond: Modeling the impacts of aquaculture in the rural economy. World Development, 110(10):205-223.
Ghobadi, M., Nasri, M., & Ahmadipari, M. (2021). Land suitability assessment (LSA) for aquaculture site selection via an integrated GIS-DANP multi-criteria method; a case study of lorestan province, Iran. Aquaculture, 530(1):1-18.
Hadipour, A., Vafaie, F., & Hadipour, V. (2015). Land suitability evaluation for brackish water aquaculture development in coastal area of Hormozgan, Iran. Aquaculture International, 23(1):329-343.
Hong, S., Piao, S., Chen, A., Liu, Y., Liu, L., Peng, S., Sardans, J., Sun, Y., Peñuelas, J., & Zeng, H. (2018). Afforestation neutralizes soil pH. Nature Communications, 9(1):1-7.
Hossain, M. S., & Das, N. G. (2010). GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation to land suitability modelling for giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Companigonj Upazila of Noakhali , Bangladesh. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 70(1):172-186.
Hossain, M. Y., Rahman, M. M., & Mollah, M. F. A. (2009). Threatened fishes of the world: Pangasius pangasius Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 (Pangasiidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84(3):315-316.
Hossain, M. S., Rahman, S., Gopal, N., Sharifuzzaman, S. M., & Abida, S. (2009). Integration of GIS and multicriteria decision analysis for urban aquaculture development in Bangladesh. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90(3-4):119-133.
Jayanthi, M., Thirumurthy, S., Samynathan, M., Manimaran, K., Duraisamy, M., & Muralidhar, M. (2020). Assessment of land and water ecosystems capability to support aquaculture expansion in climate-vulnerable regions using analytical hierarchy process based geospatial analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 270(18):1-23.
Jescovitch, L. N., & Boyd, C. E. (2017). A case study : Impacts of deviating from model research design to the commercial industry for split-pond aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering, 79(5):35-41.
Khalid, M., Naeem, M., Lal, V., & Khakwani, A. Z. (2022). Some morphometric relationship traits of Pangasius pangasius from Multan, Pakistan. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 26(4):969-979.
KKP. (2017). Satu data produksi kelautan dan perikanan tahun 2017. Jakarta: Pusat Data, Statistik, dan Informasi.
Kustiyaningsih, E., & Irawanto, R. (2020). Pengukuran total dissolved solid (TDS) dalam fitoremediasi deterjen dengan tumbuhan Sagitaria lancifolia. Jurnal Tanah Dan Sumberdaya Lahan, 7(1):143-148.
Minggawati, I., & Saptono. (2012). Parameter kualitas air untuk budidaya ikan patin (Pangasius pangasius) di Keramba Sungai Khayan, Kota Palangka Raya. Ilmu Hewani Tropika, 1(1):27-30.
Morgan, R. (2017). An investigation of constraints upon fisheries diversification using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Marine Policy, 86(12):24-30.
Murray, N. J., Keith, D. A., Bland, L. M., Ferrari, R., Lyons, M. B., Lucas, R., Pettorelli, N., & Nicholson, E. (2018). The role of satellite remote sensing in structured ecosystem risk assessments. Science of the Total Environment, 619-620(7):249-257.
Nayak, A. K., Kumar, P., Pant, D., & Mohanty, R. K. (2018). Land suitability modelling for enhancing fi shery resource development in Central Himalayas ( India ) using GIS and multi-criteria evaluation approach. Aquacultural Engineering, 83(7):120-129.
Noor, N. M. (2015). The Water Bodies Compatibility analysis for culturing brown seaweed Kappapycus alvarezii in Ketapang Seashore, South Lampung. Maspari Journal, 7(1):91-100.
Odu, G. O. (2019). Weighting methods for multi-criteria decision making technique. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 23(8):1449-1457.
Osmundsen, T. C., Amundsen, V. S., Alexander, K. A., Asche, F., Bailey, J., Finstad, B., Olsen, M. S., Hernández, K., & Salgado, H. (2020). The operationalisation of sustainability: Sustainable aquaculture production as defined by certification schemes. Global Environmental Change, 60(1):1-15.
PEMPROV Jawa Timur. (2019, July). Kemitraan olahan ikan patin Tulungagung makin diminati - Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Jawa Timur. DKP Provinsi Jawa Timur.
Pourebrahim, S., Hadipour, M., & Bin, M. (2011). Integration of spatial suitability analysis for land use planning in coastal areas; case of Kuala Langat District, Selangor, Malaysia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101(1):84-97.
