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Perubahan Histopatologi Jaringan Kulit Ikan Komet (Carassius auratus auratus) Akibat Infestasi Argulus Japonicus
[Histopathological Change of Comet Fish (Carassius auratus auratus) Skin Tissues Caused Argulus japonicus]
Corresponding Author(s) : Renita Efa Ratna Sari
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal ilmiah perikanan dan kelautan
Ektoparasit merupakan salah satu penyebab menurunnya nilai jual komoditas ikan hias di Indonesia. Infestasi tingkat akut A. japonicus dapat mengakibatkan kematian dan kerugian ekonomi bagi pembudidaya. Penetrasi stylet ektoparasit Argulus dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang cukup besar dengan memecah konsistensi jaringan dan dapat menimbulkan iritasi pada kulit ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat mengetahui perubahan atau kelainan pada tingkat jaringan yang disebabkan oleh ektoparasit A. japonicus pada jaringan kulit ikan komet. Variabel yang diamati adalah perubahan patologi anatomi dan perubahan histopatologi jaringan kulit ikan komet akibat infestasi A. japonicus. Skoring dilakukan untuk menentukan derajat kerusakan histopatologi jaringan kulit ikan komet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infestasi A. japonicus mengakibatkan perubahan hemoragi, erosi epitel epidermis, infiltrasi sel radang, kongesti, dan ballooningdegeneration pada jaringan kulit ikan komet. Derajat infestasi ektoparasit A. japonicus berbanding lurus dengantingkat kerusakan jaringan kulit ikan komet. Jenis kerusakan jaringan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang linear dengan derajat infestasi A. japonicus
Acute infestation of A. japonicus can give occasion death and economic loss to farmers. Stylet penetration of ectoparasites A. japonicus caused considerable damage by breaking consistency of fish tissue and skin irritation. The purpose of this research was ascertain the level of comet fish skin tissues changes or abnormalities caused by ectoparasites A. japonicus. The variables observed in this study is the anatomic pathology and histopathological changes in the skin tissue of fish comet due to A. japonicus infestation. Scoring is done to determine the level of comet fish histopathology skin tissues damage. The results showed that the infestation of A. japonicus provide an overview histopathological changes inflammation, epidermis erotion, congestion,ballooning degeneration, and haemorrhage in comet fish skin tissues. Infestation level of ectoparasites A. japonicus is directly proportional with the level of comet fish tissue damages. Type of tissue damage does nothave linear relationship with the level of A. japonicus infestation.
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Bandilla, & Matthias. (2007). Transmission, Host and Mate Location in The Fish louse Argulus. Biological and Environmental Science. Germany: University of Jyvaskyla. pp. 10-13.
Bettenay, S. V., & Hargis, A. M. (2006). Veterinary Dermatopathology. New York: Teton New Media. Press. pp. 65-66.
Camargo, M. M. P., & Martinez, C. B. R. (2007). Histopathology of gills, kidney and liver of a Neotropical fish caged in an urban stream. Neotropical Ichthyology, 5(3) : 327-336.
Ghazali, M., Kismiyati, & Mahasri, G. (2012). Pemberian Perasan Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) Untuk Pengendalian Argulus Pada Ikan Mas Komet (Carassius auratus auratus). Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan kelautan, 4(1): 45-48.
Isyagi, N. A., Veverica, K. L., Asiimwe, R., & Daniels, W. H. (2009). Manual for the Commercial Pond Production of the African Catfish in Uganda, Feed and Feeding the Fish. Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures. USA: Auburn University Alabama, pp.13-14.
Notash, S. (2012). Study on Prevalence of Argulus in Goldfishes of East Azerbaijan province of Iran. Annals of biological Research, 3(7):3444-3447.
Scholz, T. (1999). Parasite in Cultured and Feral Fish. Veterinary Parasitology. 84 : 317-335.
Seng, L. T. (1986). Two Ectoparasite Crustaceans Belonging To The Family Argulidae (Crustacea: Branchiura) in Malaysian Freshwater Fishes. Malayan Nature Journal, 39 : 157-164.
Sharma, M., Shrivastav, A. B., Sahni, Y. P., & Pandey, G. (2012). Overview of The Treatment and Control of Common Fish Diseases. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(7): 123-127.
Stackler, N., & Yanong, R. P. E. (2012). Argulus (Fish Louse) Infections in Fish. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Publications. Florida: University of Florida. pp. 1-4.
Stammer, J. (1959). Beitrage Zur Morphologie, Biologie Und Bekampfung Der Karpfenlause. Aus dem Zoologischen Institut der Universitat Erlangen, 19: 135-208.
Taylor, N. G. H. (2005). A Review of Argulus spp Occuring in United Kingdom Freshwaters (Science Reports). The Environment Agency Protecting and Improving The Environment in England and Wales. pp. 30.
Underwood, J. C. E. (1992). General and Systematic Pathology. New York: Churchill Livingstone. pp. 133-136.
Walker, P. (2008). Argulus The Ecology of Fish Pest. Doctoral Thesis. Radbound University Nijmegan. Nijmegan. pp. 87-89.
Walker, P. D., Russon, J., Duijf, R., Velde, G. V. D., & Bonga, S. E. W. (2011). The Off-Host Survival and Viability of A Native And Non-Native Fish Louse (Argulus, Crustacea: Branchiura). Current Zoology, 57(6) : 828−835.
Wiegertjes, G. F., & Flik, G. (2004). Host Parasitic Interactions. USA: BIOS Scientific Publishers. pp. 8-9.