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Kecepatan dan Presentase Infeksi Penyakit Ice-Ice pada Kappaphycus alvarezii di Perairan Bluto Sumenep
[Velocity and Infection Percentage of Ice-Ice Disease on Kappaphycus alvarezii in Bluto Beach Sumenep]
Corresponding Author(s) : Apri Arisandi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Seaweed is vulnerable to be infected by disease due to unlikely environmental circumstance. This condition could cause impact on the optimum growth of seaweed. This research was carried out to understand the rate and percentage of ice-ice disease on Kappaphycus alvarezii. Seven units of seaweed rafts were used. Each of them was observed every 12 hours. Results of this research indicated that the percentage of infection was relatively higher during the day on the observation units which were located next to the shore (1,008%). Three days after the infection of ice-ice disease occurred, the mortality of Kappaphycus alvarezii was certain. Therefore, it was recommended that harvesting Kappaphycus alvarezii should be done one day after the indications of ice-ice disease were noticed.
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Amiluddin, N. M. 2007. Kajian Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Karaginan Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii yang Terkena Penyakit Ice-ice Di Perairan Pulau Pari Kepulauan Seribu. Tesis. IPB. Bogor. 78 hal.
Khan, S.I., and Satam, S.B. 2003. Seaweed Mariculture. Scope and Potential in India. Aquaculture Asia. Vol. VIII No. 4. pp. 26-29.
Kuang, M. and Xia, B.M. 1996. Reproductive morphology of Eucheuma gelatinae (Esper) J.Agardh. (Solieraceae, Giartinales Rhodophyta). Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. Vol. 14. No. 1. pp. 31-36.
Largo, DB., Fukami, K., and Nishijima, T. 1995. Occasional Pathogenic Bacteria Promoting ice-ice Disease in The Carrageenan-Producing Red Algae Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum (Solieriaceae, Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phyciology 7: 545-554.
Indriani, H., Sumiarsih, E. 2003. Budidaya, Pengolahan, dan Pemasaran Rumput Laut (cetakan 7), Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
Lobban, C. S and Harrison, P. J. 1995. Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridges University Press. 366 pp.
Munoz, J., Pelegrin, Y.F., and Robledo, D. 2004. Mariculture of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) Color Strains in Tropical Waters of Yucatan, Mexico. Aquaculture 239 (2004) 161-177.
Musa, N. And Wei, LS. 2008. Bacteria Attached on Cultured Seaweed Gracilaria changii at Ma n g a b a n g Te l i p o t , Te r e n g g a n u . Academic Journal of Plant Sciences 1 (1): pp. 01-04.
Parenrengi, A., Suryati, E., Syah, R. 2007. Penyediaan Benih dalam Menunjang Kebun Bibit dan Budidaya Rumput Laut Ka p p a p h y c u s a l v a re z i i . Ma k a l a h Simposium Nasional Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan. Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jakarta. 12 hal.
Widiastuti, I Gst.A.A. 2009. Petani Rumput Laut: Bertahan di Tengah Perubahan Iklim. Salam. Hal. 19-21.
Yulianto, K. 1993. Studi in vitro pengaruh diterjen terhadap morfologi dan sitologi alga laut (Gracillaria lichenoides). Perairan Maluku dan sekitarnya. LIPI. Ambon. Hal. 97-103.