Primyastanto, M., Adi, C., Supriyadi, Nurhabib, A., Khoiri, A., Intan, P. A. N. & Fahma, W. (2020). Analysis the business efficiency and profitability of catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in Tulungagung, East Java. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(4):769-784.
Puniwai, N., Canale, L., Haws, M., Potemra, J., Lepczyk, C., & Gray, S. (2014). Development of a GIS-based tool for aquaculture siting. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3(2):800-816.
Putra, B. P., & Apriani, A. (2018, November). Fungsi kawasan berdasarkan kelerengan di Kecamatan Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulonprogo. Prosiding Nasional Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi XIII Tahun 2018 (ReTII), 2018(1):23-29.
Rahman, S., Mohiuddin, H., Kafy, A., Kumar, P., & Di, L. (2019). Classification of cities in Bangladesh based on remote sensing derived spatial characteristics. Journal of Urban Management, 8(2):206-224.
Riyanto, Sartimbul, A., & Sambah, A. B. (2020). Suitability And Carrying Capacity Analysis Of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Aquaculture In Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia. RJOAS, 10(106):119–126.
Saaty, T. (1993). Pengambilan keputusan bagi para pemimpin. Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Pressindo.
Safitri, D. A., Bespalova, L., & Wijayanti, F. (2019). Changes in land use in Eastern Surabaya, Indonesia, and their impact on coastal society and aquaculture. R-Economy, 5(4):198–207.
Saing, Z., Djainal, H., & Deni, S. (2021). Land use balance determination using satellite imagery and geographic information system: case study in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 12(2):133-147.
Salmin. (2005). Oksigen terlarut ( DO ) dan kebutuhan oksigen biologi ( BOD ) sebagai salah satu indikator untuk menentukan kualitas air. Osean, 30(3):21-26.
Sambah, A. B., & Miura, F. (2014). Integration of spatial analysis for tsunami inundation and impact assessment. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2014(6):11-22.
Sampurno, R., & Thoriq, A. (2016). Klasifikasi tutupan lahan menggunakan citra landsat 8 operational land imager (oli) di Kabupaten Sumedang. Jurnal Teknotan, 10(2):61-70.
Sanou, A., Coulibaly, S., Marie, A., Guéi, L., Baro, M., Fabrice, E., Tanon, T., Méité, N., & Atsé, B. C. (2022). Assessment of some physico-chemical parameters of the fish farm water in Abengourou, Cí´te d'Ivoire. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 26(5):319-343.
Satu Data Indonesia. (2022). Akses informasi geospasial terintegrasi. Badan Informasi Geospasial.
Simanjuntak, M. (2007). Oksigen terlarut dan apparent oxygen utilization. Ilmu Kelautan, 12(2):59-66.
SNI 8037.1:2014. (2014). Udang Vanamei (Litopenaeus vannamei). Jakarta: SNI.
Supriyadi, S., Abdillah, K. I., & Primyastanto, M. (2022). Risk analysis of catfish cultivation ( Pangasius hypophthalmus) business in Gondosuli Village, Gondang, Tulungagung. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1036(1).1-11.
Susanti, A., Soemitro, R. A. A., & Suprayitno, H. (2017). Identifikasi awal kondisi land use di tiap-tiap stasiun yang menjadi tempat pemberhentian KA penumpang di Kota Surabaya. Rekayasa Teknik Sipil, 1(1):144-155.
Trisnawulan, I., Suyasa, I. W. B., & Sundra, I. K. (2007). Analisis kualitas air sumur gali di kawasan pariwisata Sanur. Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2(2):1-9.
Tulungagung PEMKAB. (2019). Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Industri ikan patin di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Tulungagung: Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulungagung.
Vafaie, F., Hadipour, A., & Hadipour, V. (2015). GIS-based fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model for coastal aquaculture site selection. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14(10):2415-2426.
Vos, C., Don, A., Prietz, R., Heidkamp, A., & Freibauer, A. (2016). Field-based soil-texture estimates could replace laboratory analysis. Geoderma, 267(8):215-219.
Wirosoedarmo, R., Widiatmono, J. B. R., & Widyoseno, Y. (2014). Rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) berdasarkan daya dukung lingkungan berbasis kemampuan lahan. AGRITECH, 34(4):463-472.
Yulisti, M., & Putri, H. M. (2013). Supply chain analysis pengembangan budidaya patin Pasupati di Tulung Agung , Jawa Timur. Kebijakan Sosek, 3(2):165-178.