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Occurrence of Pedunculate Barnacle, Octolasmis spp. in Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus pelagicus
[Tingkat Kejadian Pedunculate Barnacle, Octolasmis spp. pada Rajungan, Portunus pelagicus]
Corresponding Author(s) : Marina hasan
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Barnacles are symbiont and harm to the crabs when they are in large numbers. They will affect the respiration, normal activity and growth of the crabs. The prevalence, mean intensity and identification of pedunculate barnacle, Octolasmis spp. on blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus from the coastal area of Kuala Terengganu were studied. The site specificity of the different species of Octolasmis attached was examined. The crabs were measured and weight. The crabs were euthanized by put in ice until no movement. The Octolasmis were observed from the surfaces and gills or brachial chamber. The Octolasmis were observed from each gill. The prevalence and mean intensity was calculated. The Octolasmis were preserved in 70% alcohol and mounting using glycerine jelly to make the permanent slide. A total of all 13 crabs were infested by four species of Octolasmis which is 218 Octolasmis angulata, 191 Octolasmis warwickii, 16 Octolasmis tridens and 218 Octolasmis lowei. Octolasmis angulate showed the highest prevalence (84.62%) and lowest prevalence was O. lowei (23.08%) and O. warwickii (23.08%). The barnacles were attached to the gill, carapace, abdomen and also walking legs. Barnacle occurred most frequently on the gill part by having 371 (57.70%) barnacles compared to other areas, 272 (42.30%) barnacles. The distributions of barnacle in this study suggest distal areas are more susceptible in infestation by Octolasmis spp. However, they did not show site specificity on the gill areas because it depends on the water current.
Barnacle (teritip) adalah simbion yang dalam jumlah besar akan membahayakan kepiting. Teritip tersebut berpengaruh pada pernapasan, aktivitas normal dan pertumbuhan kepiting. Prevalensi, intensitas rata-rata dan identifikasi pedunculate barnacle, Octolasmis spp. pada rajungan, Portunus pelagicus dari daerah pesisir Kuala Terengganu telah diteliti. Kekhasan lokasi dari berbagai spesies Octolasmis telah diperiksa. Kepiting telah diukur dan ditimbang. Kepiting dieuthanasi dengan cara dimasukkan kedalam es sampai tidak bergerak. Octolasmis diamati dari permukaan tubuh dan insang (branchial chamber). Octolasmis diamati pada tiap insang. Prevalensi dan intensitas rata-rata dihitung. Octolasmis diawetkan dalam alcohol 70 % dan mounting menggunakan Jeli gliserin untuk membuat slide permanen. Semua kepiting 13 ekor telah terinfestasi oleh empat spesies Octolasmis, yaitu 218 Octolasmis angulata, 191 Octolasmis warwickii, 16 Octolasmis tridens dan 218 Octolasmis lowei. Octolasmis angulate menunjukkan prevalensi paling tinggi (84,62%) dan prevalensi paling rendah adalah O. lowei (23,08%) dan O. warwickii(23,08%). Teritip menyerang insang, karapas, abdomen dan juga kaki jalan.Teritip paling sering ditemukan pada bagian insang 371 ekor (57,70%) dibandingkan pada bagian lain, 272 ekor (42,30%). Distribusi teritip pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bagian distal lebih rentan mengalami infestasi Octolasmis spp. Namun, teritip tidak menunjukkan kekhasan lokasi pada daerah insang bergantung pada arus air.
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- Sinduja, K., Raja, K., Saravanakumar, A., & Vijayakumar, R. (2013). Occurrence of goose barnacle Octolasmis spp. infestation on commercial important crabs from parangipettai, Tamilnadu, Southeast Coast of India. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science, 578: 768-772.
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Amber, K.G., Flint, M., & Paul, C. M. (2014). An antemortem guide for the assessment of stranded Australian sea snakes (hydrophiinae). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(4): 755-765
Bastami, A., Najafian, M., & Hosseini (2012). The distribution of the barnacle Epizoite, Chelonibitapatula (Ranzani) on blue swimmer crab, Portunuspelagicus. World Applied Science Journal, 20: 236-240.
Bhat, B. A., Ravichandran, S., & Allayie, S. A. (2011). Influence of the eyestalk hormones on the metabolism and ionic regulation of the Crab Portunus pelagicus (Lineaus, 1857). Journal of Biological Sciences, 11: 203-209
DOF: Department of Fisheries. Fisheries Statistics of Malaysia (2014). Fisheries Statistics of Malaysia, Fishery Economic Division, Malaysia.
Hamasaki, K., Obata, Y., & Kitada, S. (2011). A review of seed production and stock Enhancement for commercially important portunid crabs in Japan. Aquaculture International, 19: 217-235.
Ihwan, M. Z., Ikhwanuddin, M., & Marina, H. (2014). Morphological distribution of Pedunculate Barnacle Octolasmis angulata (Aurivillius, 1894) on Wild Mud Crab Genus Scylla from Setiu Wetland, Terengganu Coastal Water, Malaysia. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 9: 366-371
Ihwan, M. Z., Ikhwanuddin, M., & Marina, H. (2013). Morphological characteristic of pedunculate barnacle attached on the gill of wild mud crab, Scylla olivacea from Setiu Wetland Terengganu, Malaysia. In: The 22st Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society of Malaysia, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Ikhwanuddin, M., Azra, M. N., Talpur, M. A. D., Abol-Munafi, A. M., & Shabdin, M. L. (2012). Optimal Water temperature and salinity for production of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus 1st day juvenile crab. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation. 5: 4-8.
Jeffries, W. B. & Voris, H. K. (1996). A subject indexed bibliography of the symbiotic barnacles of the genus Octolasmis Gray, 1825 (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Poecilasmatidae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 44: 575–592.
Jeffries, W. B., Voris, H. K., Naiyanetrand, P., & Panha, P. (2005). Pedunculate barnacle of the Symbiotic genus Octolasmis (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Poecilasmatidae) from the Northern Gulf of Thailand. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University, 5: 9-13.
Kumaravel, K., Ravichandran, S., & Rameshkumar, G. (2009). Distribution of barnacle Octolasmis on the gill region of some edible crabs. Academic Journal of Entomology, 2: 36-39.
Lai, J. C. Y., Ng, P. K. L., & Davie, P. J. F. (2010). A revision of the Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) species complex (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae), with the recognition of four species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 58: 199-237.
Margolis, L., Holmes, J. C., Kuris, A. M., & Shad, G. A. (1982). The use of ecological term in parasitology. Journal of parasitology, 68: 131-133.
Nitiratsuwan, T., Nitithamyong, C., Chiayvareesajja, S., & Somboonsuke. (2010). Distribution of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicusLinnaeus, 1758) in Trang province. Songklanakarin Journal of Sciences and Technology, 32: 207-212.
Rejeki, S. (2007). The effects of different water flow rates on the survival rate of blue crab (Portunuspelagicus) zoea IV-megalopa stages. Journal of Coastal Development, 10: 197-203.
Rohde, K. (1991). Ecology of Marine Parasite. University of Queensland Press, Queensland, Australia.
Shazia, R. & Javed, M. (2017). Pedunculate barnacle Octolasmis (Cirripedia, Thoracica) on the gills of two species of Portunid Crabs. International Journal of Marine Science, 7(45): 432-438.
Sinduja, K., Raja, K., Saravanakumar, A., & Vijayakumar, R. (2013). Occurrence of goose barnacle Octolasmis spp. infestation on commercial important crabs from parangipettai, Tamilnadu, Southeast Coast of India. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science, 578: 768-772.
Soundarapandian, P., Thamizhazhagan, E., & Samuel, M. J. (2007). Seed production of commercially important blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2: 302-309.
Tan, A. N., Christianus, A., & Abdul-Satar, M. K. (2011). Epibiont infestation on horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas (Muller) at Pantai Balok in Peninsular Malaysia. Our Nature, 9: 9-15.
Voris, H. K., Jeffries, W. B., & Poovachiranon, S. (1994). Patterns of distribution of two barnacle species on the mangrove crab, Scylla serrata. The Biological Bulletin, 187: 346-354.
Voris, H. K. & Jeffries, W. B. (1997). Size distribution, and significance of capitular plates in Octolasmis (Cirripedia: Poecilasmatidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 17: 217 – 226.
Walker, G. (2001). Some observations on the epizoic barnacle Octolasmis angulate within the branchial chambers of an Australian swimming crab. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 21 (2): 450-455.